Professor Montse Garcia-Closas

Group Leader: Integrative Cancer Epidemiology

Phone: +44 20 3437 3538

Email: [email protected]

Location: Sutton

Headshot of Montse Garcia-Closas

Phone: +44 20 3437 3538

Email: [email protected]

Location: Sutton


Professor Montserrat García-Closas is a Professor of Epidemiology and Group Leader for the Integrative Epidemiology Group. She co-leads the Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention Unit, a joint initiative from the ICR and Imperial College London, and holds an honorary appointment at The Royal Marsden Hospital.

Professor Montserrat García-Closas received her M.D. from the University of Barcelona, Spain, a Master of Public Health in quantitative methods, and a Doctorate of Public Health in epidemiology from the Harvard School of Public Health.

She joined the Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics (DCEG) of the National Cancer Institute in the USA in 1996 as a postdoctoral fellow, became a tenure-track investigator in 1999 and a tenured senior investigator in 2007. From 2008-2010, she was a visiting scientist at the Department of Oncology and Strangeways Laboratory, Cambridge University, U.K.

In 2010, she became a Professor of Epidemiology at the Division of Genetic and Epidemiology at the ICR. In 2015, she returned to DCEG as Deputy Director and senior investigator. She served as Interim Branch Chief for the Integrative Tumor Epidemiology Branch (ITEB) from 2016-2020, and as Director of the Trans-Divisional Research Program (TDRP) from 2020-2023. In 2023 she returned to the ICR in London as Professor of Epidemiology.

Professor García-Closas investigates the causes of cancer with the aim of understanding carcinogenic processes and improving risk assessment for precision prevention. She carries out a multidisciplinary research program on the genetic susceptibility, etiologic heterogeneity, and risk prediction for breast cancer.

She is principal investigator (PI) of the Breast Cancer Now Generations Study, a prospective cohort study of 110,000 women in the UK to study cancer aetiology and its outcomes, and the Male Breast Cancer Study, a case-control study of over 1,000 men with breast cancer and 1,000 controls to study the genetic and environmental causes of male breast cancer. Professor García-Closas also contributes to molecular epidemiology studies of bladder and other cancers. She has published over 400 peer-reviewed papers, as well as book chapters and review articles.

Professor García-Closas is a founder member of several large consortia. She served as the Chair of the Coordinating Committee for the International Consortium of Case-Control Studies of Bladder Cancer from 2005-2011, and since 2006 she co-Chairs the Pathology and Survival Working Group of the Breast Cancer Association Consortium (BCAC).

Professor Garcia-Closas co-led the European Commission Horizon 2020-funded Breast CAncer STratification (BCAST) Project within BCAC. She initiated and is the Chair of the Scientific Steering Committee for the Confluence Project which brings together multiple consortia for trans-ancestry genetic susceptibility studies of female and male breast cancer.

She is an active member of the NCI Cohort Consortium, where she co-leads the U01 Multi-factorial Breast Cancer Risk Prediction Accounting for Ethnic and Tumor Diversity to develop a comprehensive tool to predict breast cancer risk, overall and by sub-types, across major racial/ethnic groups in the U.S.

She served as the founding PI of Connect for Cancer Prevention (2016-2023), a new prospective study of 100,000 adults in the USA, and she currently serves in the International Advisory Committee.


Dr.P.H. Epidemiology, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston.

M.P.M. Quantitative Methods, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston.

MD, University of Barcelona, Spain.

Awards, Prizes or Honours

Merit Award, NIH, 2001.

Intramural Research Award, National Cancer Institute, 2004.

Mentor of Merit Award, National Cancer Institute, 2007.

Merit Award, NIH, 2008.

Editorial Boards

Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention, 2005.

External Committees

AACR Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention Awards Committee, Member, AACR, 2009-2011.

Scientific Review Committee for the 2010 Landon Foundation-AACR INNOVATOR Award for Cancer Prevention Research, Member, AACR, 2010-2010.

Member of the 2011 AACR Annual Meeting Education Committee, Member, AACR, 2010-2010.

Program Committee for the 2010 AACR Annual Meeting, Member, AACR, 2009-2010.

External Scientific Committee for the Multicenter Case-Control Study in Spain, Centre for Research in Environmental Epidemiology (CREAL), Member, CREAL, 2009.

Scientific Advisory Board for the Sister Study, Member, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Research, 2007.

Steering Committee of the Molecular Epidemiology Working Group, Member, AACR, 2007-2009.

Search Committee for Tenure-track/Tenure Investigator, Laboratory of Translational Genetics, Member, National Cancer Institute, 2007.

Estrogen Receptor Negative Breast Cancer Health Disparities Work Group, Member, National Cancer Institute, 2007-2008.

Search Committee for Branch Chief, Member, National Cancer Institute, 2007.

Search Committee for Tenure-track Investigator, Biostatics Branch, Member, National Cancer Institute, 2007.

Etiology and Early Marker Studies (EEMS) Review Panel for PLCO Studies, Member, National Cancer Institute, 2006-2008.

Tenure-track Search Committee, Occupational & Environmental Epidemiology Branch, Member, National Cancer Institute, 2005.

Tenure-track Search Committee, Biostatistics Branch, Member, National Cancer Institute, 2005.

Epidemiology & Biostatistics Subsection, Planning Committee of the AACR 96th Annual Meeting, Chair, American Association for Cancer Research, 2004.

Technical Evaluation of Protocols Committee, Member, National Cancer Institute, 2003.

Technical Evaluation of Questionnaires Committee, Member, National Cancer Institute, 1998.