Why donate to The Institute of Cancer Research?
We have an outstanding record of scientific achievement dating back more than 100 years. Our influential discoveries have played an important role in shaping our modern understanding of cancer and how it can be treated. By donating to us, you will play a vital role in helping us make the discoveries that defeat cancer.
How our research is making an impact on patient’s lives
Here are just some of the patients that have been supported by our research
"Don’t cry Mummy, I’m going to be fine"
Tommy's mum was looking online and came across the symptoms of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL), a type of blood cancer. They sounded like Tommy’s symptoms, but I couldn’t believe that it was that.
"Many labels about stage 4 no longer apply"
Kate Wilson was diagnosed with advanced ovarian cancer at the age of 43 and discovered she was carrying a BRCA gene mutation. She was prescribed a targeted drug called olaparib and five years on the cancer is stable.
“I’ve been given a second chance”
Being diagnosed with cancer was such a shock. My family and I were horrified, and it was a dark time for us all. I just saw my life rushing away in front of me.Donation and investment straight into our research
We’re supported by charities such as Breast Cancer Now but donations directly given to the ICR immediately fund our life-saving research:
- 96% of our expenditure is spent on research and research support costs
- New centres and technologies are introduced every year
- Your donations go directly into funding our cancer research
Proven cancer discoveries for over 100 years
We have always informed the foundations of our understanding of cancer and continue today:
- We discovered the BRCA2 gene
- Olaparib medicine approved by Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency
- Abiraterone discovered at the ICR’s laboratories to treat advanced prostate cancer
Award- winning cutting edge research
We’re recognised within the UK and internationally for the highest levels of quality in our research and how we share our discoveries
- 97.6% of ICR’s research is rated as either ‘world leading’ or ‘internationally excellent’
- Awarded the Queen’s Anniversary Prize in 2017 and 2023
- World leading academic drug discovery centre

Our discoveries, your impact in 2024
Find out more about our influential discoveries over the past 100 years