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Maximise your donation through Gift Aid

Fund more cancer research, at no extra cost to you 

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Through the government's Gift Aid scheme, for every £1 you have donated in the past 4 years and continue to donate in the future, we can claim an extra 25p from HM Revenue & Customs. 

This will make your donation to us worth 25% more at no extra cost to you.

It might not sound like much, but in the financial year 2022/23 the ICR claimed over £96,000 in Gift Aid income. These additional funds represent a significant boost to our fundraising and contribute to helping us make the discoveries that defeat cancer.

Thank you for your generous support.

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Thank you for your ongoing supportDr Sadanandam thumbnail 

Your committed support can help our researchers, like Dr Sadanandam (pictured right) to find much needed treatments for hard-to-treat cancers. By making a regular donation, you will help fund our research over several years, offering many more the hope of a cure.

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