Connections blog

The ICR is one of the leading academic institutes at partnering with industry, in the UK and globally. In our Connections blog, leading experts give their views on the big issues in academic-industry partnering and knowledge exchange – from intellectual property and licensing to the secrets of developing strategic alliances.​

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Identifying knowledge capable of creating impact

30/04/19 - Dr Angela Kukula

Part 2 of 6: Dr Angela Kukula continues her series on delivering impact and commercial opportunity through research. In this blog, she looks at how universities can uncover the knowledge within their walls.
Angela Kukula 4x3
How to make academic research count through impact and commercial opportunity

30/04/19 - Dr Angela Kukula

Part 1 of 6: In a new series of blogs Dr Angela Kukula, Director of Enterprise at The Institute of Cancer Research, London, will be reflecting on how higher education institutions can deliver impact and commercial opportunities from their research. In our first post, she reflects on how impact has risen to the top of the Government’s policy agenda.
London Cancer Hub concept image of community plaza
The London Cancer Hub: the story so far

20/02/19 - Henry French

Henry French introduces the latest developments at The London Cancer Hub, a major regeneration project in Sutton, south London, which aims to develop the world’s leading cancer-specialist life-science campus.
Five big challenges facing the life sciences, biotech and pharma sectors in 2019

14/01/19 - Henry French

Henry French introduces five challenges for the life sciences this year.
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Let’s celebrate university collaboration with industry

09/11/18 - Dr Angela Kukula

Dr Angela Kukula, Director of Enterprise at The Institute of Cancer Research, calls on universities and businesses to celebrate the range of different collaborations we make.
San Francisco skyline
President Trump, the Cancer Moonshot and the new war on drug pricing

30/01/17 - Dr Angela Kukula

What could the new US administration mean for drug discovery and development – in the US and the UK? Dr Angela Kukula, the ICR's Director of Enterprise, reports back from the world’s biggest life sciences conference, BioWeek SF.