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Mutation Confirmed as Melanoma Drug Target


A mutation present in around half of malignant melanomas has been confirmed as a strong drug target, according to research published today in Science Translation Medicine.
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Genetic Mutation Shown to Trigger Melanoma


Researchers have discovered that a genetic mutation found in some malignant melanomas can initiate development of this most deadly form of skin cancer, according to a study published today in the journal Cancer Research.
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Discovery Could Help Refine Advanced Melanoma Treatment


A team of UK scientists has made the unexpected discovery that drugs which target a well known fault in a protein called BRAF could actually fuel the progression of cancer in some cases. The findings of this study, which was jointly funded by Cancer Research UK, The Institute of Cancer Research (ICR) and the Wellcome Trust are published today (Thursday) in Cell*.
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Cervical Cancer Risk for Women over 50


Cervical cancer screening for over 50-year-olds continues to find abnormalities even if they have clear results in their 40s, a new study published by The Institute of Cancer Research (ICR) in the British Journal of Cancer has revealed.
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New Technique Detects Early Cervical Cancer


The Institute of Cancer Research and The Royal Marsden Hospital have developed a new imaging technique which locates previously undetectable early stage cervical cancers, according to research published in Radiology today (October 21).
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Neuroblastoma: Genetic Risks Found


Scientists at The Institute of Cancer Research, led by Professor Nazneen Rahman, have been taking part in an international study into the causes of neuroblastoma, an aggressive childhood cancer. The findings were published this week in the New England Journal of Medicine*.
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Faster Chemo Increases Neuroblastoma Survival


Chemotherapy given with shorter intervals between treatments than conventional chemotherapy increases survival rates by two thirds in children with high-risk neuroblastoma, according to a study published in the Lancet Oncology* today (Tuesday).
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Leukaemia Stem Cells Found


A breakthrough study of identical twins has for the first time confirmed the existence of cancer stem cells that cause the most common form of childhood cancer, acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) – backing evidence that this childhood cancer starts in the womb.
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Promising New Anti-Cancer Drug Targets Malignant Melanoma Protein


Research published today by scientists from The Institute of Cancer Research shows that a protein found to be damaged and therefore overactive in 70% of cases of malignant melanoma - the most deadly form of skin cancer - can be targeted by the promising new anti-cancer drug 17AAG.