Science Talk

With our Science Talk blog, we hope to lift the lid on the black box that is the ICR: to show you inside our labs, to introduce you to a few of the people here who make the discoveries, and to allow them to tell some of the stories behind the science. We try to put our discoveries in a wider scientific context, and give an idea of how our science is actually done. We also give you the view from the ICR of important developments in the wider world of cancer research.

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Prostate cancer survival: the legacy of Charles Huggins

16/06/14 - Liz Burtally

Until the middle of the 20th century, prostate cancer was perceived as a death sentence, and there was little understanding of the disease or its reliance on hormones.
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Cancer cell, kill thyself

11/06/14 - Andy Roast

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The future of cancer treatment

09/06/14 - Eva Sharpe

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Using viruses to treat cancer

21/05/14 - Graham Shaw

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Have a Pint of Science!

16/05/14 - Graham Shaw

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NICE blocks earlier use of abiraterone

14/05/14 - Eva Sharpe

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Shoot the messenger: microRNAs as a new cancer drug target

08/05/14 - Henry French

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What’s the link between antibiotic resistance and cancer treatment?

02/05/14 - Henry French

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Abiraterone, the prostate cancer drug that’s going from strength to strength

01/05/14 - Graham Shaw

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Conference buzz: what we're taking home from the AACR meeting

10/04/14 - Liz Burtally

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Stone man syndrome and its mysterious link to childhood brain cancer

07/04/14 - Henry French

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Uncovering cancer’s roots

28/03/14 - Graham Shaw

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To bedside and back again – working with patients to develop clinical trials

25/03/14 - Louise Dean

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Guiding kids' cancer treatments with liquid biopsies

20/03/14 - Joe Dunckley

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Every cancer is different – our research on BBC Bang Goes the Theory

17/03/14 - Henry French

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Could everyone develop a hidden cancer?

14/03/14 - Andy Roast

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Patently obvious? The ICR joins the gene patenting debate

06/03/14 - Eva Sharpe

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Radiotherapy and the microbiome: could a patient’s ‘gut group’ change their response to treatment?

05/03/14 - Henry French

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Clinical trials for children with cancer: the latest from NICE

27/02/14 - Henry French

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Gene testing – why more patients need it and how to bring it to them

18/02/14 - Eva Sharpe