Award for Radiological Physicist



Friday 21 December 2007


Professor Steve Webb , Head of the Joint Department of Physics at The Institute of Cancer Research and The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust has this month been awarded the British Institute of Radiology's Barclay Medal for 2006. Professor Webb received the award in recognition of his publications in the British Journal of Radiology, which have significantly advanced practice in the fields of medical imaging and radiotherapy.

Professor Peter Rigby, Chief Executive of The Institute of Cancer Research said: "I would like to congratulate Professor Webb on this tremendous achievement which recognises the significant contribution he has made to the fields of radiotherapy and medical imaging. Professor Webb's work plays a vital role in the development of new, improved cancer treatments and I am delighted he has been rewarded in this way."

Steve Webb has been Professor of Radiological Physics since 1996 and Head of the Joint Department of Physics in The Institute of Cancer Research and The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust since 1998. He has both PhD and DSc degrees and is a Fellow of the Institute of Physics (FInstP), the Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine (FIPEM) and the Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (FRSA). He is an internationally renowned authority in medical imaging and intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT). He has published nearly 300 peer-reviewed papers, most of them in medical imaging and the physics of radiation therapy, including 27 in the British Journal of Radiology, as well as five single-author textbooks.

The British Institute of Radiology's Barclay Medal, founded in 1952 in memory of Dr Alfred Ernest Barclay, is awarded annually to the person whose contribution to the British Journal of Radiology over a period of years has been of special merit, contributing to the science and practice of radiology.


More information on the award:


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For further information please contact:

Nadia Ramsey

The Institute of Cancer Research

0207 153 5359 / 07721 747900

[email protected]


Notes to editors:

About The Institute of Cancer Research

  • The Institute of Cancer Research is Europe's leading cancer research centre with expert scientists working on cutting edge research. It was founded in 1909 to carry out research into the causes of cancer and to develop new strategies for its prevention, diagnosis, treatment and care. Website at:
  • The Institute works in a unique partnership with The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust, forming the largest Comprehensive Cancer Centre in Europe. This relationship enables close daily contact between research scientists and those on the frontline in the fight against cancer - the clinicians, the carers and most importantly, the patients.


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