Radiation-enhanced Immunotherapy Group
Dr Wennerberg’s group focuses on studying mechanisms of tumor immune resistance and how focal radiotherapy can be used to promote systemic immune responses against advanced cancers.
Our group studies how localised radiotherapy can be used to trigger new immune responses that promote tumour immune cell infiltration rendering the host susceptible to immune checkpoint inhibitors.
The success of immune checkpoint inhibitors in cancer therapy illustrates the inherent ability of the immune system to control and occasionally eliminate advanced tumours. However, a majority of patients still do not respond to immunotherapy or lack long-term responses due to a poor tumour infiltration of immune cells or development of tumour resistance respectively. Our group studies how localised radiotherapy can be used to trigger new immune responses that promotes tumour immune cell infiltration rendering the host susceptible to immune checkpoint inhibitors.
As solid tumours evolve, they shape their microenvironment to evade attacks from the immune system by generating suppressive barriers and subverting homeostatic mechanisms. Our group investigates how radiotherapy modulates these processes and how we can tailor combined radiotherapy/immunotherapy to exert maximum anti-tumour effect and counteract tumour immune resistance.
By developing mouse tumour models that accurately mimic the molecular events that occur following different radiotherapy regimens, we are able to evaluate the mechanisms and pathways that dictate the radiation-induced immune response. Currently, we are focusing on how radiotherapy modulates purinergic and adenosinergic signalling in the tumour microenvironment.
Further, in collaboration with clinicians from the Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust, we analyse tumour samples from cancer patients treated with radioimmunotherapy to map the tumour immune landscape and correlate it with clinical parameters in response to therapy. This translational approach allows us to identify predictive biomarkers and actionable markers that can be targeted to optimize the immunogenic effect of radiotherapy and its synergy with immune checkpoint blockade.
The ultimate goal of our research is to develop novel combination therapies that could improve the treatment of patients with advanced metastatic cancer.
Dr Erik Wennerberg
Group Leader:
Radiation-enhanced Immunotherapy
Dr Erik Wennerberg leads the Radiation-enhanced Immunotherapy Group. His group focuses on studying mechanisms of tumor immune resistance and how focal radiotherapy can be used to promote systemic immune responses against advanced cancers.
Researchers in this group
Dr Erik Wennerberg's group have written 32 publications
Most recent new publication 8/2023
See all their publicationsIndustrial partnership opportunities with this group
Opportunity: Targeting ART1 to overcome immune resistance in lung cancer treatment
Commissioner: Dr Erik Wennerberg