Professor Kevin Harrington to star in BBC2’s Trust me, I’m a Doctor


The ICR’s Professor Kevin Harrington is to feature in the BB2 programme Trust Me, I’m a Doctor.

Professor Harrington, who is Professor of Biological Cancer Therapies at The Institute of Cancer Research and Honorary Consultant at The Royal Marsden, will talk about a new viral immunotherapy called T-VEC which was recently shown to halt the progression of skin cancer by killing cancer cells in phase III clinical trials.

The interview is part of a segment in the show called ‘Future Medicine’ which focuses on exciting new developments in medical research that are being trialled around the world.

He was interviewed by Gabriel Weston, one of the show’s presenters, who is herself a surgeon and ENT specialist.

As well as talking about T-VEC, Kevin will talk about his work on viral therapies for cancer more generally.

The BBC team also filmed Professor Harrington in his clinic at The Royal Marsden, talking with a patient who was treated with T-VEC in a head and neck cancer clinical trial some years ago, with a great deal of success.

The show will air at 8pm on Wednesday 29 July 2015 on BBC2.

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