A multicentre, randomised phase II study of hypofractionated bladder radiotherapy with or without image guided adaptive planning.
Disease site: Urological cancers Bladder cancer
Status: Closed
Trial details
HYBRID is a multicentre, phase II, randomised controlled trial to assess whether image guided adaptive planning radiotherapy techniques can lead to a reduction in the level of acute non genitourinary side effects experienced by patients with muscle invasive bladder cancer unsuitable for daily radical radiotherapy.
62 patients will be recruited from UK sites over two years. All patients will receive weekly hypofractionated radiotherapy for six weeks and will be randomised between either standard or adaptive planning. Patients in the adaptive planning group will have three radiotherapy plans generated and a CT scan prior to each treatment delivery will be used to select the most appropriate plan of the day, adapting to variations in bladder position. Participants will be followed up at regular intervals for 24 months, and then annually thereafter.
We have prepared a lay summary of the HYBRID results, which can be viewed and downloaded here.
Further information
Chief Investigator: Dr Robert Huddart, The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust
ICR-CTSU Scientific Lead: Dr Emma Hall
Trial management contact: hybrid-icrctsu@icr.ac.uk
ISRCTN: 18815596
Sponsor: The Institute of Cancer Research
Funding: Cancer Research UK (CRUK/12/055)
View HYBRID on the National Institute for Health Research website: NIHR - Be Part Of Research
Patient friendly information is available from the following link:
Publications and presentations
Huddart R, McDonald F, Lewis R, Hall E. HYBRID – evaluating new radiation technology in patients with unmet needs. Clin Oncol (R Coll Radiol). 2013; 25(9); 546-548.
Huddart R, Hafeez S, Lewis R, McNair H, Syndikus I, Henry A, Staffurth J, Dewan M, Vassallo-Bonner C, Moinuddin SA, Birtle A, Horan G, Rimmer Y, Venkitaraman R, Khoo V, Mitra A, Hughes S, Gibbs S, Kapur G, Baker A, Hansen VN, Patel E, Hall E - Clinical Outcomes of a Randomized Trial of Adaptive Plan-of-the-Day Treatment in Patients Receiving Ultra-hypofractionated Weekly Radiation Therapy for Bladder Cancer - International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics, Volume 110, Issue 2, 1 June 2021, Pages 412-424
Hafeez S, Patel E, Webster A, Warren-Oseni K, Hansen V, McNair H, Miles E, Lewis R, Hall E, Huddart R - Protocol for hypofractionated adaptive radiotherapy to the bladder within a multicentre phase II randomised trial: radiotherapy planning and delivery guidance

Remembering former ICR Chief Executive Professor Peter Garland