Cancer discovery news

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Gene test could guide use of cancer chemotherapy


A gene test already used routinely in the NHS can guide use of chemotherapy in people with bowel cancer by predicting whether or not they will benefit.
DNA double helix - computer visualisation
New study unveils epigenetic ‘traffic lights’ controlling stop and go for gene activity


A major new study in the journal Nature reveals a ‘traffic light’ mechanism controlling genetic activity within cells – a system which could potentially be targeted by cancer drugs already in development.
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Expectations for population-wide gene testing need to be realistic, say researchers


Testing a population for multiple genes at once will always be limited in its ability to accurately predict disease risk, experts are warning.
Human DIPG cells (orange) grown on a mouse brain 'slice' (light blue), treated with the drug combination, trametinib and dasatinib and showing cells dying in the middle.
Scientists reveal how different cancer cells ‘team up’ to help incurable childhood brain tumour spread


Scientists have shed light on how different types of cancer cells in an aggressive childhood brain cancer interact and work together to spread.
Structural map including the 'Cullin 2 RING' E3 ligase. From Faull S et al (2019). Nat Comms 10:3814.
‘Molecular glue degrader’ reaches cancer trial following ICR research programme


The biotechnology company Monte Rosa Therapeutics – originally a spin-out from research at The Institute of Cancer Research, London – has announced that the first patient has received their ‘molecular glue degrader’ drug as part of a clinical trial in oncology.
ICR Enterprise Breakfast event
Meet our scientists at upcoming industry collaboration events


Upcoming events will give industry experts the chance to hear from some of our leading researchers about opportunities to work with them.
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Urinary and sexual side effects less likely after advanced radiotherapy than surgery for advanced prostate cancer patients


Men with prostate cancer are less likely to experience urinary and sexual side effects two years after treatment with an advanced type of radiotherapy than surgery, according to researchers from The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust and The Institute of Cancer Research, London.
Blue man van offering free health checks to men
Mobile health checks could speed up diagnosis of prostate cancer


Data from a pilot study suggest​the ‘Man Van’, an innovative targeted outreach programme, could improve healthcare access for men and potentially speed up the detection of prostate cancer.
Prostate cancer patient with doctor and wife
Strong family history of prostate cancer linked to better survival


Being aware of a strong family history of prostate cancer is linked to an increased chance of surviving the disease, new research suggests.
An image of the BCL6 BTB domain dimer (in grey/green) and all compound hits in pink, superimposed on each other in the main compound binding site
Researchers discover potential new series of cancer drugs targeting cancer-driving protein BCL6


Scientists have revealed details of the discovery of new inhibitors of the BCL6 protein, which is involved in driving several cancer types including the blood cancer B-cell lymphoma.
Shoulder-up profile image of Professor Paul Workman in a black suit and black shirt
Drug discovery researcher Professor Paul Workman awarded prestigious AAAS Fellowship


Professor Paul Workman, former Chief Executive and President of The Institute of Cancer Research, London, from 2014 to 2021, has been elected as a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), one of the most distinguished honours in the scientific community.
blood sample test tubes
Experts call for better cancer tests to tailor treatment


Greater use of cancer tests is the key to tailoring use of new treatments for patients more precisely and so increasing their chances of being recommended for use within the NHS, experts say.