A multicentre randomised study of cochlear sparing intensity modulated radiotherapy versus conventional radiotherapy in patients with parotid tumours.

Disease site: Head and neck cancer

Status: Closed

Trial details

COSTAR is a phase III multi-centre randomised controlled trial designed to demonstrate a difference in the proportion of patients suffering sensori-neural hearing loss of at least 10dB in bone conduction at 4000 Hz, as assessed by an audiogram done 12 months post radiotherapy, in patients treated with cochlea-sparing IMRT and conventional radiotherapy.

The work is supported by the NCRI CTrad Group and the NCRI Head and Neck Cancer Studies Group.

Chief Investigator: Dr Chris Nutting, The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust

ICR-CTSU Scientific Lead: Dr Emma Hall

Trial management contact: Mark Sydenham - Trial Manager, [email protected]

ISRCTN: 81772291

Sponsor: The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust

Funding: Cancer Research UK (CRUK/08/004)

Further information

Patient friendly information on the COSTAR trial at Cancer Research UK

Publications and Presentations

Nutting CM, Morden JP, Beasley M, Bhide S, Cook A, De Winton E, Emson M, Evans M, Fresco L, Gollins S, Gujral D, Harrington K, Joseph M, Lemon C, Luxon L, van den Blink Q, Mendes R, Miah A, Newbold K, Prestwich R, Robinson M, Sanghera P, Simpson J, Sivaramalingam M, Srihari NN, Sydenham M, Wells E, Witts S, Hall E; COSTAR Investigators.

Results of a multicentre randomised controlled trial of cochlear-sparing intensity-modulated radiotherapy versus conventional radiotherapy in patients with parotid cancer (COSTAR; CRUK/08/004).  Eur J Cancer. 2018 Nov; 103:249-258. doi: 10.1016/j.ejca.2018.08.006. Epub 2018 Oct 1.