ICR strategy: Defeating cancer 

Our vision: We will transform the lives of cancer patients through world-class research and education, and by growing our impact on society.

Cancer patients are living longer and with a better quality of life. Advances in our understanding of cancer have paved the way for a new generation of treatments and cures. But there is still much work to do. Cancer continues to claim far too many lives.

Video: ICR Chief Executive Kristian Helin gives an overview of our new five-year strategy.

At The Institute of Cancer Research, London, we work with our clinical partner The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust, and organisations across the UK and internationally, to transform the lives of cancer patients and their families.

Our new five-year strategy aims to accelerate progress for cancer patients by harnessing the latest scientific knowledge and technology to drive innovation in treatment.

Our strategy to defeat cancer rests on the latest advances in science, and our understanding that cancer evolves within a complex ecosystem of cells, signals and the immune system.

We see cancer research as an ecosystem too, with close interconnections between our fantastic research and teaching, and our knowledge exchange work to maximise our impact for patients.

Defeating cancer

Our strategy has three pillars:

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The strategy's three pillars, World class cancer research, Inspiring tomorrow's leaders, Growing our impact for patients

World-class cancer research

Unravelling cancer’s ecosystem, overcoming drug resistance, and advancing diagnosis and treatment.

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Inspiring tomorrow’s leaders

Empowering our students and early-career scientists and clinicians to become tomorrow’s leaders

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Growing our impact for patients

Maximising the chances of our findings reaching patients, strengthening our partnerships and increasing income for our research.

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We will underpin these pillars by further developing:

Our excellent organisation

Working together as One ICR to support our science and embrace a sustainable future.