From 31 May – 4 June, scientists from The Institute of Cancer Research, London, will join a global forum of world-leading researchers and oncologists at the 2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting.
The ASCO conference sees the latest, practice-changing results from major phase III trials presented alongside exciting early phase trial results, translational research, and insightful commentary on all aspects of oncology. The conference is the highlight of the global cancer research calendar.
The theme of this year’s meeting is The Art and Science of Cancer Care: From Comfort to Cure which focuses on showcasing state-of-the-art research, ground-breaking treatments, and visionary insights that will rekindle attendees passion for oncology.
Below is a summary of studies being presented by researchers from the ICR and our partners The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust at ASCO 2024.
To access the full programme with specific timings and locations visit the ASCO website.
Friday 31 May
Oral presentations
- Capivaseratib With Fulvestrant for Breast Cancer
Nicholas TurnerEducation session
Saturday 1 June
Oral presentations
- The Power of Two: Targeted Therapy Combinations
Susana N. Banerjee
1.51pm - Effect of polygenic risk score for clinically significant prostate cancer in a screening program: The BARCODE 1 study results.
Ros A. Eeles
Abstract: 10500
3pm - Baseline ctDNA analyses and associations with outcomes in taxane-naive patients with mCRPC treated with 177Lu-PSMA-617 versus change of ARPI in PSMAfore.
Johann S. De Bono
Abstract: 5008
Poster presentations
- Nivolumab (NIVO) plus chemotherapy (chemo) or ipilimumab (IPI) vs chemo as first-line (1L) treatment for advanced esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC): 45-month (mo) follow-up from CheckMate 648.
Sunday 2 June
Oral presentations
- Ultra-sensitive ctDNA mutation tracking to identify molecular residual disease and predict relapse in patients with early breast cancer.
Isaac Garcia-Murillas
Clinical Science Symposium.
Abstract: 1010
4:42pm - Discriminating subtypes in advanced breast cancer with ctDNA methylation profiling.
Nida Pasha
Clinical Science Symposium.
Abstract: 1013
Poster presentations
- H3B-6545 + palbociclib in patients (pts) with locally advanced/metastatic oestrogen receptor positive (ER+), HER2 negative (–) breast cancer (BC).
Stephen Johnston
Abstract 1051: poster board 29
9.00am - Tucatinib and trastuzumab for previously treated HER2−mutated metastatic breast cancer (SGNTUC−019): A phase 2 basket study.
Alicia Okines
Abstract 1105: poster board 83
9.00am - METRADS-P vs. RECIST/PCWG criteria to detect disease progression in metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC).
Nina Tunariu
Abstract 5070: poster board 476
- Mapping the mental health correlates of head and neck cancer: A systemic review and meta analysis.
Pablo Jiménez Labaig
Abstract 6077: poster board 393
Monday 3 June
Oral presentation
- BEAT-meso: A randomized phase III study of bevacizumab (B) and standard chemotherapy (C) with or without atezolizumab (A), as first-line treatment (TX) for advanced pleural mesothelioma (PM)—Results from the ETOP 13-18 trial.
Sanjay Popat
Abstract: LBA8002:
Tuesday 4 June
Oral presentation
- Targeting of DNA-Damage Signaling Proteins
Andrew Tutt
Education Session
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