Cancer discovery news
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New family of proteins linked to major role in cancer
Scientists have described a new family of proteins that appear to play a key role in cancer
New genetic links found to most common type of leukaemia
Researchers have identified four new regions of the genome linked with an increase in susceptibility to chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL)
Computer predictions speed up search for potential cancer treatments
New MRI scan could help improve safety of brain stem cell treatments
An MRI scan could one day help doctors check whether stem cells have transplanted effectively into the brain, say ICR researchers.
Cancer researchers find new 'helix of helix' structure in protein folding
Scientists have discovered that units of a protein complex involved in cell division fit together in a 'helix of a helix' structure – an ordered spiral that turns left as it goes upwards, constantly twisting and turning.
Body’s natural defence carries early warning system for recurring cancers
The immune system can act as an early warning alarm for cancer recurrence, which could mean pre-emptive treatment before it takes hold again, say ICR scientists
Scientists fingerprint single cancer cells to map cancer’s family tree
A new method to take the DNA fingerprint of individual cancer cells is uncovering the true extent of cancer’s genetic diversity, new ICR research reveals.
Video: Updating the world's largest disease database
Dr Bissan Al-Lazikani tells us about the new version of CanSAR, and discusses the challenges of working with more data than would be generated by the Hubble space telescope in 1 million years.
World’s largest disease database will use artificial intelligence to find new cancer treatments
ICR database of 1.7 billion experiment results using A.I. like that for weather forecasts will find the cancer treatments of the future.
Video: Pioneering cell biologist wins young scientist award
The ICR's Dr Chris Bakal has won the 2013 British Association of Cancer Research/AstraZeneca Young Scientist Frank Rose Award for his groundbreaking research to understand the way cancer cells change shape and spread around the body.
Latest breast cancer treatment advances presented at NCRI conference
Two researchers from The Institute of Cancer Research, London, have updated delegates at the UK's biggest cancer conference about the latest developments in breast cancer research.
Redirecting our immune cells to help fight children's cancer
The ICR's Louis Chesler responds to news of a gene therapy approach to treating the childhood cancer neuroblastoma.