PACE-NODES is clinical trial to test a rapid form of radiotherapy for prostate cancer.
Disease site: Prostate cancer
Treatment Modality: .
Status: Enrolling participants
What is the study about?
PACE-NODES investigates new ways to give radiotherapy for prostate cancer.
Prostate cancer radiotherapy is normally given over four weeks and targeted to the prostate gland. Giving radiotherapy to lymph glands in the pelvis may help reduce the chance of cancer returning after treatment. Stereotactic body radiotherapy – SBRT – is a new radiotherapy technique which allows treatment to be given over five days.
PACE-NODES uses SBRT to give treatment over five days, either to the prostate on its own or to the prostate and pelvis. Results will be used to improve treatment for people with prostate cancer in future.
Who is included in the study?
PACE-NODES includes 536 people with prostate cancer that has a high risk of returning after treatment and has not spread elsewhere in the body. Everyone joining the study will start hormone therapy before receiving radiotherapy. Participants are enrolled at hospitals across the UK, Ireland and New Zealand.
What are the study treatments?
Everyone who joins the trial will be in one of two treatment groups:
- Prostate SBRT
- Prostate and pelvis SBRT
Both groups will have five SBRT treatments over two weeks.
Participants have regular check ups during and after their treatment and we collect information about how they are getting on until the study is completed.
Further information for participants
Patient information sheet
Patient information sheet (Large text)
A detailed summary is available on Prostate Cancer UK’s website.
Further information for healthcare professionals
Contact details and regulatory information
Chief Investigator: Professor Nicholas van As, The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust
ICR-CTSU scientific lead: Professor Emma Hall
Trial management contact: [email protected]
Sponsor: The Institute of Cancer Research
Funding: Prostate Cancer UK (PCUK)
Trial identifiers
REC reference: 22/LO/0263
CPMS ID: 307888
Publications and presentations
There have been no presentations or publications to date.