Cop a Feel and a Copy - AWARE Magazine



Tuesday 17 June 2003


June 2003 is Everyman Male Cancer Awareness Month. It also sees the launch of AWARE magazine - issue 3. It is a clued up title, for men about men. Essentially, AWARE channels a lot of its energy into the issues that surround Male Cancer, and aims to not only raise awareness, but also, and more importantly, the readies.

Prostate cancer has become the most common cancer in men, mainly affecting those over 60. Testicular cancer, whose target age group is 20-35, has risen by a staggering 70% over the last couple of decades, however it has a 96% cure rate if caught early, so awareness is particularly vital.

Dedicated to providing the facts within a cool mix of fashion lifestyle and profile features, AWARE' s down to earth attitude successfully strikes the perfect balance. It is the only magazine of its kind, tailored for the image and health conscious male. Unlike conventional men's lifestyle publications, AWARE also offers sound support and information on male cancer and how to detect the illness.

In addition, AWARE is proud to announce their collaboration with the Everyman campaign, an organisation run by The Institute of Cancer Research, actively spreading the word about male cancers, particularly on testicular and prostate cancer. Moreover, The Institute has set up the only dedicated male cancer research centre in Europe, which was funded by the Everyman campaign. Funds raised through AWARE go directly towards supporting research at this centre.

Unsurprisingly, Male Cancer Awareness Month engages a great deal of attention, reiterating how important it is to check the "valuables". Continuing their support for the cause, personalities such as Johnny Vegas and Dermot O'Leary all aim to raise the profile and highlight the importance of being aware. Leading high street retailer Topman will be producing limited edition T-shirt designs specifically for Everyman, to be sold instore throughout June. Proud to be donning these one off pieces, big up to the main man So Solid's Harvey.

Officially launching on the 26th June, AWARE magazine will be distributed from the end of June throughout July 2003 at WH Smith, Borders and main supermarket chains including Tescos, Sainsburys, Budgens and Safeway. It costs just £2.95, and for every one sold, a whopping £1.00 is donated to the Everyman campaign. Act early, get a copy and cop a feel.

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A £10 donation each month can supply our team with equipment to undertake a number of tests/experiments
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