A randomised, multicentre, open label, phase III study of adjuvant lapatinib, trastuzumab, their sequence and their combination in patients with HER2+/ErbB2+ primary breast cancer.
Disease site: Breast cancer
Status: Closed
Trial details
ALTTO is a Breast International Group (BIG) study with collaborative support provided by the ICR-CTSU. It is a randomised, open label multi-centre phase III study comparing the activity of lapatinib alone versus trastuzumab alone versus trastuzumab followed by lapatinib versus lapatinib concomitantly with trastuzumab in the adjuvant treatment of
patients with ErbB2 overexpressing and/or amplified breast cancer.
Chief Investigator: Professor Ian Smith (UK CI), Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust
ICR-CTSU Scientific Lead: Professor Judith Bliss
Sponsor: GlaxoSmithKline
Funder: GlaxoSmithKline
Further information
Contact details and more information may be found on the ALTTO Trials homepage

Remembering former ICR Chief Executive Professor Peter Garland