Radiotherapy could spare bladder cancer patients surgery



Tuesday 1 October 2013 


Radiotherapy is an effective treatment for aggressive bladder cancer and could spare patients surgery that removes the whole bladder, according to a study published today in the International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics*.

The Cancer Research UK study found that two different approaches to giving radiotherapy were equally effective in controlling the disease and had a low risk of side effects.

This part of the BC2001 radiotherapy study**, led by researchers at The Institute of Cancer Research, London, and the University of Birmingham, compared giving radiotherapy to the whole bladder with targeted radiotherapy focused solely on the tumour.

Both types of treatment halted the growth of the tumour in over 60 per cent of patients for at least two years. And for many whose disease returned, it was not aggressive and only needed local treatment.

After five years of follow-up the survival rates were around 40 per cent for both radiotherapy approaches, a figure comparable to patients who have surgery to remove their bladder. In addition, patients receiving either type of radiotherapy had a low risk of severe side effects.

The standard treatment for aggressive bladder cancer is to remove the bladder and create a new one using part of the intestine. This can cause severe side effects and usually results in patients wearing a plastic bag to collect urine.

Dr Robert Huddart, lead investigator of the study based at The Institute of Cancer Research, London, said: “Our study was part of the largest ever clinical trial of radiotherapy in bladder cancer and shows that patients with bladder cancer can be treated effectively with radiotherapy. With similar success rates to surgery and fewer side effects whilst allowing patients to retain a functioning bladder, radiotherapy should be seen as an alternative to surgery.

“The introduction of image guided radiotherapy and more sophisticated ways of giving radiotherapy will hopefully further reduce any side effects that patients experience.”

Kate Law, director of clinical research at Cancer Research UK, said: “Previous results from this trial*** changed how doctors treat bladder cancer, showing that giving patients chemotherapy and radiotherapy is better than radiotherapy alone. Many thousands of patients take part in Cancer Research UK-funded clinical trials every year, and it’s only by carrying out studies like this that we can test different approaches to find the most effective and safest treatments.”




For media enquiries contact Simon Shears in the Cancer Research UK press office on 020 3469 8054 or, out of hours, on 07050 264 059.


Notes to editor:

*Huddart, R et al Randomized noninferiority trial of reduced high-dose volume versus standard volume radiation therapy for muscle-invasive bladder cancer: results of the BC2001 trial (CRUK/01/004) International Journal of Radiation Oncology biology physics (2013)

**The BC2001 study was carried out in 219 patients with advanced bladder cancer who were given either radiotherapy to the whole bladder or targeted radiotherapy that focused on the tumour.

***James ND, Hussein SA, Hall E, Jenkins P, Tremlett J, Rawlings C, Crundwell M, Sizer B, Sreenivasan T, Hendron C, Lewis R, Waters R, Huddart R (2012). Radiotherapy with or without chemotherapy in muscle invasive bladder cancer. NE J Med 366(16);1477-1488

BC2001 was sponsored by the University of Birmingham and co-ordinated by the Cancer Research UK funded Clinical Trials and Statistics Unit at the Institute of Cancer Research (ICR-CTSU, under the direction of Dr Emma Hall) and the Cancer Research UK Clinical Trials Unit (CRCTU) at the University of Birmingham.

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