Breast Cancer Systemic Therapy Trials Group

Dr Okines is investigating and conducting clinical trials on metastatic breast cancers.

Research, projects and publications in this group

My research focuses on clinical trials in metastatic breast cancer and I have a particular interest in central nervous system diseases which have arisen from advanced breast cancers.

Dr Alicia Okines

Honorary Faculty:

Breast Cancer Systemic Therapy Trials Dr Alicia Okines

Dr Alicia Okines is a consultant in medical oncology at the Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust and the group leader for the Breast Cancer Systemic Therapy Trials group.

I am currently leading the ROLo trial evaluating pre-clinical findings from Professor Chris Lord’s laboratory in a clinical trial of a ROS1 targeted agent in lobular breast cancer and diffuse gastric cancer. This study is funded by Breast Cancer Now and Pfizer.

I will lead the PAveMenT trial of palbociclib and avelumab in advanced AR positive triple negative breast cancer, evaluating pre-clinical findings from Professor Nick Turner’s laboratory in a phase 1b study. The study is funded by a Breast cancer Now Catalyst Grant.

Recent discoveries from this group