Thursday 29 November 2001
Ever wondered what Interactive Education is? Or e-learning? And how could interactive education be relevant to cancer research?
The new website launched by the Interactive Education Unit (IEU) at The Institute of Cancer Research ( helps provide answers to these questions.
The IEU develops educational materials about cancer in an interactive format, and also uses media such as print and video to support interactive resources. Target audiences are healthcare professionals, scientists and ultimately patients and the general public.
One of the Unit's first completed projects is A Breath of Fresh Air, an interactive CD ROM program for the management of breathlessness in patients with lung cancer. The program was developed in collaboration with The Centre for Cancer and Palliative Care Studies at The Institute and sponsored by the Diana, Princess of Wales, Memorial Fund Project at The Royal Marsden NHS Trust and Macmillan Cancer Relief. The program has proved a great success, with more than 8000 copies distributed to date.
The IEU was established in September 2000 in response to changing trends in education. It aims to promote and disseminate the educational, research and clinical activities of The Institute in order to improve the treatment, care and quality of life of people with cancer.
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For more information, please contact:
Dr Kate Allen on 020 8722 4370 or email [email protected]
Please note:
Unfortunately the press office are unable to answer queries from the general public. For general cancer information please refer to The Institute's cancer information page.