The ICR responds to Sir John Bell's Life Sciences Industrial Strategy



The Institute of Cancer Research, London, today responds to the publication of the Life Sciences Industrial Strategy. The ICR responded to the UK Government’s January 2017 green paper proposing how they intend to build a modern industrial strategy.

The ICR submitted a number of comments and recommendations to ensure that the political and economic environment remains favourable for conducting and translating cancer research.

Professor Paul Workman, Chief Executive of The Institute of Cancer Research, London, said:

“We’re very pleased to see many of the ICR’s recommendations are reflected in the Life Sciences Industrial Strategy. The fact the life sciences are the first to have an industrial strategy recognises the strength of the sector’s collaborations between industry and academia.

We work with a wide variety of industrial partners – from global pharmaceutical companies to local enterprises – to transform ideas into new products for the benefit of cancer patients. 

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“The ICR, as an academic institution, has long recognised the importance of working with industry to ensure our discoveries benefit people with cancer as soon as possible. Commercialising our scientific discoveries is therefore essential to a successful industrial strategy and we support the focus on growing the economy through investing in science.

“Projects like The London Cancer Hub, a biocampus which aims to bring together industry, the NHS and academia on one site, will be key to implementing the strategy.

“We welcome the focus on supporting basic science. The UK has a rich heritage of blue skies research – particularly in innovative cancer discoveries – which will only continue if scientists get the funding they need. It’s vital that the discovery pipeline fuelling clinical breakthroughs is not shut off.

“The financial announcements are crucial but, for the UK, and global institutions like the ICR, to remain competitive, we need to be able to attract and retain the brightest and the best.

“We look forward to hearing more about the Government’s plans for ensuring the UK continues to be a beacon for skilled scientists from within the EU and beyond.”




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