Connections blog

The ICR is one of the leading academic institutes at partnering with industry, in the UK and globally. In our Connections blog, leading experts give their views on the big issues in academic-industry partnering and knowledge exchange – from intellectual property and licensing to the secrets of developing strategic alliances.​

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New spinouts, an oncology life-sciences district, and partnering successes: business and innovation highlights of 2024

20/12/24 - Henry French

The ICR’s Business and Innovation Office – which oversees our work with industry – says goodbye to 2024 with a look back over a successful year.
ICR Logo
ICR awards celebrate entrepreneurial spirit

26/09/24 - Henry French

There was a celebration of entrepreneurship at the heart of our ‘Above and Beyond’ staff and student awards ceremony here at the ICR this year – one of the highlights of our calendar.
ICR Logo
Science meets art at The London Cancer Hub


The ICR's Public Engagement Manager Mariana Campos reflects on a year of cultural activities at one of London’s most ambitious regeneration projects
Cartoon representation of AKT2 kinase domain
FDA approval for capivasertib: and our new collaboration opportunities for industry partners

17/11/23 - Henry French

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the AKT inhibiting drug capivasertib, now given the brand name Truqap, as a breast cancer treatment. Henry French introduces other current opportunities for industry partners to work with ICR researchers, including in the discovery and development of cancer drugs, and asks – could any become the next capivasertib?
An icon showing a DNA double helix
Commercial partnering opportunities in oncology: a new biomarker test to guide treatment for oestrogen-receptor positive breast cancer

09/02/23 - Andrew Czyzewski

In the first of a series on exciting opportunities for industry to collaborate with scientists at The Institute of Cancer Research, Andrew Czyzewski looks at a new biomarker test developed by Dr Maggie Cheang and colleagues that could guide breast cancer treatment.
Joo-Hee Sir and Jon Wilkinson at BIO-Europe 2022 in Leipzig, Germany
Our successes in partnering with industry in 2022!

21/12/22 - Alison Halliday

ICR Logo
ICR celebrates innovation and commercialisation at staff awards

19/12/22 - Alison Halliday

A recent staff awards ceremony offered an opportunity to celebrate our entrepreneurial culture.
Innovation Gateway at The London Cancer Hub
Five reasons why pharma and biotech companies are co-locating with university researchers – and one more reason why you should too!

20/04/22 - Henry French

ICR Science Day 547x410
How we ranked amongst the country’s top universities in the Knowledge Exchange Framework

15/06/21 - Dr Angela Kukula

Dr Angela Kukula, Director of Business of Innovation at The Institute of Cancer Research, reflects on our strong performance in the recent Knowledge Exchange Framework (KEF), highlighting our excellence in translating our research into patient benefit.
Two female researchers, Olivia and Carolina, wearing facemasks in the lab
UK life sciences are thriving despite Covid-19 – but choppy waters lie ahead

15/04/21 - Angela Kukula

We’ve seen a surge in commercial investment in UK life sciences, driven by world-class interactions between academia and industry. But cuts to Government and charity funding for academic research could put that all at risk, says Angela Kukula, Director of Business and Innovation at the ICR.
Angela Kukula, Director of the ICR's Enterprise Unit
Ten lessons for the life sciences from COVID-19

07/12/20 - Dr Angela Kukula

Dr Angela Kukula, the ICR’s Director of Business and Innovation, asks what the future holds for the life sciences after the COVID-19 pandemic – and how we can ensure the rapid development of COVID-19 technologies happens in other areas too.
Angela Kukula, Director of the ICR's Enterprise Unit
What are the biggest issues in drug discovery and development?

09/11/20 - Dr Angela Kukula

Our programme of expert summits is proposing solutions to some of the biggest issues in drug discovery and development, says Director of Business and Innovation Dr Angela Kukula.
Elicia Fyle - Scientific Officer
Cancer research resumes at The Institute of Cancer Research

25/08/20 - Dr Angela Kukula

Our Director of Enterprise, Dr Angela Kukula, reflects on how our researchers are adapting to the ‘new normal’ two months after we reopened our laboratories.
Angela Kukula, Director of the ICR's Enterprise Unit
Cancer research collaborations in the era of COVID-19: force majeure, home working and supporting the NHS

23/04/20 - Angela Kukula

Our Director of Enterprise Dr Angela Kukula gives an update on our response to COVID-19, and discusses how it is affecting our partnerships and collaborations.
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What next for UK cancer research in the Brexit era?

31/01/20 - Henry French

Henry French asks how Brexit might affect cancer researchers and their collaborations with life-science companies.
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BIO 2019: Trends so far at the world’s biggest life sciences partnering conference

05/06/19 - Henry French

Henry French is attending BIO 2019, one of the world’s biggest and most influential annual business partnering conferences in the life sciences, to represent the ICR’s Enterprise Unit and The London Cancer Hub. As #BIO2019 gets into full swing, he gives his thoughts on the convention so far.
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Evaluation and our place in the future knowledge landscape

01/05/19 - Dr Angela Kukula

Part 6 of 6: In this final blog in her series on delivering impact and commercialisation from academic research, Dr Angela Kukula considers how to evaluate the difference knowledge exchange teams are making in a highly complex and collaborative field.
Team Meeting in Sutton
Reaching potential licensees and investors: six key tips

01/05/19 - Dr Angela Kukula

Part 5 of 6: In the penultimate blog of this series on achieving impact from academic research, Dr Angela Kukula explores how knowledge exchange professionals can help universities and their researchers to reach potential licensees and investors.
People meeting around a table
Building an efficient, skilled knowledge exchange office

01/05/19 - Dr Angela Kukula

Part 4 of 6: In her latest blog on delivering impact and commercial opportunity from academic research, Dr Angela Kukula reflects on what makes a successful knowledge exchange office.
Researcher and a microscope (photo: Clare Turnbull)
Technology evaluation, protection and development

30/04/19 - Dr Angela Kukula

Part 3 of 6: Dr Angela Kukula continues her series on delivering impact and commercial opportunity through research. In this blog, she outlines some simple steps higher education institutions can take to steer research along the path to commercialisation.