A phase II/III trial of Primary radiothErapy for Androgen sensitive pRostate cancer patients with Lymph nodeS.

Disease site: Urological cancers Prostate cancer

Treatment Modality: Open to recruitment

Status: Enrolling participants

Trial details

PEARLS is a phase II/III, multicentre, randomised controlled trial for primary radiotherapy in androgen sensitive prostate cancer with positive lymph nodes. Phase II will determine whether moderately fractionated extended field intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) is safe in node positive prostate cancer. Phase III will determine whether extended field IMRT improves metastasis-free survival (MFS) compared to standard field IMRT in patients with lymph node positive disease.

893 patients (150 phase II, 743 phase III) will be recruited from sites over a 6.5 year period. Patients will have daily radiotherapy treatment for 4 weeks and will be followed up after treatment for at least 5 years.

Further information

Chief Investigator: Dr Julia Murray, The Royal Marsden NHS Trust

ICR-CTSU Scientific Lead: Professor Emma Hall

Trial management contact: [email protected]


Sponsor: ICR

Funding: CRUK (A29872)

View PEARLS on the National Institute for Health Research website: NIHR - Be Part Of Research.

A lay summary in plain English is available from Cancer Research UK.

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Further information for potential participants


Publications and presentations

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