Course essentials
The MSc in Oncology is a modular taught course for medically qualified doctors specialising in oncology. This table presents important information about this course.
MSc Oncology / PGDip / PGCert
Entry requirements | View entry requirements here. |
Mode of study | Part-time, day release |
Length of course and possible exit points | This course adopts a modular credit accumulation model:
For Parts A and B, the ICR’s academic year runs from 1st September to 31st August. There are two student intakes for these Parts each year: one in autumn and one in spring. Part C of the course runs from October to September. The maximum period of registration is five calendar years, measured from the date of enrolment. |
Degree-awarding institution | University of London |
Teaching institution | The Institute of Cancer Research, University of London The ICR is regulated by the Office for Students. |
Brief outline of course structure and assessment | Part A – Basic Sciences modules (1st year)
Part B – Clinical Sciences modules (2nd year)
Parts A and B are assessed by single best answer papers and/or an essay. Part C – Dissertation (3rd year)
Teaching | The programme adopts a modular credit accumulation model. Modules for Parts A and B are delivered via lectures and seminars. Syllabus content is led by module leaders who are experts in their field and highly experienced in teaching and training. The status of staff involved in delivering different elements of the course include professors, lecturers, and clinical/research fellows. For Part C, you will need to seek a local academic facilitator or supervisor at your NHS trust. They will be required to provide support for your research project, including discussion of your emerging results and proofreading your dissertation before submission. You will also be supported by monthly teaching sessions at the ICR, and one-to-one tutorials with Part C tutors. The Part C tutors are consultant clinical oncologists experienced in advising and mentoring MSc students. |
Contact hours | Parts A and B each comprise of 600 notional learning hours; these learning hours include approximately 180 contact hours, with the balance comprising private study plus assessment time. Teaching days are typically Friday for Part A, and Thursday for Part B, however there are also some additional sessions that can fall on other days. You will be provided with full details of these upon registration. Part C also comprises 600 notional learning hours. The vast majority of these will be the independent study time you contribute to your research project, including writing up the dissertation. However, approximately 15% of these hours (~10 days across the year) will be the mandatory monthly teaching sessions that will form the basis of your attendance record for the year. These consist of masterclasses on various topics timed to coincide with the progress of the project and/or one-to-one tutorials with Part C Tutors. Students are expected to attend at least 80% of teaching sessions while they are registered for the course, and absences must be approved in advance. |
Locations | Most teaching takes place at the ICR's purpose-built teaching facility at 123 Old Brompton Road. |
Other important information | Please ensure that you read the MSc in Oncology Programme Specification and the MSc in Oncology Student Handbook for more details about the course (see below). The curriculum will equip students in the field of Clinical Oncology to sit the Part 1 and Part 2 examinations for Fellowship of the Royal College of Radiologists (FRCR). However, the course is not specifically designed as a preparatory or revision course for the FRCR exams. For Medical Oncologists, the course meets the identified need for a theoretical basis to their structured training. |
Key documents | All key documents can be found on the education policies and strategies page. |