UK randomised trial of hormone replacement therapy in women with a history of early stage breast cancer.
Disease site: Breast cancer
Status: Closed
Trial details
The HRT Trial was launched in March 2002 and had recruited 197 patients from 32 UK hospitals. The primary aim is to assess the effect of HRT on the long-term disease free and overall survival of breast cancer patients who are experiencing vasomotor symptoms. The effect of HRT on the relief of menopausal symptoms and quality of life of breast cancer patients will also be assessed along with cardiovascular and osteoporotic events. The trial was closed to further recruitment at the end of January 2004 owing to recruitment being slower that expected, however, patients taking part in the HRT Trial were still able to continue with their allocated treatment.
Chief Investigator: J. Marsden, King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, London
ICR-CTSU Scientific Lead: Professor Judith Bliss
Trial management contact:
ISRCTN: 29941643
Funding: Cancer Research UK
Publications and presentations
Marsden J, Lawrence D, A'Hern R, Briggs K, Dawson C, Bliss J, on behalf of the HRT Trial Management Group. Efficacy of HRT in treating oestrogen defiency symptoms in women taking concomitant tamoxifen: the UK HRT trial experience. Eur. J. Cancer 2006;4(2):118
Aspinall P, Lawrence D, Dawson C, Marsden J, on behalf of the HRT Trial Management Group. Designing a website for the NCRI UK Randomised Trial of Hormone Replacement Therapy in symptomatic women with early stage breast cancer (The HRT Trial): The perspective of trial staff. BOA Meeting; 2003.
Aspinall P, Lawrence D, Dawson C, Marsden J, on behalf of the HRT Trial Management Group. Designing a website for the NCRI UK Randomised Trial of Hormone Replacement Therapy in symptomatic women with early stage breast cancer (The HRT Trial): The perspective of trial staff. Consensus Conference on HRT; 2003 October 2003.
Aspinall P, Lawrence D, Dawson C, Marsden J, on behalf of the HRT Trial Management Group. Designing a website for the NCRI UK Randomised Trial of Hormone Replacement Therapy in symptomatic women with early stage breast cancer (The HRT Trial): The perspective of trial staff. Nottingham Breast Cancer Conference; 2003 September 2003.
Dawson C. The UK randomised trial of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) in women with a history of early stage breast cancer. European Congress on Menopause; 2003; Denmark.
Dawson C, Aspinall P, Lawrence D, Marsden J, on behalf of the HRT Trial Management Group. Designing a website for the NCRI UK randomised trial of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) in women with early stage breast cancer (the HRT Trial): the perspective of trial staff. British Menopause Society Annual Meeting 2003
Dawson C, Lawrence D, Marsden J, Aspinall P, on behalf of the HRT Trial Management Group. The UK randomised trial of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) in women with early stage breast cancer: identification of service impediments to trial accrual' and designing a website for the UK randomised trial of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) in symptomatic women with early stage breast cancer: The perspective of the HRT Trial. British Menopause Conference; 2003.
Lawrence D, Dawson C, Parmar J, Marsden J, on behalf of the HRT Trial Management Group. The UK randomised trial of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) in symptomatic women with early stage breast cancer: Identification of service impediments to trial accrual. Nottingham Breast Meeting; 2003.
Lawrence D, Dawson C, Parmar J, Marsden J, on behalf of the HRT Trial Management Group. The UK randomised trial of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) in symptomatic women with early stage breast cancer: Identification of service impediments to trial accrual. BOA Meeting 2003.
Lawrence D, Dawson C, Parmar J, Marsden J, on behalf of the HRT Trial Management Group. The UK randomised trial of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) in symptomatic women with early stage breast cancer: Identification of service impediments to trial accrual. Consensus Conference on HRT; 2003.
Parmar J, Lawrence D, Dawson C, Marsden J. The UK randomised trial of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) in women with early stage breast cancer; indentification of service impediments to trial accrual. British Menopause Society Annual Meeting; 2003; Manchester.
Sacks N, on behalf of the HRT Trial Management Group. Update on HRT national trial. British Breast Group; 2003; Manchester.
Dawson C, on behalf of the HRT Trial Management Group. Stakeholder Input: preparing the way for good quality and successful breast cancer trials - The UK HRT Trial Experience. World Conference on Breast Cancer; 2002.
Dawson C, on behalf of the HRT Trial Management Group. The UK randomised trial of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) in women with a history of early stage breast cancer. World Conference on Breast Cancer; 2002.
Hall E, on behalf of the HRT Trial Management group. The UK randomized trial of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) in women with a history of early stage breast cancer. Clin. Oncol. (R. Coll. Radiol). 2002;12:S31 #96
Dawson C, on behalf of the HRT Trial Working Party. A national randomised trial of HRT in women with a history of early stage breast cancer. British Menopause Society 12th Annual Meeting; 2001; Birmingham.
Marsden J, Sacks N, Whitehead M, Godfree V, Barton H, Kirby A, Bliss J, Fallowfield L, Brown J, Dawson C. The national UK randomised trial of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) in women with a history of early stage breast cancer. Milan Breast Cancer Conference; 2001; Milan.
Sacks N, on behalf of the HRT Trial Working Party. The UK HRT breast cancer study. British Breast Group; 2001; London.
Marsden J, Bliss J. Is clinical uncertainty sufficient amongst breast cancer surgeons for the implementation of a randomised trial of HRT in breast cancer patients? Br. J. Cancer 1998;78(Suppl 2):14 #036

Remembering former ICR Chief Executive Professor Peter Garland