Tuesday 23 May 2006
New survey results released today by the Everyman Male Cancer Campaign to launch Male Cancer Awareness Month show that almost two thirds (60%) of men still don’t know the signs and symptoms of prostate cancer and over a third (37%) of men don’t know the signs and symptoms of testicular cancer.
Prostate cancer kills one man every hour in the UK. It is the most common cancer in men with over 30,000 diagnosed each year and testicular cancer is the most common cancer in young men from 15-45 so, this June, Everyman is calling on men to take responsibility for their health and to become more aware of the symptoms of male cancer.
Clare Moynihan, sociologist and spokesperson for the Everyman Campaign said, “There is an indication that men want to be responsible for their own health and yet many make excuses as to why they don't know more or sometimes anything about testicular or prostate cancer. And while women are often left to act as 'gatekeepers' of men's health, we must think of more ways of getting the message across to men too, so that they act in their own interests.”
On a positive note nearly half of men (49%) said that they regularly checked their testicles but Everyman is still concerned that almost one third (28%) of men said that they had never checked themselves. This is worrying because testicular cancer has a 99% cure rate if caught early enough so men could die just out of ignorance.
Dermot O’Leary, Everyman patron and TV Presenter said, “This Everyman month all men should take action and find out about the symptoms of testicular and prostate cancer. There is such a high cure rate for testicular cancer if it’s caught early enough, and awareness literally can save people’s lives.”
Early diagnosis can make a huge difference for both prostate and testicular cancer and clearly there needs to be more done for men to not only become aware of these cancers but importantly to take action if they note there is something wrong.
In addition the survey showed that 84% of men did not know what a PSA test is. The PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) test is currently the only test available that can be used to screen for early prostate cancer and every man over 50 has a right to a PSA test if they request it. This result clearly shows that more needs to be done to ensure that men are informed about the test.
Everyman was set up by The Institute of Cancer Research in 1997 specifically to raise awareness of and funds for prostate and testicular cancer.
This is the 9th Everyman Male Cancer Awareness Month when the Everyman Campaign has its focus of activity to raise vital funds as well as awareness of testicular and prostate cancer. The Campaign is aiming to raise £500,000 for its Everyman Male Cancer Research Centre, the only dedicated male cancer research centre in Europe.
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For further information please contact:
Everyman Press Office
Tel: 020 7153 5312/5192
Email: [email protected]
Notes to editors:
- The Everyman Campaign is run by The Institute of Cancer Research to raise awareness of, and fund research into, testicular and prostate cancer at its Everyman Centre – Europe’s first and only research centre dedicated to male cancer.
- June is the 9th Annual Everyman Male Cancer Awareness Month. To find out more about Everyman and ways in which you can help raise funds for male cancer research or for further information on testicular and prostate cancers please contact Everyman on 0800 7319468 or logon at www.everyman-campaign.org
- Survey: Carried out by ICM Research on behalf of The Institute of Cancer Research. ICM interviewed a random sample of 504 adults aged 18+, by telephone between 6th and 9th May 2006. Interviews were conducted across the country and the results have been weighted to the profile of all adults. ICM is a member of the British Polling Council and abides by its rules. Further information at www.icmresearch.co.uk
- PSA Test: There is controversy whether PSA testing should be used in routine screening for prostate cancer. Many medical professionals feel it will be wrong to introduce national screening in this country because the effectiveness of screening is unproven and the side effects of treatment can be significant. As a result there is no NHS PSA testing programme because it has not been demonstrated that it leads to an improvement in mortality.