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Studying and Training

The Institute of Cancer Research, London, is the UK’s leading academic research centre and a member institution of the University of London. We are committed to educating and training the next generation of researchers and clinicians.

  • Undergraduate scholarship scheme

    Exceptional UK undergraduate students have the opportunity to work with ICR’s researchers over the summer.

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  • MSc in Oncology

    Teaching medically qualified candidates about the latest developments in cancer research and clinical practice.

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  • NIHR academic training

    Supporting NHS doctors to develop careers as clinical academic and researcher leader within their field.

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  • PhDs for science graduates

    Training students to carry out cutting-edge cancer research in one of the eight research divisions at the ICR.

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  • PhD and MD(Res) for clinicians

    Developing future leaders in clinical cancer research and supporting the translational work of the ICR and partners.

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  • Radiotherapy and imaging training courses

    Run by the ICR’s Division of Radiotherapy and Imaging, for internal and external audiences.

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Our academic excellence

The ICR’s academic success has been recognised by coming first in a league table compiled from the Research Excellence Framework, and through the award of institution-specific funding for teaching by the Higher Education Funding Council for England.

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Meet our students

Our students enjoy working in a high-tech and collaborative environment, in which their research can be translated into direct benefits for patients.

Meet some current students here

Postgraduate life at the ICR

Find out everything you need to know about applying to study at the ICR, living and working in London, and our student facilities and representation.

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Our alumni

Our former students work all over the world, in leading scientific and clinical jobs, and in a variety of other roles.

Meet some of our alumni here

VIDEO: The diverse curriculum of the ICR's Oncology MSc course

Clinical Oncology Registrar, Dr Sooha Kim talks about the exciting and dynamic Oncology MSc course and how she would recommend studying at ICR because of its great reputation.

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VIDEO: The ICR's MSc in Oncology: "The basic science informs what I practice at work every day"

Oncology registrar, Leroy, is in the second year of his Oncology MSc at the ICR. Here he describes how the basic science informs what he practices at work every day.

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VIDEO: What does PhD student Haider Tari like about studying at the ICR?

Haider Tari is a PhD student who uses mathematical modelling to understand cancer cell interactions. In this short video, he talks about why he has enjoyed studying at the ICR.

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VIDEO: PhD student Anabel Zelceski on studying at the ICR

PhD student Anabel Zelceski shares her thoughts about studying at the ICR.

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