Dr George Poulogiannis
Group Leader: Signalling & Cancer Metabolism

Dr George Poulogiannis is a Group Leader in the Division of Cancer Biology at the Institute of Cancer Research, London. He received his BSc in Molecular and Cellular Biology from the University of Glasgow and his MSc in Human Molecular Genetics from Imperial College London. He earned his PhD from the University of Cambridge, where he studied the genome abnormalities of colorectal cancer at the laboratory of Prof Andrew Wyllie and Dr Mark Arends.
The high demand for analytical skills during his PhD work led him to pursue a second Masters in Computational Biology at the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics at the University of Cambridge, where he was specialized in mathematical modeling of signaling and metabolic networks and analysis of high-throughput datasets.
For his postdoctoral research, Dr Poulogiannis joined the laboratory of Prof Lewis Cantley at Harvard Medical School to study the signalling and metabolic networks that are associated with the activation of the PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway.
In 2011, he received the Life Sciences Research Foundation Fellowship for his work entitled "Defining the Genetic and Molecular Circuitry of the Growth-Triggering TOR Pathway" and in 2014, he joined the faculty of ICR to lead the Signalling and Cancer Metabolism group. Dr Poulogiannis is also an academic affiliate of Imperial College and his group is part of the Joint Centre for Systems Oncology and Cancer Innovation.
The major focus of his laboratory is to utilize in vitro cell biology approaches, genetically engineered mouse models and high-throughput technologies to study the signalling and metabolic networks that are related to cell growth and oncogenesis.
Dr Poulogiannis is a member of the Cancer Research UK Convergence Science Centre, which brings together leading researchers in engineering, physical sciences, life sciences and medicine to develop innovative ways to address challenges in cancer.
BSc (Hons) Molecular and Cellular Biology, University of Glasgow.
MSc Human Molecular Genetics, Imperial College London.
PhD Cancer Biology, University of Cambridge.
MPhil Computational Biology, University of Cambridge.
Life Sciences Research Foundation Fellowship, LSRF, 2011.
Cambridge European Trust Fellowship, University of Cambridge, 2008.
The Microsoft Research European MPhil Scholarship, University of Cambridge, 2006.
American Association for Cancer Research (AACR)-Sanofi Aventis Scholar-in-Training Award, AACR, 2005.
PathSoc Pilot Study Award, The Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland, 2005.
prize lecture, The Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland, 2008.
ICR Top 10 scientific achievements, Institute of Cancer Research, 2016.
ICR Top 10 scientific achievements, Institute of Cancer Research, London, 2017.
2019 AACR Annual Meeting Program Committee, Chairperson of the Metabolism and Cancer Section for the AACR Annual Meeting 2019, American Association for Cancer Research (AACR), 2019.
Topic editor for the theme of “Mechanisms Underlying Metabolic Pathway Alterations in Cancer Progression”, Chair, Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, 2019.
Research subcommittee, Member, ICR/Imperial Cancer Research Centre of Excellence (CRCE), 2018.
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Journal articles
Understanding tumor heterogeneity is a major challenge that was recognized as one of the first Cancer Grand Challenges, with a call to provide solutions to visualize tumor heterogeneity. The Rosetta team took on this challenge, exploiting advances in spatial-omics approaches centered around mass spectrometry imaging to map tumor heterogeneity at the cellular and molecular scales with different levels of resolution. See related article by Bressan et al., p. 16 See related article by Stratton et al., p. 22 See related article by Bhattacharjee et al., p. 28.
The landscape of tissue-based imaging modalities is constantly and rapidly evolving. While formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded material is still useful for histological imaging, the fixation process irreversibly changes the molecular composition of the sample. Therefore, many imaging approaches require fresh-frozen material to get meaningful results. This is particularly true for molecular imaging techniques such as mass spectrometry imaging, which are widely used to probe the spatial arrangement of the tissue metabolome. As high-quality fresh-frozen tissues are limited in their availability, any sample preparation workflow they are subjected to needs to ensure morphological and molecular preservation of the tissues and be compatible with as many of the established and emerging imaging techniques as possible to obtain the maximum possible insights from the tissues. Here we describe a universal sample preparation workflow, from the initial step of freezing the tissues to the cold embedding in a new hydroxypropyl methylcellulose/polyvinylpyrrolidone-enriched hydrogel and the generation of thin tissue sections for analysis. Moreover, we highlight the optimized storage conditions that limit molecular and morphological degradation of the sections. The protocol is compatible with human and plant tissues and can be easily adapted for the preparation of alternative sample formats (e.g., three-dimensional cell cultures). The integrated workflow is universally compatible with histological tissue analysis, mass spectrometry imaging and imaging mass cytometry, as well as spatial proteomic, genomic and transcriptomic tissue analysis. The protocol can be completed within 4 h and requires minimal prior experience in the preparation of tissue samples for multimodal imaging experiments.
Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) is a phospholipid that displays potent signalling activities that are regulated in both an autocrine and paracrine manner. It can be found both extra- and intracellularly, where it interacts with different receptors to activate signalling pathways that regulate a plethora of cellular processes, including mitosis, proliferation and migration. LPA metabolism is complex, and its biosynthesis and catabolism are under tight control to ensure proper LPA levels in the body. In cancer patient specimens, LPA levels are frequently higher compared to those of healthy individuals and often correlate with poor responses and more aggressive disease. Accordingly, LPA, through promoting cancer cell migration and invasion, enhances the metastasis and dissemination of tumour cells. In this review, we summarise the role of LPA in the regulation of critical aspects of tumour biology and further discuss the available pre-clinical and clinical evidence regarding the feasibility and efficacy of targeting LPA metabolism for effective anticancer therapy.
<h4>Background</h4>While REIMS technology has successfully been demonstrated for the histological identification of ex-vivo breast tumor tissues, questions regarding the robustness of the approach and the possibility of tumor molecular diagnostics still remain unanswered. In the current study, we set out to determine whether it is possible to acquire cross-comparable REIMS datasets at multiple sites for the identification of breast tumors and subtypes.<h4>Methods</h4>A consortium of four sites with three of them having access to fresh surgical tissue samples performed tissue analysis using identical REIMS setups and protocols. Overall, 21 breast cancer specimens containing pathology-validated tumor and adipose tissues were analyzed and results were compared using uni- and multivariate statistics on normal, WT and PIK3CA mutant ductal carcinomas.<h4>Results</h4>Statistical analysis of data from standards showed significant differences between sites and individual users. However, the multivariate classification models created from breast cancer data elicited 97.1% and 98.6% correct classification for leave-one-site-out and leave-one-patient-out cross validation. Molecular subtypes represented by PIK3CA mutation gave consistent results across sites.<h4>Conclusions</h4>The results clearly demonstrate the feasibility of creating and using global classification models for a REIMS-based margin assessment tool, supporting the clinical translatability of the approach.
Solid tumours have abnormally high intracellular [Na<sup>+</sup>]. The activity of various Na<sup>+</sup> channels may underlie this Na<sup>+</sup> accumulation. Voltage-gated Na<sup>+</sup> channels (VGSCs) have been shown to be functionally active in cancer cell lines, where they promote invasion. However, the mechanisms involved, and clinical relevance, are incompletely understood. Here, we show that protein expression of the Na<sub>v</sub>1.5 VGSC subtype strongly correlates with increased metastasis and shortened cancer-specific survival in breast cancer patients. In addition, VGSCs are functionally active in patient-derived breast tumour cells, cell lines, and cancer-associated fibroblasts. Knockdown of Na<sub>v</sub>1.5 in a mouse model of breast cancer suppresses expression of invasion-regulating genes. Na<sub>v</sub>1.5 activity increases ATP demand and glycolysis in breast cancer cells, likely by upregulating activity of the Na<sup>+</sup>/K<sup>+</sup> ATPase, thus promoting H<sup>+</sup> production and extracellular acidification. The pH of murine xenograft tumours is lower at the periphery than in the core, in regions of higher proliferation and lower apoptosis. In turn, acidic extracellular pH elevates persistent Na<sup>+</sup> influx through Na<sub>v</sub>1.5 into breast cancer cells. Together, these findings show positive feedback between extracellular acidification and the movement of Na<sup>+</sup> into cancer cells which can facilitate invasion. These results highlight the clinical significance of Na<sub>v</sub>1.5 activity as a potentiator of breast cancer metastasis and provide further evidence supporting the use of VGSC inhibitors in cancer treatment.
Tumors are intrinsically heterogeneous and it is well established that this directs their evolution, hinders their classification and frustrates therapy<sup>1-3</sup>. Consequently, spatially resolved omics-level analyses are gaining traction<sup>4-9</sup>. Despite considerable therapeutic interest, tumor metabolism has been lagging behind this development and there is a paucity of data regarding its spatial organization. To address this shortcoming, we set out to study the local metabolic effects of the oncogene c-MYC, a pleiotropic transcription factor that accumulates with tumor progression and influences metabolism<sup>10,11</sup>. Through correlative mass spectrometry imaging, we show that pantothenic acid (vitamin B<sub>5</sub>) associates with MYC-high areas within both human and murine mammary tumors, where its conversion to coenzyme A fuels Krebs cycle activity. Mechanistically, we show that this is accomplished by MYC-mediated upregulation of its multivitamin transporter SLC5A6. Notably, we show that SLC5A6 over-expression alone can induce increased cell growth and a shift toward biosynthesis, whereas conversely, dietary restriction of pantothenic acid leads to a reversal of many MYC-mediated metabolic changes and results in hampered tumor growth. Our work thus establishes the availability of vitamins and cofactors as a potential bottleneck in tumor progression, which can be exploited therapeutically. Overall, we show that a spatial understanding of local metabolism facilitates the identification of clinically relevant, tractable metabolic targets.
A new tissue sample embedding and processing method is presented that provides downstream compatibility with numerous different histological, molecular biology, and analytical techniques. The methodology is based on the low temperature embedding of fresh frozen specimens into a hydrogel matrix composed of hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) and polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) and sectioning using a cryomicrotome. The hydrogel was expected not to interfere with standard tissue characterization methods, histologically or analytically. We assessed the compatibility of this protocol with various mass spectrometric imaging methods including matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization (MALDI), desorption electrospray ionization (DESI) and secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS). We also demonstrated the suitability of the universal protocol for extraction based molecular biology techniques such as rt-PCR. The integration of multiple analytical modalities through this universal sample preparation protocol offers the ability to study tissues at a systems biology level and directly linking results to tissue morphology and cellular phenotype.
Oncogenic transformation is associated with profound changes in cellular metabolism, but whether tracking these can improve disease stratification or influence therapy decision-making is largely unknown. Using the iKnife to sample the aerosol of cauterized specimens, we demonstrate a new mode of real-time diagnosis, coupling metabolic phenotype to mutant PIK3CA genotype. Oncogenic PIK3CA results in an increase in arachidonic acid and a concomitant overproduction of eicosanoids, acting to promote cell proliferation beyond a cell-autonomous manner. Mechanistically, mutant PIK3CA drives a multimodal signaling network involving mTORC2-PKCζ-mediated activation of the calcium-dependent phospholipase A2 (cPLA2). Notably, inhibiting cPLA2 synergizes with fatty acid-free diet to restore immunogenicity and selectively reduce mutant PIK3CA-induced tumorigenicity. Besides highlighting the potential for metabolic phenotyping in stratified medicine, this study reveals an important role for activated PI3K signaling in regulating arachidonic acid metabolism, uncovering a targetable metabolic vulnerability that largely depends on dietary fat restriction. VIDEO ABSTRACT.
A common feature of cancer cells is their ability to rewire their metabolism to sustain the production of ATP and macromolecules needed for cell growth, division and survival. In particular, the importance of altered fatty acid metabolism in cancer has received renewed interest as, aside their principal role as structural components of the membrane matrix, they are important secondary messengers, and can also serve as fuel sources for energy production. In this review, we will examine the mechanisms through which cancer cells rewire their fatty acid metabolism with a focus on four main areas of research. (1) The role of de novo synthesis and exogenous uptake in the cellular pool of fatty acids. (2) The mechanisms through which molecular heterogeneity and oncogenic signal transduction pathways, such as PI3K-AKT-mTOR signalling, regulate fatty acid metabolism. (3) The role of fatty acids as essential mediators of cancer progression and metastasis, through remodelling of the tumour microenvironment. (4) Therapeutic strategies and considerations for successfully targeting fatty acid metabolism in cancer. Further research focusing on the complex interplay between oncogenic signalling and dysregulated fatty acid metabolism holds great promise to uncover novel metabolic vulnerabilities and improve the efficacy of targeted therapies.
<h4>Background</h4>Emerging data highlights the potential role of cyclooxygenase (COX) inhibitors in the primary prevention of malignancy, reducing metastatic spread and improving overall mortality. Despite nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) forming a key component of the WHO analgesic ladder, their use in cancer pain management remains relatively low. This review re-appraises the current evidence regarding the efficacy of COX inhibitors as analgesics in cancer pain, providing a succinct resource to aid clinicians' decision making when determining treatment strategies.<h4>Methods</h4>Medline® and Embase® databases were searched for publications up to November 2018. Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) and double-blind controlled studies considering the use of NSAIDs for management of cancer-related pain in adults were included. Animal studies, case reports, and retrospective observational data were excluded.<h4>Results</h4>Thirty studies investigating the use of NSAIDs in cancer pain management were identified. There is a lack of high-quality evidence regarding the analgesic efficacy of NSAIDs in cancer pain, with short study durations and heterogeneity in outcome measures limiting the ability to draw meaningful conclusions.<h4>Conclusions</h4>Despite the renewed interest in these cost-effective, well-established medications in cancer treatment outcomes, there is a paucity of data from the past 15 yr regarding their efficacy in cancer pain management. However, when analgesic strategies in the cancer population are being formulated, it is important that the potential benefits of this class of drug are considered. Further work investigating the role of NSAIDs in cancer pain management is undoubtedly warranted.
The different stages of the metastatic cascade present distinct metabolic challenges to tumour cells and an altered tumour metabolism associated with successful metastatic colonisation provides a therapeutic vulnerability in disseminated disease. We identify the aldo-keto reductase AKR1B10 as a metastasis enhancer that has little impact on primary tumour growth or dissemination but promotes effective tumour growth in secondary sites and, in human disease, is associated with an increased risk of distant metastatic relapse. AKR1B10<sup>High</sup> tumour cells have reduced glycolytic capacity and dependency on glucose as fuel source but increased utilisation of fatty acid oxidation. Conversely, in both 3D tumour spheroid assays and in vivo metastasis assays, inhibition of fatty acid oxidation blocks AKR1B10<sup>High</sup>-enhanced metastatic colonisation with no impact on AKR1B10<sup>Low</sup> cells. Finally, mechanistic analysis supports a model in which AKR1B10 serves to limit the toxic side effects of oxidative stress thereby sustaining fatty acid oxidation in metabolically challenging metastatic environments.
Surgery is a mainstay treatment for patients with solid tumours. However, despite surgical resection with a curative intent and numerous advances in the effectiveness of (neo)adjuvant therapies, metastatic disease remains common and carries a high risk of mortality. The biological perturbations that accompany the surgical stress response and the pharmacological effects of anaesthetic drugs, paradoxically, might also promote disease recurrence or the progression of metastatic disease. When cancer cells persist after surgery, either locally or at undiagnosed distant sites, neuroendocrine, immune, and metabolic pathways activated in response to surgery and/or anaesthesia might promote their survival and proliferation. A consequence of this effect is that minimal residual disease might then escape equilibrium and progress to metastatic disease. Herein, we discuss the most promising proposals for the refinement of perioperative care that might address these challenges. We outline the rationale and early evidence for the adaptation of anaesthetic techniques and the strategic use of anti-adrenergic, anti-inflammatory, and/or antithrombotic therapies. Many of these strategies are currently under evaluation in large-cohort trials and hold promise as affordable, readily available interventions that will improve the postoperative recurrence-free survival of patients with cancer.
Using a functional model of breast cancer heterogeneity, we previously showed that clonal sub-populations proficient at generating circulating tumour cells were not all equally capable of forming metastases at secondary sites. A combination of differential expression and focused in vitro and in vivo RNA interference screens revealed candidate drivers of metastasis that discriminated metastatic clones. Among these, asparagine synthetase expression in a patient's primary tumour was most strongly correlated with later metastatic relapse. Here we show that asparagine bioavailability strongly influences metastatic potential. Limiting asparagine by knockdown of asparagine synthetase, treatment with l-asparaginase, or dietary asparagine restriction reduces metastasis without affecting growth of the primary tumour, whereas increased dietary asparagine or enforced asparagine synthetase expression promotes metastatic progression. Altering asparagine availability in vitro strongly influences invasive potential, which is correlated with an effect on proteins that promote the epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition. This provides at least one potential mechanism for how the bioavailability of a single amino acid could regulate metastatic progression.
Metabolic rewiring and the consequent production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) are necessary to promote tumorigenesis. At the nexus of these cellular processes is the aberrant regulation of oncogenic signaling cascades such as the phosphoinositide 3-kinase and AKT (PI3K/Akt) pathway, which is one of the most frequently dysregulated pathways in cancer. In this review, we examine the regulation of ROS metabolism in the context of PI3K-driven tumors with particular emphasis on four main areas of research. (1) Stimulation of ROS production through direct modulation of mitochondrial bioenergetics, activation of NADPH oxidases (NOXs), and metabolic byproducts associated with hyperactive PI3K/Akt signaling. (2) The induction of pro-tumorigenic signaling cascades by ROS as a consequence of phosphatase and tensin homolog and receptor tyrosine phosphatase redox-dependent inactivation. (3) The mechanisms through which PI3K/Akt activation confers a selective advantage to cancer cells by maintaining redox homeostasis. (4) Opportunities for therapeutically exploiting redox metabolism in <i>PIK3CA</i> mutant tumors and the potential for implementing novel combinatorial therapies to suppress tumor growth and overcome drug resistance. Further research focusing on the multi-faceted interactions between PI3K/Akt signaling and ROS metabolism will undoubtedly contribute to novel insights into the extensive pro-oncogenic effects of this pathway, and the identification of exploitable vulnerabilities for the treatment of hyperactive PI3K/Akt tumors.
Although there has been a renewed interest in the field of cancer metabolism in the last decade, the link between metabolism and DNA damage/DNA repair in cancer has yet to be appreciably explored. In this review, we examine the evidence connecting DNA damage and repair mechanisms with cell metabolism through three principal links. (1) Regulation of methyl- and acetyl-group donors through different metabolic pathways can impact DNA folding and remodeling, an essential part of accurate double strand break repair. (2) Glutamine, aspartate, and other nutrients are essential for <i>de novo</i> nucleotide synthesis, which dictates the availability of the nucleotide pool, and thereby influences DNA repair and replication. (3) Reactive oxygen species, which can increase oxidative DNA damage and hence the load of the DNA-repair machinery, are regulated through different metabolic pathways. Interestingly, while metabolism affects DNA repair, DNA damage can also induce metabolic rewiring. Activation of the DNA damage response (DDR) triggers an increase in nucleotide synthesis and anabolic glucose metabolism, while also reducing glutamine anaplerosis. Furthermore, mutations in genes involved in the DDR and DNA repair also lead to metabolic rewiring. Links between cancer metabolism and DNA damage/DNA repair are increasingly apparent, yielding opportunities to investigate the mechanistic basis behind potential metabolic vulnerabilities of a substantial fraction of tumors.
PARK2 is a gene implicated in disease states with opposing responses in cell fate determination, yet its contribution in pro-survival signaling is largely unknown. Here we show that PARK2 is altered in over a third of all human cancers, and its depletion results in enhanced phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/Akt (PI3K/Akt) activation and increased vulnerability to PI3K/Akt/mTOR inhibitors. PARK2 depletion contributes to AMPK-mediated activation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS), enhanced levels of reactive oxygen species, and a concomitant increase in oxidized nitric oxide levels, thereby promoting the inhibition of PTEN by S-nitrosylation and ubiquitination. Notably, AMPK activation alone is sufficient to induce PTEN S-nitrosylation in the absence of PARK2 depletion. Park2 loss and Pten loss also display striking cooperativity to promote tumorigenesis in vivo. Together, our findings reveal an important missing mechanism that might account for PTEN suppression in PARK2-deficient tumors, and they highlight the importance of PTEN S-nitrosylation in supporting cell survival and proliferation under conditions of energy deprivation.
Cancer and Parkinson disease (PD) derive from distinct alterations in cellular processes, yet there are pathogenic mutations that are unequivocally linked to both diseases. Here we expand on our recent findings that loss of parkin RBR E3 ubiquitin protein ligase (<i>PRKN</i>, best known as <i>PARK2</i>)-which is genetically linked to PD-promotes cancer progression via redox-mediated inactivation of phosphatase and tensin homolog (PTEN) by S-nitrosylation.
Resistance to endocrine therapy remains a major clinical problem in breast cancer. Genetic studies highlight the potential role of estrogen receptor-α (ESR1) mutations, which show increased prevalence in the metastatic, endocrine-resistant setting. No naturally occurring ESR1 mutations have been reported in in vitro models of BC either before or after the acquisition of endocrine resistance making functional consequences difficult to study. We report the first discovery of naturally occurring ESR1 <sup>Y537C</sup> and ESR1 <sup>Y537S</sup> mutations in MCF7 and SUM44 ESR1-positive cell lines after acquisition of resistance to long-term-estrogen-deprivation (LTED) and subsequent resistance to fulvestrant (ICIR). Mutations were enriched with time, impacted on ESR1 binding to the genome and altered the ESR1 interactome. The results highlight the importance and functional consequence of these mutations and provide an important resource for studying endocrine resistance.
Biofilms are social entities where bacteria live in tightly packed agglomerations, surrounded by self-secreted exopolymers. Since production of exopolymers is costly and potentially exploitable by non-producers, mechanisms that prevent invasion of non-producing mutants are hypothesized. Here we study long-term dynamics and evolution in Bacillus subtilis biofilm populations consisting of wild-type (WT) matrix producers and mutant non-producers. We show that non-producers initially fail to incorporate into biofilms formed by the WT cells, resulting in 100-fold lower final frequency compared to the WT. However, this is modulated in a long-term scenario, as non-producers evolve the ability to better incorporate into biofilms, thereby slightly decreasing the productivity of the whole population. Detailed molecular analysis reveals that the unexpected shift in the initially stable biofilm is coupled with newly evolved phage-mediated interference competition. Our work therefore demonstrates how collective behaviour can be disrupted as a result of rapid adaptation through mobile genetic elements.
Metabolic reprogramming is recognized as an emerging hallmark of oncogenic signaling and cancer development. Hence the need to identify novel quantitative analytical platforms for studying metabolism in vitro and in vivo has dramatically increased. Here, we describe the experimental workflow for a targeted liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) approach involving positive/negative ion switching to analyze >250 metabolites of central carbon metabolism, nucleotides, and amino acids.
Localisation and protein function are intimately linked in eukaryotes, as proteins are localised to specific compartments where they come into proximity of other functionally relevant proteins. Significant co-localisation of two proteins can therefore be indicative of their functional association. We here present COLA, a proteomics based strategy coupled with a bioinformatics framework to detect protein-protein co-localisations on a global scale. COLA reveals functional interactions by matching proteins with significant similarity in their subcellular localisation signatures. The rapid nature of COLA allows mapping of interactome dynamics across different conditions or treatments with high precision.
Treatment options for ovarian cancer patients remain limited and overall survival is less than 50% despite recent clinical advances. The lipid phosphatase inositol polyphosphate 4-phosphatase type II (INPP4B) has been described as a tumor suppressor in the PI3K/Akt pathway with loss of expression found most pronounced in breast, ovarian cancer and melanoma. Using microarray technology we identified a DNA repair defect in INPP4B-deficient cells, which we further characterized by comet assays and quantification of γH2AX, RAD51 and 53BP1 foci formation. INPP4B loss resulted in significantly increased sensitivity towards PARP inhibition, comparable to loss of BRCA1 in two- and three-dimensional in vitro models, as well as in in vivo xenograft models. Mechanistically, we discovered that INPP4B forms a protein complex with the key players of DNA repair, ATR and BRCA1, in GST pulldown and 293T overexpression assays, and INPP4B loss affects BRCA1, ATM and ATR protein stability resulting in the observed DNA repair defect. Given that INPP4B loss has been found in 40% of ovarian cancer patients, this study provides the rationale for establishing INPP4B as a biomarker of PARP inhibitor response, and consequently offers novel therapeutic options for a significant subset of patients. Loss of the tumor suppressor inositol polyphosphate 4-phosphatase type II (INPP4B) results in a DNA repair defect due to concomitant loss of BRCA1, ATR and ATM and can be therapeutically targeted with PARP inhibitors.
K-ras mutations are found in ~40% of human colorectal adenomas and carcinomas and contribute to colorectal tumour formation at an early stage. Wild-type K-ras has been reported to be deleted in some tumours, but the consequences of changes in wild-type K-ras copy number for experimental colorectal carcinogenesis have not been investigated. To characterize the effects of K-ras copy number changes on formation of carcinogen-induced colorectal neoplasms in mice, wild-type (K-ras(+/+) ) and heterozygous K-ras exon 1 knockout (K-ras(+/-) ) mice were given 10 weekly treatments of 1, 2-dimethylhydrazine (DMH) to induce colorectal tumours. Colorectal expression levels of K-ras 4A and 4B transcripts in K-ras(+/-) mice were ~50% decreased compared with K-ras(+/+) mice. One year after DMH treatment, survival of K-ras(+/-) mice decreased from 88 to 82% compared with wild-type mice. Colorectal adenomas significantly increased from 0.52 ± 0.15 in K-ras(+/+) mice to 0.87 ± 0.14 in K-ras(+/-) mice (mean ± SEM per mouse, P < 0.01); total tumour volume increased 2.13-fold (P < 0.05). Comparing K-ras(+/+) with K-ras(+/-) murine adenomas, Ki-67-positive proliferating tumour cells significantly increased from 7.77 ± 0.64% to 9.15 ± 0.92% and cleaved caspase-3-positive apoptotic tumour cells decreased from 1.40 ± 0.37% to 0.80 ± 0.22% (mean ± SEM, P < 0.05 for both). No K-ras or B-raf mutations were detected in the adenomas. Immunohistochemical studies showed no significant changes in extracellular signal regulating kinase/mitogen-activated protein kinase (Erk/MapK) or PI3K/Akt pathway activation in the adenomas. In conclusion, the data collectively show that a 50% reduction in K-ras gene dosage and RNA expression promoted experimental colorectal tumourigenesis, consistent with wild-type K-ras having a tumour suppressor effect on carcinogen-induced murine colorectal adenoma formation.
Proliferating mammalian cells use glutamine as a source of nitrogen and as a key anaplerotic source to provide metabolites to the tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA) for biosynthesis. Recently, mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) activation has been correlated with increased nutrient uptake and metabolism, but no molecular connection to glutaminolysis has been reported. Here, we show that mTORC1 promotes glutamine anaplerosis by activating glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH). This regulation requires transcriptional repression of SIRT4, the mitochondrial-localized sirtuin that inhibits GDH. Mechanistically, mTORC1 represses SIRT4 by promoting the proteasome-mediated destabilization of cAMP-responsive element binding 2 (CREB2). Thus, a relationship between mTORC1, SIRT4, and cancer is suggested by our findings. Indeed, SIRT4 expression is reduced in human cancer, and its overexpression reduces cell proliferation, transformation, and tumor development. Finally, our data indicate that targeting nutrient metabolism in energy-addicted cancers with high mTORC1 signaling may be an effective therapeutic approach.
Copy number alterations are frequently found in colorectal cancer (CRC), and recurrent gains or losses are likely to correspond to regions harbouring genes that promote or impede carcinogenesis respectively. Gain of chromosome 13q is common in CRC but, because the region of gain is frequently large, identification of the driver gene(s) has hitherto proved difficult. We used array comparative genomic hybridization to analyse 124 primary CRCs, demonstrating that 13q34 is a region of gain in 35% of CRCs, with focal gains in 4% and amplification in a further 1.6% of cases. To reduce the number of potential driver genes to consider, it was necessary to refine the boundaries of the narrowest copy number changes seen in this series and hence define the minimal copy region (MCR). This was performed using molecular copy-number counting, identifying IRS2 as the only complete gene, and therefore the likely driver oncogene, within the refined MCR. Analysis of available colorectal neoplasia data sets confirmed IRS2 gene gain as a common event. Furthermore, IRS2 protein and mRNA expression in colorectal neoplasia was assessed and was positively correlated with progression from normal through adenoma to carcinoma. In functional in vitro experiments, we demonstrate that deregulated expression of IRS2 activates the oncogenic PI3 kinase pathway and increases cell adhesion, both characteristics of invasive CRC cells. Together, these data identify IRS2 as a likely driver oncogene in the prevalent 13q34 region of gain/amplification and suggest that IRS2 over-expression may provide an additional mechanism of PI3 kinase pathway activation in CRC.
CUB domain-containing protein 1 (CDCP1) is a transmembrane protein that is highly expressed in stem cells and frequently overexpressed and tyrosine-phosphorylated in cancer. CDCP1 promotes cancer cell metastasis. However, the mechanisms that regulate CDCP1 are not well-defined. Here we show that hypoxia induces CDCP1 expression and tyrosine phosphorylation in hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF)-2α-, but not HIF-1α-, dependent fashion. shRNA knockdown of CDCP1 impairs cancer cell migration under hypoxic conditions, whereas overexpression of HIF-2α promotes the growth of tumor xenografts in association with enhanced CDCP1 expression and tyrosine phosphorylation. Immunohistochemistry analysis of tissue microarray samples from tumors of patients with clear cell renal cell carcinoma shows that increased CDCP1 expression correlates with decreased overall survival. Together, these data support a critical role for CDCP1 as a unique HIF-2α target gene involved in the regulation of cancer metastasis, and suggest that CDCP1 is a biomarker and potential therapeutic target for metastatic cancers.
Here, we show that a subset of breast cancers express high levels of the type 2 phosphatidylinositol-5-phosphate 4-kinases α and/or β (PI5P4Kα and β) and provide evidence that these kinases are essential for growth in the absence of p53. Knocking down PI5P4Kα and β in a breast cancer cell line bearing an amplification of the gene encoding PI5P4K β and deficient for p53 impaired growth on plastic and in xenografts. This growth phenotype was accompanied by enhanced levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) leading to senescence. Mice with homozygous deletion of both TP53 and PIP4K2B were not viable, indicating a synthetic lethality for loss of these two genes. Importantly however, PIP4K2A(-/-), PIP4K2B(+/-), and TP53(-/-) mice were viable and had a dramatic reduction in tumor formation compared to TP53(-/-) littermates. These results indicate that inhibitors of PI5P4Ks could be effective in preventing or treating cancers with mutations in TP53.
The metabolism of glucose and glutamine, primary carbon sources utilized by mitochondria to generate energy and macromolecules for cell growth, is directly regulated by mTORC1. We show that glucose and glutamine, by supplying carbons to the TCA cycle to produce ATP, positively feed back to mTORC1 through an AMPK-, TSC1/2-, and Rag-independent mechanism by regulating mTORC1 assembly and its lysosomal localization. We discovered that the ATP-dependent TTT-RUVBL1/2 complex was disassembled and repressed by energy depletion, resulting in its decreased interaction with mTOR. The TTT-RUVBL complex was necessary for the interaction between mTORC1 and Rag and formation of mTORC1 obligate dimers. In cancer tissues, TTT-RUVBL complex mRNAs were elevated and positively correlated with transcripts encoding proteins of anabolic metabolism and mitochondrial function-all mTORC1-regulated processes. Thus, the TTT-RUVBL1/2 complex responds to the cell's metabolic state, directly regulating the functional assembly of mTORC1 and indirectly controlling the nutrient signal from Rags to mTORC1.
Multiple SRC-family kinases (SFKs) are commonly activated in carcinoma and appear to have a role in metastasis through incompletely understood mechanisms. Recent studies have shown that CDCP1 (CUB (complement C1r/C1s, Uegf, Bmp1) Domain-Containing Protein-1) is a transmembrane protein and an SRC substrate potentially involved in metastasis. Here we show that increased SFK and CDCP1 tyrosine phosphorylation is, surprisingly, associated with a decrease in FAK phosphorylation. This appears to be true in human tumors as shown by our correlation analysis of a mass spectrometric data set of affinity-purified phosphotyrosine peptides obtained from normal and cancer lung tissue samples. Induction of tyrosine phosphorylation of CDCP1 in cell culture, including by a mAb that binds to its extracellular domain, promoted changes in SFK and FAK tyrosine phosphorylation, as well as in PKC(TM), a protein known to associate with CDCP1, and these changes are accompanied by increases in adhesion and motility. Thus, signaling events that accompany the CDCP1 tyrosine phosphorylation observed in cell lines and human lung tumors may explain how the CDCP1/SFK complex regulates motility and adhesion.
RAS proteins act as molecular switches between several homeostatic inputs and signal transduction pathways that regulate important cellular processes including cell growth, differentiation and survival. Activating mutations change the function of normal proto-oncogenic RAS proteins to oncogenic RAS proteins that trigger a wide range of downstream effectors altering expression of transcription factors that together stimulate cell proliferation and modulate apoptosis and differentiation. RAS genes are amongst the most frequently mutated genes in human cancers, in particular KRAS is mutated in 40-50% of colorectal cancers. Mutation of this gene has a significant impact on treatment management and patients' survival, particularly in relation to anti-EGFR therapy, which is only effective in KRAS wild-type cases. Here, we discuss the regulation of KRAS signalling in the colorectum, some of the post-transcriptional and post-translational modifications that control its activity, the mutations and other DNA alterations that are found in this tumour type and the implications that they have for disease progression and current drug treatments.
BACKGROUND: CADM1 encodes an immunoglobulin superfamily (IGSF) cell adhesion molecule. Inactivation of CADM1, either by promoter hypermethylation or loss of heterozygosity, has been reported in a wide variety of tumor types, thus it has been postulated as a tumor suppressor gene. FINDINGS: We show for the first time that Cadm1 homozygous null mice die significantly faster than wildtype controls due to the spontaneous development of tumors at an earlier age and an increased tumor incidence of predominantly lymphomas, but also some solid tumors. Tumorigenesis was accelerated after irradiation of Cadm1 mice, with the reduced latency in tumor formation suggesting there are genes that collaborate with loss of Cadm1 in tumorigenesis. To identify these co-operating genetic events, we performed a Sleeping Beauty transposon-mediated insertional mutagenesis screen in Cadm1 mice, and identified several common insertion sites (CIS) found specifically on a Cadm1-null background (and not wildtype background). CONCLUSION: We confirm that Cadm1 is indeed a bona fide tumor suppressor gene and provide new insights into genetic partners that co-operate in tumorigenesis when Cadm1-expression is lost.
The tumor suppressor gene RASSF1A is inactivated through point mutation or promoter hypermethylation in many human cancers. In this study, we conducted a Sleeping Beauty transposon-mediated insertional mutagenesis screen in Rassf1a-null mice to identify candidate genes that collaborate with loss of Rassf1a in tumorigenesis. We identified 10 genes, including the transcription factor Runx2, a transcriptional partner of Yes-associated protein (YAP1) that displays tumor suppressive activity through competing with the oncogenic TEA domain family of transcription factors (TEAD) for YAP1 association. While loss of RASSF1A promoted the formation of oncogenic YAP1-TEAD complexes, the combined loss of both RASSF1A and RUNX2 further increased YAP1-TEAD levels, showing that loss of RASSF1A, together with RUNX2, is consistent with the multistep model of tumorigenesis. Clinically, RUNX2 expression was frequently downregulated in various cancers, and reduced RUNX2 expression was associated with poor survival in patients with diffuse large B-cell or atypical Burkitt/Burkitt-like lymphomas. Interestingly, decreased expression levels of RASSF1 and RUNX2 were observed in both precursor T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia and colorectal cancer, further supporting the hypothesis that dual regulation of YAP1-TEAD promotes oncogenic activity. Together, our findings provide evidence that loss of RASSF1A expression switches YAP1 from a tumor suppressor to an oncogene through regulating its association with transcription factors, thereby suggesting a novel mechanism for RASSF1A-mediated tumor suppression.
Genetic screens in simple model organisms have identified many of the key components of the conserved signal transduction pathways that are oncogenic when misregulated. Here, we identify H37N21.1 as a gene that regulates vulval induction in let-60(n1046gf), a strain with a gain-of-function mutation in the Caenorhabditis elegans Ras orthologue, and show that somatic deletion of Nrbp1, the mouse orthologue of this gene, results in an intestinal progenitor cell phenotype that leads to profound changes in the proliferation and differentiation of all intestinal cell lineages. We show that Nrbp1 interacts with key components of the ubiquitination machinery and that loss of Nrbp1 in the intestine results in the accumulation of Sall4, a key mediator of stem cell fate, and of Tsc22d2. We also reveal that somatic loss of Nrbp1 results in tumourigenesis, with haematological and intestinal tumours predominating, and that nuclear receptor binding protein 1 (NRBP1) is downregulated in a range of human tumours, where low expression correlates with a poor prognosis. Thus NRBP1 is a conserved regulator of cell fate, that plays an important role in tumour suppression.
Control of intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) concentrations is critical for cancer cell survival. We show that, in human lung cancer cells, acute increases in intracellular concentrations of ROS caused inhibition of the glycolytic enzyme pyruvate kinase M2 (PKM2) through oxidation of Cys(358). This inhibition of PKM2 is required to divert glucose flux into the pentose phosphate pathway and thereby generate sufficient reducing potential for detoxification of ROS. Lung cancer cells in which endogenous PKM2 was replaced with the Cys(358) to Ser(358) oxidation-resistant mutant exhibited increased sensitivity to oxidative stress and impaired tumor formation in a xenograft model. Besides promoting metabolic changes required for proliferation, the regulatory properties of PKM2 may confer an additional advantage to cancer cells by allowing them to withstand oxidative stress.
K-ras (KRAS) is mutated in 40-50% of human colorectal adenomas and carcinomas and plays key roles in cell proliferation, apoptosis, motility and differentiation, but its functional contribution to intestinal tumourigenesis in vivo remains incompletely understood. We have previously crossed K-rasVal12 transgenic mice with Ah-Cre mice to produce K-rasVal12/Cre offspring that inducibly express K-rasVal12 4A and 4B in the intestines, but this alone showed no significant effect on intestinal adenoma formation. Here, we crossed these mice with Min mice to evaluate the effect of K-rasVal12 and Apc mutation on intestinal tumourigenesis in vivo. The double mutant K-rasVal12/Cre/ApcMin/+ mice showed a moderate (1.86-fold) increase in adenomas in the small intestines, but a striking acceleration (6-fold increase) of large intestinal adenoma formation (P<0.01) and significantly reduced survival (by ~5 weeks) compared with control ApcMin/+ mice (P<0.01). There was recombination of the mutant K-rasVal12 transgene in 80% of large intestinal adenomas with expression of both K-rasVal12 4A and 4B isoform transcripts and expression of K-RasVal12 protein. The large intestinal adenomas showed immunohistochemical evidence of activation of MapK, Akt and Wnt signaling pathways and this was confirmed by quantitative RT-PCR analysis of relative transcript expression levels of target genes using a panel of 23 selected genes evaluated in both adenomas and non-tumour-bearing intestines. Several genes including Tiam1, Gastrin, CD44, uPA, Igfbp4, VEGF and Cox-2 that are known to be transcriptionally regulated by activation of the Wnt signaling pathway were found to be expressed at higher levels in the large intestinal adenomas from K-rasVal12/Cre/ApcMin/+ mice compared with those from controls, although other Wnt signaling pathway target genes remained unchanged. These data show that intestinal expression of K-rasVal12 accelerates Apc-initiated intestinal adenomagenesis in vivo with particularly striking tumour promotion in the large intestines and indicate synergistic effects between mutant K-ras and mutant Apc in this process.
K-ras (KRAS) mutations are observed in around 40% of human colorectal adenomas and carcinomas. Previously, we developed and characterized a strain of transgenic mice with inducible intestinal epithelial expression of K-ras{Val12} via a Cre/LoxP system. To evaluate the influence of mutant K-ras on carcinogen-induced colorectal tumourigenesis, we induced neoplastic alterations in the large intestines of wild-type and K-ras{Val12} mice using the colon-selective carcinogen 1,2-dimethylhydrazine (DMH), which has been widely used to induce colorectal tumours that are histopathologically similar to those observed in humans. K-ras{Val12} expression significantly promoted DMH-induced colorectal tumourigenesis: the average lifespan of the mice decreased from 38.52 ± 1.97 weeks for 40 control mice to 32.42 ± 2.17 weeks for 26 K-ras{Val12} mice (mean ± SEM, p < 0.05) and the abundance of large intestinal tumours increased from 2.27 ± 0.15 per control mouse to 3.85 ± 0.20 in K-ras{Val12} mice (mean ± SEM, p < 0.01). Adenomas from DMH-treated K-ras{Val12} mice showed significantly higher proportions of Ki-67-positive proliferating cells (10.9 ± 0.69%) compared with those from DMH-treated wild-type mice (7.77 ± 0.47%) (mean ± SEM, p < 0.01) and a mild increase in apoptotic nuclei staining for cleaved caspase-3 (1.94 ± 0.21% compared with 1.15 ± 0.14%, mean ± SEM, p < 0.01). In the adenomas from DMH-treated K-ras{Val12} mice, K-ras{Val12} transgene recombination and expression were confirmed, with immunohistochemical evidence of strong Erk/MapK and mild PI3K/Akt pathway activation compared with adenomas from DMH-treated wild-type mice. Microarray hybridization and clustering analysis demonstrated different expression profiles in adenomas from DMH-treated wild-type and DMH-treated K-ras{Val12} mice, indicating involvement of different molecular mechanisms including Erk/MapK and PI3K/Akt signalling in K-ras{Val12}-expressing adenomas. Array-comparative genomic hybridization analysis showed chromosome stability in both cohorts, with only a very few tiny alterations observed in one adenoma from a DMH-treated K-ras{Val12} mouse. Taken together, these data show that mutant K-ras significantly promotes DMH-induced colorectal tumourigenesis, resulting in distinct changes in cell signalling and proliferation, but does not alter chromosome stability in the tumours.
The evolutionarily conserved serine-threonine kinase mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) plays a critical role in regulating many pathophysiological processes. Functional characterization of the mTOR signaling pathways, however, has been hampered by the paucity of known substrates. We used large-scale quantitative phosphoproteomics experiments to define the signaling networks downstream of mTORC1 and mTORC2. Characterization of one mTORC1 substrate, the growth factor receptor-bound protein 10 (Grb10), showed that mTORC1-mediated phosphorylation stabilized Grb10, leading to feedback inhibition of the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) and extracellular signal-regulated, mitogen-activated protein kinase (ERK-MAPK) pathways. Grb10 expression is frequently down-regulated in various cancers, and loss of Grb10 and loss of the well-established tumor suppressor phosphatase PTEN appear to be mutually exclusive events, suggesting that Grb10 might be a tumor suppressor regulated by mTORC1.
Recent work has shown that ablation of p110beta, but not p110alpha, markedly impairs tumorigenesis driven by loss of phosphatase and tensin homolog (PTEN) in the mouse prostate. Other laboratories have reported complementary data in human prostate tumor lines, suggesting that p110beta activation is necessary for tumorigenesis driven by PTEN loss. Given the multiple functions of PTEN, we wondered if p110beta activation also is sufficient for tumorigenesis. Here, we report that transgenic expression of a constitutively activated p110beta allele in the prostate drives prostate intraepithelial neoplasia formation. The resulting lesions are similar to, but are clearly distinct from, the ones arising from PTEN loss or Akt activation. Array analyses of transcription in multiple murine prostate tumor models featuring PI3K/AKT pathway activation allowed construction of a pathway signature that may be useful in predicting the prognosis of human prostate tumors.
K-ras encodes two isoforms, K-ras 4A and 4B, that are jointly affected by K-ras activating mutations, which are prevalent in colorectal cancer (CRC). CRC shows alterations in the expressed K-ras 4A : 4B isoform ratio in favour of K-ras 4B, in tumours both with and without K-ras mutations. The present study evaluated whether K-ras 4A expression can suppress colonic adenoma development in the absence of its oncogenic allele. Mice with homozygous targeted deletions of K-ras exon 4A (K-ras(tmDelta4A/tmDelta4A)) that can express the K-ras 4B isoform only, along with heterozygous K-ras(tmDelta4A/+) and wild-type mice, were given ten weekly 1,2-dimethylhydrazine (DMH) treatments to induce colonic adenomas. There was a significant increase in both the number and the size of colonic adenomas in DMH-treated K-ras(tmDelta4A/tmDelta4A) mice, with reduced survival, compared with heterozygous and wild-type mice. No K-ras mutations were found in any of the 30 tumours tested from the three groups. Lack of expression of K-ras 4A transcripts was confirmed, whereas the relative expression levels of K-ras 4B transcripts were significantly increased in the adenomas of K-ras(tmDelta4A/tmDelta4A) mice compared with K-ras(tmDelta4A/+) and wild-type mice. Immunohistochemical studies showed that adenomas of K-ras(tmDelta4A/tmDelta4A) mice had significantly increased cell proliferation and significantly decreased apoptosis with evidence of activation of MapKinase and Akt pathways, with increased phospho-Erk1/2 and both phospho-Akt-Thr308 and phospho-Akt-Ser473 immunostaining, compared with adenomas from K-ras(tmDelta4A/+) and wild-type mice. In conclusion, following DMH treatment, K-ras exon 4A deletion promoted increased number and size of colonic adenomas showing increased K-ras 4B expression, increased proliferation, decreased apoptosis, and activation of MapKinase and Akt pathways, in the absence of K-ras mutations. Therefore, K-ras 4A expression had a tumour suppressor effect on carcinogen-induced murine colonic adenoma formation, explaining the selective advantage of the altered K-ras 4A : 4B isoform ratio found in human colorectal cancer.
DNA mismatch repair (MMR) deficiency is one of the best understood forms of genetic instability in colorectal cancer (CRC), and is characterized by the loss of function of the MMR pathway. Failure to repair replication-associated errors due to a defective MMR system allows persistence of mismatch mutations all over the genome, but especially in regions of repetitive DNA known as microsatellites, giving rise to the phenomenon of microsatellite instability (MSI). A high frequency of instability at microsatellites (MSI-H) is the hallmark of the most common form of hereditary susceptibility to CRC, known as Lynch syndrome (LS) (previously known as hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer syndrome), but is also observed in approximately 15-20% of sporadic colonic cancers (and rarely in rectal cancers). Tumour analysis by both MMR protein immunohistochemistry and DNA testing for MSI is necessary to provide a comprehensive picture of molecular abnormality, for use in conjunction with family history data and other clinicopathological features, in order to distinguish LS from sporadic MMR-deficient CRC. Identification of the gene targets that become mutated in MMR-deficient tumours may explain, at least in part, some of the clinical, pathological and biological features of MSI-H CRCs and holds promise for developing novel therapeutics.
In a study of 109 colorectal cancers, DNA copy number aberrations were identified by comparative genomic hybridization using a DNA microarray covering the entire genome at an average interval of less than 1 Mbase. Four patterns were revealed by unsupervised clustering analysis, one of them associated with significantly better prognosis than the others. This group contained tumours with short, dispersed, and relatively few regions of copy number gain or loss. The good prognosis of this group was not attributable to the presence of tumours showing microsatellite instability (MSI-H). Supervised methods were employed to determine those genomic regions where copy number alterations correlate significantly with multiple indices of aggressive growth (lymphatic spread, recurrence, and early death). Multivariate analysis identified DNA copy number loss at 18q12.2, harbouring a single gene, BRUNOL4 that encodes the Bruno-like 4 splicing factor, as an independent prognostic indicator. The data show that the different patterns of DNA copy number alterations in primary tumours reveal prognostic information and can aid identification of novel prognosis-associated genes.
In 100 primary colorectal carcinomas, we demonstrate by array comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH) that 33% show DNA copy number (DCN) loss involving PARK2, the gene encoding PARKIN, the E3 ubiquitin ligase whose deficiency is responsible for a form of autosomal recessive juvenile parkinsonism. PARK2 is located on chromosome 6 (at 6q25-27), a chromosome with one of the lowest overall frequencies of DNA copy number alterations recorded in colorectal cancers. The PARK2 deletions are mostly focal (31% approximately 0.5 Mb on average), heterozygous, and show maximum incidence in exons 3 and 4. As PARK2 lies within FRA6E, a large common fragile site, it has been argued that the observed DCN losses in PARK2 in cancer may represent merely the result of enforced replication of locally vulnerable DNA. However, we show that deficiency in expression of PARK2 is significantly associated with adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) deficiency in human colorectal cancer. Evidence of some PARK2 mutations and promoter hypermethylation is described. PARK2 overexpression inhibits cell proliferation in vitro. Moreover, interbreeding of Park2 heterozygous knockout mice with Apc(Min) mice resulted in a dramatic acceleration of intestinal adenoma development and increased polyp multiplicity. We conclude that PARK2 is a tumor suppressor gene whose haploinsufficiency cooperates with mutant APC in colorectal carcinogenesis.
Summary K-ras mutations are found in 40-50% of human colorectal adenomas and carcinomas, but their functional contribution remains incompletely understood. Here, we show that a conditional mutant K-ras mouse model (K-ras(Asp12)/Cre), with transient intestinal Cre activation by beta-Naphthoflavone (beta-NF) treatment, displayed transgene recombination and K-ras(Asp12) expression in the murine intestines, but developed few intestinal adenomas over 2 years. However, when crossed with Apc(Min/+) mice, the K-ras(Asp12)/Cre/Apc(Min/+) offspring showed acceleration of intestinal tumourigenesis with significantly changed average lifespan (P < 0.05) decreased to 18.4 +/- 5.4 weeks from 20.9 +/- 4.7 weeks (control Apc(Min/+) mice). The numbers of adenomas in the small intestine and large intestine were significantly (P < 0.01) increased by 1.5-fold and 5.7-fold, respectively, in K-ras(Asp12)/Cre/Apc(Min/+) mice compared with Apc(Min/+) mice, with the more marked increase in adenoma prevalence in the large intestine. To explore possible mechanisms for K-ras(Asp12) and Apc(Min) co-operation, the Mitogen-activated protein kinase (Mapk), Akt and Wnt signalling pathways, including selected target gene expression levels, were evaluated in normal large intestine and large intestinal tumours. K-ras(Asp12) increased activation of Mapk and Akt signalling pathway targets phospho-extracellular signal-regulated kinase (pErk) and pAkt, and increased relative expression levels of Wnt pathway targets vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), gastrin, cyclo-oxygenase 2 (Cox2) and T-cell lymphoma invasion and metastasis 1 (Tiam1) in K-ras(Asp12)/Cre/Apc(Min/+) adenomas compared with that of Apc(Min/+) adenomas, although other Wnt signalling pathway target genes such as Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor delta (PPARd), matrix metalloproteinase 7 (MMP7), protein phosphatase 1 alpha (PP1A) and c-myc remained unchanged. In conclusion, intestinal expression of K-ras(Asp12) promotes mutant Apc-initiated intestinal adenoma formation in vivo more in the large intestine than the small intestine, with evidence of synergistic co-operation between mutant K-ras and Apc involving increased expression of some Wnt-pathway target genes.
The MDM2 gene is amplified and/or overexpressed in about 10% of glioblastomas and constitutes one of a number of ways the p53 pathway is disrupted in these tumours. MDM2 encodes a nuclear phosphoprotein that regulates several cell proteins by binding and/or ubiquitinating them, with p53 being a well-established partner. MDM2 has two promoters, P1 and P2 that give rise to transcripts with distinct 5' untranslated regions. Transcription from P2 is believed to be controlled by p53 and a single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP309, T>G) in P2 is reported to be associated with increased risk for, and early development of, malignancies. The use of P1 and P2 has not been investigated in gliomas. We used RT-PCR to study P1- and P2-MDM2 transcript expression in astrocytic tumours, xenografts and cell lines with known MDM2, TP53 and p14(ARF) gene status. Both promoters were used in all genetic backgrounds including the use of the P2 promoter in TP53 null cells, indicating a p53-independent induction of transcription. Transcripts from the P1 promoter formed a greater proportion of the total MDM2 transcripts in tumours with MDM2 amplification, despite these tumours having two wild-type TP53 alleles. Examination of SNP309 in glioblastoma patients showed a borderline association with survival but no apparent correlation with age at diagnosis nor with TP53 and p14(ARF) status of their tumours. Our findings also indicate that elevated MDM2 mRNA levels in tumours with MDM2 amplification are preferentially driven by the P1 promoter and that the P2 promoter is not only regulated by p53 but also by other transcription factor(s).
K-ras mutation occurs in 40-50% of human colorectal adenomas and carcinomas, but its contribution to intestinal tumorigenesis in vivo is unclear. We developed K-ras(V12) transgenic mice that were crossed with Ah-Cre mice to generate K-ras(V12)/Cre mice, which showed beta-naphthoflavone-induction of Cre-mediated LoxP recombination that activated intestinal expression of K-ras(V12) 4A and 4B transcripts and proteins. Only very occasional intestinal adenomas were observed in beta-naphthoflavone-treated K-ras(V12)/Cre mice aged up to 2 years, suggesting that mutated K-ras expression alone does not significantly initiate intestinal tumourigenesis. To investigate the effects of mutated K-ras on DNA mismatch repair (MMR)-deficient intestinal tumour formation, these mice were crossed with Msh2(-/-) mice to generate K-ras(V12)/Cre/Msh2(-/-) offspring. After beta-naphthoflavone treatment, K-ras(V12)/Cre/Msh2(-/-) mice showed reduced average lifespan of 17.3+/-5.0 weeks from 26.9+/-6.8 (control Msh2(-/-) mice) (P<0.01). They demonstrated increased adenomas in the small intestine from 1.41 (Msh2(-/-) controls) to 7.75 per mouse (increased fivefold, P<0.01). In the large intestine, very few adenomas were found in Msh2(-/-) mice (0.13 per mouse) whereas K-ras(V12)/Cre/Msh2(-/-) mice produced 2.70 adenomas per mouse (increased 20-fold, P<0.01). Over 80% adenomas from K-ras(V12)/Cre/Msh2(-/-) mice showed transgene recombination with expression of K-ras(V12) 4A and 4B transcripts and proteins. Sequencing of endogenous murine K-ras showed mutations in two out of 10 tumours examined from Msh2(-/-) mice, but no mutations in 17 tumours from K-ras(V12)/Cre/Msh2(-/-) mice. Expression of K-ras(V12) in tumours caused activation of the mitogen-activated protein kinase and Akt/protein kinase B signaling pathways, demonstrated by phosphorylation of p44MAPK, Akt and GSK3beta, as well as transcriptional upregulation of Pem, Tcl-1 and Trap1a genes (known targets of K-ras(V12) expression in stem cells). Thus, mutated K-ras cooperates synergistically with MMR deficiency to accelerate intestinal tumorigenesis, particularly in the large intestine.
Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is caused by depletion of the ubiquitously expressed survival motor neuron (SMN) protein, with 1 in 40 Caucasians being heterozygous for a disease allele. SMN is critical for the assembly of numerous ribonucleoprotein complexes, yet it is still unclear how reduced SMN levels affect motor neuron function. Here, we examined the impact of SMN depletion in Caenorhabditis elegans and found that decreased function of the SMN ortholog SMN-1 perturbed endocytic pathways at motor neuron synapses and in other tissues. Diminished SMN-1 levels caused defects in C. elegans neuromuscular function, and smn-1 genetic interactions were consistent with an endocytic defect. Changes were observed in synaptic endocytic proteins when SMN-1 levels decreased. At the ultrastructural level, defects were observed in endosomal compartments, including significantly fewer docked synaptic vesicles. Finally, endocytosis-dependent infection by JC polyomavirus (JCPyV) was reduced in human cells with decreased SMN levels. Collectively, these results demonstrate for the first time, to our knowledge, that SMN depletion causes defects in endosomal trafficking that impair synaptic function, even in the absence of motor neuron cell death.
<jats:p>Metabolic reprogramming is a hallmark of cancer, with cancer cells acquiring many unique metabolic traits to support malignant growth, and extensive intra- and inter-tumour metabolic heterogeneity. Understanding these metabolic characteristics presents opportunities in precision medicine for both diagnosis and therapy. However, despite its potential, metabolic phenotyping has lagged behind genetic, transcriptomic, and immunohistochemical profiling in clinical applications. This is partly due to the lack of a single experimental technique capable of profiling the entire metabolome, necessitating the use of multiple technologies and approaches to capture the full range of cancer metabolic plasticity. This review examines the repertoire of tools available for profiling cancer metabolism, demonstrating their applications in preclinical and clinical settings. It also presents case studies illustrating how metabolomic profiling has been integrated with other omics technologies to gain insights into tumour biology and guide treatment strategies. This information aims to assist researchers in selecting the most effective tools for their studies and highlights the importance of combining different metabolic profiling techniques to comprehensively understand tumour metabolism.</jats:p>