Team ICR will be running the London Marathon


Some of the Team ICR runners for the 2016 London Marathon

Some of the runners from Team ICR who will be running the 2016 London Marathon.

Over 38,000 runners will take part in the Virgin Money London Marathon on Sunday 24 April, one of the biggest events in the sporting calendar. Although the London Marathon attracts elite runners from around the world, it also attracts thousands of ‘fun runners’ who take part to raise money for charity. Since the first marathon in 1981, runners have raised over £700 million for good causes and it is the largest annual one-day fundraising event in the world.

The Institute of Cancer Research, London, will be represented by a number of runners whose inspiring efforts will be helping support our world-leading cancer research.

The 25 runners representing ‘Team ICR’ will run a combined distance of over 650 miles, and will be travelling from as far as Lancashire. While some of the team are seasoned marathon runners, for others this will be their first time. Many of the runners can personally identify with the ICR’s mission to ‘make the discoveries that will defeat cancer’ as they have lost loved ones to the disease or have fought their own battles with cancer.

If you feel inspired to join Team ICR, a range of fundraising sporting challenges are organised every year to suit all levels of athletic ability. The ICR is also now accepting applications to run in next year’s London Marathon.

Charlotte Orrell-Jones, Head of Events at the ICR, said: “The ICR is extremely grateful to everyone who will be running to support our vital research. Their efforts will mean that we can continue to take our research from the lab to the patient and move towards defeating cancer. Thank you again to everyone in Team ICR.”


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A £10 donation each month can supply our team with equipment to undertake a number of tests/experiments
With GiftAid you'll also be able to add 25% at no extra cost to you

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