Cancer discovery news
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The ICR and Cancer Research UK join forces with leading science and technology company in new drug discovery alliance
The deal follows previous drug discovery collaborations and a more recent successful target validation collaboration between Merck and Cancer Research UK’s Cancer Therapeutics Unit at the ICR.
ICR PhD student chosen to speak at joint UK-India conference
Jonny Pettinger was one of just eight PhD students chosen from across the UK to speak, and was also given the chance to undertake a two-week research project.
The ICR responds to the FDA approval of olaparib for women with BRCA-mutant advanced breast cancer
The Institute of Cancer Research, London, strongly welcomes the news that olaparib has been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for patients with advanced breast cancer.
Scientists bring innovative microbeam radiation therapy for cancer treatment a step closer
Scientists have developed a new mathematical tool which will speed a smart new type of radiotherapy into the first patient trials.
Virus could treat brain tumours by boosting immune system
A virus injected directly into the bloodstream could be used to treat people with aggressive brain tumours, a major new study reports.
Test reveals which breast cancer patients may benefit from targeted therapy
A new test could indicate which women with some breast cancer types are likely to benefit from targeted treatments, according to new research.
Fundraiser ‘Hollywood’ Dave runs an incredible 11 marathons for the ICR this year
Inspirational fundraiser ‘Hollywood’ Dave Griffiths has finished a heroic 11 marathon challenge to raise money for the Institute of Cancer Research, London.
Delay in reforming European rules could deny thousands of children access to latest cancer drugs
Thousands of children with cancer across Europe could miss out on the latest targeted treatments because of delays reforming outdated regulations, leading cancer research institutions, charities and expert bodies are warning.
MRI could detect signs of more aggressive breast cancers
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is able to detect indicators that a breast tumour is likely to be more aggressive, researchers have found.
Important step towards MR Linac radiotherapy for lung cancer
Researchers working with the MR Linac – a pioneering radiotherapy machine – have successfully developed treatment plans for patients with an advanced form of lung cancer.
Carols from Chelsea 2017: celebrities gather for ICR flagship fundraising event
Celebrities including Jeremy Paxman, Edward Holcroft and Prue Leith joined us for this year's Carols from Chelsea concert – the ICR's flagship annual social and fundraising event.
New, simple blood tests for prostate cancer
Conor McKeever introduces an exciting new technology, developed by researchers at The Institute of Cancer Research.