Professor Axel Behrens
Group Leader: Cancer Stem Cell
OrcID: 0000-0002-1557-1143
Email: [email protected]

OrcID: 0000-0002-1557-1143
Email: [email protected]
Professor Behrens completed his PhD in Austria and carried out his postdoctoral studies in Switzerland, before setting up a laboratory at the Cancer Research UK London Research Institute (now part of the Francis Crick Institute) in 2001.
He is a well-known international expert in cancer stem cell biology, and in recent studies his group have identified a cancer stem cell (CSC) population of luminal breast cancers, and shed new light on mechanisms of tumour initiation and progression in pancreatic adenocarcinoma (PDAC), and characterised a rare PDAC CSC population which is crucial for PDAC development.
Professor Behrens is also a pioneer in convergence science – which brings together scientists from different disciplines to tackle research questions in new ways – by forging partnerships between biologists and scientists in other fields, including engineering, physics and mathematical modelling. For example, working with physicists and computational scientists, Professor Behrens has pioneered 3D tumour imaging technology which provided fundamental new insights into how tumours develop.
In addition to being a group leader at the ICR, Professor Behrens is also the inaugural Director of the Cancer Research UK Convergence Science Centre at the Institute of Cancer Research and Imperial College London. The Convergence Science Centre will provide a paradigm shift in cancer research by bringing together traditionally separate and distinct disciplines – such as biological, computational, physical, and engineering sciences – into collaborative, integrated research group, to shed light on unresolved problems in cancer biology and bring innovative treatments to cancer patients faster.
Professor Behrens' achievements have been recognised by membership of the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) and the Academia Europaea, and by honorary professorships from King’s College London (UK) and Sun-Yat-Sen University (China).
Professor Behrens is a member of the Cancer Research UK Convergence Science Centre, which brings together leading researchers in engineering, physical sciences, life sciences and medicine to develop innovative ways to address challenges in cancer.
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Journal articles
The 3D architecture of tissues bearing tumors impacts on the mechanical microenvironment of cancer, the accessibility of stromal cells, and the routes of invasion. A myriad of intrinsic and extrinsic forces exerted by the cancer cells, the host tissue, and the molecular and cellular microenvironment modulate the morphology of the tumor and its malignant potential through mechanical, biochemical, genetic, and epigenetic cues. Recent studies have investigated how tissue architecture influences cancer biology from tumor initiation and progression to distant metastatic seeding and response to therapy. With a focus on carcinoma, the most common type of cancer, this review discusses the latest discoveries on how tumor architecture is built and how tissue morphology affects the biology and progression of cancer cells.
Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) shows pronounced epithelial and mesenchymal cancer cell populations<sup>1-4</sup>. Cellular heterogeneity in PDAC is an important feature in disease subtype specification<sup>3-5</sup>, but how distinct PDAC subpopulations interact, and the molecular mechanisms that underlie PDAC cell fate decisions, are incompletely understood. Here we identify the BMP inhibitor GREM1<sup>6,7</sup> as a key regulator of cellular heterogeneity in pancreatic cancer in human and mouse. Grem1 inactivation in established PDAC in mice resulted in a direct conversion of epithelial into mesenchymal PDAC cells within days, suggesting that persistent GREM1 activity is required to maintain the epithelial PDAC subpopulations. By contrast, Grem1 overexpression caused an almost complete 'epithelialization' of highly mesenchymal PDAC, indicating that high GREM1 activity is sufficient to revert the mesenchymal fate of PDAC cells. Mechanistically, Grem1 was highly expressed in mesenchymal PDAC cells and inhibited the expression of the epithelial-mesenchymal transition transcription factors Snai1 (also known as Snail) and Snai2 (also known as Slug) in the epithelial cell compartment, therefore restricting epithelial-mesenchymal plasticity. Thus, constant suppression of BMP activity is essential to maintain epithelial PDAC cells, indicating that the maintenance of the cellular heterogeneity of pancreatic cancer requires continuous paracrine signalling elicited by a single soluble factor.
Deubiquitylating enzymes (DUBs) play an essential role in targeted protein degradation and represent an emerging therapeutic paradigm in cancer. However, their therapeutic potential in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) has not been explored. Here, we develop a DUB discovery pipeline, combining activity-based proteomics with a loss-of-function genetic screen in patient-derived PDAC organoids and murine genetic models. This approach identifies USP25 as a master regulator of PDAC growth and maintenance. Genetic and pharmacological USP25 inhibition results in potent growth impairment in PDAC organoids, while normal pancreatic organoids are insensitive, and causes dramatic regression of patient-derived xenografts. Mechanistically, USP25 deubiquitinates and stabilizes the HIF-1α transcription factor. PDAC is characterized by a severely hypoxic microenvironment, and USP25 depletion abrogates HIF-1α transcriptional activity and impairs glycolysis, inducing PDAC cell death in the tumor hypoxic core. Thus, the USP25/HIF-1α axis is an essential mechanism of metabolic reprogramming and survival in PDAC, which can be therapeutically exploited.
The visualization of whole organs and organisms through tissue clearing and fluorescence volumetric imaging has revolutionized the way we look at biological samples. Its application to solid tumours is changing our perception of tumour architecture, revealing signalling networks and cell interactions critical in tumour progression, and provides a powerful new strategy for cancer diagnostics. This Review introduces the latest advances in tissue clearing and three-dimensional imaging, examines the challenges in clearing epithelia - the tissue of origin of most malignancies - and discusses the insights that tissue clearing has brought to cancer research, as well as the prospective applications to experimental and clinical oncology.
Ductal cells have been proposed as a source of adult β cell neogenesis, but this has remained controversial. By combining lineage tracing, 3D imaging, and single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) approaches, we show that ductal cells contribute to the β cell population over time. Lineage tracing using the Neurogenin3 (Ngn3)-CreERT line identified ductal cells expressing the endocrine master transcription factor Ngn3 that were positive for the δ cell marker somatostatin and occasionally co-expressed insulin. The number of hormone-expressing ductal cells was increased in Akita+/- diabetic mice, and ngn3 heterozygosity accelerated diabetes onset. scRNA-seq of Ngn3 lineage-traced islet cells indicated that duct-derived somatostatin-expressing cells, some of which retained expression of ductal markers, gave rise to β cells. This study identified Ngn3-expressing ductal cells as a source of adult β cell neogenesis in homeostasis and diabetes, suggesting that this mechanism, in addition to β cell proliferation, maintains the adult islet β cell population.
The tumour suppressor FBW7 is a substrate adaptor for the E3 ubiquitin ligase complex SKP1-CUL1-F-box (SCF), that targets several oncoproteins for proteasomal degradation. FBW7 is widely mutated and FBW7 protein levels are commonly downregulated in cancer. Here, using an shRNA library screen, we identify the HECT-domain E3 ubiquitin ligase TRIP12 as a negative regulator of FBW7 stability. We find that SCF<sup>FBW7</sup>-mediated ubiquitylation of FBW7 occurs preferentially on K404 and K412, but is not sufficient for its proteasomal degradation, and in addition requires TRIP12-mediated branched K11-linked ubiquitylation. TRIP12 inactivation causes FBW7 protein accumulation and increased proteasomal degradation of the SCF<sup>FBW7</sup> substrate Myeloid Leukemia 1 (MCL1), and sensitizes cancer cells to anti-tubulin chemotherapy. Concomitant FBW7 inactivation rescues the effects of TRIP12 deficiency, confirming FBW7 as an essential mediator of TRIP12 function. This work reveals an unexpected complexity of FBW7 ubiquitylation, and highlights branched ubiquitylation as an important signalling mechanism regulating protein stability.
Advances in light-sheet and confocal microscopy now allow imaging of cleared large biological tissue samples and enable the 3D appreciation of cell and protein localization in their native organ environment. However, the sample preparations for such imaging are often onerous, and their capability for antigen detection is limited. Here, we describe FLASH (fast light-microscopic analysis of antibody-stained whole organs), a simple, rapid, fully customizable technique for molecular phenotyping of intact tissue volumes. FLASH utilizes non-degradative epitope recovery and membrane solubilization to enable the detection of a multitude of membranous, cytoplasmic and nuclear antigens in whole mouse organs and embryos, human biopsies, organoids and Drosophila. Retrieval and immunolabeling of epithelial markers, an obstacle for previous clearing techniques, can be achieved with FLASH. Upon volumetric imaging, FLASH-processed samples preserve their architecture and integrity and can be paraffin-embedded for subsequent histopathological analysis. The technique can be performed by scientists trained in light microscopy and yields results in <1 week.
The AP-1 transcription factor c-Jun is required for Ras-driven tumorigenesis in many tissues and is considered as a classical proto-oncogene. To determine the requirement for c-Jun in a mouse model of K-RasG12D-induced lung adenocarcinoma, we inducibly deleted c-Jun in the adult lung. Surprisingly, we found that inactivation of c-Jun, or mutation of its JNK phosphorylation sites, actually increased lung tumor burden. Mechanistically, we found that protein levels of the Jun family member JunD were increased in the absence of c-Jun. In c-Jun-deficient cells, JunD phosphorylation was increased, and expression of a dominant-active JNKK2-JNK1 transgene further increased lung tumor formation. Strikingly, deletion of JunD completely abolished Ras-driven lung tumorigenesis. This work identifies JunD, not c-Jun, as the crucial substrate of JNK signaling and oncogene required for Ras-induced lung cancer.
Lung squamous cell carcinoma (LSCC) is a considerable global health burden, with an incidence of over 600,000 cases per year. Treatment options are limited, and patient's 5-year survival rate is less than 5%. The ubiquitin-specific protease 28 (USP28) has been implicated in tumourigenesis through its stabilization of the oncoproteins c-MYC, c-JUN, and Δp63. Here, we show that genetic inactivation of <i>Usp28</i>-induced regression of established murine LSCC lung tumours. We developed a small molecule that inhibits USP28 activity in the low nanomole range. While displaying cross-reactivity against the closest homologue USP25, this inhibitor showed a high degree of selectivity over other deubiquitinases. USP28 inhibitor treatment resulted in a dramatic decrease in c-MYC, c-JUN, and Δp63 proteins levels and consequently induced substantial regression of autochthonous murine LSCC tumours and human LSCC xenografts, thereby phenocopying the effect observed by genetic deletion. Thus, USP28 may represent a promising therapeutic target for the treatment of squamous cell lung carcinoma.
Tumor cells proliferate rapidly and thus are frequently subjected to replication stress and the risk of incomplete duplication of the genome. Fragile sites are replicated late, making them more vulnerable to damage when DNA replication fails to complete. Therefore, genomic alterations at fragile sites are commonly observed in tumors. FRA16D is one of the most common fragile sites in lung cancer, however, the nature of the tumor suppressor genes affected by FRA16D alterations has been controversial. Here, we show that the <i>ATMIN</i> gene, which encodes a cofactor required for activation of ATM kinase by replication stress, is located close to FRA16D and is commonly lost in lung adenocarcinoma. Low ATMIN expression was frequently observed in human lung adenocarcinoma tumors and was associated with reduced patient survival, suggesting that ATMIN functions as a tumor suppressor in lung adenocarcinoma. Heterozygous Atmin deletion significantly increased tumor cell proliferation, tumor burden, and tumor grade in the LSL-KRasG12D; Trp53 F/F (KP) mouse model of lung adenocarcinoma, identifying ATMIN as a haploinsufficient tumor suppressor. ATMIN-deficient KP lung tumor cells showed increased survival in response to replication stress and consequently accumulated DNA damage. Thus, our data identify <i>ATMIN</i> as a key gene affected by genomic deletions at FRA16D in lung adenocarcinoma. SIGNIFICANCE: These findings identify ATMIN as a tumor suppressor in LUAD; fragility at chr16q23 correlates with loss of ATMIN in human LUAD and deletion of Atmin increases tumor burden in a LUAD mouse model.
Tubular epithelia are a basic building block of organs and a common site of cancer occurrence<sup>1-4</sup>. During tumorigenesis, transformed cells overproliferate and epithelial architecture is disrupted. However, the biophysical parameters that underlie the adoption of abnormal tumour tissue shapes are unknown. Here we show in the pancreas of mice that the morphology of epithelial tumours is determined by the interplay of cytoskeletal changes in transformed cells and the existing tubular geometry. To analyse the morphological changes in tissue architecture during the initiation of cancer, we developed a three-dimensional whole-organ imaging technique that enables tissue analysis at single-cell resolution. Oncogenic transformation of pancreatic ducts led to two types of neoplastic growth: exophytic lesions that expanded outwards from the duct and endophytic lesions that grew inwards to the ductal lumen. Myosin activity was higher apically than basally in wild-type cells, but upon transformation this gradient was lost in both lesion types. Three-dimensional vertex model simulations and a continuum theory of epithelial mechanics, which incorporate the cytoskeletal changes observed in transformed cells, indicated that the diameter of the source epithelium instructs the morphology of growing tumours. Three-dimensional imaging revealed that-consistent with theory predictions-small pancreatic ducts produced exophytic growth, whereas large ducts deformed endophytically. Similar patterns of lesion growth were observed in tubular epithelia of the liver and lung; this finding identifies tension imbalance and tissue curvature as fundamental determinants of epithelial tumorigenesis.
Lung squamous cell carcinoma (LSCC) and adenocarcinoma (LADC) are the most common lung cancer subtypes. Molecular targeted treatments have improved LADC patient survival but are largely ineffective in LSCC. The tumor suppressor FBW7 is commonly mutated or down-regulated in human LSCC, and oncogenic <i>KRasG12D</i> activation combined with <i>Fbxw7</i> inactivation in mice (KF model) caused both LSCC and LADC. Lineage-tracing experiments showed that CC10<sup>+</sup>, but not basal, cells are the cells of origin of LSCC in KF mice. KF LSCC tumors recapitulated human LSCC resistance to cisplatin-based chemotherapy, and we identified LUBAC-mediated NF-κB signaling as a determinant of chemotherapy resistance in human and mouse. Inhibition of NF-κB activation using TAK1 or LUBAC inhibitors resensitized LSCC tumors to cisplatin, suggesting a future avenue for LSCC patient treatment.
Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) shows great cellular heterogeneity, with pronounced epithelial and mesenchymal cancer cell populations. However, the cellular hierarchy underlying PDAC cell diversity is unknown. Here we identify the tetraspanin CD9 as a marker of PDAC tumour-initiating cells. CD9<sup>high</sup> cells had increased organoid formation capability, and generated tumour grafts in vivo at limiting dilutions. Tumours initiated from CD9<sup>high</sup> cells recapitulated the cellular heterogeneity of primary PDAC, whereas CD9<sup>low</sup> cells produced only duct-like epithelial progeny. CD9 knockdown decreased the growth of PDAC organoids, and heterozygous CD9 deletion in Pdx1-Cre; LSL-KRas<sup>G12D</sup>; p53<sup>F/F</sup> mice prolonged overall survival. Mechanistically, CD9 promoted the plasma membrane localization of the glutamine transporter ASCT2, enhancing glutamine uptake in PDAC cells. Thus, our study identifies a PDAC subpopulation capable of initiating PDAC and giving rise to PDAC heterogeneity, suggesting that the cellular diversity of PDAC is generated by PDAC stem cell differentiation.
The tumor suppressor FBW7 targets oncoproteins such as c-MYC for ubiquitylation and is mutated in several human cancers. We noted that in a substantial percentage of colon cancers, FBW7 protein is undetectable despite the presence of FBW7 mRNA. To understand the molecular mechanism of FBW7 regulation in these cancers, we employed proteomics and identified the deubiquitinase (DUB) USP9X as an FBW7 interactor. USP9X antagonized FBW7 ubiquitylation, and Usp9x deletion caused Fbw7 destabilization. Mice lacking Usp9x in the gut showed reduced secretory cell differentiation and increased progenitor proliferation, phenocopying Fbw7 loss. In addition, Usp9x inactivation impaired intestinal regeneration and increased tumor burden in colitis-associated intestinal cancer. c-Myc heterozygosity abrogated increased progenitor proliferation and tumor burden in Usp9x-deficient mice, suggesting that Usp9x suppresses tumor formation by regulating Fbw7 protein stability and thereby reducing c-Myc. Thus, we identify a tumor suppressor mechanism in the mammalian intestine that arises from the posttranslational regulation of FBW7 by USP9X independent of somatic FBW7 mutations.
The cell of origin of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) has been controversial. Here, we show that identical oncogenic drivers trigger PDAC originating from both ductal and acinar cells with similar histology but with distinct pathophysiology and marker expression dependent on cell of origin. Whereas acinar-derived tumors exhibited low AGR2 expression and were preceded by pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasias (PanINs), duct-derived tumors displayed high AGR2 and developed independently of a PanIN stage via non-mucinous lesions. Using orthotopic transplantation and chimera experiments, we demonstrate that PanIN-like lesions can be induced by PDAC as bystanders in adjacent healthy tissues, explaining the co-existence of mucinous and non-mucinous lesions and highlighting the need to distinguish between true precursor PanINs and PanIN-like bystander lesions. Our results suggest AGR2 as a tool to stratify PDAC according to cell of origin, highlight that not all PanIN-like lesions are precursors of PDAC, and add an alternative progression route to the current model of PDAC development.
The ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM)-interacting protein ATMIN mediates noncanonical ATM signaling in response to oxidative and replicative stress conditions. Like ATM, ATMIN can function as a tumor suppressor in the hematopoietic system: deletion of Atmin under the control of CD19-Cre results in B-cell lymphomas in aging mice. ATM signaling is essential for lymphopoiesis and hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) function; however, little is known about the role of ATMIN in hematopoiesis. We thus sought to investigate whether the absence of ATMIN would affect primitive hematopoietic cells in an ATM-dependent or -independent manner. Apart from its role in B-cell development, we show that ATMIN has an ATM-independent function in the common myeloid progenitors (CMPs) by deletion of Atmin in the entire hematopoietic system using Vav-Cre. Despite the lack of lymphoma formation, ATMIN-deficient mice developed chronic leukopenia as a result of high levels of apoptosis in B cells and CMPs and induced a compensatory mechanism in which HSCs displayed enhanced cycling. Consequently, ATMIN-deficient HSCs showed impaired regeneration ability with the induction of the DNA oxidative stress response, especially when aged. ATMIN, therefore, has multiple roles in different cell types, and its absence results in perturbed hematopoiesis, especially during stress conditions and aging.
The mammary gland is composed of a complex cellular hierarchy with unusual postnatal plasticity. The identities of stem/progenitor cell populations, as well as tumour-initiating cells that give rise to breast cancer, are incompletely understood. Here we show that Lgr6 marks rare populations of cells in both basal and luminal mammary gland compartments in mice. Lineage tracing analysis showed that Lgr6<sup>+</sup> cells are unipotent progenitors, which expand clonally during puberty but diminish in adulthood. In pregnancy or following stimulation with ovarian hormones, adult Lgr6<sup>+</sup> cells regained proliferative potency and their progeny formed alveoli over repeated pregnancies. Oncogenic mutations in Lgr6<sup>+</sup> cells resulted in expansion of luminal cells, culminating in mammary gland tumours. Conversely, depletion of Lgr6<sup>+</sup> cells in the MMTV-PyMT model of mammary tumorigenesis significantly impaired tumour growth. Thus, Lgr6 marks mammary gland progenitor cells that can initiate tumours, and cells of luminal breast tumours required for efficient tumour maintenance.
Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is the most aggressive human primary brain cancer. Using a Trp53-deficient mouse model of GBM, we show that genetic inactivation of the Atm cofactor Atmin, which is dispensable for embryonic and adult neural development, strongly suppresses GBM formation. Mechanistically, expression of several GBM-associated genes, including Pdgfra, was normalized by Atmin deletion in the Trp53-null background. Pharmacological ATM inhibition also reduced Pdgfra expression, and reduced the proliferation of Trp53-deficient primary glioma cells from murine and human tumors, while normal neural stem cells were unaffected. Analysis of GBM datasets showed that PDGFRA expression is also significantly increased in human TP53-mutant compared with TP53-wild-type tumors. Moreover, combined treatment with ATM and PDGFRA inhibitors efficiently killed TP53-mutant primary human GBM cells, but not untransformed neural stem cells. These results reveal a new requirement for ATMIN-dependent ATM signaling in TP53-deficient GBM, indicating a pro-tumorigenic role for ATM in the context of these tumors.
Fbw7 is well characterised as a stem cell regulator and tumour suppressor, powerfully positioned to control proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis by targeting key transcription factors for ubiquitination and destruction. Evidence in support of these roles continues to accumulate from in vitro studies, mouse models and human patient data. Here we summarise the latest of these findings, highlighting the tumour-suppressive role of Fbw7 in multiple tissues, and the rare circumstances where Fbw7 activity can be oncogenic. We discuss mechanisms that regulate ubiquitination by Fbw7, including ubiquitin-specific proteases such as USP28 that counteract Fbw7 activity and thereby stabilise oncoproteins. Deubiquitination of key Fbw7 substrates to prevent their destruction is beginning to be appreciated as an important pro-tumourigenic mechanism. As the ubiquitin-proteasome system represents a largely untapped field for drug development, the interplay between Fbw7 and its counterpart deubiquitinating enzymes in tumours is likely to attract increasing interest and influence future treatment strategies.
<h4>Background & aims</h4>Pancreatitis is the most important risk factor for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC). Pancreatitis predisposes to PDAC because it induces a process of acinar cell reprogramming known as acinar-to-ductal metaplasia (ADM)-a precursor of pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasia lesions that can progress to PDAC. Mutations in KRAS are found at the earliest stages of pancreatic tumorigenesis, and it appears to be a gatekeeper to cancer progression. We investigated how mutations in KRAS cooperate with pancreatitis to promote pancreatic cancer progression in mice.<h4>Methods</h4>We generated mice carrying conditional alleles of Yap1 and Taz and disrupted Yap1 and Taz using a Cre-lox recombination strategy in adult mouse pancreatic acinar cells (Yap1fl/fl;Tazfl/fl;Ela1-CreERT2). We crossed these mice with LSL-KrasG12D mice, which express a constitutively active form of KRAS after Cre recombination. Pancreatic tumor initiation and progression were analyzed after chemically induced pancreatitis. We analyzed pancreatic tissues from patients with pancreatitis or PDAC by immunohistochemistry.<h4>Results</h4>Oncogenic activation of KRAS in normal, untransformed acinar cells in the pancreatic tissues of mice resulted in increased levels of pancreatitis-induced ADM. Expression of the constitutive active form of KRAS in this system led to activation of the transcriptional regulators YAP1 and TAZ; their function was required for pancreatitis-induced ADM in mice. The JAK-STAT3 pathway was a downstream effector of KRAS signaling via YAP1 and TAZ. YAP1 and TAZ directly mediated transcriptional activation of several genes in the JAK-STAT3 signaling pathway; this could be a mechanism by which acinar cells that express activated KRAS become susceptible to inflammation.<h4>Conclusions</h4>We identified a mechanism by which oncogenic KRAS facilitates ADM and thereby generates the cells that initiate neoplastic progression. This process involves activation of YAP1 and TAZ in acinar cells, which up-regulate JAK-STAT3 signaling to promote development of PDAC in mice.
The DNA replication machinery invariably encounters obstacles that slow replication fork progression, and threaten to prevent complete replication and faithful segregation of sister chromatids. The resulting replication stress activates ATR, the major kinase involved in resolving impaired DNA replication. In addition, replication stress also activates the related kinase ATM, which is required to prevent mitotic segregation errors. However, the molecular mechanism of ATM activation by replication stress is not defined. Here, we show that monoubiquitinated Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen (PCNA), a marker of stalled replication forks, interacts with the ATM cofactor ATMIN via WRN-interacting protein 1 (WRNIP1). ATMIN, WRNIP1 and RAD18, the E3 ligase responsible for PCNA monoubiquitination, are specifically required for ATM signalling and 53BP1 focus formation induced by replication stress, not ionising radiation. Thus, WRNIP1 connects PCNA monoubiquitination with ATMIN/ATM to activate ATM signalling in response to replication stress and contribute to the maintenance of genomic stability.
The c-Jun/AP-1 transcription factor controls key cellular behaviours, including proliferation and apoptosis, in response to JNK and Ras/MAPK signalling. While the JNK pathway has been well characterized, the mechanism of activation by Ras was elusive. Here we identify the uncharacterized ubiquitin ligase Trim7 as a critical component of AP-1 activation via Ras. We found that MSK1 directly phosphorylates Trim7 in response to direct activation by the Ras-Raf-MEK-ERK pathway, and this modification stimulates Trim7 E3 ubiquitin ligase activity. Trim7 mediates Lys63-linked ubiquitination of the AP-1 co-activator RACO-1, leading to RACO-1 protein stabilization. Consequently, Trim7 depletion reduces RACO-1 levels and AP-1-dependent gene expression. Moreover, transgenic overexpression of Trim7 increases lung tumour burden in a Ras-driven cancer model, and knockdown of Trim7 in established xenografts reduces tumour growth. Thus, phosphorylation-ubiquitination crosstalk between MSK1, Trim7 and RACO-1 completes the long sought-after mechanism linking growth factor signalling and AP-1 activation.
The stability of several oncoproteins, including c-Myc, is regulated by ubiquitin-dependent degradation mediated by the SCF(Fbw7) ubiquitin ligase. This activity is antagonized by the deubiquitinase Usp28, which is highly expressed in murine and human intestinal cancers. Usp28 was previously shown to interact with its substrates via a "piggyback" interaction with Fbw7, which suggested that Fbw7 is required for Usp28 activity. Unexpectedly, we found that genetic deletion of Usp28 rescued the lethality of Fbw7-deficient primary fibroblasts. Moreover, Usp28 inactivation in the intestine (Usp28(ΔIEC)) ameliorated the hyperproliferation and the impaired goblet and Paneth cell differentiation observed in Fbw7(ΔIEC) mice. The aggressive intestinal tumor formation of APC(Min/+); Fbw7(ΔIEC) mice was restrained when Usp28 was inactivated concomitantly. In both fibroblasts and intestinal cells, Usp28 deficiency corrected the accumulation of SCF(Fbw7) substrate proteins, including NICD1, c-Jun, and c-Myc. These findings suggested that Usp28 function does not depend on the presence of Fbw7, but instead independently recognizes and deubiquitylates the same substrates as SCF(Fbw7). Fbw7 binds to a phosphorylated motif termed the phosphodegron and we found that Usp28 also interacted with this same motif, but only when it is unphosphorylated, offering a mechanistic explanation for identical substrate selection by Fbw7 and Usp28. Our results indicate an unusually direct antagonism between an E3 ligase and a deubiquitinase, Fbw7 and Usp28, in modulating intestinal homeostasis and cancer.
The control of cell fate decisions is vital to build functional organs and maintain normal tissue homeostasis, and many pathways and processes cooperate to direct cells to an appropriate final identity. Because of its continuously renewing state and its carefully organised hierarchy, the mammalian intestine has become a powerful model to dissect these pathways in health and disease. One of the signalling pathways that is key to maintaining the balance between proliferation and differentiation in the intestinal epithelium is the Notch pathway, most famous for specifying distinct cell fates in adjacent cells via the evolutionarily conserved process of lateral inhibition. Here, we will review recent discoveries that advance our understanding of how cell fate in the mammalian intestine is decided by Notch and lateral inhibition, focusing on the molecular determinants that regulate protein turnover, transcriptional control and epigenetic regulation.
Impairment of stem cell function contributes to the progressive deterioration of tissue maintenance and repair with ageing. Evidence is mounting that age-dependent accumulation of DNA damage in both stem cells and cells that comprise the stem cell microenvironment are partly responsible for stem cell dysfunction with ageing. Here, we review the impact of the various types of DNA damage that accumulate with ageing on stem cell functionality, as well as the development of cancer. We discuss DNA-damage-induced cell intrinsic and extrinsic alterations that influence these processes, and review recent advances in understanding systemic adjustments to DNA damage and how they affect stem cells.
Colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer worldwide. Although the transcription factor c-MYC is misregulated in the majority of colorectal tumors, it is difficult to target directly. The deubiquitinase USP28 stabilizes oncogenic factors, including c-MYC; however, the contribution of USP28 in tumorigenesis, particularly in the intestine, is unknown. Here, using murine genetic models, we determined that USP28 antagonizes the ubiquitin-dependent degradation of c-MYC, a known USP28 substrate, as well as 2 additional oncogenic factors, c-JUN and NOTCH1, in the intestine. Mice lacking Usp28 had no apparent adverse phenotypes, but exhibited reduced intestinal proliferation and impaired differentiation of secretory lineage cells. In a murine model of colorectal cancer, Usp28 deletion resulted in fewer intestinal tumors, and importantly, in established tumors, Usp28 deletion reduced tumor size and dramatically increased lifespan. Moreover, we identified Usp28 as a c-MYC target gene highly expressed in murine and human intestinal cancers, which indicates that USP28 and c-MYC form a positive feedback loop that maintains high c-MYC protein levels in tumors. Usp28 deficiency promoted tumor cell differentiation accompanied by decreased proliferation, which suggests that USP28 acts similarly in intestinal homeostasis and colorectal cancer models. Hence, inhibition of the enzymatic activity of USP28 may be a potential target for cancer therapy.
The hereditary autosomal recessive disease ataxia telangiectasia (A-T) is caused by mutation in the DNA damage kinase ATM. ATM's main function is to orchestrate DNA repair, thereby maintaining genomic stability. ATM activity is increased in response to several stimuli, including ionising radiation (IR) and hypotonic stress. DNMT1-associated protein 1 (DMAP1) is a member of the TIP60-p400 histone acetyl transferase (HAT) complex, which acetylates histone H4 at lysine 16 (H4K16) to affect chromatin relaxation and modulate ATM activation. Here we demonstrate that DMAP1 is required for both modes of ATM activation. Knockdown of DMAP1 impaired IR-induced ATM activation and consequently resulted in radiosensitivity and impaired the G2/M checkpoint. Moreover, DMAP1 was also required for efficient ATM signalling in response to hypotonic stress. Overexpression of DMAP1 increased IR-induced ATM substrate phosphorylation, suggesting that DMAP1 function is rate limiting for ATM signalling. DMAP1 associated with TIP60-dependent HAT activity, and depletion of DMAP1 reduced H4K16 acetylation in response to DNA damage. Treatment with histone deacetylase inhibitors rescued IR-induced ATM signalling in Dmap1-depleted cells. These results suggest that DMAP1 is a critical regulator of ATM activity and function.
The adult pancreas is capable of limited regeneration after injury but has no defined stem cell population. The cell types and molecular signals that govern the production of new pancreatic tissue are not well understood. Here, we show that inactivation of the SCF-type E3 ubiquitin ligase substrate recognition component Fbw7 induces pancreatic ductal cells to reprogram into α, δ, and β cells. Loss of Fbw7 stabilized the transcription factor Ngn3, a key regulator of endocrine cell differentiation. The induced β cells resemble islet β cells in morphology and histology, express genes essential for β cell function, and release insulin after glucose challenge. Thus, loss of Fbw7 appears to reawaken an endocrine developmental differentiation program in adult pancreatic ductal cells. Our study highlights the plasticity of seemingly differentiated adult cells, identifies Fbw7 as a master regulator of cell fate decisions in the pancreas, and reveals adult pancreatic duct cells as a latent multipotent cell type.
The Mre11/Rad50/NBS1 (MRN) protein complex and ATMIN protein mediate ATM kinase signaling in response to ionizing radiation (IR) and chromatin changes, respectively. NBS1 and ATMIN directly compete for ATM binding, but the molecular mechanism favoring either NBS1 or ATMIN in response to specific stimuli is enigmatic. Here, we identify the E3 ubiquitin ligase UBR5 as a key component of ATM activation in response to IR. UBR5 interacts with ATMIN and catalyzes ubiquitination of ATMIN at lysine 238 in an IR-stimulated manner, which decreases ATMIN interaction with ATM and promotes MRN-mediated signaling. We show that UBR5 deficiency, or mutation of ATMIN lysine 238, prevents ATMIN dissociation from ATM and inhibits ATM and NBS1 foci formation after IR, thereby impairing checkpoint activation and increasing radiosensitivity. Thus, UBR5-mediated ATMIN ubiquitination is a vital event for ATM pathway selection and activation in response to DNA damage.
c-Jun, the major component of the AP-1 transcription factor complex, has important functions in cellular proliferation and oncogenic transformation. The RING domain-containing protein RACO-1 functions as a c-Jun coactivator that molecularly links growth factor signalling to AP-1 transactivation. Here we demonstrate that RACO-1 is present as a nuclear dimer and that c-Jun specifically interacts with dimeric RACO-1. Moreover, RACO-1 is identified as a substrate of the arginine methyltransferase PRMT1, which methylates RACO-1 on two arginine residues. Arginine methylation of RACO-1 promotes a conformational change that stabilises RACO-1 by facilitating K63-linked ubiquitin chain formation, and enables RACO-1 dimerisation and c-Jun interaction. Abrogation of PRMT1 function impairs AP-1 activity and results in decreased expression of a large percentage of c-Jun target genes. These results demonstrate that arginine methylation of RACO-1 is required for efficient transcriptional activation by c-Jun/AP-1 and thus identify PRMT1 as an important regulator of c-Jun/AP-1 function.
FBW7 is a crucial component of an SCF-type E3 ubiquitin ligase, which mediates degradation of an array of different target proteins. The Fbw7 locus comprises three different isoforms, each with its own promoter and each suspected to have a distinct set of substrates. Most FBW7 targets have important functions in developmental processes and oncogenesis, including Notch proteins, which are functionally important substrates of SCF(Fbw7). Notch signalling controls a plethora of cell differentiation decisions in a wide range of species. A prominent role of this signalling pathway is that of mediating lateral inhibition, a process where exchange of signals that repress Notch ligand production amplifies initial differences in Notch activation levels between neighbouring cells, resulting in unequal cell differentiation decisions. Here we show that the downstream Notch signalling effector HES5 directly represses transcription of the E3 ligase Fbw7β, thereby directly bearing on the process of lateral inhibition. Fbw7(Δ/+) heterozygous mice showed haploinsufficiency for Notch degradation causing impaired intestinal progenitor cell and neural stem cell differentiation. Notably, concomitant inactivation of Hes5 rescued both phenotypes and restored normal stem cell differentiation potential. In silico modelling suggests that the NICD/HES5/FBW7β positive feedback loop underlies Fbw7 haploinsufficiency. Thus repression of Fbw7β transcription by Notch signalling is an essential mechanism that is coupled to and required for the correct specification of cell fates induced by lateral inhibition.
The AP-1 transcription factor c-Jun is a master regulator of the axonal response in neurons. c-Jun also functions as a negative regulator of myelination in Schwann cells (SCs) and is strongly reactivated in SCs upon axonal injury. We demonstrate here that, after injury, the absence of c-Jun specifically in SCs caused impaired axonal regeneration and severely increased neuronal cell death. c-Jun deficiency resulted in decreased expression of several neurotrophic factors, and GDNF and Artemin, both of which encode ligands for the Ret receptor tyrosine kinase, were identified as novel direct c-Jun target genes. Genetic inactivation of Ret specifically in neurons resulted in regeneration defects without affecting motoneuron survival and, conversely, administration of recombinant GDNF and Artemin protein substantially ameliorated impaired regeneration caused by c-Jun deficiency. These results reveal an unexpected function for c-Jun in SCs in response to axonal injury, and identify paracrine Ret signaling as an important mediator of c-Jun function in SCs during regeneration.
Ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM) protein kinase activation by DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) requires the Mre11-Rad50-NBS1 (MRN) complex, whereas ATM interactor (ATMIN) protein is required for ATM signaling induced by changes in chromatin structure. We show here that NBS1 and ATMIN proteins compete for ATM binding and that this mechanism controls ATM function. DSB-induced ATM substrate phosphorylation was increased in atmin mutant cells. Conversely, NBS1 deficiency resulted in increased ATMIN-dependent ATM signaling. Thus, the absence of one cofactor increased flux through the alternative pathway. Notably, ATMIN deficiency rescued the cellular lethality of NBS1-deficient cells, and NBS1/ATMIN double deficiency resulted in complete abrogation of ATM signaling and profound radiosensitivity. Hence, ATMIN and NBS1 mediate all ATM signaling by DSBs, and increased ATMIN-dependent ATM signaling explains the different phenotypes of nbs1- and atm-mutant cells. Thus, the antagonism and redundancy of ATMIN and NBS1 constitute a crucial regulatory mechanism for ATM signaling and function.
AP-1 (activator protein 1) activity is strongly induced in response to numerous signals, including growth factors, cytokines and extracellular stresses. The proto-oncoprotein c-Jun belongs to the AP-1 group of transcription factors and it is a crucial regulator of intestinal progenitor proliferation and tumorigenesis. An important mechanism of AP-1 stimulation is phosphorylation of c-Jun by the Jun amino-terminal kinases (JNKs). N-terminal phosphorylation of the c-Jun transactivation domain increases target gene transcription, but a molecular explanation was elusive. Here we show that unphosphorylated, but not N-terminally phosphorylated c-Jun, interacts with Mbd3 and thereby recruits the nucleosome remodelling and histone deacetylation (NuRD) repressor complex. Mbd3 depletion in colon cancer cells increased histone acetylation at AP-1-dependent promoters, which resulted in increased target gene expression. The intestinal stem cell marker lgr5 was identified as a novel target gene controlled by c-Jun/Mbd3. Gut-specific conditional deletion of mbd3 (mbd3(ΔG/ΔG) mice) stimulated c-Jun activity and increased progenitor cell proliferation. In response to inflammation, mdb3 deficiency resulted in colonic hyperproliferation and mbd3(ΔG/ΔG) mice showed markedly increased susceptibility to colitis-induced tumorigenesis. Notably, concomitant inactivation of a single allele of c-jun reverted physiological and pathological hyperproliferation, as well as the increased tumorigenesis in mbd3(ΔG/ΔG) mice. Thus the transactivation domain of c-Jun recruits Mbd3/NuRD to AP-1 target genes to mediate gene repression, and this repression is relieved by JNK-mediated c-Jun N-terminal phosphorylation.
The F-box protein Fbw7 (also known as Fbxw7, hCdc4 and Sel-10) functions as a substrate recognition component of a SCF-type E3 ubiquitin ligase. SCF(Fbw7) facilitates polyubiquitination and subsequent degradation of various proteins such as Notch, cyclin E, c-Myc and c-Jun. Fbw7 is highly expressed in the nervous system and controls neural stem cell differentiation and apoptosis via Notch and c-Jun during embryonic development (Hoeck et al., 2010). Fbw7 deletion in the neural lineage is perinatal lethal and thus prohibits studying the role of Fbw7 in the adult nervous system. fbw7 mRNA is highly expressed in the postnatal brain and to gain insights into the function of Fbw7 in postnatal neurogenesis we analysed Fbw7 function in the cerebellum. We generated conditional Fbw7-knockout mice (fbw7(∆Cb)) by inactivating Fbw7 specifically in the cerebellar anlage. This resulted in decreased cerebellar size, reduced Purkinje cell number and defects in axonal arborisation. Moreover, Fbw7-deficient cerebella showed supranumeral fissures and aberrant progenitor cell migration. Protein levels of the Fbw7 substrates Notch1 and N-terminally phosphorylated c-Jun were upregulated in fbw7(∆Cb) mice. Concomitant deletion of c-Jun, and also the junAA knock-in mutation which specifically abrogates c-Jun N-terminal phosphorylation, rescued Purkinje cell numbers and arborisation in the fbw7(∆Cb) background. Taken together these data demonstrate that Fbw7 is essential during cerebellar development, and identify N-terminally phosphorylated c-Jun as an important substrate of SCF(Fbw7) during neurogenesis.
Defective V(D)J rearrangement of immunoglobulin heavy or light chain (IgH or IgL) or class switch recombination (CSR) can initiate chromosomal translocations. The DNA-damage kinase ATM is required for the suppression of chromosomal translocations but ATM regulation is incompletely understood. Here, we show that mice lacking the ATM cofactor ATMIN in B cells (ATMIN(ΔB/ΔB)) have impaired ATM signaling and develop B cell lymphomas. Notably, ATMIN(ΔB/ΔB) cells exhibited defective peripheral V(D)J rearrangement and CSR, resulting in translocations involving the Igh and Igl loci, indicating that ATMIN is required for efficient repair of DNA breaks generated during somatic recombination. Thus, our results identify a role for ATMIN in regulating the maintenance of genomic stability and tumor suppression in B cells.
In the nervous system, cell death by apoptosis plays a critical role during normal development and pathological neurodegeneration. Jun N-terminal kinases (JNKs) are essential regulators of neuronal apoptosis. The AP-1 transcription factor c-Jun is phosphorylated at multiple sites within its transactivation domain by the JNKs, and c-Jun phosphorylation is required for JNK-induced neurotoxicity. While the importance of c-Jun as a mediator of apoptotic JNK signaling in neurons is firmly established, the molecular mechanism underlying the requirement for c-Jun N-terminal phosphorylation is enigmatic. Here we identify the multifunctional protein Bag1-L as a coactivator of phosphorylated c-Jun. Bag1-L preferentially interacts with N-terminally phosphorylated c-Jun, and Bag1-L greatly augments transcriptional activation by phosphorylated c-Jun. Chromatin immunoprecipitation experiments revealed binding of Bag1-L to the promoters of proapoptotic AP-1 target genes, and overexpression of Bag1-L augmented cell death in primary neurons. Therefore, Bag1-L functions as a coactivator regulating neurotoxicity mediated by phosphorylated c-Jun.
The AP-1 transcription factor c-Jun is essential for cellular proliferation in many cell types, but the molecular link between growth factors and c-Jun activation has been enigmatic. In this study we identify a previously uncharacterized RING-domain-containing protein, RACO-1 (RING domain AP-1 co-activator-1), as a c-Jun co-activator that is regulated by growth factor signalling. RACO-1 interacted with c-Jun independently of amino-terminal phosphorylation, and was both necessary and sufficient for c-Jun/AP-1 activation. Growth factor-mediated stimulation of AP-1 was attributable to MEK/ERK-dependent stabilization of RACO-1 protein. Stimulation of the MEK/ERK pathway strongly promoted Lys 63-linked ubiquitylation of RACO-1, which antagonized Lys 48-linked degradative auto-ubiquitylation of the same Lys residues. RACO-1 depletion reduced cellular proliferation and decreased expression of several growth-associated AP-1 target genes, such as cdc2, cyclinD1 and hb-egf. Moreover, transgenic overexpression of RACO-1 augmented intestinal tumour formation triggered by aberrant Wnt signalling and cooperated with oncogenic Ras in colonic hyperproliferation. Thus RACO-1 is a co-activator that links c-Jun to growth factor signalling and is essential for AP-1 function in proliferation.
Neural stem and progenitor cells (NSCs/NPCs) give rise to neurons, astrocytes and oligodendrocytes. However, the mechanisms underlying the decision of a stem cell to either self-renew or differentiate are incompletely understood. We demonstrate here that Fbw7 (F-box and WD repeat domain containing-7), the substrate recognition component of an SCF (complex of SKP1, CUL1 and F-box protein)-type E3 ubiquitin ligase, is a key regulator of NSC/NPC viability and differentiation. The absence of Fbw7 in the mouse brain caused severely impaired stem cell differentiation and increased progenitor cell death. Fbw7 deficiency resulted in accumulation of two SCF(Fbw7) substrates, the transcription factors active Notch1 and N-terminally phosphorylated c-Jun. Genetic and pharmacological rescue experiments identified c-Jun as a key substrate of Fbw7 in controlling progenitor cell viability, whereas inhibition of Notch signaling alleviated the block in stem cell differentiation. Thus Fbw7 controls neurogenesis by antagonizing Notch and c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK)/c-Jun signaling.
Progressive accumulation of DNA damage is causally involved in cellular senescence and organismal aging. The DNA damage kinase ATM plays a central role in maintaining genomic stability. ATM mutations cause the genetic disorder ataxia telangiectasia, which is primarily characterized by progressive neurodegeneration and cancer susceptibility. Although the importance of ATM function to protect against oxidative DNA damage and during aging is well described, the mechanism of ATM activation by these stimuli is not known. Here we identify ATM interactor (ATMIN) as an essential component of the ATM signaling pathway in response to oxidative stress and aging. Embryos lacking ATMIN (atmin(Δ/Δ)) died in utero and showed increased numbers of cells positive for phosphorylated histone H2aX, indicative of increased DNA damage. atmin(Δ/Δ) mouse embryonic fibroblasts accumulated DNA damage and prematurely entered senescence when cultured at atmospheric oxygen levels (20%), but this defect was rescued by addition of an antioxidant and also by culturing cells at physiological oxygen levels (3%). In response to acute oxidative stress, atmin(Δ/Δ) mouse embryonic fibroblasts showed slightly lower levels of ATM phosphorylation and reduced ATM substrate phosphorylation. Conditional deletion of ATMIN in the murine nervous system (atmin(ΔN)) resulted in reduced numbers of dopaminergic neurons, as does ATM deficiency. ATM activity was observed in old, but not in young, control mice, but aging-induced ATM signaling was impaired by ATMIN deficiency. Consequently, old atmin(ΔN) mice showed accumulation of DNA damage in the cortex accompanied by gliosis, resulting in increased mortality of aging mutant mice. These results suggest that ATMIN mediates ATM activation by oxidative stress, and thereby ATMIN protects the aging brain by preventing accumulation of DNA damage.
<h4>Background & aims</h4>The E3 ubiquitin ligase F-box and WD repeat domain-containing 7 (Fbw7) degrades several proto-oncogenes including c-Myc, cyclinE, Notch1, and c-Jun. Fbw7 is the fourth most frequently mutated gene in human colorectal carcinomas and has recently been described as a poor prognosis marker in human colorectal carcinoma; however, the molecular mechanism underlying fbw7 mutations in intestinal tumor suppression is unclear.<h4>Methods</h4>To address the role of fbw7 in intestinal homeostasis and tumorigenesis, we generated conditional knock-out mice lacking fbw7 in the intestine and evaluated the effect of fbw7 absence in normal intestinal homeostasis and in adenomatous polyposis coli-mediated tumorigenesis. In parallel, we analyzed a cohort of human tumors bearing mutations in fbw7.<h4>Results</h4>Fbw7 was found to be highly expressed in the transit-amplifying progenitor cell compartment, and its deletion resulted in impaired goblet cell differentiation and accumulation of highly proliferating progenitor cells. This function of Fbw7 was mirrored during tumor formation because absence of Fbw7 increased proliferation and decreased differentiation of tumors triggered by aberrant Wnt signalling. Fbw7 exhibited haploinsufficiency for intestinal tumor suppression. Biallelic fbw7 inactivation increased cellular proliferation in physiologic and pathologic conditions in a c-Jun-dependent manner. Increased Notch activity was also observed in human tumors carrying heterozygous fbw7 mutations, suggesting that fbw7 haploinsufficiency for antagonizing Notch activity is conserved between human and murine cancers.<h4>Conclusions</h4>Fbw7 regulates intestinal biology and tumorigenesis by controlling the abundance of different substrates in a dose-dependent fashion, providing a molecular explanation for the heterozygous mutations of fbw7 observed in human colorectal carcinoma.
Types of Publications
Journal articles
The 3D architecture of tissues bearing tumors impacts on the mechanical microenvironment of cancer, the accessibility of stromal cells, and the routes of invasion. A myriad of intrinsic and extrinsic forces exerted by the cancer cells, the host tissue, and the molecular and cellular microenvironment modulate the morphology of the tumor and its malignant potential through mechanical, biochemical, genetic, and epigenetic cues. Recent studies have investigated how tissue architecture influences cancer biology from tumor initiation and progression to distant metastatic seeding and response to therapy. With a focus on carcinoma, the most common type of cancer, this review discusses the latest discoveries on how tumor architecture is built and how tissue morphology affects the biology and progression of cancer cells.
Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) shows pronounced epithelial and mesenchymal cancer cell populations<sup>1-4</sup>. Cellular heterogeneity in PDAC is an important feature in disease subtype specification<sup>3-5</sup>, but how distinct PDAC subpopulations interact, and the molecular mechanisms that underlie PDAC cell fate decisions, are incompletely understood. Here we identify the BMP inhibitor GREM1<sup>6,7</sup> as a key regulator of cellular heterogeneity in pancreatic cancer in human and mouse. Grem1 inactivation in established PDAC in mice resulted in a direct conversion of epithelial into mesenchymal PDAC cells within days, suggesting that persistent GREM1 activity is required to maintain the epithelial PDAC subpopulations. By contrast, Grem1 overexpression caused an almost complete 'epithelialization' of highly mesenchymal PDAC, indicating that high GREM1 activity is sufficient to revert the mesenchymal fate of PDAC cells. Mechanistically, Grem1 was highly expressed in mesenchymal PDAC cells and inhibited the expression of the epithelial-mesenchymal transition transcription factors Snai1 (also known as Snail) and Snai2 (also known as Slug) in the epithelial cell compartment, therefore restricting epithelial-mesenchymal plasticity. Thus, constant suppression of BMP activity is essential to maintain epithelial PDAC cells, indicating that the maintenance of the cellular heterogeneity of pancreatic cancer requires continuous paracrine signalling elicited by a single soluble factor.
Deubiquitylating enzymes (DUBs) play an essential role in targeted protein degradation and represent an emerging therapeutic paradigm in cancer. However, their therapeutic potential in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) has not been explored. Here, we develop a DUB discovery pipeline, combining activity-based proteomics with a loss-of-function genetic screen in patient-derived PDAC organoids and murine genetic models. This approach identifies USP25 as a master regulator of PDAC growth and maintenance. Genetic and pharmacological USP25 inhibition results in potent growth impairment in PDAC organoids, while normal pancreatic organoids are insensitive, and causes dramatic regression of patient-derived xenografts. Mechanistically, USP25 deubiquitinates and stabilizes the HIF-1α transcription factor. PDAC is characterized by a severely hypoxic microenvironment, and USP25 depletion abrogates HIF-1α transcriptional activity and impairs glycolysis, inducing PDAC cell death in the tumor hypoxic core. Thus, the USP25/HIF-1α axis is an essential mechanism of metabolic reprogramming and survival in PDAC, which can be therapeutically exploited.
The visualization of whole organs and organisms through tissue clearing and fluorescence volumetric imaging has revolutionized the way we look at biological samples. Its application to solid tumours is changing our perception of tumour architecture, revealing signalling networks and cell interactions critical in tumour progression, and provides a powerful new strategy for cancer diagnostics. This Review introduces the latest advances in tissue clearing and three-dimensional imaging, examines the challenges in clearing epithelia - the tissue of origin of most malignancies - and discusses the insights that tissue clearing has brought to cancer research, as well as the prospective applications to experimental and clinical oncology.
Ductal cells have been proposed as a source of adult β cell neogenesis, but this has remained controversial. By combining lineage tracing, 3D imaging, and single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) approaches, we show that ductal cells contribute to the β cell population over time. Lineage tracing using the Neurogenin3 (Ngn3)-CreERT line identified ductal cells expressing the endocrine master transcription factor Ngn3 that were positive for the δ cell marker somatostatin and occasionally co-expressed insulin. The number of hormone-expressing ductal cells was increased in Akita+/- diabetic mice, and ngn3 heterozygosity accelerated diabetes onset. scRNA-seq of Ngn3 lineage-traced islet cells indicated that duct-derived somatostatin-expressing cells, some of which retained expression of ductal markers, gave rise to β cells. This study identified Ngn3-expressing ductal cells as a source of adult β cell neogenesis in homeostasis and diabetes, suggesting that this mechanism, in addition to β cell proliferation, maintains the adult islet β cell population.
The tumour suppressor FBW7 is a substrate adaptor for the E3 ubiquitin ligase complex SKP1-CUL1-F-box (SCF), that targets several oncoproteins for proteasomal degradation. FBW7 is widely mutated and FBW7 protein levels are commonly downregulated in cancer. Here, using an shRNA library screen, we identify the HECT-domain E3 ubiquitin ligase TRIP12 as a negative regulator of FBW7 stability. We find that SCF<sup>FBW7</sup>-mediated ubiquitylation of FBW7 occurs preferentially on K404 and K412, but is not sufficient for its proteasomal degradation, and in addition requires TRIP12-mediated branched K11-linked ubiquitylation. TRIP12 inactivation causes FBW7 protein accumulation and increased proteasomal degradation of the SCF<sup>FBW7</sup> substrate Myeloid Leukemia 1 (MCL1), and sensitizes cancer cells to anti-tubulin chemotherapy. Concomitant FBW7 inactivation rescues the effects of TRIP12 deficiency, confirming FBW7 as an essential mediator of TRIP12 function. This work reveals an unexpected complexity of FBW7 ubiquitylation, and highlights branched ubiquitylation as an important signalling mechanism regulating protein stability.
Advances in light-sheet and confocal microscopy now allow imaging of cleared large biological tissue samples and enable the 3D appreciation of cell and protein localization in their native organ environment. However, the sample preparations for such imaging are often onerous, and their capability for antigen detection is limited. Here, we describe FLASH (fast light-microscopic analysis of antibody-stained whole organs), a simple, rapid, fully customizable technique for molecular phenotyping of intact tissue volumes. FLASH utilizes non-degradative epitope recovery and membrane solubilization to enable the detection of a multitude of membranous, cytoplasmic and nuclear antigens in whole mouse organs and embryos, human biopsies, organoids and Drosophila. Retrieval and immunolabeling of epithelial markers, an obstacle for previous clearing techniques, can be achieved with FLASH. Upon volumetric imaging, FLASH-processed samples preserve their architecture and integrity and can be paraffin-embedded for subsequent histopathological analysis. The technique can be performed by scientists trained in light microscopy and yields results in <1 week.
The AP-1 transcription factor c-Jun is required for Ras-driven tumorigenesis in many tissues and is considered as a classical proto-oncogene. To determine the requirement for c-Jun in a mouse model of K-RasG12D-induced lung adenocarcinoma, we inducibly deleted c-Jun in the adult lung. Surprisingly, we found that inactivation of c-Jun, or mutation of its JNK phosphorylation sites, actually increased lung tumor burden. Mechanistically, we found that protein levels of the Jun family member JunD were increased in the absence of c-Jun. In c-Jun-deficient cells, JunD phosphorylation was increased, and expression of a dominant-active JNKK2-JNK1 transgene further increased lung tumor formation. Strikingly, deletion of JunD completely abolished Ras-driven lung tumorigenesis. This work identifies JunD, not c-Jun, as the crucial substrate of JNK signaling and oncogene required for Ras-induced lung cancer.
Lung squamous cell carcinoma (LSCC) is a considerable global health burden, with an incidence of over 600,000 cases per year. Treatment options are limited, and patient's 5-year survival rate is less than 5%. The ubiquitin-specific protease 28 (USP28) has been implicated in tumourigenesis through its stabilization of the oncoproteins c-MYC, c-JUN, and Δp63. Here, we show that genetic inactivation of <i>Usp28</i>-induced regression of established murine LSCC lung tumours. We developed a small molecule that inhibits USP28 activity in the low nanomole range. While displaying cross-reactivity against the closest homologue USP25, this inhibitor showed a high degree of selectivity over other deubiquitinases. USP28 inhibitor treatment resulted in a dramatic decrease in c-MYC, c-JUN, and Δp63 proteins levels and consequently induced substantial regression of autochthonous murine LSCC tumours and human LSCC xenografts, thereby phenocopying the effect observed by genetic deletion. Thus, USP28 may represent a promising therapeutic target for the treatment of squamous cell lung carcinoma.
Tumor cells proliferate rapidly and thus are frequently subjected to replication stress and the risk of incomplete duplication of the genome. Fragile sites are replicated late, making them more vulnerable to damage when DNA replication fails to complete. Therefore, genomic alterations at fragile sites are commonly observed in tumors. FRA16D is one of the most common fragile sites in lung cancer, however, the nature of the tumor suppressor genes affected by FRA16D alterations has been controversial. Here, we show that the <i>ATMIN</i> gene, which encodes a cofactor required for activation of ATM kinase by replication stress, is located close to FRA16D and is commonly lost in lung adenocarcinoma. Low ATMIN expression was frequently observed in human lung adenocarcinoma tumors and was associated with reduced patient survival, suggesting that ATMIN functions as a tumor suppressor in lung adenocarcinoma. Heterozygous Atmin deletion significantly increased tumor cell proliferation, tumor burden, and tumor grade in the LSL-KRasG12D; Trp53 F/F (KP) mouse model of lung adenocarcinoma, identifying ATMIN as a haploinsufficient tumor suppressor. ATMIN-deficient KP lung tumor cells showed increased survival in response to replication stress and consequently accumulated DNA damage. Thus, our data identify <i>ATMIN</i> as a key gene affected by genomic deletions at FRA16D in lung adenocarcinoma. SIGNIFICANCE: These findings identify ATMIN as a tumor suppressor in LUAD; fragility at chr16q23 correlates with loss of ATMIN in human LUAD and deletion of Atmin increases tumor burden in a LUAD mouse model.
Tubular epithelia are a basic building block of organs and a common site of cancer occurrence<sup>1-4</sup>. During tumorigenesis, transformed cells overproliferate and epithelial architecture is disrupted. However, the biophysical parameters that underlie the adoption of abnormal tumour tissue shapes are unknown. Here we show in the pancreas of mice that the morphology of epithelial tumours is determined by the interplay of cytoskeletal changes in transformed cells and the existing tubular geometry. To analyse the morphological changes in tissue architecture during the initiation of cancer, we developed a three-dimensional whole-organ imaging technique that enables tissue analysis at single-cell resolution. Oncogenic transformation of pancreatic ducts led to two types of neoplastic growth: exophytic lesions that expanded outwards from the duct and endophytic lesions that grew inwards to the ductal lumen. Myosin activity was higher apically than basally in wild-type cells, but upon transformation this gradient was lost in both lesion types. Three-dimensional vertex model simulations and a continuum theory of epithelial mechanics, which incorporate the cytoskeletal changes observed in transformed cells, indicated that the diameter of the source epithelium instructs the morphology of growing tumours. Three-dimensional imaging revealed that-consistent with theory predictions-small pancreatic ducts produced exophytic growth, whereas large ducts deformed endophytically. Similar patterns of lesion growth were observed in tubular epithelia of the liver and lung; this finding identifies tension imbalance and tissue curvature as fundamental determinants of epithelial tumorigenesis.
Lung squamous cell carcinoma (LSCC) and adenocarcinoma (LADC) are the most common lung cancer subtypes. Molecular targeted treatments have improved LADC patient survival but are largely ineffective in LSCC. The tumor suppressor FBW7 is commonly mutated or down-regulated in human LSCC, and oncogenic <i>KRasG12D</i> activation combined with <i>Fbxw7</i> inactivation in mice (KF model) caused both LSCC and LADC. Lineage-tracing experiments showed that CC10<sup>+</sup>, but not basal, cells are the cells of origin of LSCC in KF mice. KF LSCC tumors recapitulated human LSCC resistance to cisplatin-based chemotherapy, and we identified LUBAC-mediated NF-κB signaling as a determinant of chemotherapy resistance in human and mouse. Inhibition of NF-κB activation using TAK1 or LUBAC inhibitors resensitized LSCC tumors to cisplatin, suggesting a future avenue for LSCC patient treatment.
Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) shows great cellular heterogeneity, with pronounced epithelial and mesenchymal cancer cell populations. However, the cellular hierarchy underlying PDAC cell diversity is unknown. Here we identify the tetraspanin CD9 as a marker of PDAC tumour-initiating cells. CD9<sup>high</sup> cells had increased organoid formation capability, and generated tumour grafts in vivo at limiting dilutions. Tumours initiated from CD9<sup>high</sup> cells recapitulated the cellular heterogeneity of primary PDAC, whereas CD9<sup>low</sup> cells produced only duct-like epithelial progeny. CD9 knockdown decreased the growth of PDAC organoids, and heterozygous CD9 deletion in Pdx1-Cre; LSL-KRas<sup>G12D</sup>; p53<sup>F/F</sup> mice prolonged overall survival. Mechanistically, CD9 promoted the plasma membrane localization of the glutamine transporter ASCT2, enhancing glutamine uptake in PDAC cells. Thus, our study identifies a PDAC subpopulation capable of initiating PDAC and giving rise to PDAC heterogeneity, suggesting that the cellular diversity of PDAC is generated by PDAC stem cell differentiation.
The tumor suppressor FBW7 targets oncoproteins such as c-MYC for ubiquitylation and is mutated in several human cancers. We noted that in a substantial percentage of colon cancers, FBW7 protein is undetectable despite the presence of FBW7 mRNA. To understand the molecular mechanism of FBW7 regulation in these cancers, we employed proteomics and identified the deubiquitinase (DUB) USP9X as an FBW7 interactor. USP9X antagonized FBW7 ubiquitylation, and Usp9x deletion caused Fbw7 destabilization. Mice lacking Usp9x in the gut showed reduced secretory cell differentiation and increased progenitor proliferation, phenocopying Fbw7 loss. In addition, Usp9x inactivation impaired intestinal regeneration and increased tumor burden in colitis-associated intestinal cancer. c-Myc heterozygosity abrogated increased progenitor proliferation and tumor burden in Usp9x-deficient mice, suggesting that Usp9x suppresses tumor formation by regulating Fbw7 protein stability and thereby reducing c-Myc. Thus, we identify a tumor suppressor mechanism in the mammalian intestine that arises from the posttranslational regulation of FBW7 by USP9X independent of somatic FBW7 mutations.
The cell of origin of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) has been controversial. Here, we show that identical oncogenic drivers trigger PDAC originating from both ductal and acinar cells with similar histology but with distinct pathophysiology and marker expression dependent on cell of origin. Whereas acinar-derived tumors exhibited low AGR2 expression and were preceded by pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasias (PanINs), duct-derived tumors displayed high AGR2 and developed independently of a PanIN stage via non-mucinous lesions. Using orthotopic transplantation and chimera experiments, we demonstrate that PanIN-like lesions can be induced by PDAC as bystanders in adjacent healthy tissues, explaining the co-existence of mucinous and non-mucinous lesions and highlighting the need to distinguish between true precursor PanINs and PanIN-like bystander lesions. Our results suggest AGR2 as a tool to stratify PDAC according to cell of origin, highlight that not all PanIN-like lesions are precursors of PDAC, and add an alternative progression route to the current model of PDAC development.
The ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM)-interacting protein ATMIN mediates noncanonical ATM signaling in response to oxidative and replicative stress conditions. Like ATM, ATMIN can function as a tumor suppressor in the hematopoietic system: deletion of Atmin under the control of CD19-Cre results in B-cell lymphomas in aging mice. ATM signaling is essential for lymphopoiesis and hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) function; however, little is known about the role of ATMIN in hematopoiesis. We thus sought to investigate whether the absence of ATMIN would affect primitive hematopoietic cells in an ATM-dependent or -independent manner. Apart from its role in B-cell development, we show that ATMIN has an ATM-independent function in the common myeloid progenitors (CMPs) by deletion of Atmin in the entire hematopoietic system using Vav-Cre. Despite the lack of lymphoma formation, ATMIN-deficient mice developed chronic leukopenia as a result of high levels of apoptosis in B cells and CMPs and induced a compensatory mechanism in which HSCs displayed enhanced cycling. Consequently, ATMIN-deficient HSCs showed impaired regeneration ability with the induction of the DNA oxidative stress response, especially when aged. ATMIN, therefore, has multiple roles in different cell types, and its absence results in perturbed hematopoiesis, especially during stress conditions and aging.
The mammary gland is composed of a complex cellular hierarchy with unusual postnatal plasticity. The identities of stem/progenitor cell populations, as well as tumour-initiating cells that give rise to breast cancer, are incompletely understood. Here we show that Lgr6 marks rare populations of cells in both basal and luminal mammary gland compartments in mice. Lineage tracing analysis showed that Lgr6<sup>+</sup> cells are unipotent progenitors, which expand clonally during puberty but diminish in adulthood. In pregnancy or following stimulation with ovarian hormones, adult Lgr6<sup>+</sup> cells regained proliferative potency and their progeny formed alveoli over repeated pregnancies. Oncogenic mutations in Lgr6<sup>+</sup> cells resulted in expansion of luminal cells, culminating in mammary gland tumours. Conversely, depletion of Lgr6<sup>+</sup> cells in the MMTV-PyMT model of mammary tumorigenesis significantly impaired tumour growth. Thus, Lgr6 marks mammary gland progenitor cells that can initiate tumours, and cells of luminal breast tumours required for efficient tumour maintenance.
Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is the most aggressive human primary brain cancer. Using a Trp53-deficient mouse model of GBM, we show that genetic inactivation of the Atm cofactor Atmin, which is dispensable for embryonic and adult neural development, strongly suppresses GBM formation. Mechanistically, expression of several GBM-associated genes, including Pdgfra, was normalized by Atmin deletion in the Trp53-null background. Pharmacological ATM inhibition also reduced Pdgfra expression, and reduced the proliferation of Trp53-deficient primary glioma cells from murine and human tumors, while normal neural stem cells were unaffected. Analysis of GBM datasets showed that PDGFRA expression is also significantly increased in human TP53-mutant compared with TP53-wild-type tumors. Moreover, combined treatment with ATM and PDGFRA inhibitors efficiently killed TP53-mutant primary human GBM cells, but not untransformed neural stem cells. These results reveal a new requirement for ATMIN-dependent ATM signaling in TP53-deficient GBM, indicating a pro-tumorigenic role for ATM in the context of these tumors.
Fbw7 is well characterised as a stem cell regulator and tumour suppressor, powerfully positioned to control proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis by targeting key transcription factors for ubiquitination and destruction. Evidence in support of these roles continues to accumulate from in vitro studies, mouse models and human patient data. Here we summarise the latest of these findings, highlighting the tumour-suppressive role of Fbw7 in multiple tissues, and the rare circumstances where Fbw7 activity can be oncogenic. We discuss mechanisms that regulate ubiquitination by Fbw7, including ubiquitin-specific proteases such as USP28 that counteract Fbw7 activity and thereby stabilise oncoproteins. Deubiquitination of key Fbw7 substrates to prevent their destruction is beginning to be appreciated as an important pro-tumourigenic mechanism. As the ubiquitin-proteasome system represents a largely untapped field for drug development, the interplay between Fbw7 and its counterpart deubiquitinating enzymes in tumours is likely to attract increasing interest and influence future treatment strategies.
<h4>Background & aims</h4>Pancreatitis is the most important risk factor for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC). Pancreatitis predisposes to PDAC because it induces a process of acinar cell reprogramming known as acinar-to-ductal metaplasia (ADM)-a precursor of pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasia lesions that can progress to PDAC. Mutations in KRAS are found at the earliest stages of pancreatic tumorigenesis, and it appears to be a gatekeeper to cancer progression. We investigated how mutations in KRAS cooperate with pancreatitis to promote pancreatic cancer progression in mice.<h4>Methods</h4>We generated mice carrying conditional alleles of Yap1 and Taz and disrupted Yap1 and Taz using a Cre-lox recombination strategy in adult mouse pancreatic acinar cells (Yap1fl/fl;Tazfl/fl;Ela1-CreERT2). We crossed these mice with LSL-KrasG12D mice, which express a constitutively active form of KRAS after Cre recombination. Pancreatic tumor initiation and progression were analyzed after chemically induced pancreatitis. We analyzed pancreatic tissues from patients with pancreatitis or PDAC by immunohistochemistry.<h4>Results</h4>Oncogenic activation of KRAS in normal, untransformed acinar cells in the pancreatic tissues of mice resulted in increased levels of pancreatitis-induced ADM. Expression of the constitutive active form of KRAS in this system led to activation of the transcriptional regulators YAP1 and TAZ; their function was required for pancreatitis-induced ADM in mice. The JAK-STAT3 pathway was a downstream effector of KRAS signaling via YAP1 and TAZ. YAP1 and TAZ directly mediated transcriptional activation of several genes in the JAK-STAT3 signaling pathway; this could be a mechanism by which acinar cells that express activated KRAS become susceptible to inflammation.<h4>Conclusions</h4>We identified a mechanism by which oncogenic KRAS facilitates ADM and thereby generates the cells that initiate neoplastic progression. This process involves activation of YAP1 and TAZ in acinar cells, which up-regulate JAK-STAT3 signaling to promote development of PDAC in mice.
The DNA replication machinery invariably encounters obstacles that slow replication fork progression, and threaten to prevent complete replication and faithful segregation of sister chromatids. The resulting replication stress activates ATR, the major kinase involved in resolving impaired DNA replication. In addition, replication stress also activates the related kinase ATM, which is required to prevent mitotic segregation errors. However, the molecular mechanism of ATM activation by replication stress is not defined. Here, we show that monoubiquitinated Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen (PCNA), a marker of stalled replication forks, interacts with the ATM cofactor ATMIN via WRN-interacting protein 1 (WRNIP1). ATMIN, WRNIP1 and RAD18, the E3 ligase responsible for PCNA monoubiquitination, are specifically required for ATM signalling and 53BP1 focus formation induced by replication stress, not ionising radiation. Thus, WRNIP1 connects PCNA monoubiquitination with ATMIN/ATM to activate ATM signalling in response to replication stress and contribute to the maintenance of genomic stability.
The c-Jun/AP-1 transcription factor controls key cellular behaviours, including proliferation and apoptosis, in response to JNK and Ras/MAPK signalling. While the JNK pathway has been well characterized, the mechanism of activation by Ras was elusive. Here we identify the uncharacterized ubiquitin ligase Trim7 as a critical component of AP-1 activation via Ras. We found that MSK1 directly phosphorylates Trim7 in response to direct activation by the Ras-Raf-MEK-ERK pathway, and this modification stimulates Trim7 E3 ubiquitin ligase activity. Trim7 mediates Lys63-linked ubiquitination of the AP-1 co-activator RACO-1, leading to RACO-1 protein stabilization. Consequently, Trim7 depletion reduces RACO-1 levels and AP-1-dependent gene expression. Moreover, transgenic overexpression of Trim7 increases lung tumour burden in a Ras-driven cancer model, and knockdown of Trim7 in established xenografts reduces tumour growth. Thus, phosphorylation-ubiquitination crosstalk between MSK1, Trim7 and RACO-1 completes the long sought-after mechanism linking growth factor signalling and AP-1 activation.
The stability of several oncoproteins, including c-Myc, is regulated by ubiquitin-dependent degradation mediated by the SCF(Fbw7) ubiquitin ligase. This activity is antagonized by the deubiquitinase Usp28, which is highly expressed in murine and human intestinal cancers. Usp28 was previously shown to interact with its substrates via a "piggyback" interaction with Fbw7, which suggested that Fbw7 is required for Usp28 activity. Unexpectedly, we found that genetic deletion of Usp28 rescued the lethality of Fbw7-deficient primary fibroblasts. Moreover, Usp28 inactivation in the intestine (Usp28(ΔIEC)) ameliorated the hyperproliferation and the impaired goblet and Paneth cell differentiation observed in Fbw7(ΔIEC) mice. The aggressive intestinal tumor formation of APC(Min/+); Fbw7(ΔIEC) mice was restrained when Usp28 was inactivated concomitantly. In both fibroblasts and intestinal cells, Usp28 deficiency corrected the accumulation of SCF(Fbw7) substrate proteins, including NICD1, c-Jun, and c-Myc. These findings suggested that Usp28 function does not depend on the presence of Fbw7, but instead independently recognizes and deubiquitylates the same substrates as SCF(Fbw7). Fbw7 binds to a phosphorylated motif termed the phosphodegron and we found that Usp28 also interacted with this same motif, but only when it is unphosphorylated, offering a mechanistic explanation for identical substrate selection by Fbw7 and Usp28. Our results indicate an unusually direct antagonism between an E3 ligase and a deubiquitinase, Fbw7 and Usp28, in modulating intestinal homeostasis and cancer.
The control of cell fate decisions is vital to build functional organs and maintain normal tissue homeostasis, and many pathways and processes cooperate to direct cells to an appropriate final identity. Because of its continuously renewing state and its carefully organised hierarchy, the mammalian intestine has become a powerful model to dissect these pathways in health and disease. One of the signalling pathways that is key to maintaining the balance between proliferation and differentiation in the intestinal epithelium is the Notch pathway, most famous for specifying distinct cell fates in adjacent cells via the evolutionarily conserved process of lateral inhibition. Here, we will review recent discoveries that advance our understanding of how cell fate in the mammalian intestine is decided by Notch and lateral inhibition, focusing on the molecular determinants that regulate protein turnover, transcriptional control and epigenetic regulation.
Impairment of stem cell function contributes to the progressive deterioration of tissue maintenance and repair with ageing. Evidence is mounting that age-dependent accumulation of DNA damage in both stem cells and cells that comprise the stem cell microenvironment are partly responsible for stem cell dysfunction with ageing. Here, we review the impact of the various types of DNA damage that accumulate with ageing on stem cell functionality, as well as the development of cancer. We discuss DNA-damage-induced cell intrinsic and extrinsic alterations that influence these processes, and review recent advances in understanding systemic adjustments to DNA damage and how they affect stem cells.
Colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer worldwide. Although the transcription factor c-MYC is misregulated in the majority of colorectal tumors, it is difficult to target directly. The deubiquitinase USP28 stabilizes oncogenic factors, including c-MYC; however, the contribution of USP28 in tumorigenesis, particularly in the intestine, is unknown. Here, using murine genetic models, we determined that USP28 antagonizes the ubiquitin-dependent degradation of c-MYC, a known USP28 substrate, as well as 2 additional oncogenic factors, c-JUN and NOTCH1, in the intestine. Mice lacking Usp28 had no apparent adverse phenotypes, but exhibited reduced intestinal proliferation and impaired differentiation of secretory lineage cells. In a murine model of colorectal cancer, Usp28 deletion resulted in fewer intestinal tumors, and importantly, in established tumors, Usp28 deletion reduced tumor size and dramatically increased lifespan. Moreover, we identified Usp28 as a c-MYC target gene highly expressed in murine and human intestinal cancers, which indicates that USP28 and c-MYC form a positive feedback loop that maintains high c-MYC protein levels in tumors. Usp28 deficiency promoted tumor cell differentiation accompanied by decreased proliferation, which suggests that USP28 acts similarly in intestinal homeostasis and colorectal cancer models. Hence, inhibition of the enzymatic activity of USP28 may be a potential target for cancer therapy.
The hereditary autosomal recessive disease ataxia telangiectasia (A-T) is caused by mutation in the DNA damage kinase ATM. ATM's main function is to orchestrate DNA repair, thereby maintaining genomic stability. ATM activity is increased in response to several stimuli, including ionising radiation (IR) and hypotonic stress. DNMT1-associated protein 1 (DMAP1) is a member of the TIP60-p400 histone acetyl transferase (HAT) complex, which acetylates histone H4 at lysine 16 (H4K16) to affect chromatin relaxation and modulate ATM activation. Here we demonstrate that DMAP1 is required for both modes of ATM activation. Knockdown of DMAP1 impaired IR-induced ATM activation and consequently resulted in radiosensitivity and impaired the G2/M checkpoint. Moreover, DMAP1 was also required for efficient ATM signalling in response to hypotonic stress. Overexpression of DMAP1 increased IR-induced ATM substrate phosphorylation, suggesting that DMAP1 function is rate limiting for ATM signalling. DMAP1 associated with TIP60-dependent HAT activity, and depletion of DMAP1 reduced H4K16 acetylation in response to DNA damage. Treatment with histone deacetylase inhibitors rescued IR-induced ATM signalling in Dmap1-depleted cells. These results suggest that DMAP1 is a critical regulator of ATM activity and function.
The adult pancreas is capable of limited regeneration after injury but has no defined stem cell population. The cell types and molecular signals that govern the production of new pancreatic tissue are not well understood. Here, we show that inactivation of the SCF-type E3 ubiquitin ligase substrate recognition component Fbw7 induces pancreatic ductal cells to reprogram into α, δ, and β cells. Loss of Fbw7 stabilized the transcription factor Ngn3, a key regulator of endocrine cell differentiation. The induced β cells resemble islet β cells in morphology and histology, express genes essential for β cell function, and release insulin after glucose challenge. Thus, loss of Fbw7 appears to reawaken an endocrine developmental differentiation program in adult pancreatic ductal cells. Our study highlights the plasticity of seemingly differentiated adult cells, identifies Fbw7 as a master regulator of cell fate decisions in the pancreas, and reveals adult pancreatic duct cells as a latent multipotent cell type.
The Mre11/Rad50/NBS1 (MRN) protein complex and ATMIN protein mediate ATM kinase signaling in response to ionizing radiation (IR) and chromatin changes, respectively. NBS1 and ATMIN directly compete for ATM binding, but the molecular mechanism favoring either NBS1 or ATMIN in response to specific stimuli is enigmatic. Here, we identify the E3 ubiquitin ligase UBR5 as a key component of ATM activation in response to IR. UBR5 interacts with ATMIN and catalyzes ubiquitination of ATMIN at lysine 238 in an IR-stimulated manner, which decreases ATMIN interaction with ATM and promotes MRN-mediated signaling. We show that UBR5 deficiency, or mutation of ATMIN lysine 238, prevents ATMIN dissociation from ATM and inhibits ATM and NBS1 foci formation after IR, thereby impairing checkpoint activation and increasing radiosensitivity. Thus, UBR5-mediated ATMIN ubiquitination is a vital event for ATM pathway selection and activation in response to DNA damage.
c-Jun, the major component of the AP-1 transcription factor complex, has important functions in cellular proliferation and oncogenic transformation. The RING domain-containing protein RACO-1 functions as a c-Jun coactivator that molecularly links growth factor signalling to AP-1 transactivation. Here we demonstrate that RACO-1 is present as a nuclear dimer and that c-Jun specifically interacts with dimeric RACO-1. Moreover, RACO-1 is identified as a substrate of the arginine methyltransferase PRMT1, which methylates RACO-1 on two arginine residues. Arginine methylation of RACO-1 promotes a conformational change that stabilises RACO-1 by facilitating K63-linked ubiquitin chain formation, and enables RACO-1 dimerisation and c-Jun interaction. Abrogation of PRMT1 function impairs AP-1 activity and results in decreased expression of a large percentage of c-Jun target genes. These results demonstrate that arginine methylation of RACO-1 is required for efficient transcriptional activation by c-Jun/AP-1 and thus identify PRMT1 as an important regulator of c-Jun/AP-1 function.
FBW7 is a crucial component of an SCF-type E3 ubiquitin ligase, which mediates degradation of an array of different target proteins. The Fbw7 locus comprises three different isoforms, each with its own promoter and each suspected to have a distinct set of substrates. Most FBW7 targets have important functions in developmental processes and oncogenesis, including Notch proteins, which are functionally important substrates of SCF(Fbw7). Notch signalling controls a plethora of cell differentiation decisions in a wide range of species. A prominent role of this signalling pathway is that of mediating lateral inhibition, a process where exchange of signals that repress Notch ligand production amplifies initial differences in Notch activation levels between neighbouring cells, resulting in unequal cell differentiation decisions. Here we show that the downstream Notch signalling effector HES5 directly represses transcription of the E3 ligase Fbw7β, thereby directly bearing on the process of lateral inhibition. Fbw7(Δ/+) heterozygous mice showed haploinsufficiency for Notch degradation causing impaired intestinal progenitor cell and neural stem cell differentiation. Notably, concomitant inactivation of Hes5 rescued both phenotypes and restored normal stem cell differentiation potential. In silico modelling suggests that the NICD/HES5/FBW7β positive feedback loop underlies Fbw7 haploinsufficiency. Thus repression of Fbw7β transcription by Notch signalling is an essential mechanism that is coupled to and required for the correct specification of cell fates induced by lateral inhibition.
The AP-1 transcription factor c-Jun is a master regulator of the axonal response in neurons. c-Jun also functions as a negative regulator of myelination in Schwann cells (SCs) and is strongly reactivated in SCs upon axonal injury. We demonstrate here that, after injury, the absence of c-Jun specifically in SCs caused impaired axonal regeneration and severely increased neuronal cell death. c-Jun deficiency resulted in decreased expression of several neurotrophic factors, and GDNF and Artemin, both of which encode ligands for the Ret receptor tyrosine kinase, were identified as novel direct c-Jun target genes. Genetic inactivation of Ret specifically in neurons resulted in regeneration defects without affecting motoneuron survival and, conversely, administration of recombinant GDNF and Artemin protein substantially ameliorated impaired regeneration caused by c-Jun deficiency. These results reveal an unexpected function for c-Jun in SCs in response to axonal injury, and identify paracrine Ret signaling as an important mediator of c-Jun function in SCs during regeneration.
Ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM) protein kinase activation by DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) requires the Mre11-Rad50-NBS1 (MRN) complex, whereas ATM interactor (ATMIN) protein is required for ATM signaling induced by changes in chromatin structure. We show here that NBS1 and ATMIN proteins compete for ATM binding and that this mechanism controls ATM function. DSB-induced ATM substrate phosphorylation was increased in atmin mutant cells. Conversely, NBS1 deficiency resulted in increased ATMIN-dependent ATM signaling. Thus, the absence of one cofactor increased flux through the alternative pathway. Notably, ATMIN deficiency rescued the cellular lethality of NBS1-deficient cells, and NBS1/ATMIN double deficiency resulted in complete abrogation of ATM signaling and profound radiosensitivity. Hence, ATMIN and NBS1 mediate all ATM signaling by DSBs, and increased ATMIN-dependent ATM signaling explains the different phenotypes of nbs1- and atm-mutant cells. Thus, the antagonism and redundancy of ATMIN and NBS1 constitute a crucial regulatory mechanism for ATM signaling and function.
AP-1 (activator protein 1) activity is strongly induced in response to numerous signals, including growth factors, cytokines and extracellular stresses. The proto-oncoprotein c-Jun belongs to the AP-1 group of transcription factors and it is a crucial regulator of intestinal progenitor proliferation and tumorigenesis. An important mechanism of AP-1 stimulation is phosphorylation of c-Jun by the Jun amino-terminal kinases (JNKs). N-terminal phosphorylation of the c-Jun transactivation domain increases target gene transcription, but a molecular explanation was elusive. Here we show that unphosphorylated, but not N-terminally phosphorylated c-Jun, interacts with Mbd3 and thereby recruits the nucleosome remodelling and histone deacetylation (NuRD) repressor complex. Mbd3 depletion in colon cancer cells increased histone acetylation at AP-1-dependent promoters, which resulted in increased target gene expression. The intestinal stem cell marker lgr5 was identified as a novel target gene controlled by c-Jun/Mbd3. Gut-specific conditional deletion of mbd3 (mbd3(ΔG/ΔG) mice) stimulated c-Jun activity and increased progenitor cell proliferation. In response to inflammation, mdb3 deficiency resulted in colonic hyperproliferation and mbd3(ΔG/ΔG) mice showed markedly increased susceptibility to colitis-induced tumorigenesis. Notably, concomitant inactivation of a single allele of c-jun reverted physiological and pathological hyperproliferation, as well as the increased tumorigenesis in mbd3(ΔG/ΔG) mice. Thus the transactivation domain of c-Jun recruits Mbd3/NuRD to AP-1 target genes to mediate gene repression, and this repression is relieved by JNK-mediated c-Jun N-terminal phosphorylation.
The F-box protein Fbw7 (also known as Fbxw7, hCdc4 and Sel-10) functions as a substrate recognition component of a SCF-type E3 ubiquitin ligase. SCF(Fbw7) facilitates polyubiquitination and subsequent degradation of various proteins such as Notch, cyclin E, c-Myc and c-Jun. Fbw7 is highly expressed in the nervous system and controls neural stem cell differentiation and apoptosis via Notch and c-Jun during embryonic development (Hoeck et al., 2010). Fbw7 deletion in the neural lineage is perinatal lethal and thus prohibits studying the role of Fbw7 in the adult nervous system. fbw7 mRNA is highly expressed in the postnatal brain and to gain insights into the function of Fbw7 in postnatal neurogenesis we analysed Fbw7 function in the cerebellum. We generated conditional Fbw7-knockout mice (fbw7(∆Cb)) by inactivating Fbw7 specifically in the cerebellar anlage. This resulted in decreased cerebellar size, reduced Purkinje cell number and defects in axonal arborisation. Moreover, Fbw7-deficient cerebella showed supranumeral fissures and aberrant progenitor cell migration. Protein levels of the Fbw7 substrates Notch1 and N-terminally phosphorylated c-Jun were upregulated in fbw7(∆Cb) mice. Concomitant deletion of c-Jun, and also the junAA knock-in mutation which specifically abrogates c-Jun N-terminal phosphorylation, rescued Purkinje cell numbers and arborisation in the fbw7(∆Cb) background. Taken together these data demonstrate that Fbw7 is essential during cerebellar development, and identify N-terminally phosphorylated c-Jun as an important substrate of SCF(Fbw7) during neurogenesis.
Defective V(D)J rearrangement of immunoglobulin heavy or light chain (IgH or IgL) or class switch recombination (CSR) can initiate chromosomal translocations. The DNA-damage kinase ATM is required for the suppression of chromosomal translocations but ATM regulation is incompletely understood. Here, we show that mice lacking the ATM cofactor ATMIN in B cells (ATMIN(ΔB/ΔB)) have impaired ATM signaling and develop B cell lymphomas. Notably, ATMIN(ΔB/ΔB) cells exhibited defective peripheral V(D)J rearrangement and CSR, resulting in translocations involving the Igh and Igl loci, indicating that ATMIN is required for efficient repair of DNA breaks generated during somatic recombination. Thus, our results identify a role for ATMIN in regulating the maintenance of genomic stability and tumor suppression in B cells.
In the nervous system, cell death by apoptosis plays a critical role during normal development and pathological neurodegeneration. Jun N-terminal kinases (JNKs) are essential regulators of neuronal apoptosis. The AP-1 transcription factor c-Jun is phosphorylated at multiple sites within its transactivation domain by the JNKs, and c-Jun phosphorylation is required for JNK-induced neurotoxicity. While the importance of c-Jun as a mediator of apoptotic JNK signaling in neurons is firmly established, the molecular mechanism underlying the requirement for c-Jun N-terminal phosphorylation is enigmatic. Here we identify the multifunctional protein Bag1-L as a coactivator of phosphorylated c-Jun. Bag1-L preferentially interacts with N-terminally phosphorylated c-Jun, and Bag1-L greatly augments transcriptional activation by phosphorylated c-Jun. Chromatin immunoprecipitation experiments revealed binding of Bag1-L to the promoters of proapoptotic AP-1 target genes, and overexpression of Bag1-L augmented cell death in primary neurons. Therefore, Bag1-L functions as a coactivator regulating neurotoxicity mediated by phosphorylated c-Jun.
The AP-1 transcription factor c-Jun is essential for cellular proliferation in many cell types, but the molecular link between growth factors and c-Jun activation has been enigmatic. In this study we identify a previously uncharacterized RING-domain-containing protein, RACO-1 (RING domain AP-1 co-activator-1), as a c-Jun co-activator that is regulated by growth factor signalling. RACO-1 interacted with c-Jun independently of amino-terminal phosphorylation, and was both necessary and sufficient for c-Jun/AP-1 activation. Growth factor-mediated stimulation of AP-1 was attributable to MEK/ERK-dependent stabilization of RACO-1 protein. Stimulation of the MEK/ERK pathway strongly promoted Lys 63-linked ubiquitylation of RACO-1, which antagonized Lys 48-linked degradative auto-ubiquitylation of the same Lys residues. RACO-1 depletion reduced cellular proliferation and decreased expression of several growth-associated AP-1 target genes, such as cdc2, cyclinD1 and hb-egf. Moreover, transgenic overexpression of RACO-1 augmented intestinal tumour formation triggered by aberrant Wnt signalling and cooperated with oncogenic Ras in colonic hyperproliferation. Thus RACO-1 is a co-activator that links c-Jun to growth factor signalling and is essential for AP-1 function in proliferation.
Neural stem and progenitor cells (NSCs/NPCs) give rise to neurons, astrocytes and oligodendrocytes. However, the mechanisms underlying the decision of a stem cell to either self-renew or differentiate are incompletely understood. We demonstrate here that Fbw7 (F-box and WD repeat domain containing-7), the substrate recognition component of an SCF (complex of SKP1, CUL1 and F-box protein)-type E3 ubiquitin ligase, is a key regulator of NSC/NPC viability and differentiation. The absence of Fbw7 in the mouse brain caused severely impaired stem cell differentiation and increased progenitor cell death. Fbw7 deficiency resulted in accumulation of two SCF(Fbw7) substrates, the transcription factors active Notch1 and N-terminally phosphorylated c-Jun. Genetic and pharmacological rescue experiments identified c-Jun as a key substrate of Fbw7 in controlling progenitor cell viability, whereas inhibition of Notch signaling alleviated the block in stem cell differentiation. Thus Fbw7 controls neurogenesis by antagonizing Notch and c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK)/c-Jun signaling.
Progressive accumulation of DNA damage is causally involved in cellular senescence and organismal aging. The DNA damage kinase ATM plays a central role in maintaining genomic stability. ATM mutations cause the genetic disorder ataxia telangiectasia, which is primarily characterized by progressive neurodegeneration and cancer susceptibility. Although the importance of ATM function to protect against oxidative DNA damage and during aging is well described, the mechanism of ATM activation by these stimuli is not known. Here we identify ATM interactor (ATMIN) as an essential component of the ATM signaling pathway in response to oxidative stress and aging. Embryos lacking ATMIN (atmin(Δ/Δ)) died in utero and showed increased numbers of cells positive for phosphorylated histone H2aX, indicative of increased DNA damage. atmin(Δ/Δ) mouse embryonic fibroblasts accumulated DNA damage and prematurely entered senescence when cultured at atmospheric oxygen levels (20%), but this defect was rescued by addition of an antioxidant and also by culturing cells at physiological oxygen levels (3%). In response to acute oxidative stress, atmin(Δ/Δ) mouse embryonic fibroblasts showed slightly lower levels of ATM phosphorylation and reduced ATM substrate phosphorylation. Conditional deletion of ATMIN in the murine nervous system (atmin(ΔN)) resulted in reduced numbers of dopaminergic neurons, as does ATM deficiency. ATM activity was observed in old, but not in young, control mice, but aging-induced ATM signaling was impaired by ATMIN deficiency. Consequently, old atmin(ΔN) mice showed accumulation of DNA damage in the cortex accompanied by gliosis, resulting in increased mortality of aging mutant mice. These results suggest that ATMIN mediates ATM activation by oxidative stress, and thereby ATMIN protects the aging brain by preventing accumulation of DNA damage.
<h4>Background & aims</h4>The E3 ubiquitin ligase F-box and WD repeat domain-containing 7 (Fbw7) degrades several proto-oncogenes including c-Myc, cyclinE, Notch1, and c-Jun. Fbw7 is the fourth most frequently mutated gene in human colorectal carcinomas and has recently been described as a poor prognosis marker in human colorectal carcinoma; however, the molecular mechanism underlying fbw7 mutations in intestinal tumor suppression is unclear.<h4>Methods</h4>To address the role of fbw7 in intestinal homeostasis and tumorigenesis, we generated conditional knock-out mice lacking fbw7 in the intestine and evaluated the effect of fbw7 absence in normal intestinal homeostasis and in adenomatous polyposis coli-mediated tumorigenesis. In parallel, we analyzed a cohort of human tumors bearing mutations in fbw7.<h4>Results</h4>Fbw7 was found to be highly expressed in the transit-amplifying progenitor cell compartment, and its deletion resulted in impaired goblet cell differentiation and accumulation of highly proliferating progenitor cells. This function of Fbw7 was mirrored during tumor formation because absence of Fbw7 increased proliferation and decreased differentiation of tumors triggered by aberrant Wnt signalling. Fbw7 exhibited haploinsufficiency for intestinal tumor suppression. Biallelic fbw7 inactivation increased cellular proliferation in physiologic and pathologic conditions in a c-Jun-dependent manner. Increased Notch activity was also observed in human tumors carrying heterozygous fbw7 mutations, suggesting that fbw7 haploinsufficiency for antagonizing Notch activity is conserved between human and murine cancers.<h4>Conclusions</h4>Fbw7 regulates intestinal biology and tumorigenesis by controlling the abundance of different substrates in a dose-dependent fashion, providing a molecular explanation for the heterozygous mutations of fbw7 observed in human colorectal carcinoma.
The Warburg effect is a hallmark of cancer that refers to the preference of cancer cells to metabolize glucose anaerobically rather than aerobically<sup>1,2</sup>. This results in substantial accumulation of lacate, the end product of anaerobic glycolysis, in cancer cells<sup>3</sup>. However, how cancer metabolism affects chemotherapy response and DNA repair in general remains incompletely understood. Here we report that lactate-driven lactylation of NBS1 promotes homologous recombination (HR)-mediated DNA repair. Lactylation of NBS1 at lysine 388 (K388) is essential for MRE11-RAD50-NBS1 (MRN) complex formation and the accumulation of HR repair proteins at the sites of DNA double-strand breaks. Furthermore, we identify TIP60 as the NBS1 lysine lactyltransferase and the 'writer' of NBS1 K388 lactylation, and HDAC3 as the NBS1 de-lactylase. High levels of NBS1 K388 lactylation predict poor patient outcome of neoadjuvant chemotherapy, and lactate reduction using either genetic depletion of lactate dehydrogenase A (LDHA) or stiripentol, a lactate dehydrogenase A inhibitor used clinically for anti-epileptic treatment, inhibited NBS1 K388 lactylation, decreased DNA repair efficacy and overcame resistance to chemotherapy. In summary, our work identifies NBS1 lactylation as a critical mechanism for genome stability that contributes to chemotherapy resistance and identifies inhibition of lactate production as a promising therapeutic cancer strategy.
<h4>Background</h4>Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDA) is one of the major human health challenges with minimal therapeutic benefits due to its late detection, and de novo - and acquired chemotherapy resistance.<h4>Objective</h4>In this work we unravel the potential pro-survival role of RAB25 in pancreatic cancer chemotherapy resistance and aim to identify if RAB25 is a prognostic marker of patients' survival in PDA.<h4>Methods</h4>We used RNA sequencing, shRNA mediated gene knockdown, BioGRID open repository of CRISPR screens (ORCS), GEPIA,, and databases to identify the role of RAB25 in PDA cell proliferation, chemotherapy response, expression in tumour versus normal tissues, and overall patients' survival.<h4>Results</h4>RNA sequencing show Rab25 to be one of the top upregulated genes in gemcitabine resistance mouse PDA cells. Knockdown of Rab25 in these cells enhanced gemcitabine toxicity. In addition, re-analysis of previously published CRISPR/Cas9 data confirm RAB25 to be responsible for chemotherapy resistance in KRASG12D mutant human pancreatic cancer cell line. Finally, we used publicly available TCGA datasets and identify the upregulation of RAB25 in tumour tissues compared to the adjacent normal tissue, co-occurrence of KRASG12 mutations with RAB25 amplifications, and poor patients' survival in cohorts with higher mRNA expression of RAB25.<h4>Conclusion</h4>RAB25 expression is a prognostic marker for patient's survival and gemcitabine resistance in PDA.
The cancer stem cell (CSC) model states that heterogeneous tumor cell populations are organized in a hierarchical manner, with a small population of CSCs at the apex. These CSCs are capable of self-renewal and giving rise to other cancer cell populations, conceptually analogous to the function of normal adult stem cells present in almost all organs. However, there has been significant controversy regarding the existence and identification of CSCs. We argue that technical differences in experimentation and CSC assays, CSC niche-dependency and plasticity, and CSC heterogeneity itself may explain some of the differences observed.
Understanding the factors and mechanisms involved in beta-cell development will guide therapeutic efforts to generate fully functional beta cells for diabetes. Neurogenin 3 (NGN3) is the key transcription factor that marks endocrine progenitors and drives beta-cell differentiation. Here we screen for binding partners of NGN3 and identify the deubiquitylating enzyme USP7 as a key regulator of NGN3 stability. Mechanistically, USP7 interacts with, deubiquitinates and stabilizes NGN3. In vivo, conditional knockout of Usp7 in the mouse embryonic pancreas causes a dramatic reduction in islet formation and hyperglycemia in adult mice, due to impaired NGN3-mediated endocrine specification during pancreatic development. Furthermore, pharmacological inhibition of USP7 during endocrine specification in human iPSC models of beta-cell differentiation decreases NGN3 expressing progenitor cell numbers and impairs beta cell differentiation. Thus, the USP7-NGN3 axis is an essential mechanism for driving endocrine development and beta-cell differentiation, which can be therapeutically exploited.
B cells are frequently found in the margins of solid tumours as organized follicles in ectopic lymphoid organs called tertiary lymphoid structures (TLS)<sup>1,2</sup>. Although TLS have been found to correlate with improved patient survival and response to immune checkpoint blockade (ICB), the underlying mechanisms of this association remain elusive<sup>1,2</sup>. Here we investigate lung-resident B cell responses in patients from the TRACERx 421 (Tracking Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer Evolution Through Therapy) and other lung cancer cohorts, and in a recently established immunogenic mouse model for lung adenocarcinoma<sup>3</sup>. We find that both human and mouse lung adenocarcinomas elicit local germinal centre responses and tumour-binding antibodies, and further identify endogenous retrovirus (ERV) envelope glycoproteins as a dominant anti-tumour antibody target. ERV-targeting B cell responses are amplified by ICB in both humans and mice, and by targeted inhibition of KRAS(G12C) in the mouse model. ERV-reactive antibodies exert anti-tumour activity that extends survival in the mouse model, and ERV expression predicts the outcome of ICB in human lung adenocarcinoma. Finally, we find that effective immunotherapy in the mouse model requires CXCL13-dependent TLS formation. Conversely, therapeutic CXCL13 treatment potentiates anti-tumour immunity and synergizes with ICB. Our findings provide a possible mechanistic basis for the association of TLS with immunotherapy response.
Segmenting cells within cellular aggregates in 3D is a growing challenge in cell biology due to improvements in capacity and accuracy of microscopy techniques. Here, we describe a pipeline to segment images of cell aggregates in 3D. The pipeline combines neural network segmentations with active meshes. We apply our segmentation method to cultured mouse mammary gland organoids imaged over 24 h with oblique plane microscopy, a high-throughput light-sheet fluorescence microscopy technique. We show that our method can also be applied to images of mouse embryonic stem cells imaged with a spinning disc microscope. We segment individual cells based on nuclei and cell membrane fluorescent markers, and track cells over time. We describe metrics to quantify the quality of the automated segmentation. Our segmentation pipeline involves a Fiji plugin that implements active mesh deformation and allows a user to create training data, automatically obtain segmentation meshes from original image data or neural network prediction, and manually curate segmentation data to identify and correct mistakes. Our active meshes-based approach facilitates segmentation postprocessing, correction, and integration with neural network prediction.
X-ray computed tomography is a reliable technique for the detection and longitudinal monitoring of pulmonary nodules. In preclinical stages of diagnostic or therapeutic development, the miniaturized versions of the clinical computed tomography scanners are ideally suited for carrying out translationally-relevant research in conditions that closely mimic those found in the clinic. In this Protocol, we provide image acquisition parameters optimized for low radiation dose, high-resolution and high-throughput computed tomography imaging using three commercially available micro-computed tomography scanners, together with a detailed description of the image analysis tools required to identify a variety of lung tumor types, characterized by specific radiological features. For each animal, image acquisition takes 4-8 min, and data analysis typically requires 10-30 min. Researchers with basic training in animal handling, medical imaging and software analysis should be able to implement this protocol across a wide range of lung cancer models in mice for investigating the molecular mechanisms driving lung cancer development and the assessment of diagnostic and therapeutic agents.
Intratumour heterogeneity (ITH) has become an important focus of cancer research in recent years. ITH describes the cellular variation that enables tumour evolution, including tumour progression, metastasis and resistance to treatment. The selection and expansion of genetically distinct treatment-resistant cancer cell clones provides one explanation for treatment failure. However, tumour cell variation need not be genetically encoded. In pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) in particular, the complex tumour microenvironment as well as crosstalk between tumour and stromal cells result in exceptionally variable tumour cell phenotypes that are also highly adaptable. In this review we discuss four different types of phenotypic heterogeneity within PDAC, from morphological to metabolic heterogeneity. We suggest that these different types of ITH are not independent, but, rather, can inform one another. Lastly, we highlight recent findings that suggest how therapeutic efforts may halt PDAC progression by constraining cellular heterogeneity.
Oxaliplatin is the first-line regime for advanced gastric cancer treatment, while its resistance is a major problem that leads to the failure of clinical treatments. Tumor cell heterogeneity has been considered as one of the main causes for drug resistance in cancer. In this study, the mechanism of oxaliplatin resistance was investigated through in vitro human gastric cancer organoids and gastric cancer oxaliplatin-resistant cell lines and in vivo subcutaneous tumorigenicity experiments. The in vitro and in vivo results indicated that CD133+ stem cell-like cells are the main subpopulation and PARP1 is the central gene mediating oxaliplatin resistance in gastric cancer. It was found that PARP1 can effectively repair DNA damage caused by oxaliplatin by means of mediating the opening of base excision repair pathway, leading to the occurrence of drug resistance. The CD133+ stem cells also exhibited upregulated expression of N6-methyladenosine (m6A) mRNA and its writer METTL3 as showed by immunoprecipitation followed by sequencing and transcriptome analysis. METTTL3 enhances the stability of PARP1 by recruiting YTHDF1 to target the 3'-untranslated Region (3'-UTR) of PARP1 mRNA. The CD133+ tumor stem cells can regulate the stability and expression of m6A to PARP1 through METTL3, and thus exerting the PARP1-mediated DNA damage repair ability. Therefore, our study demonstrated that m6A Methyltransferase METTL3 facilitates oxaliplatin resistance in CD133+ gastric cancer stem cells by Promoting PARP1 mRNA stability which increases base excision repair pathway activity.
The regeneration-associated gene (RAG) expression program is activated in injured peripheral neurons after axotomy and enables long-distance axon re-growth. Over 1000 genes are regulated, and many transcription factors are upregulated or activated as part of this response. However, a detailed picture of how RAG expression is regulated is lacking. In particular, the transcriptional targets and specific functions of the various transcription factors are unclear. Jun was the first-regeneration-associated transcription factor identified and the first shown to be functionally important. Here we fully define the role of Jun in the RAG expression program in regenerating facial motor neurons. At 1, 4 and 14 days after axotomy, Jun upregulates 11, 23 and 44% of the RAG program, respectively. Jun functions relevant to regeneration include cytoskeleton production, metabolic functions and cell activation, and the downregulation of neurotransmission machinery. In silico analysis of promoter regions of Jun targets identifies stronger over-representation of AP1-like sites than CRE-like sites, although CRE sites were also over-represented in regions flanking AP1 sites. Strikingly, in motor neurons lacking Jun, an alternative SRF-dependent gene expression program is initiated after axotomy. The promoters of these newly expressed genes exhibit over-representation of CRE sites in regions near to SRF target sites. This alternative gene expression program includes plasticity-associated transcription factors and leads to an aberrant early increase in synapse density on motor neurons. Jun thus has the important function in the early phase after axotomy of pushing the injured neuron away from a plasticity response and towards a regenerative phenotype.
Protein phosphorylation is a major regulatory mechanism of cellular signalling. The c-JUN proto-oncoprotein is phosphorylated at four residues within its transactivation domain (TAD) by the JNK family kinases, but the functional significance of c-JUN multisite phosphorylation has remained elusive. Here we show that c-JUN phosphorylation by JNK exhibits defined temporal kinetics, with serine63 and serine73 being phosphorylated more rapidly than threonine91 and threonine93. We identify the positioning of the phosphorylation sites relative to the kinase docking motif, and their primary sequence, as the main factors controlling phosphorylation kinetics. Functional analysis reveals three c-JUN phosphorylation states: unphosphorylated c-JUN recruits the MBD3 repressor, serine63/73 doubly-phosphorylated c-JUN binds to the TCF4 co-activator, whereas the fully phosphorylated form disfavours TCF4 binding attenuating JNK signalling. Thus, c-JUN phosphorylation encodes multiple functional states that drive a complex signalling response from a single JNK input.
When a ribosome stalls during translation, it runs the risk of collision with a trailing ribosome. Such an encounter leads to the formation of a stable di-ribosome complex, which needs to be resolved by a dedicated machinery. The initial stalling and the subsequent resolution of di-ribosomal complexes requires activity of Makorin and ZNF598 ubiquitin E3 ligases, respectively, through ubiquitylation of the eS10 and uS10 subunits of the ribosome. We have developed a specific small-molecule inhibitor of the deubiquitylase USP9X. Proteomics analysis, following inhibitor treatment of HCT116 cells, confirms previous reports linking USP9X with centrosome-associated protein stability but also reveals a loss of Makorin 2 and ZNF598. We show that USP9X interacts with both these ubiquitin E3 ligases, regulating their abundance through the control of protein stability. In the absence of USP9X or following chemical inhibition of its catalytic activity, levels of Makorins and ZNF598 are diminished, and the ribosomal quality control pathway is impaired.
Congenital microcephaly (MCPH) is a neurodevelopmental disease associated with mutations in genes encoding proteins involved in centrosomal and chromosomal dynamics during mitosis. Detailed MCPH pathogenesis at the cellular level is still elusive, given the diversity of MCPH genes and lack of comparative in vivo studies. By generating a series of CRISPR/Cas9-mediated genetic KOs, we report here that - whereas defects in spindle pole proteins (ASPM, MCPH5) result in mild MCPH during development - lack of centrosome (CDK5RAP2, MCPH3) or centriole (CEP135, MCPH8) regulators induces delayed chromosome segregation and chromosomal instability in neural progenitors (NPs). Our mouse model of MCPH8 suggests that loss of CEP135 results in centriole duplication defects, TP53 activation, and cell death of NPs. Trp53 ablation in a Cep135-deficient background prevents cell death but not MCPH, and it leads to subcortical heterotopias, a malformation seen in MCPH8 patients. These results suggest that MCPH in some MCPH patients can arise from the lack of adaptation to centriole defects in NPs and may lead to architectural defects if chromosomally unstable cells are not eliminated during brain development.
In the process of epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT), epithelial cancer cells transdifferentiate into mesenchymal-like cells with high motility and aggressiveness, resulting in the spread of tumor cells. Immune cells and inflammation in the tumor microenvironment are the driving factors of EMT, but few studies have explored the core targets of the interaction between EMT and tumor immune cells. We analyzed thousands of cases of gastric cancer and gastric tissue specimens of TCGA, CPTAC, GTEx and analyzing QPCR and IHC data of 56 gastric cancer patients in SYSU Gastric Cancer Research Center. It was known that EMT has an important connection with the infiltration of NK cells, and that the expression of vinculin may be the target of the phenomenon. The increased expression of vinculin is closely related to the aggressiveness and distant metastasis of cancer, which affects the survival prognosis of the patient. Moreover, through <i>in vitro</i> experiments under 3D conditions, we found that vinculin, cell invasion and metastasis are clearly linked. VCL can affect EMT and tumor immunity by regulating EPCAM gene expression. The role and mechanism of action of vinculin have been controversial, but this molecule may downregulate EpCAM (epithelial cellular adhesion molecule) and its own role in gastric cancer through DNA methylation, causing NK cells to enrich into tumor cells and kill tumor cells. At the same time, it promotes the occurrence of EMT, which in turn causes tumor metastasis and thus poorer prognosis.
Oxaliplatin (OXA) resistance in the treatment of different types of cancer is an important and complex problem. The culture of tumor organoids derived from gastric cancer can help us to provide a deeper understanding of the underlying mechanisms that lead to OXA resistance. In this study, our purpose was to understand the mechanisms that lead to OXA resistance, and to provide survival benefits to patients with OXA through targeted combination therapies. Using sequence analysis of OXA-resistant and non-OXA-resistant organoids, we found that PARP1 is an important gene that mediates OXA resistance. Through the patients' follow-up data, it was observed that the expression level of PARP1 was significantly correlated with OXA resistance. This was confirmed by genetic manipulation of PARP1 expression in OXA-resistant organoids used in subcutaneous tumor formation. Results further showed that PARP1 mediated OXA resistance by inhibiting the base excision repair pathway. OXA also inhibited homologous recombination by CDK1 activity and importantly made cancers with normal BRCA1 function sensitive to PARP inhibition. As a result, combination of OXA and Olaparib (PARP-1/2/3 inhibitor), inhibited <i>in vivo</i> and <i>in vitro</i> OXA resistant organoid growth and viability.
We present a new folded dual-view oblique plane microscopy (OPM) technique termed dOPM that enables two orthogonal views of the sample to be obtained by translating a pair of tilted mirrors in refocussing space. Using a water immersion 40× 1.15 NA primary objective, deconvolved image volumes of 200 nm beads were measured to have full width at half maxima (FWHM) of 0.35 ± 0.04 µm and 0.39 ± 0.02 µm laterally and 0.81 ± 0.07 µm axially. The measured z-sectioning value was 1.33 ± 0.45 µm using light-sheet FWHM in the frames of the two views of 4.99 ± 0.58 µm and 4.89 ± 0.63 µm. To qualitatively demonstrate that the system can reduce shadow artefacts while providing a more isotropic resolution, a multi-cellular spheroid approximately 100 µm in diameter was imaged.
In mammalian cell lines, the endosomal sorting complex required for transport (ESCRT)-III mediates abscission, the process that physically separates daughter cells and completes cell division. Cep55 protein is regarded as the master regulator of abscission, because it recruits ESCRT-III to the midbody (MB), the site of abscission. However, the importance of this mechanism in a mammalian organism has never been tested. Here we show that Cep55 is dispensable for mouse embryonic development and adult tissue homeostasis. Cep55-knockout offspring show microcephaly and primary neural progenitors require Cep55 and ESCRT for survival and abscission. However, Cep55 is dispensable for cell division in embryonic or adult tissues. In vitro, division of primary fibroblasts occurs without Cep55 and ESCRT-III at the midbody and is not affected by ESCRT depletion. Our work defines Cep55 as an abscission regulator only in specific tissue contexts and necessitates the re-evaluation of an alternative ESCRT-independent cell division mechanism.
Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is driven by metabolic changes in pancreatic cells caused by oncogenic mutations and dysregulation of p53. PDAC cell lines and PDAC-derived xenografts grow as a result of altered metabolic pathways, changes in stroma, and autophagy. Selective targeting and inhibition of one of these may open avenues for the development of new therapeutic strategies. In this study, we performed a genome-wide siRNA screen in a PDAC cell line using endogenous autophagy as a readout and identified several regulators of autophagy that were required for autophagy-dependent PDAC cell survival. Validation of two promising candidates, MPP7 (MAGUK p55 subfamily member 7, a scaffolding protein involved in cell-cell contacts) and MDH1 (cytosolic Malate dehydrogenase 1), revealed their role in early stages of autophagy during autophagosome formation. MPP7 was involved in the activation of YAP1 (a transcriptional coactivator in the Hippo pathway), which in turn promoted autophagy, whereas MDH1 was required for maintenance of the levels of the essential autophagy initiator serine-threonine kinase ULK1, and increased in the activity upon induction of autophagy. Our results provide a possible explanation for how autophagy is regulated by MPP7 and MDH1, which adds to our understanding of autophagy regulation in PDAC. SIGNIFICANCE: This study identifies and characterizes MPP7 and MDH1 as novel regulators of autophagy, which is thought to be responsible for pancreatic cancer cell survival.
Wnt/β-catenin signaling plays a critical role during development of both normal and malignant colorectal cancer tissues. Phosphorylation of β-catenin protein alters its trafficking and function. Such conventional allosteric regulation usually involves a highly specialized set of molecular interactions, which may specifically turn on a particular cell phenotype. This study identifies a novel transcription modulator with an FLYWCH/Zn-finger DNA-binding domain, called "FLYWCH1." Using a modified yeast-2-hybrid based Ras-Recruitment system, it is demonstrated that FLYWCH1 directly binds to unphosphorylated (nuclear) β-catenin efficiently suppressing the transcriptional activity of Wnt/β-catenin signaling that cannot be rescued by TCF4. FLYWCH1 rearranges the transcriptional activity of β-catenin/TCF4 to selectively block the expression of specific downstream genes associated with colorectal cancer cell migration and morphology, including ZEB1, EPHA4, and E-cadherin. Accordingly, overexpression of FLYWCH1 reduces cell motility and increases cell attachment. The expression of FLYWCH1 negatively correlates with the expression level of ZEB1 and EPHA4 in normal versus primary and metastatic colorectal cancer tissues in patients. Thus, FLYWCH1 antagonizes β-catenin/TCF4 signaling during cell polarity/migration in colorectal cancer. IMPLICATIONS: This study uncovers a new molecular mechanism by which FLYWCH1 with a possible tumor suppressive role represses β-catenin-induced ZEB1 and increases cadherin-mediated cell attachment preventing colorectal cancer metastasis.
Mutations of WD repeat domain 62 (WDR62) lead to autosomal recessive primary microcephaly (MCPH), and down-regulation of WDR62 expression causes the loss of neural progenitor cells (NPCs). However, how WDR62 is regulated and hence controls neurogenesis and brain size remains elusive. Here, we demonstrate that mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 3 (MEKK3) forms a complex with WDR62 to promote c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) signaling synergistically in the control of neurogenesis. The deletion of Mekk3, Wdr62, or Jnk1 resulted in phenocopied defects, including premature NPC differentiation. We further showed that WDR62 protein is positively regulated by MEKK3 and JNK1 in the developing brain and that the defects of wdr62 deficiency can be rescued by the transgenic expression of JNK1. Meanwhile, WDR62 is also negatively regulated by T1053 phosphorylation, leading to the recruitment of F-box and WD repeat domain-containing protein 7 (FBW7) and proteasomal degradation. Our findings demonstrate that the coordinated reciprocal and bidirectional regulation among MEKK3, FBW7, WDR62, and JNK1, is required for fine-tuned JNK signaling for the control of balanced NPC self-renewal and differentiation during cortical development.
Concomitant hepatocyte apoptosis and regeneration is a hallmark of chronic liver diseases (CLDs) predisposing to hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Here, we mechanistically link caspase-8-dependent apoptosis to HCC development via proliferation- and replication-associated DNA damage. Proliferation-associated replication stress, DNA damage, and genetic instability are detectable in CLDs before any neoplastic changes occur. Accumulated levels of hepatocyte apoptosis determine and predict subsequent hepatocarcinogenesis. Proliferation-associated DNA damage is sensed by a complex comprising caspase-8, FADD, c-FLIP, and a kinase-dependent function of RIPK1. This platform requires a non-apoptotic function of caspase-8, but no caspase-3 or caspase-8 cleavage. It may represent a DNA damage-sensing mechanism in hepatocytes that can act via JNK and subsequent phosphorylation of the histone variant H2AX.
The bifunctional enzyme 6-phosphofructo-2-kinase/fructose-2,6-biphosphatase-4 (PFKFB4) controls metabolic flux through allosteric regulation of glycolysis. Here we show that p53 regulates the expression of PFKFB4 and that p53-deficient cancer cells are highly dependent on the function of this enzyme. We found that p53 downregulates PFKFB4 expression by binding to its promoter and mediating transcriptional repression via histone deacetylases. Depletion of PFKFB4 from p53-deficient cancer cells increased levels of the allosteric regulator fructose-2,6-bisphosphate, leading to increased glycolytic activity but decreased routing of metabolites through the oxidative arm of the pentose-phosphate pathway. PFKFB4 was also required to support the synthesis and regeneration of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) in p53-deficient cancer cells. Moreover, depletion of PFKFB4-attenuated cellular biosynthetic activity and resulted in the accumulation of reactive oxygen species and cell death in the absence of p53. Finally, silencing of PFKFB4-induced apoptosis in p53-deficient cancer cells in vivo and interfered with tumour growth. These results demonstrate that PFKFB4 is essential to support anabolic metabolism in p53-deficient cancer cells and suggest that inhibition of PFKFB4 could be an effective strategy for cancer treatment.
The skin is a squamous epithelium that is continuously renewed by a population of basal layer stem/progenitor cells and can heal wounds. Here, we show that the transcription regulators YAP and TAZ localise to the nucleus in the basal layer of skin and are elevated upon wound healing. Skin-specific deletion of both YAP and TAZ in adult mice slows proliferation of basal layer cells, leads to hair loss and impairs regeneration after wounding. Contact with the basal extracellular matrix and consequent integrin-Src signalling is a key determinant of the nuclear localisation of YAP/TAZ in basal layer cells and in skin tumours. Contact with the basement membrane is lost in differentiating daughter cells, where YAP and TAZ become mostly cytoplasmic. In other types of squamous epithelia and squamous cell carcinomas, a similar control mechanism is present. By contrast, columnar epithelia differentiate an apical domain that recruits CRB3, Merlin (also known as NF2), KIBRA (also known as WWC1) and SAV1 to induce Hippo signalling and retain YAP/TAZ in the cytoplasm despite contact with the basal layer extracellular matrix. When columnar epithelial tumours lose their apical domain and become invasive, YAP/TAZ becomes nuclear and tumour growth becomes sensitive to the Src inhibitor Dasatinib.
Proper development of the immune system is an intricate process dependent on many factors, including an intact DNA damage response. The DNA double-strand break signaling kinase ATM and its cofactor NBS1 are required during T cell development and for the maintenance of genomic stability. The role of a second ATM cofactor, ATMIN (also known as ASCIZ) in T cells is much less clear, and whether ATMIN and NBS1 function in synergy in T cells is unknown. Here, we investigate the roles of ATMIN and NBS1, either alone or in combination, using murine models. We show loss of NBS1 led to a developmental block at the double-positive stage of T cell development, as well as reduced TCRα recombination, that was unexpectedly neither exacerbated nor alleviated by concomitant loss of ATMIN. In contrast, loss of both ATMIN and NBS1 enhanced DNA damage that drove spontaneous peripheral T cell hyperactivation, proliferation as well as excessive production of proinflammatory cytokines and chemokines, leading to a highly inflammatory environment. Intriguingly, the disease causing T cells were largely proficient for both ATMIN and NBS1. In vivo this resulted in severe intestinal inflammation, colitis and premature death. Our findings reveal a novel model for an intestinal bowel disease phenotype that occurs upon combined loss of the DNA repair cofactors ATMIN and NBS1.
ATM, the protein kinase mutated in the rare human disease ataxia telangiectasia (A-T), has been the focus of intense scrutiny over the past two decades. Initially this was because of the unusual radiosensitive phenotype of cells from A-T patients, and latterly because investigating ATM signalling has yielded valuable insights into the DNA damage response, redox signalling and cancer. With the recent explosion in genomic data, ATM alterations have been revealed both in the germline as a predisposing factor for cancer and as somatic changes in tumours themselves. Here we review these findings, as well as advances in the understanding of ATM signalling mechanisms in cancer and ATM inhibition as a strategy for cancer treatment.
<h4>Objective</h4>FBXW7 encodes the substrate recognition component of a ubiquitin ligase that degrades targets such as Notch1, c-Jun, c-Myc and cyclin E. FBXW7 mutations occur in several tumour types, including colorectal cancers. The FBXW7 mutation spectrum in cancers is unusual. Some tumours have biallelic loss of function mutations but most have monoallelic missense mutations involving specific arginine residues at β-propellor tips involved in substrate recognition.<h4>Design</h4>FBXW7 functional studies have generally used null systems. In order to analyse the most common mutations in human tumours, we created a Fbxw7(fl(R482Q))(/+) mouse and conditionally expressed this mutation in the intestines using Vill-Cre. We compared these mice with heterozygous null (Fbxw7(+/-)) mutants.<h4>Results</h4>A few sizeable intestinal adenomas occurred in approximately 30% of R482Q/+ and Fbxw7(+/-) mice at age >300 days. Breeding the R482Q allele onto Apc mutant backgrounds led to accelerated morbidity and increased polyp numbers and size. Within the small bowel, polyp distribution was shifted proximally. Elevated levels of two particular Fbxw7 substrates, Klf5 and Tgif1, were found in normal intestine and adenomas of R482Q/+, R482Q/R482Q and Fbxw7(-/-) mice, but not Fbxw7(+/-) animals. On the Apc mutant background, Fbxw7(+/-) mutants had a phenotype intermediate between Fbxw7 wild-type and R482Q/+ mice.<h4>Conclusions</h4>Heterozygous Fbxw7 propellor tip (R482Q) mutations promote intestinal tumorigenesis on an Apc mutant background. Klf5 and Tgif1 are strong candidates for mediating this effect. Although heterozygous null Fbxw7 mutations also promote tumour growth, these have a weaker effect than R482Q. These findings explain the FBXW7 mutation spectrum found in human cancers, and emphasise the need for animal models faithfully to reflect human disease.
Fbw7, the substrate recognition subunit of SCF(Fbw7) ubiquitin ligase, mediates the turnover of multiple proto-oncoproteins and promotes its own degradation. Fbw7-dependent substrate ubiquitination is antagonized by the Usp28 deubiquitinase. Here, we show that Usp28 preferentially antagonizes autocatalytic ubiquitination and stabilizes Fbw7, resulting in dose-dependent effects in Usp28 knockout mice. Monoallelic deletion of Usp28 maintains stable Fbw7 but drives Fbw7 substrate degradation. In contrast, complete knockout triggers Fbw7 degradation and leads to the accumulation of Fbw7 substrates in several tissues and embryonic fibroblasts. On the other hand, overexpression of Usp28 stabilizes both Fbw7 and its substrates. Consequently, both complete loss and ectopic expression of Usp28 promote Ras-driven oncogenic transformation. We propose that dual regulation of Fbw7 activity by Usp28 is a safeguard mechanism for maintaining physiological levels of proto-oncogenic Fbw7 substrates, which is equivalently disrupted by loss or overexpression of Usp28.
Cancer chromosomal instability (CIN) results in an increased rate of change of chromosome number and structure and generates intratumour heterogeneity. CIN is observed in most solid tumours and is associated with both poor prognosis and drug resistance. Understanding a mechanistic basis for CIN is therefore paramount. Here we find evidence for impaired replication fork progression and increased DNA replication stress in CIN(+) colorectal cancer (CRC) cells relative to CIN(-) CRC cells, with structural chromosome abnormalities precipitating chromosome missegregation in mitosis. We identify three new CIN-suppressor genes (PIGN (also known as MCD4), MEX3C (RKHD2) and ZNF516 (KIAA0222)) encoded on chromosome 18q that are subject to frequent copy number loss in CIN(+) CRC. Chromosome 18q loss was temporally associated with aneuploidy onset at the adenoma-carcinoma transition. CIN-suppressor gene silencing leads to DNA replication stress, structural chromosome abnormalities and chromosome missegregation. Supplementing cells with nucleosides, to alleviate replication-associated damage, reduces the frequency of chromosome segregation errors after CIN-suppressor gene silencing, and attenuates segregation errors and DNA damage in CIN(+) cells. These data implicate a central role for replication stress in the generation of structural and numerical CIN, which may inform new therapeutic approaches to limit intratumour heterogeneity.
The radical response of peripheral nerves to injury (Wallerian degeneration) is the cornerstone of nerve repair. We show that activation of the transcription factor c-Jun in Schwann cells is a global regulator of Wallerian degeneration. c-Jun governs major aspects of the injury response, determines the expression of trophic factors, adhesion molecules, the formation of regeneration tracks and myelin clearance and controls the distinctive regenerative potential of peripheral nerves. A key function of c-Jun is the activation of a repair program in Schwann cells and the creation of a cell specialized to support regeneration. We show that absence of c-Jun results in the formation of a dysfunctional repair cell, striking failure of functional recovery, and neuronal death. We conclude that a single glial transcription factor is essential for restoration of damaged nerves, acting to control the transdifferentiation of myelin and Remak Schwann cells to dedicated repair cells in damaged tissue.
Notch signaling controls fundamental aspects of angiogenic blood vessel growth including the selection of sprouting tip cells, endothelial proliferation and arterial differentiation. The E3 ubiquitin ligase Fbxw7 is part of the SCF protein complex responsible for the polyubiquitination and thereby proteasomal degradation of substrates such as Notch, c-Myc and c-Jun. Here, we show that Fbxw7 is a critical regulator of angiogenesis in the mouse retina and the zebrafish embryonic trunk, which we attribute to its role in the degradation of active Notch. Growth of retinal blood vessel was impaired and the Notch ligand Dll4, which is also a Notch target, upregulated in inducible and endothelial cell-specific Fbxw7(iECKO) mutant mice. The stability of the cleaved and active Notch intracellular domain was increased after siRNA knockdown of the E3 ligase in cultured human endothelial cells. Injection of fbxw7 morpholinos interfered with the sprouting of zebrafish intersegmental vessels (ISVs). Arguing strongly that Notch and not other Fbxw7 substrates are primarily responsible for these phenotypes, the genetic inactivation of Notch pathway components reversed the impaired ISV growth in the zebrafish embryo as well as sprouting and proliferation in the mouse retina. Our findings establish that Fbxw7 is a potent positive regulator of angiogenesis that limits the activity of Notch in the endothelium of the growing vasculature.
Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) is the most frequent cause of cancer deaths worldwide; nearly half contain mutations in the receptor tyrosine kinase/RAS pathway. Here we show that RAS-pathway mutant NSCLC cells depend on the transcription factor GATA2. Loss of GATA2 reduced the viability of NSCLC cells with RAS-pathway mutations, whereas wild-type cells were unaffected. Integrated gene expression and genome occupancy analyses revealed GATA2 regulation of the proteasome, and IL-1-signaling, and Rho-signaling pathways. These pathways were functionally significant, as reactivation rescued viability after GATA2 depletion. In a Kras-driven NSCLC mouse model, Gata2 loss dramatically reduced tumor development. Furthermore, Gata2 deletion in established Kras mutant tumors induced striking regression. Although GATA2 itself is likely undruggable, combined suppression of GATA2-regulated pathways with clinically approved inhibitors caused marked tumor clearance. Discovery of the nononcogene addiction of KRAS mutant lung cancers to GATA2 presents a network of druggable pathways for therapeutic exploitation.
Transcriptional heterogeneity within embryonic stem cell (ESC) populations has been suggested as a mechanism by which a seemingly homogeneous cell population can initiate differentiation into an array of different cell types. Chromatin remodeling proteins have been shown to control transcriptional variability in yeast and to be important for mammalian ESC lineage commitment. Here we show that the Nucleosome Remodeling and Deacetylation (NuRD) complex, which is required for ESC lineage commitment, modulates both transcriptional heterogeneity and the dynamic range of a set of pluripotency genes in ESCs. In self-renewing conditions, the influence of NuRD at these genes is balanced by the opposing action of self-renewal factors. Upon loss of self-renewal factors, the action of NuRD is sufficient to silence transcription of these pluripotency genes, allowing cells to exit self-renewal. We propose that modulation of transcription levels by NuRD is key to maintaining the differentiation responsiveness of pluripotent cells.
Pluripotent cells possess the ability to differentiate into any cell type. Commitment to differentiate into specific lineages requires strict control of gene expression to coordinate the downregulation of lineage inappropriate genes while enabling the expression of lineage-specific genes. The nucleosome remodelling and deacetylation complex (NuRD) is required for lineage commitment of pluripotent cells; however, the mechanism through which it exerts this effect has not been defined. Here, we show that histone deacetylation by NuRD specifies recruitment for Polycomb Repressive Complex 2 (PRC2) in embryonic stem (ES) cells. NuRD-mediated deacetylation of histone H3K27 enables PRC2 recruitment and subsequent H3K27 trimethylation at NuRD target promoters. We propose a gene-specific mechanism for modulating expression of transcriptionally poised genes whereby NuRD controls the balance between acetylation and methylation of histones, thereby precisely directing the expression of genes critical for embryonic development.
Neuroinflammation driven by the vanilloid-type ion channel receptor transient receptor potential vanilloid type 1 (TRPV-1) is suspected to play a role in the pathophysiology of inflammatory bowel disease. Because inflammatory bowel disease is known to elevate the risk of colon cancer, we examined postulated roles for TRPV-1-driven neuroinflammation in promoting colitis-associated and spontaneous colon cancer development. Using a well-established model of colitis-associated cancer (CAC), we found that mice genetically deficient in TRPV-1 showed a higher incidence and number of tumors in the distal colon. In like manner, genetic deficiency of TRPV-1 in the APC(Min/+) model of spontaneous colon cancer accentuated the number of colonic adenomas formed. Mechanistic analyses in the CAC model revealed an increased infiltration of inflammatory cells into the tumors along with elevated expression of interleukin (IL)-6 and IL-11 and activation of the STAT3 and NF-κB signaling pathways. Notably, TPRV-1-deficient mice exhibited a defect in expression of the anti-inflammatory neuropeptides, vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP), and pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating peptide (PACAP) which contributed to the generation of a local proinflammatory environment. Together, our findings argue that by limiting neuroinflammatory processes, TRPV-1 exerts a protective role that restricts the initiation and progression of colon cancer.
The Fbxw7 (F-box/WD repeat-containing protein 7; also called CDC4, Sel10, Ago, and Fbw7) component of the SCF (Skp1/Cullin/F-box protein) E3 ubiquitin ligase complex acts as a tumor suppressor in several tissues and targets multiple transcriptional activators and protooncogenes for ubiquitin-mediated degradation. To understand Fbxw7 function in the murine intestine, in this study, we specifically deleted Fbxw7 in the murine gut using Villin-Cre (Fbxw7(ΔG)). In wild-type mice, loss of Fbxw7 in the gut altered homeostasis of the intestinal epithelium, resulted in elevated Notch and c-Jun expression, and induced development of adenomas at 9-10 mo of age. In the context of APC (adenomatous polyposis coli) deficiency (Apc(Min/+) mice), loss of Fbxw7 accelerated intestinal tumorigenesis and death and promoted accumulation of β-catenin in adenomas at late but not early time points. At early time points, Fbxw7 mutant tumors showed accumulation of the DEK protooncogene. DEK expression promoted cell division and altered splicing of tropomyosin (TPM) RNA, which may also influence cell proliferation. DEK accumulation and altered TPM RNA splicing were also detected in FBXW7 mutant human colorectal tumor tissues. Given their reduced lifespan and increased incidence of intestinal tumors, Apc(Min/+)Fbxw7(ΔG) mice may be used for testing carcinogenicity and drug screening.
FBXW7 is the substrate recognition component of a SCF-type E3 ubiquitin ligase. It has multiple targets such as Notch1, c-Jun, and cyclin E that function in critical developmental and signalling pathways. Mutations in FBXW7 are often found in many types of cancer. In most cases, these mutations do not inactivate the protein, but are mono-allelic missense changes at specific arginine resides involved in substrate binding. We have hypothesized that FBXW7 mutations are selected in cancers for reasons other than haploinsufficiency or full loss-of-function. Given that the existing mutant Fbxw7 mice carry null alleles, we created a mouse model carrying one of the commonly occurring point mutations (Fbxw7(R482Q)) in the WD40 substrate recognition domain of Fbxw7. Mice heterozygous for this mutation apparently developed normally in utero, died perinatally due to a defect in lung development, and in some cases showed cleft palate and eyelid fusion defects. By comparison, Fbxw7(+/-) mice were viable and developed normally. Fbxw7(-/-) animals died of vascular abnormalities at E10.5. We screened known FBXW7 targets for changes in the lungs of the Fbxw7(R482Q/+) mice and found Tgif1 and Klf5 to be up-regulated. Fbxw7(R482Q) alleles are not functionally equivalent to heterozygous or homozygous null alleles, and we propose that they are selected in tumourigenesis because they cause a selective or partial loss of FBXW7 function.
Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and beta-catenin both act broadly in embryogenesis and adulthood, including in the skeletal and vascular systems. Increased or deregulated activity of these molecules has been linked to cancer and bone-related pathologies. By using novel mouse models to locally increase VEGF levels in the skeleton, we found that embryonic VEGF over-expression in osteo-chondroprogenitors and their progeny largely pheno-copied constitutive beta-catenin activation. Adult induction of VEGF in these cell populations dramatically increased bone mass, associated with aberrant vascularization, bone marrow fibrosis and haematological anomalies. Genetic and pharmacological interventions showed that VEGF increased bone mass through a VEGF receptor 2- and phosphatidyl inositol 3-kinase-mediated pathway inducing beta-catenin transcriptional activity in endothelial and osteoblastic cells, likely through modulation of glycogen synthase kinase 3-beta phosphorylation. These insights into the actions of VEGF in the bone and marrow environment underscore its power as pleiotropic bone anabolic agent but also warn for caution in its therapeutic use. Moreover, the finding that VEGF can modulate beta-catenin activity may have widespread physiological and clinical ramifications.
The checkpoint kinase ATM (ataxia telangiectasia mutated) transduces genomic stress signals to halt cell cycle progression and promote DNA repair in response to DNA damage. We have recently identified an essential cofactor for ATM, ATMIN (for ATM INteractor). Several observations suggested that ATMIN plays a key role in ATM signalling. ATMIN and ATM protein stability were mutually dependent, which indicated an intimate physical and functional interaction. ATMIN bound ATM using a short carboxy-terminal motif, in a manner analogous to how another ATM cofactor, Nijmegen Breakage Syndrome protein 1 (NBS1), associates with ATM. ATMIN and NBS1 had complementary functions in ATM signalling. ATMIN was required for ATM signalling by chloroquine and hypotonic stress, but not after induction of double-stand breaks by ionizing radiation (IR), whereas NBS1 is required for ATM signalling by IR. This suggested competition of NBS1 and ATMIN for ATM binding in a signal-dependent fashion. Some implications of these findings for the ATM signalling pathway are discussed.
c-Jun is a member of the AP-1 family of transcription factors, the activity of which is strongly augmented by TCR signaling. To elucidate the functions of c-Jun in mouse thymic lymphopoiesis, we conditionally inactivated c-Jun specifically during early T cell development. The loss of c-Jun resulted in enhanced generation of gammadelta T cells, whereas alphabeta T cell development was partially arrested at the double-negative 3 stage. The increased generation of gammadelta T cells by loss of c-Jun was cell autonomous, because in a competitive reconstitution experiment the knockout-derived cells produced more gammadelta T cells than did the control cells. C-jun-deficient immature T cells failed to efficiently repress transcription of IL-7Ralpha, resulting in augmented IL-7Ralpha mRNA and surface levels. Chromatin immunoprecipitation assays revealed binding of c-Jun to AP-1 binding sites present in the IL-7Ralpha promoter, indicating direct transcriptional regulation. Thus, c-Jun controls the transcription of IL-7Ralpha and is a novel regulator of the alphabeta/gammadelta T cell development.
<h4>Purpose</h4>To examine the involvement of c-Jun and c-Jun N-terminal phosphorylation (JNP) in apoptosis of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) after the optic nerve (ON) transection.<h4>Methods</h4>The expression and phosphorylation of c-Jun protein and apoptosis in RGCs were examined after ON transection in wild-type mice and mice in which both phosphoacceptor serines of Jun have mutated to alanines (c-Jun[AA] mice). The fluorescent tracer 1,1'-dioctadecyl-3,3,3',3'-tetramethylindocarbocyanine perchlorate (DiI) was applied to the superior colliculi (SC), and the right ON was severed after 7 days. After two more weeks, the average number of RGCs per field was calculated.<h4>Results</h4>JNP and TUNEL-labeled apoptotic nuclei were detected in the ganglion cell layer (GCL) of the retina of the wild-type mice in response to ON transection. The numbers of TUNEL-positive nuclei in the c-Jun(AA) mice was reduced in comparison to those in wild-type mice. Retrograde labeling showed that the number of the RGCs in the retinas on the injured side of the c-Jun(AA) mice was significantly higher than in wild-type mice 14 days after the lesion.<h4>Conclusions</h4>These results suggest that there is a partial but significant contribution of JNP to the induction of apoptosis in RGCs by ON transection.
The nuclear phosphoprotein c-Jun is a major component of the AP-1 transcription factor, whose activity is augmented by many oncogenes. An important mechanism to stimulate AP-1 function is N-terminal phosphorylation of c-Jun at the serine residues 63 and 73 by the c-JunN-terminal kinases (JNKs). Mice and cells harboring a mutant allele of c-jun, which has the JNK phosphoacceptor serines changed to alanines (junAA), were used to determine the function of c-Jun N-terminal phosphorylation (JNP) during oncogenic transformation in vitro and in vivo. JunAA immortalized fibroblasts expressing v-ras and v-fos showed reduced tumorigenicity in nude mice, but the efficiency of v-src transformation was unaffected by the lack of JNP. To assess the significance of JNP in tumour development in vivo, two transgenic mouse tumour models were employed. Skin tumour development caused by constitutive activation of the ras pathway by K5-SOS-F expression and c-fos-induced osteosarcoma formation were impaired in mice lacking JNP. Inhibition of JNP may, therefore, be a novel therapeutic strategy to inhibit tumour growth in vivo. Oncogene (2000).
The EGF receptor (EGFR) is required for skin development and is implicated in epithelial tumor formation. Transgenic mice expressing a dominant form of Son of Sevenless (SOS-F) in basal keratinocytes develop skin papillomas with 100% penetrance. However, tumor formation is inhibited in a hypomorphic (wa2) and null EGFR background. Similarly, EGFR-deficient fibroblasts are resistant to transformation by SOS-F and rasV12, however, tumorigenicity is restored by expression of the anti-apoptotic bcl-2 gene. The K5-SOS-F papillomas and primary keratinocytesfrom wa2 mice display increased apoptosis, reduced Akt phosphorylation and grafting experiments imply a cell-autonomous requirement for EGFR in keratinocytes. Therefore, EGFR functions as a survival factor in oncogenic transformation and provides a valuable target for therapeutic intervention in a broader range of tumors than anticipated.
The c-Jun N-terminal kinases (JNKs) exert a pleiotrophy of physiological and pathological actions. This is also true for the immune system. Disruption of the JNK locus results in substantial functional deficits of peripheral T-cells. In contrast to circulating immune cells and the role of p38, the presence and function of JNKs in the immune cells of the brain remain to be defined. Here, we report on the expression and activation of JNKs in cultivated microglia from neonatal rats and from mice with targeted disruption of the JNK locus and the N-terminal mutation of c-Jun (c-JunAA), respectively. JNK1, 2 and 3 mRNA and proteins were all expressed in microglia. Following stimulation with LPS (100 ng/mL), a classical activator of microglia, JNKs were rapidly activated and this activation returns to basal levels within 4 hr. Following LPS and other stimuli such as thrombin (10-50 unit/mL), the activation of JNKs went along with the N-terminal phosphorylation of c-Jun which persisted for at least 8 hr. Indirect inhibition of JNK by CEP-11004 (0.5-2 microM), an inhibitor of mixed-lineage kinases (MLK), reduced the LPS-induced phosphorylation of both, JNK and c-Jun, by around 50%, and attentuated the LPS-induced the alterations in microglial morphology. Finally, JNKs are involved in the control of cytokine release since both, incubation with CEP-11004 and disruption of the JNK1 locus enhanced the release of TNFalpha, IL-6 and IL-12. Our findings provide insight in so far unknown functions of JNKs in cerebral immune cells. These observations are also important for the wide spread efforts to develop JNK-inhibitors as neuroprotective drugs which, however, might trigger pro-inflammatory processes.