Working with Industry

The Business and Innovation Office has many industrial partners and works with them to transform ideas into new products for the benefit of cancer patients. We interact in a number of ways with commercial partners, who can provide the resources and complementary expertise required to take our research findings through development, manufacture and into the clinic.


The Institute of Cancer Research has a strong track record of working collaboratively with industry both in early stage research and to develop products. The Business and Innovation Office supports industry and the ICR research community in working together on projects where each party brings their own experience and expertise to the work. We can also assist in finding external funding sources for work in partnership with the ICR.


The Business and Innovation Office works with ICR researchers to protect, market and licence technologies created in the ICR laboratories. The wide range of oncology research undertaken at the ICR constantly increases our portfolio of intellectual property and we welcome contact from companies interested in licensing any of our technologies.

See our current portfolio of licensing opportunities


Staff from the ICR are available for external consultancy work enabling us to share our knowledge with industry, government and the public sector. We work closely with clients in business and industry to meet their needs and the Business and Innovation Office can assist you in finding suitable expertise.

Clinical trials contracts

ICR staff participate in numerous clinical trials projects to study investigational new drugs or treatment regimens. These studies are often funded by pharmaceutical companies or other external partners. The Business and Innovation Office is responsible for reviewing and negotiating clinical trials contracts on behalf of the ICR and our clinical partner The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust.


The Business and Innovation Office also forms its own companies, known as spinout companies as a means of commercialising ICR research leading to the formation of sustainable businesses which contribute to the economic activity of the UK.


Our current opportunities