Video: Developing therapeutic ultrasound
Professor Gail ter Haar leads the Therapeutic Ultrasound Team at the ICR. She is investigating the use of high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) for treating cancers in the brain and abdomen.
Professor ter Haar is the founding President of the International Society for Therapy Ultrasound (ISTU). Her team is recognised as a Centre of Excellence for HIFU physics and bone studies by the Focused Ultrasound Foundation.
Her team’s work centres on understanding the way that medical ultrasound interacts with tissues, especially the physical mechanisms – such as heating – that can lead to cell death. Most recently, their research has concentrated on developing devices and protocols for targeted ultrasound-based treatments for cancer.
They are working with industrial partners to help advance their research and get new techniques to patients faster. For example, one recent collaboration has provided the team with a clinical imaging system that has enabled cutting-edge clinical trials of HIFU in patients.
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Sharing experience with industry partners
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Collaborating with commercial partners
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The benefits of partnering with industry
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Exploring new opportunities for collaborative working
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