How we are structured
The Institute of Cancer Research, London, operates as a research institute, a higher education institution and an exempt charity. Its structure and governance arrangements reflect these multiple organisational roles.
The ICR is a company limited by guarantee (company number 00534147), incorporated in 1954. It is also a college of the University of London and adheres to regulations set by the Office for Students (registration number 10003324) and Research England.
The ICR is an exempt charity under the Third Schedule of the Charities Act 2011, with the reference number X90004. The ICR’s objects, powers and framework of governance are set out in its Articles of Association, the current version of which was approved by the Members of the ICR in September 2011.
The overall governing body of the ICR is its Board of Trustees, whose Chairman is Professor Dame Julia Buckingham. The ICR’s Trustees are responsible for ensuring it pursues its charitable objects, complies with its constitution and relevant legislation and regulations, applies its resources exclusively to its objects, and enacts cancer research of the highest international standard. The Trustees carry the responsibility of company directors of the ICR.
See facts and figures about how the ICR is structured into 8 research divisions, the different corporate services and the diversity of our staff and students.
Professor Kristian Helin is Chief Executive and President of the ICR and responsible to the Board of Trustees for the overall direction of the organisation’s management, research and academic activities, the effective prosecution of its work and for recommending the allocation of resources.
Professor Helin is assisted in his work by the Executive Board, which is responsible for formulating strategies, plans and budgets for approval by the Board of Trustees.