Image: PhD student Haider Tari
The Institute of Cancer Research, London is highly and widely regarded as an academic centre of excellence for our research and teaching.
We are a college of the University of London and we rank as the top academic research centre in the UK. Additionally, we have also been ranked among the top higher education institutions in the world for the academic and commercial impact of our research.
Our special Teaching Week page collates together news items, blog posts, videos and related content that celebrates our reputation for academic excellence.
Teaching Week
For the last few years we have taken time each year to celebrate our academic success through a week-long Teaching Week event.
A key part of Teaching Week is always to recognise one of our most important assets…our students.
Today’s postgraduate students will form part of the future global cancer research community and we are committed to attracting the brightest people from all over the world.
Our students enjoy working in a high-tech and collaborative environment, in which their research can be translated into direct benefits for patients.
Their dedication and talent make vital contributions in our mission to ‘make the discoveries that defeat cancer’. They also help create a vibrant, dynamic place for cancer research.
Studying opportunities at the ICR
In addition to offering PhD and MD(Res) opportunities, the ICR also runs a popular MSc in Oncology. This course is a day release modular programme designed for medically qualified candidates who intend to pursue a professional career in some aspect of clinical or medical oncology.
For our PhD studentships, we have one main round of recruitment each year (launching in mid October), although studentships do sometimes become available at other times of the year.
We are committed to providing world-class resources and support to all of our students and we offer exceptional academic and recreational facilities across our two London sites – in Chelsea and Sutton.
In the videos below we spoke to some of our talented MSc and PhD students and asked them about what it is like to study at the ICR. More videos will be posted on our Teaching Week page.
Student profiles
You can find out more about what our students think of life at the ICR by reading our online student and alumni profiles.
Look out for updates on the ICR's website and social media channels, and support Teaching Week by following the hashtag #ICRTeachingWeek on Twitter.
You can also read our Learning and Teaching strategy 2016-21, which sets our priorities and principles for education and training at the ICR.
If you have any questions about studying at the ICR please contact [email protected] who will be happy to help with your enquiries.