NIHR academic training
Using funding from the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR), The Institute of Cancer Research offers training programmes that support NHS doctors to undertake specialty training to also train as academic researchers.

NIHR Academic Clinical Fellowships
Academic Clinical Fellowships are funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR), and support NHS doctors undertaking specialty training to also train as academic researchers. These programmes allow clinicians at varying degrees of specialisation the opportunity to develop their academic skills alongside clinical training. Academic Clinical Fellows (ACFs) spend 75 per cent of their time undertaking specialist clinical training, and 25 per cent undertaking research or educationalist training.
The Institute of Cancer Research aims to offer Academic Clinical Fellowship posts (subject to confirmation by NIHR) in Clinical Oncology, Medical Oncology, and other specialties including Paediatrics and Haematology.
The duration of an Academic Clinical Fellowship is for a maximum of three years. During this time, alongside clinical training, ACFs will develop their academic skills and be supported in preparing an application for a Research Training Fellowship to undertake a PhD or MD(Res).
To register your interest for future ACF opportunities please contact us at [email protected].
NIHR Clinical Lectureships
Clinical Lectureships, also funded by the NIHR, are aimed at those who are advanced in their specialty training, have completed a higher research degree and show outstanding potential for continuing a career in academic medicine. Clinical Lecturers (CLs) spend 50 per cent of their time undertaking specialist clinical training, and 50 per cent undertaking research training.
The duration of a Clinical Lectureship is for a maximum of four years and it is expected that CLs will complete their specialty training during this period. Alongside clinical training, CLs will be able to further develop their academic skills and will be encouraged to apply for funding to support further postdoctoral research.
CL specialties are initially nominated in March each year to be advertised from the following March at the earliest. To register your interest for future CL opportunities, please contact us at [email protected].
For further information on both these schemes, please visit the NIHR Integrated Academic Training Programme.
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