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Oncogenetics Group

The Oncogenetics group have three sub-teams working alongside each other: the lab group of scientists and clinical fellows, the data group of scientists and administrators and the clinical group of nurses and clinical fellows. Our principal investigator, Professor Ros Eeles, oversees these groups.

Group leader

Professor Rosalind Eeles

Professor Rosalind Eeles

Professor of Oncogenetics

Professor Rosalind Eeles is searching for genetic variants that increase a person’s risk of prostate cancer and is currently leading clinical trials looking into whether regular screening of men with certain genetic mutations/genetic risk profiles leads to earlier diagnosis.

ORCID 0000-0002-3698-6241

Group members

Liz Bancroft

Honorary Appointment +44 20 3437 6433

Dr Sarah Benafif

Honorary Appointment

Dr Daniel Brewer

Honorary Appointment

Mark Brook

Biostatistician 020 8722 4445

Dan Burns

Bioinfomatician +44 20 8722 4624

Dr Clara Cieza-Borrella

Postdoctoral Training Fellow

Tokhir Dadaev

+44 20 3437 6399

Dr Nening Dennis

Honorary Appointment +44 20 8722 4034

Koveela Govindasami

Senior Scientific Officer +44 20 8722 4586

Matthew Hogben

Research Nurse 0208 722 4483

Nafisa Hussain

Data Manager +44 20 3437 6125

Denzil James

Honorary Appointment +44 20 3437 6447

Ann-Britt Jones

Clinical Research Fellow

Dr Ann-Britt Jones

Clinical Research Fellow

Dr Questa Karlsson

Senior Scientific Officer +44 20 3437 6403

Diana Keating

Research Administrator +44 20 3437 6443

Dr Zsofia Kote-Jarai  

Senior Staff Scientist

Dr Eva McGrowder

Research Study Coordinator +44 20 3437 6446

Dr Jana McHugh

Clinical Research Fellow 02034376131

Susan Merson

Senior Scientific Officer +44 20 3437 6648

Joe Merson

Desktop Support Manager

Kathryn Myhill

Research Nurse 0208 722 4483

Dr Holly Ni Raghallaigh

Honorary Appointment

Andi Osborne

Data Manager +44 20 8722 4162

Elizabeth Page

Senior Scientific Officer +44 20 3437 6449

Dr Gabby Pichert

Honorary Appointment

Jenny Pope

Research Assistant +44 20 3437 6444

Reshma Rageevakumar

Scientific Officer

Ed Saunders

Higher Scientific Officer +44 20 8722 4027

Christine Stuttle

Honorary Appointment

Natalie Taylor

Honorary Appointment

Sarah Thomas

Honorary Appointment +44 20 3437 6445

Alison Thwaites

Research Study Coordinator +44 20 8722 4194

Sarah Wakerell

Scientific Officer