ICR committees
This page details the work and membership of various committees at The Institute of Cancer Research.

- Audit & Risk Committee
- Investments and Building Development Committee
- Nomination Committee
- Remuneration Committee
- Academic Board
Audit & Risk Committee
The Audit & Risk Committee supervises internal and external audit processes in order to safeguard the integrity of the ICR's financial systems and ensure economy, efficiency and effectiveness in the use of the ICR resources.
Meetings are attended by the professional advisors from the External Auditors and the Internal Audit Committee members have full access to their advice and input. The External Auditors and Internal Auditors have full access, at all times, to the Chair of the Audit & Risk Committee. The Chair and one other member of the Audit and Risk Committee are also members of the Board of Trustees.
Audit & Risk Committee Members:
- Nigel Jones - Chair (member of the Board of Trustees)
- Anthony Clare (member of the Board of Trustees)
- Sath Nirmalananthan
- Farhan Shakoor
- Joanne Stimpson
Investments and Building Development Committee
The Investments and Building Development Committee manages the ICR's investments and building developments (including stocks and shares and property development).
Investments and Building Development Committee Members:
- John Shakeshaft – Chair & member of the Board of Trustees
- Artem Korolev
- James Maltin
- Charlie Foreman - Deputy Chair of the Board of Trustees
Nomination Committee
The Nomination Committee has been established to exercise, on the Board of Trustees' behalf, oversight of the balance of skills and attributes required of non-executive members of ICR committees so that the ICR may be properly and independently governed. It makes recommendations to the Board on appointments to the Board and its sub-committees. It also makes recommendations to the Board of Trustees on the appointment of ICR Fellows, Associates and the awarding of ICR Honorary Degrees. Its membership is comprised of non-executive members of the Board of Trustees.
Nomination Committee Members:
- Professor Dame Julia Buckingham DBE CBE FMedSci - Chair
- Charlie Foreman
- Professor Margaret Frame
- Professor Nicholas Jones
Remuneration Committee
The ICR's Remuneration Committee determines the remuneration policy and the salaries of senior members of staff.
Remuneration Committee Members:
- Charlie Foreman – Chair
- Professor Dame Julia Buckingham DBE CBE FMedSci
- Dr Carolin Barth
- John Shakeshaft
Academic Board
Chair: Clare Isacke (Dean of Academic and Research Affairs)
The Academic Board reports to the Board of Trustees and the Executive Board and has been established to consider and report on all academic and teaching matters and questions of education policy. It ensures that the ICR, as a College of the University of London, has a rigorous and responsive Quality Assurance framework in place, and ensures the development and delivery of the ICR’s Learning and Teaching Strategy. It is responsible for matters relating to quality assurance and enhancement procedures and academic standards.
Membership of the Academic Board includes the Chief Executive, the Dean of Academic and Research Affairs, all ICR Professors and Readers of the University of London, representatives of the academic and honorary academic staff, members of the consultant medical staff of the Hospital, ICR student members and other persons co-opted by the Academic Board.
Latest ICR News

Remembering former ICR Chief Executive Professor Peter Garland
The ICR’s Professor Paul Workman elected Fellow of the American Association of Cancer Research Academy

New collaboration to advance innovative drugs for aggressive childhood brain tumours