Research themes
Research teams at The Institute of Cancer Research, London typically focus on a particular area of cancer research which can often focus on a single type of cancer. However, there are many research themes that can span across the work of different teams, including artificial intelligence, immunotherapy and genomics.

Advances in the technology to read people’s DNA have made it so much faster and cheaper that we can now read the genetic code of many different genes at once, increasingly by sequencing the entire genome of a patient or their cancer.

Artificial intelligence
Scientists at the ICR employ artificial intelligence techniques such as machine learning in order to better understand cancer and discover new treatments.

Chemical probes
Small-molecule chemical probes are important tools that are widely used by scientists to modify – usually to inhibit – the activity of individual proteins in isolated cells or organisms and hence to determine their function.
Cancer evolution


Clinical trials
Our Clinical Trials and Statistics Unit (ICR-CTSU) leads the design, conduct and analysis of phase II and III national and international cancer clinical trials.
The pages listed below highlight the latest news about our research in these specific themes, and provide a broad overview of our expertise in each area.