Pose in your pants and help the fight against testicular cancer




Monday 1 November 1999

The world's first internet underwear competition is launched this week to encourage men to pose in their undies and help the fight against testicular cancer.

Brass Monkeys, the men's underwear brand, have joined forces with the everyman campaign - a national campaign run by the Institute of Cancer Research to highlight the risks of testicular and prostate cancer, in the launch of their internet based 'Bold as Brass' competition.

The competition, taking place on the internet, challenges the competitors to e-mail a photo showing themselves wearing their Brass Monkeys in the most bizarre or original location. The best shots will win prizes including over a £1000 of Olympus digital camera equipment.

But there is also a serious side to the light-hearted competition for men (or women) with the 'balls' to pose. When brave entrants go into the site to post their entry, they will be able to go straight to the everyman website to learn more about testicular cancer. They can also help to fight this male cancer by buying undies from the Camouflage Combat range. For every pair of camouflage underwear bought from the site, Brass Monkeys will donate £2.00 to the Institute of Cancer Research.

Testicular cancer is the most common cancer among men aged between 20 and 35 years and can develop in boys as young as 15. Cases have doubled in the last 20 years and, although theories exist, scientists desperately need more funds for research to discover the reasons for this dramatic increase.

John Heyd, Marketing Manager for the Institute of Cancer Research, which runs the everyman campaign, said: "We know that men often don't pay enough attention to their health and our campaign has been set up to try to combat this. By adopting a light-hearted approach, we can get men to start thinking, and talking, more openly about their health. This competition is perfect for this."

Brass Monkeys suggest that, to be in with a chance of winning the digital cameras and many other prizes, participants take their snaps in the following situations:

  • Sports participation - bungee jumping, or maybe a little downhill
  • Public venues (what a thrill) but show the audience!
  • World famous landmarks - top of a tower, on a pyramid?
  • Famous faces - Brass Monkeys' in-your-face gear in front of a celebrity

Entry is open to The World and photos need to be emailed to the Brass Monkeys website (www.brassmonkeys.co.uk) either from direct electronic photo files or by scanning in film based pics (or photographic prints can be posted to them, and they will scan them in). Whilst entries are arriving, a pick of the best will be displayed on Monkeys' Hall of Fame page and inevitably some of the worst shots will make it to the Hall of Shame.

Any of the images and photographs on the site are free to be reproduced in magazines, newspapers or on television.

The competition runs from 30th October until February 2000. Judging will be by a select panel of experts, with the winners being announced and receiving their awards by 10th February. So go ape, and show your mettle!


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For more information, please contact the Institute of Cancer Research press office on:-
Tel: 0207 970 6030
email: [email protected]


Notes to Editors

  • The everyman campaign, which was launched this year with an advertising drive featuring Robbie Williams, was set up two years ago by the Institute of Cancer Research to raise awareness and funding for more research into prostate and testicular cancer.
  • For further information on the everyman campaign or to help with fundraising, call the everyman hotline on 0800 7319468 or visit its website

Please note:
Unfortunately the press office are unable to answer queries from the general public. For general cancer information please refer to The Institute's cancer information page.

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