Contact the ICR-CTSU team
General enquiries
T +44 20 8722 4013
F +44 20 8770 7876
Trial enrolment
To enrol a patient in an ICR-CTSU study:
NB – no patient identifying information should be sent to this address
Serious adverse event reporting
Please report any serious adverse events according to the study protocol to:
NB – no patient identifying information should be sent to this address
Visiting us
The ICR-CTSU is based in Sutton, London.
The Institute of Cancer Research
Sir Richard Doll Building
15 Cotswold Road
Sutton, SM2 5NG
Find more details and directions on how to get there at the bottom of the Contacts page
Trial team
A list of trial staff is available below. Please prefix 4*** extensions with 020 8722 and 6*** extension with 0203 437 to reach them by telephone.
Email addresses are [email protected]. For trial queries, please email the trial specific email address (available on each trial page).
Yemi | Akala | 6058 | Clinical Research Fellow |
Ifunanya | Aniagoh | 6366 | Data Manager |
Emily | Alger | 6585 | PhD Student |
Hareni Iyer | Arunkumar | 6470 | Data Manager |
Jane | Banerji | 4349 | Trial Manager |
Katie | Biscombe | 6144 | Medical Statistician |
Lorna | Bower | 6979 | Senior Trial Manager |
Julia | Boyle | 4435 | Data Manager |
Stephanie | Brown | 4467 | Senior Trial Manager |
Steph | Burnett | 4261 | Clinical Trials Programme Manager |
Fay | Cafferty | 6794 | Principal Statistician |
Sandy | Cheung | 6660 | Trial Manager |
Simon | Clawson | 4545 | Data Scientist |
Michelle | Cooper | 4177 | Senior Applications Developer |
Clare | Cruickshank | 4058 | Clinical Trials Programme Manager |
Monisha | Dewan | 4008 | Medical Statistician |
Sabine | Dreibe | PhD Student | |
Amber | Emmerson | 6693 | Trial Manager |
Aude | Espinasse | 4509 | Clinical Trials Programme Manager |
Nick | Everritt | 6774 | Data Manager |
Joy | Feng | 4284 | Database Programmer |
Angela | Flower | 4259 | Trial Administrator |
Steph | Foster | 4193 | Clinical Trials Data Management Specialist |
Lisa | Fox | 4188 | Assistant Operations Director |
Michelle | Frost | 6605 | Clinical Trials Programme Manager |
Debbie | Gardiner | 4057 | Senior Trial Manager |
Alexa | Gillman | 4188 | Assistant Operations Director |
Katie | Goddard | 4185 | Senior Trial Manager |
Hannah | Gribble | 4613 | Senior Trial Manager |
Lucy | Gribble | 6801 | Trial Manager |
Jeanette | Griffiths | 4078 | Trial Administrator |
Jessica | Griffiths | 6879 | Research Assistant |
Zaynah | Gurreebun | 4373 | Senior Data Manager |
Virag | Harmath | 4062 | Trial Administrator |
Shama | Hassan | 4183 | Senior Trial Manager |
Liz | Hill | 4284 | Analyst/Programmer |
Younes | Hocini | 6025 | Data Manager |
Ning | Hongsuwan | 4405 | IT Administrator |
Xinjie | Hu | 6175 | Senior Trial Statistician |
Natasha | Iles | 4606 | Senior Trial Manager |
Katy | Jarman | 4328 | Senior Data Manager |
Hannah | Johnson | 6712 | Senior Trial Manager |
Zoe | Kan | 3529 | Trial Administrator |
Jill | Kidd | 4375 | Research Contract Administrator |
Lucy | Kilburn | 4080 | Principal Statistician |
Xiaoran | Lai | 7202 | Senior Statistician |
Doris | Lanz | 6858 | Senior Trial Manager |
Melba | Lawson | 6432 | Clinical Trial Assistant |
Lorna | Leonard | 6013 | Commercial Study Oversight Manager |
Rebecca | Lewis | 4081 | Clinical Trials Programme Manager |
Angela | Liu | 6125 | Biostatistician/Data Scientist |
Lisa | Lloyd | 4063 | Data Manager |
Fred | Lo | 6197 | PhD Student |
Sikhu | Mahati | 6249 | Medical Statistician |
Georgina | Manning | 4588 | Trial Manager |
Jessica | Maudsley | 6017 | Data Manager |
Sue | Martin | 4077 | Senior Data Manager |
Hannah | McLaughlin | 6675 | Senior Data Manager |
Laura | Moretti | 4153 | Clinical Trials Programme Manager |
Gabrielle | Mutch | 6054 | Trial Manager |
Szeyi | Ng | 6618 | PhD Student |
Rodrigo | Nunes | 3632 | Clinical Trial Assistant |
Harry | Parr | 4041 | PhD Student |
Jaymini | Patel | 6792 | Medical Statistician |
Steve | Penegar | 4238 | Senior Trial Manager |
Jessica | Phelps | 4369 | Research Administrator |
Karen | Picton | 4155 | Trial Administrator |
Karen | Poole | 6911 | Clinical Trials Programme Manager |
Nuria | Porta | 4149 | Principal Statistician |
Julia | Pugh | 4097 | Senior Data Manager |
Maggie | Qiao | 6183 | Trials Methodologist |
Sara | Quirk | 4041 | Research Administration Manager |
Emma | Redman | 4084 | Trial Manager |
Jan | Rekowski | 4698 | Principal Statistician |
Mahtab | Rouhi | 6906 | Trial Statistician |
Jessica | Russell | 6516 | Data Manager |
Khushali | Shah | 3523 | Quality Assurance and Pharmacovigilance Officer |
Sue | Sherry | 6410 | Research Administration Manager |
Matthew | Simpson | 6933 | Clinical Trials IT Manager |
Orsolya | Sipos | 6600 | Bioinformatician |
Swechha | Sirohi | 6006 | Trial Manager |
Lorna | Smith | 6647 | Senior Trial Manager |
Olga | Solovyeva | 6498 | Medical Statistician |
Nivetha | Sridharan | 6763 | PhD Student |
Morgaine | Stiles | 4615 | Trial Manager |
Mark | Sydenham | 4104 | Senior Trial Manager |
Georgiana | Synesi | 6978 | PhD Student |
Tara | Thorneycroft | 4013 | Executive Assistant |
Christy | Toms | 4266 | Clinical Trials Programme Manager |
Holly | Tovey | 4466 | Senior Statistician |
Matthew | Tyler | 6956 | Medical Statistician |
Christophe | Verstegen | 6886 | Senior Trial Manager |
Alice | Wood | 3643 | Clinical Trial Assistant |
Zhulin | Yin | 6239 | PhD Student |
Sarah | Young | 4144 | Research Administration Manager |
Xixuan | Zhu | 6760 | PhD Student |