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Corporate governance

The overall governing body of The Institute of Cancer Research is its Board of Trustees. The Board is supported by a number of sub-committees:

Charitable status

The ICR is an exempt charity – reference number X90004.

We are also a college of the University of London and adhere to regulations as set by the Office for Students and Research England.

Legal name and address

The Institute of Cancer Research: Royal Cancer Hospital
123 Old Brompton Road
London SW7 3RP
Company Limited by Guarantee. Registered in England No 534147
A Charity, Not for Profit, VAT Registration No GB 849 0581 02
Office for Students Registration No 10003324

Articles of association 

The ICR's objects, powers and framework of governance are set out in its Articles of Association.

Annual report and accounts

The ICR's Annual Report and Accounts are available to view and download.