Conflicts of interest and competing financial interests

This page outlines the ICR's policy about disclosing, acknowledging and managing conflicts of interest with regards to research funding.

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Researchers at The Institute of Cancer Research, London accept research funding from a wide range of sources and participate in a diverse range of external activities. While this is actively encouraged, there is the possibility that from time to time these activities or funding may conflict (or appear to potentially conflict) with each other.

Conflicting or competing interests are those that could influence the objectivity and impartiality with which research is conducted or results interpreted, or which could undermine the objectivity, integrity or perceived value of a piece of research.

The ICR has a duty to avoid, monitor or manage such actually, potential or perceived conflicts in order to protect the integrity and reputation of the organisation and its researchers. In order to do this, researchers are required to declare all actual or potential conflicts of interest as they arise. This includes:

  • political interests
  • personal financial interests
  • non-financial interests
  • access to non-public information.

For further information on these types of potential conflicts please see the Declaration of conflicts of interest and competing financial interest policy and guidance.

Declarations should be made as soon as a conflict arises or is recognised and should be made to the Director of Enterprise unless this person has an interest in the matter, in which case the declaration can be made to the Chief Operating Officer.

In some instances declaration of the potential conflict may be sufficient and a note made in the ICR’s records. In other cases, a plan will be made and agreed with all relevant individuals on how the conflict should be managed or avoided.

The full policy document also sets out guidance on managing conflicts in specific circumstances. These are:

  • declarations of conflicts in publication of research results covering papers, articles, reviews and book chapters
  • managing conflicts of interests when acting as a Chief or Principle Investigator in a Clinical Trial
  • declaration of significant financial interests in NIH research.

Download the policy