Dr Max Douglas

Group Leader: Telomere Biology

OrcID: 0000-0003-1186-7163

Phone: +44 20 7153 5061

Email: [email protected]

Location: Chelsea

Max Douglas

OrcID: 0000-0003-1186-7163

Phone: +44 20 7153 5061

Email: [email protected]

Location: Chelsea


Dr Max Douglas studied Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry at the University of Oxford. For his PhD, he joined Dr Masanori Mishima at the Gurdon Institute, Cambridge University, where his research focussed on the regulation of cell division by the mitotic kinase Aurora B.
He performed his postdoctoral work with Dr John Diffley at Clare Hall Laboratories and the Francis Crick Institute, London, where his research showed how the early stages of eukaryotic DNA replication take place.
By establishing for the first time how parental template DNA is melted and unwound during replication initiation, his work led to a molecular understanding of how replication forks are established each S-phase.
Max joined the Cancer Biology Division at the ICR in October 2019. His laboratory studies how telomeres are duplicated and processed each cell cycle, using a combination of biochemistry, biophysics and genetics.


Open Positions:

We are always keen to hear from people interested in joining the lab. Please email [email protected] to find out about available opportunities.


Types of Publications

Journal articles

Douglas, M.E. (2024). How to write an ending: Telomere replication as a multistep process. DNA Repair, Vol.144, p. 103774. show abstract

Telomeres are protective nucleoprotein caps found at the natural ends of eukaryotic chromosomes and are crucial for the preservation of stable chromosomal structure. In cycling cells, telomeres are maintained by a multi-step process called telomere replication, which involves the eukaryotic replisome navigating a complex repetitive template tightly bound by specific proteins, before terminating at the chromosome end prior to a 5' resection step that generates a protective 3' overhang. In this review, we examine mechanistic aspects of the telomere replication process and consider how individual parts of this multistep event are integrated and coordinated with one-another.

Sonmez, C., Toia, B., Eickhoff, P., Matei, A.M., El Beyrouthy, M., Wallner, B., Douglas, M.E., de Lange, T., Lottersberger, F. (2024). DNA-PK controls Apollo's access to leading-end telomeres. Nucleic Acids Research (NAR), Vol.52(8), pp. 4313-4327. show abstract

The complex formed by Ku70/80 and DNA-PKcs (DNA-PK) promotes the synapsis and the joining of double strand breaks (DSBs) during canonical non-homologous end joining (c-NHEJ). In c-NHEJ during V(D)J recombination, DNA-PK promotes the processing of the ends and the opening of the DNA hairpins by recruiting and/or activating the nuclease Artemis/DCLRE1C/SNM1C. Paradoxically, DNA-PK is also required to prevent the fusions of newly replicated leading-end telomeres. Here, we describe the role for DNA-PK in controlling Apollo/DCLRE1B/SNM1B, the nuclease that resects leading-end telomeres. We show that the telomeric function of Apollo requires DNA-PKcs's kinase activity and the binding of Apollo to DNA-PK. Furthermore, AlphaFold-Multimer predicts that Apollo's nuclease domain has extensive additional interactions with DNA-PKcs, and comparison to the cryo-EM structure of Artemis bound to DNA-PK phosphorylated on the ABCDE/Thr2609 cluster suggests that DNA-PK can similarly grant Apollo access to the DNA end. In agreement, the telomeric function of DNA-PK requires the ABCDE/Thr2609 cluster. These data reveal that resection of leading-end telomeres is regulated by DNA-PK through its binding to Apollo and its (auto)phosphorylation-dependent positioning of Apollo at the DNA end, analogous but not identical to DNA-PK dependent regulation of Artemis at hairpins.

Douglas, M.E., Diffley, J.F.X. (2021). Budding yeast Rap1, but not telomeric DNA, is inhibitory for multiple stages of DNA replication in vitro. Nucleic Acids Research (NAR), Vol.49(10), pp. 5671-5683. show abstract

Telomeres are copied and reassembled each cell division cycle through a multistep process called telomere replication. Most telomeric DNA is duplicated semiconservatively during this process, but replication forks frequently pause or stall at telomeres in yeast, mouse and human cells, potentially causing chronic telomere shortening or loss in a single cell cycle. We have investigated the cause of this effect by examining the replication of telomeric templates in vitro. Using a reconstituted assay for eukaryotic DNA replication in which a complete eukaryotic replisome is assembled and activated with purified proteins, we show that budding yeast telomeric DNA is efficiently duplicated in vitro unless the telomere binding protein Rap1 is present. Rap1 acts as a roadblock that prevents replisome progression and leading strand synthesis, but also potently inhibits lagging strand telomere replication behind the fork. Both defects can be mitigated by the Pif1 helicase. Our results suggest that GC-rich sequences do not inhibit DNA replication per se, and that in the absence of accessory factors, telomere binding proteins can inhibit multiple, distinct steps in the replication process.

Capalbo, L., Bassi, Z.I., Geymonat, M., Todesca, S., Copoiu, L., Enright, A.J., Callaini, G., Riparbelli, M.G., Yu, L., Choudhary, J.S., Ferrero, E., Wheatley, S., Douglas, M.E., Mishima, M., D'Avino, P.P. (2019). The midbody interactome reveals unexpected roles for PP1 phosphatases in cytokinesis. Nature Communications, Vol.10(1), p. 4513. show abstract

The midbody is an organelle assembled at the intercellular bridge between the two daughter cells at the end of mitosis. It controls the final separation of the daughter cells and has been involved in cell fate, polarity, tissue organization, and cilium and lumen formation. Here, we report the characterization of the intricate midbody protein-protein interaction network (interactome), which identifies many previously unknown interactions and provides an extremely valuable resource for dissecting the multiple roles of the midbody. Initial analysis of this interactome revealed that PP1β-MYPT1 phosphatase regulates microtubule dynamics in late cytokinesis and de-phosphorylates the kinesin component MKLP1/KIF23 of the centralspindlin complex. This de-phosphorylation antagonizes Aurora B kinase to modify the functions and interactions of centralspindlin in late cytokinesis. Our findings expand the repertoire of PP1 functions during mitosis and indicate that spatiotemporal changes in the distribution of kinases and counteracting phosphatases finely tune the activity of cytokinesis proteins.

Douglas, M.E., Ali, F.A., Costa, A., Diffley, J.F.X. (2018). The mechanism of eukaryotic CMG helicase activation. Nature, Vol.555(7695), pp. 265-268. show abstract

The initiation of eukaryotic DNA replication occurs in two discrete stages: first, the minichromosome maintenance (MCM) complex assembles as a head-to-head double hexamer that encircles duplex replication origin DNA during G1 phase; then, 'firing factors' convert each double hexamer into two active Cdc45-MCM-GINS helicases (CMG) during S phase. This second stage requires separation of the two origin DNA strands and remodelling of the double hexamer so that each MCM hexamer encircles a single DNA strand. Here we show that the MCM complex, which hydrolyses ATP during double-hexamer formation, remains stably bound to ADP in the double hexamer. Firing factors trigger ADP release, and subsequent ATP binding promotes stable CMG assembly. CMG assembly is accompanied by initial DNA untwisting and separation of the double hexamer into two discrete but inactive CMG helicases. Mcm10, together with ATP hydrolysis, then triggers further DNA untwisting and helicase activation. After activation, the two CMG helicases translocate in an 'N terminus-first' direction, and in doing so pass each other within the origin; this requires that each helicase is bound entirely to single-stranded DNA. Our experiments elucidate the mechanism of eukaryotic replicative helicase activation, which we propose provides a fail-safe mechanism for bidirectional replisome establishment.

Goswami, P., Abid Ali, F., Douglas, M.E., Locke, J., Purkiss, A., Janska, A., Eickhoff, P., Early, A., Nans, A., Cheung, A.M.C., Diffley, J.F.X., Costa, A. (2018). Structure of DNA-CMG-Pol epsilon elucidates the roles of the non-catalytic polymerase modules in the eukaryotic replisome. Nature Communications, Vol.9(1), p. 5061. show abstract

Eukaryotic origin firing depends on assembly of the Cdc45-MCM-GINS (CMG) helicase. A key step is the recruitment of GINS that requires the leading-strand polymerase Pol epsilon, composed of Pol2, Dpb2, Dpb3, Dpb4. While a truncation of the catalytic N-terminal Pol2 supports cell division, Dpb2 and C-terminal Pol2 (C-Pol2) are essential for viability. Dpb2 and C-Pol2 are non-catalytic modules, shown or predicted to be related to an exonuclease and DNA polymerase, respectively. Here, we present the cryo-EM structure of the isolated C-Pol2/Dpb2 heterodimer, revealing that C-Pol2 contains a DNA polymerase fold. We also present the structure of CMG/C-Pol2/Dpb2 on a DNA fork, and find that polymerase binding changes both the helicase structure and fork-junction engagement. Inter-subunit contacts that keep the helicase-polymerase complex together explain several cellular phenotypes. At least some of these contacts are preserved during Pol epsilon-dependent CMG assembly on path to origin firing, as observed with DNA replication reconstituted in vitro.

Abid Ali, F., Douglas, M.E., Locke, J., Pye, V.E., Nans, A., Diffley, J.F.X., Costa, A. (2017). Cryo-EM structure of a licensed DNA replication origin. Nature Communications, Vol.8(1), p. 2241. show abstract

Eukaryotic origins of replication are licensed upon loading of the MCM helicase motor onto DNA. ATP hydrolysis by MCM is required for loading and the post-catalytic MCM is an inactive double hexamer that encircles duplex DNA. Origin firing depends on MCM engagement of Cdc45 and GINS to form the CMG holo-helicase. CMG assembly requires several steps including MCM phosphorylation by DDK. To understand origin activation, here we have determined the cryo-EM structures of DNA-bound MCM, either unmodified or phosphorylated, and visualize a phospho-dependent MCM element likely important for Cdc45 recruitment. MCM pore loops touch both the Watson and Crick strands, constraining duplex DNA in a bent configuration. By comparing our new MCM-DNA structure with the structure of CMG-DNA, we suggest how the conformational transition from the loaded, post-catalytic MCM to CMG might promote DNA untwisting and melting at the onset of replication.

Frigola, J., He, J., Kinkelin, K., Pye, V.E., Renault, L., Douglas, M.E., Remus, D., Cherepanov, P., Costa, A., Diffley, J.F.X. (2017). Cdt1 stabilizes an open MCM ring for helicase loading. Nature Communications, Vol.8, p. 15720. show abstract

ORC, Cdc6 and Cdt1 act together to load hexameric MCM, the motor of the eukaryotic replicative helicase, into double hexamers at replication origins. Here we show that Cdt1 interacts with MCM subunits Mcm2, 4 and 6, which both destabilizes the Mcm2-5 interface and inhibits MCM ATPase activity. Using X-ray crystallography, we show that Cdt1 contains two winged-helix domains in the C-terminal half of the protein and a catalytically inactive dioxygenase-related N-terminal domain, which is important for MCM loading, but not for subsequent replication. We used these structures together with single-particle electron microscopy to generate three-dimensional models of MCM complexes. These show that Cdt1 stabilizes MCM in a left-handed spiral open at the Mcm2-5 gate. We propose that Cdt1 acts as a brace, holding MCM open for DNA entry and bound to ATP until ORC-Cdc6 triggers ATP hydrolysis by MCM, promoting both Cdt1 ejection and MCM ring closure.

Douglas, M.E., Diffley, J.F.X. (2016). Recruitment of Mcm10 to Sites of Replication Initiation Requires Direct Binding to the Minichromosome Maintenance (MCM) Complex. Journal of Biological Chemistry, Vol.291(11), pp. 5879-5888. show abstract

Mcm10 is required for the initiation of eukaryotic DNA replication and contributes in some unknown way to the activation of the Cdc45-MCM-GINS (CMG) helicase. How Mcm10 is localized to sites of replication initiation is unclear, as current models indicate that direct binding to minichromosome maintenance (MCM) plays a role, but the details and functional importance of this interaction have not been determined. Here, we show that purified Mcm10 can bind both DNA-bound double hexamers and soluble single hexamers of MCM. The binding of Mcm10 to MCM requires the Mcm10 C terminus. Moreover, the binding site for Mcm10 on MCM includes the Mcm2 and Mcm6 subunits and overlaps that for the loading factor Cdt1. Whether Mcm10 recruitment to replication origins depends on CMG helicase assembly has been unclear. We show that Mcm10 recruitment occurs via two modes: low affinity recruitment in the absence of CMG assembly ("G1-like") and high affinity recruitment when CMG assembly takes place ("S-phase-like"). Mcm10 that cannot bind directly to MCM is defective in both modes of recruitment and is unable to support DNA replication. These findings indicate that Mcm10 is localized to replication initiation sites by directly binding MCM through the Mcm10 C terminus.

Douglas, M.E., Diffley, J.F.X. (2012). Replication timing: the early bird catches the worm. Current Biology, Vol.22(3), pp. R81-R82. show abstract

Different replication origins in eukaryotes are activated at different times during S phase. New work indicates that the time at which an origin fires is related to its ability to recruit replication initiation factors that are limiting within the cell.

Douglas, M.E., Davies, T., Joseph, N., Mishima, M. (2010). Aurora B and 14-3-3 coordinately regulate clustering of centralspindlin during cytokinesis. Current Biology, Vol.20(10), pp. 927-933. show abstract

Centralspindlin is essential for the formation of microtubule bundle structures and the equatorial recruitment of factors critical for cytokinesis. Stable accumulation of centralspindlin at the spindle midzone requires its multimerization into clusters and Aurora B kinase activity, which peaks at the central spindle during anaphase. Although Aurora B phosphorylates centralspindlin directly, how this regulates centralspindlin localization is unknown. Here we identify a novel regulatory mechanism by which Aurora B enables centralspindlin to accumulate stably at the spindle midzone. We show that 14-3-3 protein binds centralspindlin when the kinesin-6 component MKLP1 is phosphorylated at S710. 14-3-3 prevents centralspindlin from clustering in vitro, and an MKLP1 mutant that is unable to bind 14-3-3 forms aberrant clusters in vivo. Interestingly, 14-3-3 binding is inhibited by phosphorylation of S708, a known Aurora B target site that lies within the motif bound by 14-3-3. S708 phosphorylation is required for MKLP1 to stably localize to the central spindle, but it is dispensable in an MKLP1 mutant that does not bind 14-3-3. We propose that 14-3-3 serves as a global inhibitor of centralspindlin that allows Aurora B to locally activate clustering and the stable accumulation of centralspindlin between segregating chromosomes.

Douglas, M.E., Mishima, M. (2010). Still entangled: assembly of the central spindle by multiple microtubule modulators. Seminars in Cell and Developmental Biology, Vol.21(9), pp. 899-908. show abstract

The central spindle is a microtubule-based structure that assembles during anaphase of mitosis in animal cells and is essential for multiple steps of cytokinesis. Central spindle assembly occurs by the cooperative action of multiple microtubule motors and modulators. Here, we review the mechanism by which the central spindle is formed, the role of several key proteins in this process and how central spindle assembly is temporally and spatially coordinated with mitosis.