Dr Marco Bezzi

Group Leader: Tumour Functional Heterogeneity

OrcID: 0000-0001-9376-690X

Phone: +44 20 3437 6053

Email: [email protected]

Location: Sutton

Marco Bezzi photo

OrcID: 0000-0001-9376-690X

Phone: +44 20 3437 6053

Email: [email protected]

Location: Sutton


Dr Marco Bezzi graduated in Molecular Biotechnology from the University of Bologna, where he spent two years working at the Department of Pediatric Oncology and Hematology of the St. Orsola-Malpighi Hospital

He subsequently moved to the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology in Singapore to work on arginine methylation in Dr Guccione's laboratory. Dr Bezzi obtained his PhD from the National University of Singapore, demonstrating the role of the arginine methyltransferase PRMT5 in RNA splicing regulation in development and cancer.

In 2014, he joined the Cancer Center of the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and the Department of Medicine/Genetics of the Harvard Medical School in Boston, USA. Dr Bezzi was awarded the Jane Coffin Childs Fellowship in 2015. His postdoctoral work focused on understanding the link between prostate cancer genetics and tumour microenvironment.

In 2018, he was promoted to Instructor in Medicine, junior faculty, of Harvard Medical School and was awarded the AACR-Amgen Inc. Clinical/Translational Cancer Research Fellowship to continue his studies on prostate cancer heterogeneity.

Dr Bezzi joined the ICR in July 2020 as leader of the Tumour Functional Heterogeneity Group. His group uses genome editing technologies, mouse models, organoid cultures and mass cytometry-based single cell approaches to experimentally model the cancer ecosystem and to investigate how tumour heterogeneity can be controlled and exploited in light of evolution. 

Dr Bezzi is a member of the Cancer Research UK Convergence Science Centre, which brings together leading researchers in engineering, physical sciences, life sciences and medicine to develop innovative ways to address challenges in cancer.

Convergence Science Centre