Our values

Our values – developed together as an organisation – make it clear how each and every one of us work to meet our mission – to make the discoveries that defeat cancer.

Our six values are:


Pursuing excellence: We aspire to excellence in everything we do, and aim to be leaders in our fields.


Acting with integrity: We promote an open and honest environment that gives credit and acknowledges mistakes, so that our actions stand up to scrutiny.


Valuing all our people: We value the contribution of all our people, help them reach their full potential, and treat everyone with kindness and respect.


Working together: We collaborate with colleagues and partners to bring together different skills, resources and perspectives.

Leading innovation: We do things differently in ways that no one else has done before, and share the expertise and learning we gain. 

Making a difference: We all play our part, doing a little bit more, a little bit better, to help improve the lives of people with cancer. 

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10/01/25 - Kate Wilson

Kate Wilson was diagnosed with advanced ovarian cancer at the age of 43 and discovered she was carrying a BRCA gene mutation. She was prescribed a targeted drug called olaparib and five years on the cancer is stable. Here she explains why, thanks to new treatments, advanced cancer patients like her are navigating a new landscape, one where the language we use has yet to catch up.