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Journal Articles

Purdue, M.P. Dutta, D. Machiela, M.J. Gorman, B.R. Winter, T. Okuhara, D. Cleland, S. Ferreiro-Iglesias, A. Scheet, P. Liu, A. Wu, C. Antwi, S.O. Larkin, J. Zequi, S.C. Sun, M. Hikino, K. Hajiran, A. Lawson, K.A. Cárcano, F. Blanchet, O. Shuch, B. Nepple, K.G. Margue, G. Sundi, D. Diver, W.R. Folgueira, M.A. van Bokhoven, A. Neffa, F. Brown, K.M. Hofmann, J.N. Rhee, J. Yeager, M. Cole, N.R. Hicks, B.D. Manning, M.R. Hutchinson, A.A. Rothman, N. Huang, W.-. Linehan, W.M. Lori, A. Ferragu, M. Zidane-Marinnes, M. Serrano, S.V. Magnabosco, W.J. BioBank Japan Project, Vilas, A. Decia, R. Carusso, F. Graham, L.S. Anderson, K. Bilen, M.A. Arciero, C. Pellegrin, I. Ricard, S. FinnGen, Scelo, G. Banks, R.E. Vasudev, N.S. Soomro, N. Stewart, G.D. Adeyoju, A. Bromage, S. Hrouda, D. Gibbons, N. Patel, P. Sullivan, M. Protheroe, A. Nugent, F.I. Fournier, M.J. Zhang, X. Martin, L.J. Komisarenko, M. Eisen, T. Cunningham, S.A. Connolly, D.C. Uzzo, R.G. Zaridze, D. Mukeria, A. Holcatova, I. Hornakova, A. Foretova, L. Janout, V. Mates, D. Jinga, V. Rascu, S. Mijuskovic, M. Savic, S. Milosavljevic, S. Gaborieau, V. Abedi-Ardekani, B. McKay, J. Johansson, M. Phouthavongsy, L. Hayman, L. Li, J. Lungu, I. Bezerra, S.M. Souza, A.G. Sares, C.T. Reis, R.B. Gallucci, F.P. Cordeiro, M.D. Pomerantz, M. Lee, G.-. Freedman, M.L. Jeong, A. Greenberg, S.E. Sanchez, A. Thompson, R.H. Sharma, V. Thiel, D.D. Ball, C.T. Abreu, D. Lam, E.T. Nahas, W.C. Master, V.A. Patel, A.V. Bernhard, J.-. Freedman, N.D. Bigot, P. Reis, R.M. Colli, L.M. Finelli, A. Manley, B.J. Terao, C. Choueiri, T.K. Carraro, D.M. Houlston, R. Eckel-Passow, J.E. Abbosh, P.H. Ganna, A. Brennan, P. Gu, J. Chanock, S.J. (2024). Multi-ancestry genome-wide association study of kidney cancer identifies 63 susceptibility regions. Nat genet, Vol.56 (5), pp. 809-818.  show abstract

Timmins, I.R. Jones, M.E. O'Brien, K.M. Adami, H.-. Aune, D. Baglietto, L. Bertrand, K.A. Brantley, K.D. Chen, Y. Clague DeHart, J. Clendenen, T.V. Dossus, L. Eliassen, A.H. Fletcher, O. Fournier, A. Håkansson, N. Hankinson, S.E. Houlston, R.S. Joshu, C.E. Kirsh, V.A. Kitahara, C.M. Koh, W.-. Linet, M.S. Park, H.L. Lynch, B.M. May, A.M. Mellemkjær, L. Milne, R.L. Palmer, J.R. Ricceri, F. Rohan, T.E. Ruddy, K.J. Sánchez, M.-. Shu, X.-. Smith-Byrne, K. Steindorf, K. Sund, M. Vachon, C.M. Vatten, L.J. Visvanathan, K. Weiderpass, E. Willett, W.C. Wolk, A. Yuan, J.-. Zheng, W. Nichols, H.B. Sandler, D.P. Swerdlow, A.J. Schoemaker, M.J. (2024). International Pooled Analysis of Leisure-Time Physical Activity and Premenopausal Breast Cancer in Women From 19 Cohorts. J clin oncol, Vol.42 (8), pp. 927-939.  show abstract

Kinnersley, B. Sud, A. Everall, A. Cornish, A.J. Chubb, D. Culliford, R. Gruber, A.J. Lärkeryd, A. Mitsopoulos, C. Wedge, D. Houlston, R. (2024). Analysis of 10,478 cancer genomes identifies candidate driver genes and opportunities for precision oncology. Nat genet, .  show abstract

Went, M. Sud, A. Mills, C. Hyde, A. Culliford, R. Law, P. Vijayakrishnan, J. Gockel, I. Maj, C. Schumacher, J. Palles, C. Kaiser, M. Houlston, R. (2024). Phenome-wide Mendelian randomisation analysis of 378,142 cases reveals risk factors for eight common cancers. Nat commun, Vol.15 (1), p. 2637.  show abstract

Chen, Z. Guo, X. Tao, R. Huyghe, J.R. Law, P.J. Fernandez-Rozadilla, C. Ping, J. Jia, G. Long, J. Li, C. Shen, Q. Xie, Y. Timofeeva, M.N. Thomas, M. Schmit, S.L. Díez-Obrero, V. Devall, M. Moratalla-Navarro, F. Fernandez-Tajes, J. Palles, C. Sherwood, K. Briggs, S.E. Svinti, V. Donnelly, K. Farrington, S.M. Blackmur, J. Vaughan-Shaw, P.G. Shu, X.-. Lu, Y. Broderick, P. Studd, J. Harrison, T.A. Conti, D.V. Schumacher, F.R. Melas, M. Rennert, G. Obón-Santacana, M. Martín-Sánchez, V. Oh, J.H. Kim, J. Jee, S.H. Jung, K.J. Kweon, S.-. Shin, M.-. Shin, A. Ahn, Y.-. Kim, D.-. Oze, I. Wen, W. Matsuo, K. Matsuda, K. Tanikawa, C. Ren, Z. Gao, Y.-. Jia, W.-. Hopper, J.L. Jenkins, M.A. Win, A.K. Pai, R.K. Figueiredo, J.C. Haile, R.W. Gallinger, S. Woods, M.O. Newcomb, P.A. Duggan, D. Cheadle, J.P. Kaplan, R. Kerr, R. Kerr, D. Kirac, I. Böhm, J. Mecklin, J.-. Jousilahti, P. Knekt, P. Aaltonen, L.A. Rissanen, H. Pukkala, E. Eriksson, J.G. Cajuso, T. Hänninen, U. Kondelin, J. Palin, K. Tanskanen, T. Renkonen-Sinisalo, L. Männistö, S. Albanes, D. Weinstein, S.J. Ruiz-Narvaez, E. Palmer, J.R. Buchanan, D.D. Platz, E.A. Visvanathan, K. Ulrich, C.M. Siegel, E. Brezina, S. Gsur, A. Campbell, P.T. Chang-Claude, J. Hoffmeister, M. Brenner, H. Slattery, M.L. Potter, J.D. Tsilidis, K.K. Schulze, M.B. Gunter, M.J. Murphy, N. Castells, A. Castellví-Bel, S. Moreira, L. Arndt, V. Shcherbina, A. Bishop, D.T. Giles, G.G. Southey, M.C. Idos, G.E. McDonnell, K.J. Abu-Ful, Z. Greenson, J.K. Shulman, K. Lejbkowicz, F. Offit, K. Su, Y.-. Steinfelder, R. Keku, T.O. van Guelpen, B. Hudson, T.J. Hampel, H. Pearlman, R. Berndt, S.I. Hayes, R.B. Martinez, M.E. Thomas, S.S. Pharoah, P.D. Larsson, S.C. Yen, Y. Lenz, H.-. White, E. Li, L. Doheny, K.F. Pugh, E. Shelford, T. Chan, A.T. Cruz-Correa, M. Lindblom, A. Hunter, D.J. Joshi, A.D. Schafmayer, C. Scacheri, P.C. Kundaje, A. Schoen, R.E. Hampe, J. Stadler, Z.K. Vodicka, P. Vodickova, L. Vymetalkova, V. Edlund, C.K. Gauderman, W.J. Shibata, D. Toland, A. Markowitz, S. Kim, A. Chanock, S.J. van Duijnhoven, F. Feskens, E.J. Sakoda, L.C. Gago-Dominguez, M. Wolk, A. Pardini, B. FitzGerald, L.M. Lee, S.C. Ogino, S. Bien, S.A. Kooperberg, C. Li, C.I. Lin, Y. Prentice, R. Qu, C. Bézieau, S. Yamaji, T. Sawada, N. Iwasaki, M. Le Marchand, L. Wu, A.H. Qu, C. McNeil, C.E. Coetzee, G. Hayward, C. Deary, I.J. Harris, S.E. Theodoratou, E. Reid, S. Walker, M. Ooi, L.Y. Lau, K.S. Zhao, H. Hsu, L. Cai, Q. Dunlop, M.G. Gruber, S.B. Houlston, R.S. Moreno, V. Casey, G. Peters, U. Tomlinson, I. Zheng, W. (2024). Fine-mapping analysis including over 254,000 East Asian and European descendants identifies 136 putative colorectal cancer susceptibility genes. Nat commun, Vol.15 (1), p. 3557.  show abstract  full text

Mills, C. Sud, A. Everall, A. Chubb, D. Lawrence, S.E. Kinnersley, B. Cornish, A.J. Bentham, R. Houlston, R.S. (2024). Genetic landscape of interval and screen detected breast cancer. Npj precis oncol, Vol.8 (1), p. 122.  show abstract  full text

Ghimire, P. Kinnersley, B. Karami, G. Arumugam, P. Houlston, R. Ashkan, K. Modat, M. Booth, T.C. (2024). Radiogenomic biomarkers for immunotherapy in glioblastoma: A systematic review of magnetic resonance imaging studies. Neurooncol adv, Vol.6 (1), p. vdae055.  show abstract  full text

Fernandez-Rozadilla, C. Timofeeva, M. Chen, Z. Law, P. Thomas, M. Schmit, S. Díez-Obrero, V. Hsu, L. Fernandez-Tajes, J. Palles, C. Sherwood, K. Briggs, S. Svinti, V. Donnelly, K. Farrington, S. Blackmur, J. Vaughan-Shaw, P. Shu, X.-. Long, J. Cai, Q. Guo, X. Lu, Y. Broderick, P. Studd, J. Huyghe, J. Harrison, T. Conti, D. Dampier, C. Devall, M. Schumacher, F. Melas, M. Rennert, G. Obón-Santacana, M. Martín-Sánchez, V. Moratalla-Navarro, F. Oh, J.H. Kim, J. Jee, S.H. Jung, K.J. Kweon, S.-. Shin, M.-. Shin, A. Ahn, Y.-. Kim, D.-. Oze, I. Wen, W. Matsuo, K. Matsuda, K. Tanikawa, C. Ren, Z. Gao, Y.-. Jia, W.-. Hopper, J. Jenkins, M. Win, A.K. Pai, R. Figueiredo, J. Haile, R. Gallinger, S. Woods, M. Newcomb, P. Duggan, D. Cheadle, J. Kaplan, R. Maughan, T. Kerr, R. Kerr, D. Kirac, I. Böhm, J. Mecklin, L.-. Jousilahti, P. Knekt, P. Aaltonen, L. Rissanen, H. Pukkala, E. Eriksson, J. Cajuso, T. Hänninen, U. Kondelin, J. Palin, K. Tanskanen, T. Renkonen-Sinisalo, L. Zanke, B. Männistö, S. Albanes, D. Weinstein, S. Ruiz-Narvaez, E. Palmer, J. Buchanan, D. Platz, E. Visvanathan, K. Ulrich, C. Siegel, E. Brezina, S. Gsur, A. Campbell, P. Chang-Claude, J. Hoffmeister, M. Brenner, H. Slattery, M. Potter, J. Tsilidis, K. Schulze, M. Gunter, M. Murphy, N. Castells, A. Castellví-Bel, S. Moreira, L. Arndt, V. Shcherbina, A. Stern, M. Pardamean, B. Bishop, T. Giles, G. Southey, M. Idos, G. McDonnell, K. Abu-Ful, Z. Greenson, J. Shulman, K. Lejbkowicz, F. Offit, K. Su, Y.-. Steinfelder, R. Keku, T. van Guelpen, B. Hudson, T. Hampel, H. Pearlman, R. Berndt, S. Hayes, R. Martinez, M.E. Thomas, S. Corley, D. Pharoah, P. Larsson, S. Yen, Y. Lenz, H.-. White, E. Li, L. Doheny, K. Pugh, E. Shelford, T. Chan, A. Cruz-Correa, M. Lindblom, A. Hunter, D. Joshi, A. Schafmayer, C. Scacheri, P. Kundaje, A. Nickerson, D. Schoen, R. Hampe, J. Stadler, Z. Vodicka, P. Vodickova, L. Vymetalkova, V. Papadopoulos, N. Edlund, C. Gauderman, W. Thomas, D. Shibata, D. Toland, A. Markowitz, S. Kim, A. Chanock, S. van Duijnhoven, F. Feskens, E. Sakoda, L. Gago-Dominguez, M. Wolk, A. Naccarati, A. Pardini, B. FitzGerald, L. Lee, S.C. Ogino, S. Bien, S. Kooperberg, C. Li, C. Lin, Y. Prentice, R. Qu, C. Bézieau, S. Tangen, C. Mardis, E. Yamaji, T. Sawada, N. Iwasaki, M. Haiman, C. Le Marchand, L. Wu, A. Qu, C. McNeil, C. Coetzee, G. Hayward, C. Deary, I. Harris, S. Theodoratou, E. Reid, S. Walker, M. Ooi, L.Y. Moreno, V. Casey, G. Gruber, S. Tomlinson, I. Zheng, W. Dunlop, M. Houlston, R. Peters, U. (2023). Deciphering colorectal cancer genetics through multi-omic analysis of 100,204 cases and 154,587 controls of European and east Asian ancestries. Nat genet, Vol.55 (1), pp. 89-99.  show abstract  full text

Li, W. Zhou, X. Yuan, S. Wang, L. Yu, L. Sun, J. Chen, J. Xiao, Q. Wan, Z. Zheng, J.-. Zhang, C.-. Larsson, S.C. Farrington, S.M. Law, P. Houlston, R.S. Tomlinson, I. Ding, K.-. Dunlop, M.G. Theodoratou, E. Li, X. (2023). Exploring the Complex Relationship between Gut Microbiota and Risk of Colorectal Neoplasia Using Bidirectional Mendelian Randomization Analysis. Cancer epidemiol biomarkers prev, Vol.32 (6), pp. 809-817.  show abstract  full text

Thomas, M. Su, Y.-. Rosenthal, E.A. Sakoda, L.C. Schmit, S.L. Timofeeva, M.N. Chen, Z. Fernandez-Rozadilla, C. Law, P.J. Murphy, N. Carreras-Torres, R. Diez-Obrero, V. van Duijnhoven, F.J. Jiang, S. Shin, A. Wolk, A. Phipps, A.I. Burnett-Hartman, A. Gsur, A. Chan, A.T. Zauber, A.G. Wu, A.H. Lindblom, A. Um, C.Y. Tangen, C.M. Gignoux, C. Newton, C. Haiman, C.A. Qu, C. Bishop, D.T. Buchanan, D.D. Crosslin, D.R. Conti, D.V. Kim, D.-. Hauser, E. White, E. Siegel, E. Schumacher, F.R. Rennert, G. Giles, G.G. Hampel, H. Brenner, H. Oze, I. Oh, J.H. Lee, J.K. Schneider, J.L. Chang-Claude, J. Kim, J. Huyghe, J.R. Zheng, J. Hampe, J. Greenson, J. Hopper, J.L. Palmer, J.R. Visvanathan, K. Matsuo, K. Matsuda, K. Jung, K.J. Li, L. Le Marchand, L. Vodickova, L. Bujanda, L. Gunter, M.J. Matejcic, M. Jenkins, M.A. Slattery, M.L. D'Amato, M. Wang, M. Hoffmeister, M. Woods, M.O. Kim, M. Song, M. Iwasaki, M. Du, M. Udaltsova, N. Sawada, N. Vodicka, P. Campbell, P.T. Newcomb, P.A. Cai, Q. Pearlman, R. Pai, R.K. Schoen, R.E. Steinfelder, R.S. Haile, R.W. Vandenputtelaar, R. Prentice, R.L. Küry, S. Castellví-Bel, S. Tsugane, S. Berndt, S.I. Lee, S.C. Brezina, S. Weinstein, S.J. Chanock, S.J. Jee, S.H. Kweon, S.-. Vadaparampil, S. Harrison, T.A. Yamaji, T. Keku, T.O. Vymetalkova, V. Arndt, V. Jia, W.-. Shu, X.-. Lin, Y. Ahn, Y.-. Stadler, Z.K. Van Guelpen, B. Ulrich, C.M. Platz, E.A. Potter, J.D. Li, C.I. Meester, R. Moreno, V. Figueiredo, J.C. Casey, G. Lansdorp Vogelaar, I. Dunlop, M.G. Gruber, S.B. Hayes, R.B. Pharoah, P.D. Houlston, R.S. Jarvik, G.P. Tomlinson, I.P. Zheng, W. Corley, D.A. Peters, U. Hsu, L. (2023). Combining Asian and European genome-wide association studies of colorectal cancer improves risk prediction across racial and ethnic populations. Nat commun, Vol.14 (1), p. 6147.  show abstract

Hill, W. Lim, E.L. Weeden, C.E. Lee, C. Augustine, M. Chen, K. Kuan, F.-. Marongiu, F. Evans, E.J. Moore, D.A. Rodrigues, F.S. Pich, O. Bakker, B. Cha, H. Myers, R. van Maldegem, F. Boumelha, J. Veeriah, S. Rowan, A. Naceur-Lombardelli, C. Karasaki, T. Sivakumar, M. De, S. Caswell, D.R. Nagano, A. Black, J.R. Martínez-Ruiz, C. Ryu, M.H. Huff, R.D. Li, S. Favé, M.-. Magness, A. Suárez-Bonnet, A. Priestnall, S.L. Lüchtenborg, M. Lavelle, K. Pethick, J. Hardy, S. McRonald, F.E. Lin, M.-. Troccoli, C.I. Ghosh, M. Miller, Y.E. Merrick, D.T. Keith, R.L. Al Bakir, M. Bailey, C. Hill, M.S. Saal, L.H. Chen, Y. George, A.M. Abbosh, C. Kanu, N. Lee, S.-. McGranahan, N. Berg, C.D. Sasieni, P. Houlston, R. Turnbull, C. Lam, S. Awadalla, P. Grönroos, E. Downward, J. Jacks, T. Carlsten, C. Malanchi, I. Hackshaw, A. Litchfield, K. TRACERx Consortium, DeGregori, J. Jamal-Hanjani, M. Swanton, C. (2023). Lung adenocarcinoma promotion by air pollutants. Nature, Vol.616 (7955), pp. 159-167.  show abstract  full text

Wills, C. Watts, K. Maughan, T.S. Fisher, D. Al-Tassan, N.A. Houlston, R.S. Escott-Price, V. Cheadle, J.P. (2023). Germline variation in RASAL2 may predict survival in patients with RAS-activated colorectal cancer. Genes chromosomes cancer, Vol.62 (6), pp. 332-341.  show abstract  full text

Huntley, C. Torr, B. Sud, A. Rowlands, C.F. Way, R. Snape, K. Hanson, H. Swanton, C. Broggio, J. Lucassen, A. McCartney, M. Houlston, R.S. Hingorani, A.D. Jones, M.E. Turnbull, C. (2023). Utility of polygenic risk scores in UK cancer screening: a modelling analysis. Lancet oncol, Vol.24 (6), pp. 658-668.  show abstract  full text

Panopoulou, A. Cairns, D.A. Holroyd, A. Nichols, I. Cray, N. Pawlyn, C. Cook, G. Drayson, M. Boyd, K. Davies, F.E. Jenner, M. Morgan, G.J. Owen, R. Houlston, R. Jackson, G. Kaiser, M.F. (2023). Optimizing the value of lenalidomide maintenance by extended genetic profiling: an analysis of 556 patients in the Myeloma XI trial. Blood, Vol.141 (14), pp. 1666-1674.  show abstract  full text

Lindström, S. Wang, L. Feng, H. Majumdar, A. Huo, S. Macdonald, J. Harrison, T. Turman, C. Chen, H. Mancuso, N. Bammler, T. Breast Cancer Association Consortium (BCAC), Gallinger, S. Gruber, S.B. Gunter, M.J. Le Marchand, L. Moreno, V. Offit, K. Colorectal Transdisciplinary Study (CORECT), Colon Cancer Family Registry Study (CCFR), Genetics And Epidemiology Of Colorectal Cancer Consortium (GECCO), De Vivo, I. O'Mara, T.A. Spurdle, A.B. Tomlinson, I. Endometrial Cancer Association Consortium (ECAC), Fitzgerald, R. Gharahkhani, P. Gockel, I. Jankowski, J. Macgregor, S. Schumacher, J. Barnholtz-Sloan, J. Bondy, M.L. Houlston, R.S. Jenkins, R.B. Melin, B. Wrensch, M. Brennan, P. Christiani, D.C. Johansson, M. Mckay, J. Aldrich, M.C. Amos, C.I. Landi, M.T. Tardon, A. International Lung Cancer Consortium (ILCCO), Bishop, D.T. Demenais, F. Goldstein, A.M. Iles, M.M. Kanetsky, P.A. Law, M.H. Ovarian Cancer Association Consortium (OCAC), Amundadottir, L.T. Stolzenberg-Solomon, R. Wolpin, B.M. Pancreatic Cancer Cohort Consortium (Panscan), Klein, A. Petersen, G. Risch, H. Pancreatic Cancer Case-Control Consortium (Panc4), The PRACTICAL Consortium, Chanock, S.J. Purdue, M.P. Scelo, G. Pharoah, P. Kar, S. Hung, R.J. Pasaniuc, B. Kraft, P. (2023). Genome-wide analyses characterize shared heritability among cancers and identify novel cancer susceptibility regions. J natl cancer inst, Vol.115 (6), pp. 712-732.  show abstract  full text

Morra, A. Schreurs, M.A. Andrulis, I.L. Anton-Culver, H. Augustinsson, A. Beckmann, M.W. Behrens, S. Bojesen, S.E. Bolla, M.K. Brauch, H. Broeks, A. Buys, S.S. Camp, N.J. Castelao, J.E. Cessna, M.H. Chang-Claude, J. Chung, W.K. NBCS Collaborators, Colonna, S.V. Couch, F.J. Cox, A. Cross, S.S. Czene, K. Daly, M.B. Dennis, J. Devilee, P. Dörk, T. Dunning, A.M. Dwek, M. Easton, D.F. Eccles, D.M. Eriksson, M. Evans, D.G. Fasching, P.A. Fehm, T.N. Figueroa, J.D. Flyger, H. Gabrielson, M. Gago-Dominguez, M. García-Closas, M. García-Sáenz, J.A. Genkinger, J. Grassmann, F. Gündert, M. Hahnen, E. Haiman, C.A. Hamann, U. Harrington, P.A. Hartikainen, J.M. Hoppe, R. Hopper, J.L. Houlston, R.S. Howell, A. ABCTB Investigators, kConFab Investigators, Jakubowska, A. Janni, W. Jernström, H. John, E.M. Johnson, N. Jones, M.E. Kristensen, V.N. Kurian, A.W. Lambrechts, D. Le Marchand, L. Lindblom, A. Lubiński, J. Lux, M.P. Mannermaa, A. Mavroudis, D. Mulligan, A.M. Muranen, T.A. Nevanlinna, H. Nevelsteen, I. Neven, P. Newman, W.G. Obi, N. Offit, K. Olshan, A.F. Park-Simon, T.-. Patel, A.V. Peterlongo, P. Phillips, K.-. Plaseska-Karanfilska, D. Polley, E.C. Presneau, N. Pylkäs, K. Rack, B. Radice, P. Rashid, M.U. Rhenius, V. Robson, M. Romero, A. Saloustros, E. Sawyer, E.J. Schmutzler, R.K. Schuetze, S. Scott, C. Shah, M. Smichkoska, S. Southey, M.C. Tapper, W.J. Teras, L.R. Tollenaar, R.A. Tomczyk, K. Tomlinson, I. Troester, M.A. Vachon, C.M. van Veen, E.M. Wang, Q. Wendt, C. Wildiers, H. Winqvist, R. Ziogas, A. Hall, P. Pharoah, P.D. Adank, M.A. Hollestelle, A. Schmidt, M.K. Hooning, M.J. (2023). Association of the CHEK2 c 1100delC variant, radiotherapy, and systemic treatment with contralateral breast cancer risk and breast cancer-specific survival. Cancer med, Vol.12 (15), pp. 16142-16162.  show abstract  full text

Middha, P. Wang, X. Behrens, S. Bolla, M.K. Wang, Q. Dennis, J. Michailidou, K. Ahearn, T.U. Andrulis, I.L. Anton-Culver, H. Arndt, V. Aronson, K.J. Auer, P.L. Augustinsson, A. Baert, T. Freeman, L.E. Becher, H. Beckmann, M.W. Benitez, J. Bojesen, S.E. Brauch, H. Brenner, H. Brooks-Wilson, A. Campa, D. Canzian, F. Carracedo, A. Castelao, J.E. Chanock, S.J. Chenevix-Trench, G. CTS Consortium, Cordina-Duverger, E. Couch, F.J. Cox, A. Cross, S.S. Czene, K. Dossus, L. Dugué, P.-. Eliassen, A.H. Eriksson, M. Evans, D.G. Fasching, P.A. Figueroa, J.D. Fletcher, O. Flyger, H. Gabrielson, M. Gago-Dominguez, M. Giles, G.G. González-Neira, A. Grassmann, F. Grundy, A. Guénel, P. Haiman, C.A. Håkansson, N. Hall, P. Hamann, U. Hankinson, S.E. Harkness, E.F. Holleczek, B. Hoppe, R. Hopper, J.L. Houlston, R.S. Howell, A. Hunter, D.J. Ingvar, C. ABCTB Investigators, kConFab Investigators, Isaksson, K. Jernström, H. John, E.M. Jones, M.E. Kaaks, R. Keeman, R. Kitahara, C.M. Ko, Y.-. Koutros, S. Kurian, A.W. Lacey, J.V. Lambrechts, D. Larson, N.L. Larsson, S. Le Marchand, L. Lejbkowicz, F. Li, S. Linet, M. Lissowska, J. Martinez, M.E. Maurer, T. Mulligan, A.M. Mulot, C. Murphy, R.A. Newman, W.G. Nielsen, S.F. Nordestgaard, B.G. Norman, A. O'Brien, K.M. Olson, J.E. Patel, A.V. Prentice, R. Rees-Punia, E. Rennert, G. Rhenius, V. Ruddy, K.J. Sandler, D.P. Scott, C.G. Shah, M. Shu, X.-. Smeets, A. Southey, M.C. Stone, J. Tamimi, R.M. Taylor, J.A. Teras, L.R. Tomczyk, K. Troester, M.A. Truong, T. Vachon, C.M. Wang, S.S. Weinberg, C.R. Wildiers, H. Willett, W. Winham, S.J. Wolk, A. Yang, X.R. Zamora, M.P. Zheng, W. Ziogas, A. Dunning, A.M. Pharoah, P.D. García-Closas, M. Schmidt, M.K. Kraft, P. Milne, R.L. Lindström, S. Easton, D.F. Chang-Claude, J. (2023). A genome-wide gene-environment interaction study of breast cancer risk for women of European ancestry. Breast cancer res, Vol.25 (1), p. 93.  show abstract

Kaiser, M.F. Hall, A. Walker, K. Sherborne, A. De Tute, R.M. Newnham, N. Roberts, S. Ingleson, E. Bowles, K. Garg, M. Lokare, A. Messiou, C. Houlston, R.S. Jackson, G. Cook, G. Pratt, G. Owen, R.G. Drayson, M.T. Brown, S.R. Jenner, M.W. (2023). Daratumumab, Cyclophosphamide, Bortezomib, Lenalidomide, and Dexamethasone as Induction and Extended Consolidation Improves Outcome in Ultra-High-Risk Multiple Myeloma. J clin oncol, Vol.41 (23), pp. 3945-3955.  show abstract  full text

Zhou, X. Xiao, Q. Jiang, F. Sun, J. Wang, L. Yu, L. Zhou, Y. Zhao, J. Zhang, H. Yuan, S. Timofeeva, M. Spiliopoulou, A. Mesa-Eguiagaray, I. Farrington, S.M. Law, P.J. Houlston, R.S. Ding, K. Dunlop, M.G. Theodoratou, E. Li, X. (2023). Dissecting the pathogenic effects of smoking and its hallmarks in blood DNA methylation on colorectal cancer risk. Br j cancer, Vol.129 (8), pp. 1306-1313.  show abstract

Junk, S.V. Schaeffeler, E. Zimmermann, M. Möricke, A. Beier, R. Schütte, P. Fedders, B. Alten, J. Hinze, L. Klein, N. Kulozik, A. Muckenthaler, M.U. Koehler, R. Borkhardt, A. Vijayakrishnan, J. Ellinghaus, D. Forster, M. Franke, A. Wintering, A. Kratz, C.P. Schrappe, M. Schwab, M. Houlston, R.S. Cario, G. Stanulla, M. (2023). Chemotherapy-related hyperbilirubinemia in pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia: a genome-wide association study from the AIEOP-BFM ALL study group. J exp clin cancer res, Vol.42 (1), p. 21.  show abstract  full text

Mueller, S.H. Lai, A.G. Valkovskaya, M. Michailidou, K. Bolla, M.K. Wang, Q. Dennis, J. Lush, M. Abu-Ful, Z. Ahearn, T.U. Andrulis, I.L. Anton-Culver, H. Antonenkova, N.N. Arndt, V. Aronson, K.J. Augustinsson, A. Baert, T. Freeman, L.E. Beckmann, M.W. Behrens, S. Benitez, J. Bermisheva, M. Blomqvist, C. Bogdanova, N.V. Bojesen, S.E. Bonanni, B. Brenner, H. Brucker, S.Y. Buys, S.S. Castelao, J.E. Chan, T.L. Chang-Claude, J. Chanock, S.J. Choi, J.-. Chung, W.K. NBCS Collaborators, Colonna, S.V. CTS Consortium, Cornelissen, S. Couch, F.J. Czene, K. Daly, M.B. Devilee, P. Dörk, T. Dossus, L. Dwek, M. Eccles, D.M. Ekici, A.B. Eliassen, A.H. Engel, C. Evans, D.G. Fasching, P.A. Fletcher, O. Flyger, H. Gago-Dominguez, M. Gao, Y.-. García-Closas, M. García-Sáenz, J.A. Genkinger, J. Gentry-Maharaj, A. Grassmann, F. Guénel, P. Gündert, M. Haeberle, L. Hahnen, E. Haiman, C.A. Håkansson, N. Hall, P. Harkness, E.F. Harrington, P.A. Hartikainen, J.M. Hartman, M. Hein, A. Ho, W.-. Hooning, M.J. Hoppe, R. Hopper, J.L. Houlston, R.S. Howell, A. Hunter, D.J. Huo, D. ABCTB Investigators, Ito, H. Iwasaki, M. Jakubowska, A. Janni, W. John, E.M. Jones, M.E. Jung, A. Kaaks, R. Kang, D. Khusnutdinova, E.K. Kim, S.-. Kitahara, C.M. Koutros, S. Kraft, P. Kristensen, V.N. Kubelka-Sabit, K. Kurian, A.W. Kwong, A. Lacey, J.V. Lambrechts, D. Le Marchand, L. Li, J. Linet, M. Lo, W.-. Long, J. Lophatananon, A. Mannermaa, A. Manoochehri, M. Margolin, S. Matsuo, K. Mavroudis, D. Menon, U. Muir, K. Murphy, R.A. Nevanlinna, H. Newman, W.G. Niederacher, D. O'Brien, K.M. Obi, N. Offit, K. Olopade, O.I. Olshan, A.F. Olsson, H. Park, S.K. Patel, A.V. Patel, A. Perou, C.M. Peto, J. Pharoah, P.D. Plaseska-Karanfilska, D. Presneau, N. Rack, B. Radice, P. Ramachandran, D. Rashid, M.U. Rennert, G. Romero, A. Ruddy, K.J. Ruebner, M. Saloustros, E. Sandler, D.P. Sawyer, E.J. Schmidt, M.K. Schmutzler, R.K. Schneider, M.O. Scott, C. Shah, M. Sharma, P. Shen, C.-. Shu, X.-. Simard, J. Surowy, H. Tamimi, R.M. Tapper, W.J. Taylor, J.A. Teo, S.H. Teras, L.R. Toland, A.E. Tollenaar, R.A. Torres, D. Torres-Mejía, G. Troester, M.A. Truong, T. Vachon, C.M. Vijai, J. Weinberg, C.R. Wendt, C. Winqvist, R. Wolk, A. Wu, A.H. Yamaji, T. Yang, X.R. Yu, J.-. Zheng, W. Ziogas, A. Ziv, E. Dunning, A.M. Easton, D.F. Hemingway, H. Hamann, U. Kuchenbaecker, K.B. (2023). Aggregation tests identify new gene associations with breast cancer in populations with diverse ancestry. Genome med, Vol.15 (1), p. 7.  show abstract  full text

Shi, J. Shiraishi, K. Choi, J. Matsuo, K. Chen, T.-. Dai, J. Hung, R.J. Chen, K. Shu, X.-. Kim, Y.T. Landi, M.T. Lin, D. Zheng, W. Yin, Z. Zhou, B. Song, B. Wang, J. Seow, W.J. Song, L. Chang, I.-. Hu, W. Chien, L.-. Cai, Q. Hong, Y.-. Kim, H.N. Wu, Y.-. Wong, M.P. Richardson, B.D. Funderburk, K.M. Li, S. Zhang, T. Breeze, C. Wang, Z. Blechter, B. Bassig, B.A. Kim, J.H. Albanes, D. Wong, J.Y. Shin, M.-. Chung, L.P. Yang, Y. An, S.-. Zheng, H. Yatabe, Y. Zhang, X.-. Kim, Y.-. Caporaso, N.E. Chang, J. Ho, J.C. Kubo, M. Daigo, Y. Song, M. Momozawa, Y. Kamatani, Y. Kobayashi, M. Okubo, K. Honda, T. Hosgood, D.H. Kunitoh, H. Patel, H. Watanabe, S.-. Miyagi, Y. Nakayama, H. Matsumoto, S. Horinouchi, H. Tsuboi, M. Hamamoto, R. Goto, K. Ohe, Y. Takahashi, A. Goto, A. Minamiya, Y. Hara, M. Nishida, Y. Takeuchi, K. Wakai, K. Matsuda, K. Murakami, Y. Shimizu, K. Suzuki, H. Saito, M. Ohtaki, Y. Tanaka, K. Wu, T. Wei, F. Dai, H. Machiela, M.J. Su, J. Kim, Y.H. Oh, I.-. Lee, V.H. Chang, G.-. Tsai, Y.-. Chen, K.-. Huang, M.-. Su, W.-. Chen, Y.-. Seow, A. Park, J.Y. Kweon, S.-. Chen, K.-. Gao, Y.-. Qian, B. Wu, C. Lu, D. Liu, J. Schwartz, A.G. Houlston, R. Spitz, M.R. Gorlov, I.P. Wu, X. Yang, P. Lam, S. Tardon, A. Chen, C. Bojesen, S.E. Johansson, M. Risch, A. Bickeböller, H. Ji, B.-. Wichmann, H.-. Christiani, D.C. Rennert, G. Arnold, S. Brennan, P. McKay, J. Field, J.K. Shete, S.S. Le Marchand, L. Liu, G. Andrew, A. Kiemeney, L.A. Zienolddiny-Narui, S. Grankvist, K. Johansson, M. Cox, A. Taylor, F. Yuan, J.-. Lazarus, P. Schabath, M.B. Aldrich, M.C. Jeon, H.-. Jiang, S.S. Sung, J.S. Chen, C.-. Hsiao, C.-. Jung, Y.J. Guo, H. Hu, Z. Burdett, L. Yeager, M. Hutchinson, A. Hicks, B. Liu, J. Zhu, B. Berndt, S.I. Wu, W. Wang, J. Li, Y. Choi, J.E. Park, K.H. Sung, S.W. Liu, L. Kang, C.H. Wang, W.-. Xu, J. Guan, P. Tan, W. Yu, C.-. Yang, G. Sihoe, A.D. Chen, Y. Choi, Y.Y. Kim, J.S. Yoon, H.-. Park, I.K. Xu, P. He, Q. Wang, C.-. Hung, H.-. Vermeulen, R.C. Cheng, I. Wu, J. Lim, W.-. Tsai, F.-. Chan, J.K. Li, J. Chen, H. Lin, H.-. Jin, L. Liu, J. Sawada, N. Yamaji, T. Wyatt, K. Li, S.A. Ma, H. Zhu, M. Wang, Z. Cheng, S. Li, X. Ren, Y. Chao, A. Iwasaki, M. Zhu, J. Jiang, G. Fei, K. Wu, G. Chen, C.-. Chen, C.-. Yang, P.-. Yu, J. Stevens, V.L. Fraumeni, J.F. Chatterjee, N. Gorlova, O.Y. Hsiung, C.A. Amos, C.I. Shen, H. Chanock, S.J. Rothman, N. Kohno, T. Lan, Q. (2023). Genome-wide association study of lung adenocarcinoma in East Asia and comparison with a European population. Nat commun, Vol.14 (1), p. 3043.  show abstract  full text

Sud, A. Horton, R.H. Hingorani, A.D. Tzoulaki, I. Turnbull, C. Houlston, R.S. Lucassen, A. (2023). Realistic expectations are key to realising the benefits of polygenic scores. Bmj, Vol.380, p. e073149.  show abstract  full text

Saunders, C.N. Kinnersley, B. Culliford, R. Cornish, A.J. Law, P.J. Houlston, R.S. (2022). Relationship between genetically determined telomere length and glioma risk. Neuro oncol, Vol.24 (2), pp. 171-181.  show abstract  full text

Zhou, X. Wang, L. Xiao, J. Sun, J. Yu, L. Zhang, H. Meng, X. Yuan, S. Timofeeva, M. Law, P.J. Houlston, R.S. Ding, K. Dunlop, M.G. Theodoratou, E. Li, X. (2022). Alcohol consumption, DNA methylation and colorectal cancer risk: Results from pooled cohort studies and Mendelian randomization analysis. Int j cancer, Vol.151 (1), pp. 83-94.  show abstract  full text

Reijns, M.A. Parry, D.A. Williams, T.C. Nadeu, F. Hindshaw, R.L. Rios Szwed, D.O. Nicholson, M.D. Carroll, P. Boyle, S. Royo, R. Cornish, A.J. Xiang, H. Ridout, K. Genomics England Research Consortium, Colorectal Cancer Domain UK 100,000 Genomes Project, Schuh, A. Aden, K. Palles, C. Campo, E. Stankovic, T. Taylor, M.S. Jackson, A.P. (2022). Signatures of TOP1 transcription-associated mutagenesis in cancer and germline. Nature, Vol.602 (7898), pp. 623-631.  show abstract  full text

Zhang, X. Li, X. He, Y. Law, P.J. Farrington, S.M. Campbell, H. Tomlinson, I.P. Houlston, R.S. Dunlop, M.G. Timofeeva, M. Theodoratou, E. (2022). Phenome-wide association study (PheWAS) of colorectal cancer risk SNP effects on health outcomes in UK Biobank. Br j cancer, Vol.126 (5), pp. 822-830.  show abstract  full text

Palles, C. West, H.D. Chew, E. Galavotti, S. Flensburg, C. Grolleman, J.E. Jansen, E.A. Curley, H. Chegwidden, L. Arbe-Barnes, E.H. Lander, N. Truscott, R. Pagan, J. Bajel, A. Sherwood, K. Martin, L. Thomas, H. Georgiou, D. Fostira, F. Goldberg, Y. Adams, D.J. van der Biezen, S.A. Christie, M. Clendenning, M. Thomas, L.E. Deltas, C. Dimovski, A.J. Dymerska, D. Lubinski, J. Mahmood, K. van der Post, R.S. Sanders, M. Weitz, J. Taylor, J.C. Turnbull, C. Vreede, L. van Wezel, T. Whalley, C. Arnedo-Pac, C. Caravagna, G. Cross, W. Chubb, D. Frangou, A. Gruber, A.J. Kinnersley, B. Noyvert, B. Church, D. Graham, T. Houlston, R. Lopez-Bigas, N. Sottoriva, A. Wedge, D. Genomics England Research Consortium, CORGI Consortium, WGS500 Consortium, Jenkins, M.A. Kuiper, R.P. Roberts, A.W. Cheadle, J.P. Ligtenberg, M.J. Hoogerbrugge, N. Koelzer, V.H. Rivas, A.D. Winship, I.M. Ponte, C.R. Buchanan, D.D. Power, D.G. Green, A. Tomlinson, I.P. Sampson, J.R. Majewski, I.J. de Voer, R.M. (2022). Germline MBD4 deficiency causes a multi-tumor predisposition syndrome. Am j hum genet, Vol.109 (5), pp. 953-960.  show abstract  full text

Briggs, S.E. Law, P. East, J.E. Wordsworth, S. Dunlop, M. Houlston, R. Hippisley-Cox, J. Tomlinson, I. (2022). Integrating genome-wide polygenic risk scores and non-genetic risk to predict colorectal cancer diagnosis using UK Biobank data: population based cohort study. Bmj, Vol.379, p. e071707.  show abstract

Ajore, R. Niroula, A. Pertesi, M. Cafaro, C. Thodberg, M. Went, M. Bao, E.L. Duran-Lozano, L. Lopez de Lapuente Portilla, A. Olafsdottir, T. Ugidos-Damboriena, N. Magnusson, O. Samur, M. Lareau, C.A. Halldorsson, G.H. Thorleifsson, G. Norddahl, G.L. Gunnarsdottir, K. Försti, A. Goldschmidt, H. Hemminki, K. van Rhee, F. Kimber, S. Sperling, A.S. Kaiser, M. Anderson, K. Jonsdottir, I. Munshi, N. Rafnar, T. Waage, A. Weinhold, N. Thorsteinsdottir, U. Sankaran, V.G. Stefansson, K. Houlston, R. Nilsson, B. (2022). Functional dissection of inherited non-coding variation influencing multiple myeloma risk. Nat commun, Vol.13 (1), p. 151.  show abstract  full text

Robbe, P. Ridout, K.E. Vavoulis, D.V. Dréau, H. Kinnersley, B. Denny, N. Chubb, D. Appleby, N. Cutts, A. Cornish, A.J. Lopez-Pascua, L. Clifford, R. Burns, A. Stamatopoulos, B. Cabes, M. Alsolami, R. Antoniou, P. Oates, M. Cavalieri, D. Genomics England Research Consortium, CLL pilot consortium, Gibson, J. Prabhu, A.V. Schwessinger, R. Jennings, D. James, T. Maheswari, U. Duran-Ferrer, M. Carninci, P. Knight, S.J. Månsson, R. Hughes, J. Davies, J. Ross, M. Bentley, D. Strefford, J.C. Devereux, S. Pettitt, A.R. Hillmen, P. Caulfield, M.J. Houlston, R.S. Martín-Subero, J.I. Schuh, A. (2022). Whole-genome sequencing of chronic lymphocytic leukemia identifies subgroups with distinct biological and clinical features. Nat genet, Vol.54 (11), pp. 1675-1689.  show abstract  full text

Loveday, C. Garrett, A. Law, P. Hanks, S. Poyastro-Pearson, E. Adlard, J.W. Barwell, J. Berg, J. Brady, A.F. Brewer, C. Chapman, C. Cook, J. Davidson, R. Donaldson, A. Douglas, F. Greenhalgh, L. Henderson, A. Izatt, L. Kumar, A. Lalloo, F. Miedzybrodzka, Z. Morrison, P.J. Paterson, J. Porteous, M. Rogers, M.T. Walker, L. Breast and Ovarian Cancer Susceptibility Collaboration, Eccles, D. Evans, D.G. Snape, K. Hanson, H. Houlston, R.S. Turnbull, C. (2022). Analysis of rare disruptive germline mutations in 2135 enriched BRCA-negative breast cancers excludes additional high-impact susceptibility genes. Ann oncol, Vol.33 (12), pp. 1318-1327.  show abstract  full text

Clay-Gilmour, A. Chattopadhyay, S. Hildebrandt, M.A. Thomsen, H. Weinhold, N. Vodicka, P. Vodickova, L. Hoffmann, P. Nöthen, M.M. Jöckel, K.-. Schmidt, B. Langer, C. Hajek, R. Hallmans, G. Pettersson-Kymmer, U. Ohlsson, C. Späth, F. Houlston, R. Goldschmidt, H. Manasanch, E.E. Norman, A. Kumar, S. Rajkumar, S.V. Slager, S. Försti, A. Vachon, C.M. Hemminki, K. (2022). Genome-wide meta-analysis of monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS) identifies risk loci impacting IRF-6. Blood cancer j, Vol.12 (4), p. 60.  full text

He, Y. Zhang, X. Timofeeva, M. Farrington, S.M. Li, X. Xu, W. Campbell, H. Houlston, R.S. Tomlinson, I.P. Theodoratou, E. Dunlop, M.G. (2022). Bidirectional Mendelian randomisation analysis of the relationship between circulating vitamin D concentration and colorectal cancer risk. Int j cancer, Vol.150 (2), pp. 303-307.  show abstract  full text

Watts, K. Wills, C. Madi, A. Palles, C. Maughan, T.S. Kaplan, R. Al-Tassan, N.A. Kerr, R. Kerr, D.J. Houlston, R.S. Escott-Price, V. Cheadle, J.P. (2022). Genetic variation in ST6GAL1 is a determinant of capecitabine and oxaliplatin induced hand-foot syndrome. Int j cancer, Vol.151 (6), pp. 957-966.  show abstract  full text

Andreou, A. Yngvadottir, B. Bassaganyas, L. Clark, G. Martin, E. Whitworth, J. Cornish, A.J. Genomics England Research Consortium, Houlston, R.S. Rich, P. Egan, C. Hodgson, S.V. Warren, A.Y. Snape, K. Maher, E.R. (2022). Elongin C (ELOC/TCEB1)-associated von Hippel-Lindau disease. Hum mol genet, Vol.31 (16), pp. 2728-2737.  show abstract  full text

Yngvadottir, B. Andreou, A. Bassaganyas, L. Larionov, A. Cornish, A.J. Chubb, D. Saunders, C.N. Smith, P.S. Zhang, H. Cole, Y. Research Consortium, G.E. Larkin, J. Browning, L. Turajlic, S. Litchfield, K. Houlston, R.S. Maher, E.R. (2022). Frequency of pathogenic germline variants in cancer susceptibility genes in 1336 renal cell carcinoma cases. Hum mol genet, Vol.31 (17), pp. 3001-3011.  show abstract  full text

Martin, S. Tyrrell, J. Thomas, E.L. Bown, M.J. Wood, A.R. Beaumont, R.N. Tsoi, L.C. Stuart, P.E. Elder, J.T. Law, P. Houlston, R. Kabrhel, C. Papadimitriou, N. Gunter, M.J. Bull, C.J. Bell, J.A. Vincent, E.E. Sattar, N. Dunlop, M.G. Tomlinson, I.P. Lindström, S. INVENT consortium, Bell, J.D. Frayling, T.M. Yaghootkar, H. (2022). Disease consequences of higher adiposity uncoupled from its adverse metabolic effects using Mendelian randomisation. Elife, Vol.11.  show abstract  full text

Went, M. Hoang, P.H. Law, P.J. Kaiser, M.F. Houlston, R.S. (2022). Exploiting gene dependency to inform drug development for multiple myeloma. Sci rep, Vol.12 (1), p. 12696.  show abstract  full text

Vickers, A.J. Sud, A. Bernstein, J. Houlston, R. (2022). Polygenic risk scores to stratify cancer screening should predict mortality not incidence. Npj precis oncol, Vol.6 (1), p. 32.  show abstract  full text

Yang, W. Liu, H. Zhang, R. Freedman, J.A. Han, Y. Hung, R.J. Brhane, Y. McLaughlin, J. Brennan, P. Bickeboeller, H. Rosenberger, A. Houlston, R.S. Caporaso, N.E. Landi, M.T. Brueske, I. Risch, A. Christiani, D.C. Amos, C.I. Chen, X. Patierno, S.R. Wei, Q. (2022). Deciphering associations between three RNA splicing-related genetic variants and lung cancer risk. Npj precis oncol, Vol.6 (1), p. 48.  show abstract  full text

Saunders, C.N. Cornish, A.J. Kinnersley, B. Law, P.J. Houlston, R.S. Collaborators, (2021). Searching for causal relationships of glioma: a phenome-wide Mendelian randomisation study. Br j cancer, Vol.124 (2), pp. 447-454.  show abstract  full text

Weinhold, N. Salwender, H.J. Cairns, D.A. Raab, M.S. Waldron, G. Blau, I.W. Bertsch, U. Hielscher, T. Morgan, G.J. Jauch, A. Davies, F.E. Hänel, M. Cook, G. Scheid, C. Houlston, R. Goldschmidt, H. Jackson, G. Kaiser, M.F. (2021). Chromosome 1q21 abnormalities refine outcome prediction in patients with multiple myeloma - a meta-analysis of 2,596 trial patients. Haematologica, Vol.106 (10), pp. 2754-2758.  full text

Watts, K. Wills, C. Madi, A. Palles, C. Maughan, T.S. Kaplan, R. Al-Tassan, N.A. Kerr, R. Kerr, D. Gray, V. West, H. Houlston, R.S. Escott-Price, V. Cheadle, J.P. (2021). Genome-wide association studies of toxicity to oxaliplatin and fluoropyrimidine chemotherapy with or without cetuximab in 1800 patients with advanced colorectal cancer. Int j cancer, Vol.149 (9), pp. 1713-1722.  show abstract

Ostrom, Q.T. Edelson, J. Byun, J. Han, Y. Kinnersley, B. Melin, B. Houlston, R.S. Monje, M. GLIOGENE Consortium, Walsh, K.M. Amos, C.I. Bondy, M.L. (2021). Partitioned glioma heritability shows subtype-specific enrichment in immune cells. Neuro oncol, Vol.23 (8), pp. 1304-1314.  show abstract  full text

Lesseur, C. Ferreiro-Iglesias, A. McKay, J.D. Bossé, Y. Johansson, M. Gaborieau, V. Landi, M.T. Christiani, D.C. Caporaso, N.C. Bojesen, S.E. Amos, C.I. Shete, S. Liu, G. Rennert, G. Albanes, D. Aldrich, M.C. Tardon, A. Chen, C. Triantafillos, L. Field, J.K. Teare, M.D. Kiemeney, L.A. Diergaarde, B. Ferris, R.L. Zienolddiny, S. Lam, S. Olshan, A.F. Weissler, M.C. Lacko, M. Risch, A. Bickeböller, H. Ness, A.R. Thomas, S. Le Marchand, L. Schabath, M.B. Wünsch-Filho, V. Tajara, E.H. Andrew, A.S. Clifford, G.M. Lazarus, P. Grankvist, K. Johansson, M. Arnold, S. Melander, O. Brunnström, H. Boccia, S. Cadoni, G. Timens, W. Obeidat, M. Xiao, X. Houlston, R.S. Hung, R.J. Brennan, P. (2021). Genome-wide association meta-analysis identifies pleiotropic risk loci for aerodigestive squamous cell cancers. Plos genet, Vol.17 (3), p. e1009254.  show abstract  full text

Zhang, X. Theodoratou, E. Li, X. Farrington, S.M. Law, P.J. Broderick, P. Walker, M. Klimentidis, Y.C. Rees, J.M. Houlston, R.S. Tomlinson, I.P. Burgess, S. Campbell, H. Dunlop, M.G. Timofeeva, M. (2021). Genetically predicted physical activity levels are associated with lower colorectal cancer risk: a Mendelian randomisation study. Br j cancer, Vol.124 (7), pp. 1330-1338.  show abstract  full text

Culliford, R. Cornish, A.J. Law, P.J. Farrington, S.M. Palin, K. Jenkins, M.A. Casey, G. Hoffmeister, M. Brenner, H. Chang-Claude, J. Kirac, I. Maughan, T. Brezina, S. Gsur, A. Cheadle, J.P. Aaltonen, L.A. Dunlop, M.G. Houlston, R.S. (2021). Lack of an association between gallstone disease and bilirubin levels with risk of colorectal cancer: a Mendelian randomisation analysis. Br j cancer, Vol.124 (6), pp. 1169-1174.  show abstract  full text

Maguire, S. Perraki, E. Tomczyk, K. Jones, M.E. Fletcher, O. Pugh, M. Winter, T. Thompson, K. Cooke, R. kConFab Consortium, Trainer, A. James, P. Bojesen, S. Flyger, H. Nevanlinna, H. Mattson, J. Friedman, E. Laitman, Y. Palli, D. Masala, G. Zanna, I. Ottini, L. Silvestri, V. Hollestelle, A. Hooning, M.J. Novaković, S. Krajc, M. Gago-Dominguez, M. Castelao, J.E. Olsson, H. Hedenfalk, I. Saloustros, E. Georgoulias, V. Easton, D.F. Pharoah, P. Dunning, A.M. Bishop, D.T. Neuhausen, S.L. Steele, L. Ashworth, A. Garcia Closas, M. Houlston, R. Swerdlow, A. Orr, N. (2021). Common Susceptibility Loci for Male Breast Cancer. J natl cancer inst, Vol.113 (4), pp. 453-461.  show abstract  full text

Loveday, C. Sud, A. Jones, M.E. Broggio, J. Scott, S. Gronthound, F. Torr, B. Garrett, A. Nicol, D.L. Jhanji, S. Boyce, S.A. Williams, M. Barry, C. Riboli, E. Kipps, E. McFerran, E. Muller, D.C. Lyratzopoulos, G. Lawler, M. Abulafi, M. Houlston, R.S. Turnbull, C. (2021). Prioritisation by FIT to mitigate the impact of delays in the 2-week wait colorectal cancer referral pathway during the COVID-19 pandemic: a UK modelling study. Gut, Vol.70 (6), pp. 1053-1060.  show abstract  full text

Croft, J. Ellis, S. Sherborne, A.L. Sharp, K. Price, A. Jenner, M.W. Drayson, M.T. Owen, R.G. Chown, S. Lindsay, J. Karunanithi, K. Hunter, H. Gregory, W.M. Davies, F.E. Morgan, G.J. Cook, G. Atanesyan, L. Savola, S. Cairns, D.A. Jackson, G. Houlston, R.S. Kaiser, M.F. (2021). Copy number evolution and its relationship with patient outcome-an analysis of 178 matched presentation-relapse tumor pairs from the Myeloma XI trial. Leukemia, Vol.35 (7), pp. 2043-2053.  show abstract  full text

Chen, H. Majumdar, A. Wang, L. Kar, S. Brown, K.M. Feng, H. Turman, C. Dennis, J. Easton, D. Michailidou, K. Simard, J. Breast Cancer Association Consortium (BCAC), Bishop, T. Cheng, I.C. Huyghe, J.R. Schmit, S.L. Colorectal Transdisciplinary Study (CORECT), Colon Cancer Family Registry Study (CCFR), Genetics and Epidemiology of Colorectal Cancer Consortium (GECCO), O'Mara, T.A. Spurdle, A.B. Endometrial Cancer Association Consortium (ECAC), Gharahkhani, P. Schumacher, J. Jankowski, J. Gockel, I. Esophageal Cancer GWAS Consortium, Bondy, M.L. Houlston, R.S. Jenkins, R.B. Melin, B. Glioma International Case Control Consortium (GICC), Lesseur, C. Ness, A.R. Diergaarde, B. Olshan, A.F. Head-Neck Cancer GWAS Consortium, Amos, C.I. Christiani, D.C. Landi, M.T. McKay, J.D. International Lung Cancer Consortium (ILCCO), Brossard, M. Iles, M.M. Law, M.H. MacGregor, S. Melanoma GWAS Consortium, Beesley, J. Jones, M.R. Tyrer, J. Winham, S.J. Ovarian Cancer Association Consortium (OCAC), Klein, A.P. Petersen, G. Li, D. Wolpin, B.M. Pancreatic Cancer Case-Control Consortium (PANC4), Pancreatic Cancer Cohort Consortium (PanScan), Eeles, R.A. Haiman, C.A. Kote-Jarai, Z. Schumacher, F.R. PRACTICAL consortium, CRUK, BPC3, CAPS, PEGASUS, Brennan, P. Chanock, S.J. Gaborieau, V. Purdue, M.P. Renal Cancer GWAS Consortium, Pharoah, P. Hung, R.J. Amundadottir, L.T. Kraft, P. Pasaniuc, B. Lindström, S. (2021). Large-scale cross-cancer fine-mapping of the 5p15 33 region reveals multiple independent signals. Hgg adv, Vol.2 (3), p. 100041.  show abstract  full text

Peyre, M. Miyagishima, D. Bielle, F. Chapon, F. Sierant, M. Venot, Q. Lerond, J. Marijon, P. Abi-Jaoude, S. Le Van, T. Labreche, K. Houlston, R. Faisant, M. Clémenceau, S. Boch, A.-. Nouet, A. Carpentier, A. Boetto, J. Louvi, A. Kalamarides, M. (2021). Somatic PIK3CA Mutations in Sporadic Cerebral Cavernous Malformations. N engl j med, Vol.385 (11), pp. 996-1004.  show abstract  full text

Studd, J.B. Cornish, A.J. Hoang, P.H. Law, P. Kinnersley, B. Houlston, R. (2021). Cancer drivers and clonal dynamics in acute lymphoblastic leukaemia subtypes. Blood cancer j, Vol.11 (11), p. 177.  show abstract  full text

Sud, A. Law, P.J. Houlston, R.S. (2021). The clinical utility of polygenic risk scores for chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Leukemia, Vol.35 (12), pp. 3608-3610.  full text

Wills, C. He, Y. Summers, M.G. Lin, Y. Phipps, A.I. Watts, K. Law, P.J. Al-Tassan, N.A. Maughan, T.S. Kaplan, R. Houlston, R.S. Peters, U. Newcomb, P.A. Chan, A.T. Buchanan, D.D. Gallinger, S. Marchand, L.L. Pai, R.K. Shi, Q. Alberts, S.R. Gray, V. West, H.D. Escott-Price, V. Dunlop, M.G. Cheadle, J.P. (2021). A genome-wide search for determinants of survival in 1926 patients with advanced colorectal cancer with follow-up in over 22,000 patients. Eur j cancer, Vol.159, pp. 247-258.  show abstract

Saunders, C.N. Chattopadhyay, S. Huhn, S. Weinhold, N. Hoffmann, P. Nöthen, M.M. Jöckel, K.-. Schmidt, B. Landi, S. Goldschmidt, H. Milani, P. Merlini, G. Rowcieno, D. Hawkins, P. Hegenbart, U. Palladini, G. Wechalekar, A. Schönland, S.O. Försti, A. Houlston, R. Hemminki, K. (2021). Search for AL amyloidosis risk factors using Mendelian randomization. Blood adv, Vol.5 (13), pp. 2725-2731.  show abstract  full text

Hemminki, K. Försti, A. Houlston, R. Sud, A. (2021). Epidemiology, genetics and treatment of multiple myeloma and precursor diseases. Int j cancer, Vol.149 (12), pp. 1980-1996.  show abstract  full text

Duran-Lozano, L. Thorleifsson, G. Lopez de Lapuente Portilla, A. Niroula, A. Went, M. Thodberg, M. Pertesi, M. Ajore, R. Cafaro, C. Olason, P.I. Stefansdottir, L. Bragi Walters, G. Halldorsson, G.H. Turesson, I. Kaiser, M.F. Weinhold, N. Abildgaard, N. Andersen, N.F. Mellqvist, U.-. Waage, A. Juul-Vangsted, A. Thorsteinsdottir, U. Hansson, M. Houlston, R. Rafnar, T. Stefansson, K. Nilsson, B. (2021). Germline variants at SOHLH2 influence multiple myeloma risk. Blood cancer j, Vol.11 (4), p. 76.  show abstract  full text

Bartram, T. Schütte, P. Möricke, A. Houlston, R.S. Ellinghaus, E. Zimmermann, M. Bergmann, A. Löscher, B.-. Klein, N. Hinze, L. Junk, S.V. Forster, M. Bartram, C.R. Köhler, R. Franke, A. Schrappe, M. Kratz, C.P. Cario, G. Stanulla, M. (2021). Genetic Variation in ABCC4 and CFTR and Acute Pancreatitis during Treatment of Pediatric Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. J clin med, Vol.10 (21).  show abstract  full text

Sud, A. Turnbull, C. Houlston, R. (2021). Will polygenic risk scores for cancer ever be clinically useful?. Npj precis oncol, Vol.5 (1), p. 40.  full text

Lin, W.-. Fordham, S.E. Sunter, N. Elstob, C. Rahman, T. Willmore, E. Shepherd, C. Strathdee, G. Mainou-Fowler, T. Piddock, R. Mearns, H. Barrow, T. Houlston, R.S. Marr, H. Wallis, J. Summerfield, G. Marshall, S. Pettitt, A. Pepper, C. Fegan, C. Forconi, F. Dyer, M.J. Jayne, S. Sellors, A. Schuh, A. Robbe, P. Oscier, D. Bailey, J. Rais, S. Bentley, A. Cawkwell, L. Evans, P. Hillmen, P. Pratt, G. Allsup, D.J. Allan, J.M. (2021). Genome-wide association study identifies risk loci for progressive chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Nat commun, Vol.12 (1), p. 665.  show abstract  full text

Lin, W.-. Fordham, S.E. Hungate, E. Sunter, N.J. Elstob, C. Xu, Y. Park, C. Quante, A. Strauch, K. Gieger, C. Skol, A. Rahman, T. Sucheston-Campbell, L. Wang, J. Hahn, T. Clay-Gilmour, A.I. Jones, G.L. Marr, H.J. Jackson, G.H. Menne, T. Collin, M. Ivey, A. Hills, R.K. Burnett, A.K. Russell, N.H. Fitzgibbon, J. Larson, R.A. Le Beau, M.M. Stock, W. Heidenreich, O. Alharbi, A. Allsup, D.J. Houlston, R.S. Norden, J. Dickinson, A.M. Douglas, E. Lendrem, C. Daly, A.K. Palm, L. Piechocki, K. Jeffries, S. Bornhäuser, M. Röllig, C. Altmann, H. Ruhnke, L. Kunadt, D. Wagenführ, L. Cordell, H.J. Darlay, R. Andersen, M.K. Fontana, M.C. Martinelli, G. Marconi, G. Sanz, M.A. Cervera, J. Gómez-Seguí, I. Cluzeau, T. Moreilhon, C. Raynaud, S. Sill, H. Voso, M.T. Lo-Coco, F. Dombret, H. Cheok, M. Preudhomme, C. Gale, R.E. Linch, D. Gaal-Wesinger, J. Masszi, A. Nowak, D. Hofmann, W.-. Gilkes, A. Porkka, K. Milosevic Feenstra, J.D. Kralovics, R. Grimwade, D. Meggendorfer, M. Haferlach, T. Krizsán, S. Bödör, C. Stölzel, F. Onel, K. Allan, J.M. (2021). Genome-wide association study identifies susceptibility loci for acute myeloid leukemia. Nat commun, Vol.12 (1), p. 6233.  show abstract  full text

Ostrom, Q.T. Egan, K.M. Nabors, L.B. Gerke, T. Thompson, R.C. Olson, J.J. LaRocca, R. Chowdhary, S. Eckel-Passow, J.E. Armstrong, G. Wiencke, J.K. Bernstein, J.L. Claus, E.B. Il'yasova, D. Johansen, C. Lachance, D.H. Lai, R.K. Merrell, R.T. Olson, S.H. Sadetzki, S. Schildkraut, J.M. Shete, S. Houlston, R.S. Jenkins, R.B. Wrensch, M.R. Melin, B. Amos, C.I. Huse, J.T. Barnholtz-Sloan, J.S. Bondy, M.L. (2020). Glioma risk associated with extent of estimated European genetic ancestry in African Americans and Hispanics. Int j cancer, Vol.146 (3), pp. 739-748.  show abstract  full text

Cornish, A.J. Law, P.J. Timofeeva, M. Palin, K. Farrington, S.M. Palles, C. Jenkins, M.A. Casey, G. Brenner, H. Chang-Claude, J. Hoffmeister, M. Kirac, I. Maughan, T. Brezina, S. Gsur, A. Cheadle, J.P. Aaltonen, L.A. Tomlinson, I. Dunlop, M.G. Houlston, R.S. (2020). Modifiable pathways for colorectal cancer: a mendelian randomisation analysis. Lancet gastroenterol hepatol, Vol.5 (1), pp. 55-62.  show abstract

Summers, M.G. Maughan, T.S. Kaplan, R. Law, P.J. Houlston, R.S. Escott-Price, V. Cheadle, J.P. (2020). Comprehensive analysis of colorectal cancer-risk loci and survival outcome: A prognostic role for CDH1 variants. Eur j cancer, Vol.124, pp. 56-63.  show abstract

Hoang, P.H. Cornish, A.J. Chubb, D. Jackson, G. Kaiser, M. Houlston, R.S. (2020). Impact of mitochondrial DNA mutations in multiple myeloma. Blood cancer j, Vol.10 (5), p. 46.  full text

Disney-Hogg, L. Kinnersley, B. Houlston, R. (2020). Algorithmic considerations when analysing capture Hi-C data. Wellcome open research, Vol.5, p. 289.  show abstract  full text

Bossé, Y. Li, Z. Xia, J. Manem, V. Carreras-Torres, R. Gabriel, A. Gaudreault, N. Albanes, D. Aldrich, M.C. Andrew, A. Arnold, S. Bickeböller, H. Bojesen, S.E. Brennan, P. Brunnstrom, H. Caporaso, N. Chen, C. Christiani, D.C. Field, J.K. Goodman, G. Grankvist, K. Houlston, R. Johansson, M. Johansson, M. Kiemeney, L.A. Lam, S. Landi, M.T. Lazarus, P. Le Marchand, L. Liu, G. Melander, O. Rennert, G. Risch, A. Rosenberg, S.M. Schabath, M.B. Shete, S. Song, Z. Stevens, V.L. Tardon, A. Wichmann, H.-. Woll, P. Zienolddiny, S. Obeidat, M. Timens, W. Hung, R.J. Joubert, P. Amos, C.I. McKay, J.D. (2020). Transcriptome-wide association study reveals candidate causal genes for lung cancer. Int j cancer, Vol.146 (7), pp. 1862-1878.  show abstract  full text

Zhang, Y.D. Hurson, A.N. Zhang, H. Choudhury, P.P. Easton, D.F. Milne, R.L. Simard, J. Hall, P. Michailidou, K. Dennis, J. Schmidt, M.K. Chang-Claude, J. Gharahkhani, P. Whiteman, D. Campbell, P.T. Hoffmeister, M. Jenkins, M. Peters, U. Hsu, L. Gruber, S.B. Casey, G. Schmit, S.L. O'Mara, T.A. Spurdle, A.B. Thompson, D.J. Tomlinson, I. De Vivo, I. Landi, M.T. Law, M.H. Iles, M.M. Demenais, F. Kumar, R. MacGregor, S. Bishop, D.T. Ward, S.V. Bondy, M.L. Houlston, R. Wiencke, J.K. Melin, B. Barnholtz-Sloan, J. Kinnersley, B. Wrensch, M.R. Amos, C.I. Hung, R.J. Brennan, P. McKay, J. Caporaso, N.E. Berndt, S.I. Birmann, B.M. Camp, N.J. Kraft, P. Rothman, N. Slager, S.L. Berchuck, A. Pharoah, P.D. Sellers, T.A. Gayther, S.A. Pearce, C.L. Goode, E.L. Schildkraut, J.M. Moysich, K.B. Amundadottir, L.T. Jacobs, E.J. Klein, A.P. Petersen, G.M. Risch, H.A. Stolzenberg-Solomon, R.Z. Wolpin, B.M. Li, D. Eeles, R.A. Haiman, C.A. Kote-Jarai, Z. Schumacher, F.R. Al Olama, A.A. Purdue, M.P. Scelo, G. Dalgaard, M.D. Greene, M.H. Grotmol, T. Kanetsky, P.A. McGlynn, K.A. Nathanson, K.L. Turnbull, C. Wiklund, F. Breast Cancer Association Consortium (BCAC), Barrett’s and Esophageal Adenocarcinoma Consortium (BEACON), Colon Cancer Family Registry (CCFR), Transdisciplinary Studies of Genetic Variation in Colorectal Cancer (CORECT), Endometrial Cancer Association Consortium (ECAC), Genetics and Epidemiology of Colorectal Cancer Consortium (GECCO), Melanoma Genetics Consortium (GenoMEL), Glioma International Case-Control Study (GICC), International Lung Cancer Consortium (ILCCO), Integrative Analysis of Lung Cancer Etiology and Risk (INTEGRAL) Consortium, International Consortium of Investigators Working on Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Epidemiologic Studies (InterLymph), Ovarian Cancer Association Consortium (OCAC), Oral Cancer GWAS, Pancreatic Cancer Case-Control Consortium (PanC4), Pancreatic Cancer Cohort Consortium (PanScan), Prostate Cancer Association Group to Investigate Cancer Associated Alterations in the Genome (PRACTICAL), Renal Cancer GWAS, Testicular Cancer Consortium (TECAC), Chanock, S.J. Chatterjee, N. Garcia-Closas, M. (2020). Assessment of polygenic architecture and risk prediction based on common variants across fourteen cancers. Nat commun, Vol.11 (1), p. 3353.  show abstract  full text

Pertesi, M. Went, M. Hansson, M. Hemminki, K. Houlston, R.S. Nilsson, B. (2020). Genetic predisposition for multiple myeloma. Leukemia, Vol.34 (3), pp. 697-708.  show abstract

Loveday, C. Litchfield, K. Proszek, P.Z. Cornish, A.J. Santo, F. Levy, M. Macintyre, G. Holryod, A. Broderick, P. Dudakia, D. Benton, B. Bakir, M.A. Hiley, C. Grist, E. Swanton, C. Huddart, R. Powles, T. Chowdhury, S. Shipley, J. O'Connor, S. Brenton, J.D. Reid, A. de Castro, D.G. Houlston, R.S. Turnbull, C. (2020). Genomic landscape of platinum resistant and sensitive testicular cancers. Nat commun, Vol.11 (1), p. 2189.  show abstract  full text

Peto, J. Carpenter, J. Smith, G.D. Duffy, S. Houlston, R. Hunter, D.J. McPherson, K. Pearce, N. Romer, P. Sasieni, P. Turnbull, C. (2020). Weekly COVID-19 testing with household quarantine and contact tracing is feasible and would probably end the epidemic. R soc open sci, Vol.7 (6), p. 200915.  show abstract  full text

Sud, A. Jones, M.E. Broggio, J. Loveday, C. Torr, B. Garrett, A. Nicol, D.L. Jhanji, S. Boyce, S.A. Gronthoud, F. Ward, P. Handy, J.M. Yousaf, N. Larkin, J. Suh, Y.-. Scott, S. Pharoah, P.D. Swanton, C. Abbosh, C. Williams, M. Lyratzopoulos, G. Houlston, R. Turnbull, C. (2020). Collateral damage: the impact on outcomes from cancer surgery of the COVID-19 pandemic. Ann oncol, Vol.31 (8), pp. 1065-1074.  show abstract  full text

Semmes, E.C. Vijayakrishnan, J. Zhang, C. Hurst, J.H. Houlston, R.S. Walsh, K.M. (2020). Leveraging Genome and Phenome-Wide Association Studies to Investigate Genetic Risk of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Cancer epidemiol biomarkers prev, Vol.29 (8), pp. 1606-1614.  show abstract  full text

Sud, A. Torr, B. Jones, M.E. Broggio, J. Scott, S. Loveday, C. Garrett, A. Gronthoud, F. Nicol, D.L. Jhanji, S. Boyce, S.A. Williams, M. Riboli, E. Muller, D.C. Kipps, E. Larkin, J. Navani, N. Swanton, C. Lyratzopoulos, G. McFerran, E. Lawler, M. Houlston, R. Turnbull, C. (2020). Effect of delays in the 2-week-wait cancer referral pathway during the COVID-19 pandemic on cancer survival in the UK: a modelling study. Lancet oncol, Vol.21 (8), pp. 1035-1044.  show abstract  full text

Purdue, M.P. Song, L. Scélo, G. Houlston, R.S. Wu, X. Sakoda, L.C. Thai, K. Graff, R.E. Rothman, N. Brennan, P. Chanock, S.J. Yu, K. (2020). Pathway Analysis of Renal Cell Carcinoma Genome-Wide Association Studies Identifies Novel Associations. Cancer epidemiol biomarkers prev, Vol.29 (10), pp. 2065-2069.  show abstract  full text

Hoang, P.H. Cornish, A.J. Sherborne, A.L. Chubb, D. Kimber, S. Jackson, G. Morgan, G.J. Cook, G. Kinnersley, B. Kaiser, M. Houlston, R.S. (2020). An enhanced genetic model of relapsed IGH-translocated multiple myeloma evolutionary dynamics. Blood cancer journal, Vol.10 (10).  show abstract  full text

Ji, X. Mukherjee, S. Landi, M.T. Bosse, Y. Joubert, P. Zhu, D. Gorlov, I. Xiao, X. Han, Y. Gorlova, O. Hung, R.J. Brhane, Y. Carreras-Torres, R. Christiani, D.C. Caporaso, N. Johansson, M. Liu, G. Bojesen, S.E. Le Marchand, L. Albanes, D. Bickeböller, H. Aldrich, M.C. Bush, W.S. Tardon, A. Rennert, G. Chen, C. Byun, J. Dragnev, K.H. Field, J.K. Kiemeney, L.F. Lazarus, P. Zienolddiny, S. Lam, S. Schabath, M.B. Andrew, A.S. Bertazzi, P.A. Pesatori, A.C. Diao, N. Su, L. Song, L. Zhang, R. Leighl, N. Johansen, J.S. Mellemgaard, A. Saliba, W. Haiman, C. Wilkens, L. Fernandez-Somoano, A. Fernandez-Tardon, G. Heijden, E.H. Kim, J.H. Davies, M.P. Marcus, M.W. Brunnström, H. Manjer, J. Melander, O. Muller, D.C. Overvad, K. Trichopoulou, A. Tumino, R. Goodman, G.E. Cox, A. Taylor, F. Woll, P. Wichmann, E. Muley, T. Risch, A. Rosenberger, A. Grankvist, K. Johansson, M. Shepherd, F. Tsao, M.-. Arnold, S.M. Haura, E.B. Bolca, C. Holcatova, I. Janout, V. Kontic, M. Lissowska, J. Mukeria, A. Ognjanovic, S. Orlowski, T.M. Scelo, G. Swiatkowska, B. Zaridze, D. Bakke, P. Skaug, V. Butler, L.M. Offit, K. Srinivasan, P. Bandlamudi, C. Hellmann, M.D. Solit, D.B. Robson, M.E. Rudin, C.M. Stadler, Z.K. Taylor, B.S. Berger, M.F. Houlston, R. McLaughlin, J. Stevens, V. Nickle, D.C. Obeidat, M. Timens, W. Artigas, M.S. Shete, S. Brenner, H. Chanock, S. Brennan, P. McKay, J.D. Amos, C.I. (2020). Protein-altering germline mutations implicate novel genes related to lung cancer development. Nat commun, Vol.11 (1), p. 2220.  show abstract  full text

Shah, V. Sherborne, A.L. Johnson, D.C. Ellis, S. Price, A. Chowdhury, F. Kendall, J. Jenner, M.W. Drayson, M.T. Owen, R.G. Gregory, W.M. Morgan, G.J. Davies, F.E. Cook, G. Cairns, D.A. Houlston, R.S. Jackson, G. Kaiser, M.F. on behalf of NCRI Haematology Clinical Studies Group, (2020). Predicting ultrahigh risk multiple myeloma by molecular profiling: an analysis of newly diagnosed transplant eligible myeloma XI trial patients. Leukemia, Vol.34 (11), pp. 3091-3096.  full text

Yang, X. Song, H. Leslie, G. Engel, C. Hahnen, E. Auber, B. Horváth, J. Kast, K. Niederacher, D. Turnbull, C. Houlston, R. Hanson, H. Loveday, C. Dolinsky, J.S. LaDuca, H. Ramus, S.J. Menon, U. Rosenthal, A.N. Jacobs, I. Gayther, S.A. Dicks, E. Nevanlinna, H. Aittomäki, K. Pelttari, L.M. Ehrencrona, H. Borg, Å. Kvist, A. Rivera, B. Hansen, T.V. Djursby, M. Lee, A. Dennis, J. Bowtell, D.D. Traficante, N. Diez, O. Balmaña, J. Gruber, S.B. Chenevix-Trench, G. Investigators, K. Jensen, A. Kjær, S.K. Høgdall, E. Castéra, L. Garber, J. Janavicius, R. Osorio, A. Golmard, L. Vega, A. Couch, F.J. Robson, M. Gronwald, J. Domchek, S.M. Culver, J.O. de la Hoya, M. Easton, D.F. Foulkes, W.D. Tischkowitz, M. Meindl, A. Schmutzler, R.K. Pharoah, P.D. Antoniou, A.C. (2020). Ovarian and Breast Cancer Risks Associated With Pathogenic Variants in RAD51C and RAD51D. J natl cancer inst, Vol.112 (12), pp. 1242-1250.  show abstract  full text

Chattopadhyay, S. Zheng, G. Sud, A. Sundquist, K. Sundquist, J. Försti, A. Houlston, R. Hemminki, A. Hemminki, K. (2020). Second primary cancers in non-Hodgkin lymphoma: Family history and survival. Int j cancer, Vol.146 (4), pp. 970-976.  show abstract  full text

Li, X. Timofeeva, M. Spiliopoulou, A. McKeigue, P. He, Y. Zhang, X. Svinti, V. Campbell, H. Houlston, R.S. Tomlinson, I.P. Farrington, S.M. Dunlop, M.G. Theodoratou, E. (2020). Prediction of colorectal cancer risk based on profiling with common genetic variants. Int j cancer, Vol.147 (12), pp. 3431-3437.  show abstract

Saunders, C.N. Cornish, A.J. Kinnersley, B. Law, P.J. Claus, E.B. Il'yasova, D. Schildkraut, J. Barnholtz-Sloan, J.S. Olson, S.H. Bernstein, J.L. Lai, R.K. Chanock, S. Rajaraman, P. Johansen, C. Jenkins, R.B. Melin, B.S. Wrensch, M.R. Sanson, M. Bondy, M.L. Houlston, R.S. (2020). Lack of association between modifiable exposures and glioma risk: a Mendelian randomization analysis. Neuro oncol, Vol.22 (2), pp. 207-215.  show abstract  full text

Went, M. Cornish, A.J. Law, P.J. Kinnersley, B. van Duin, M. Weinhold, N. Försti, A. Hansson, M. Sonneveld, P. Goldschmidt, H. Morgan, G.J. Hemminki, K. Nilsson, B. Kaiser, M. Houlston, R.S. (2020). Search for multiple myeloma risk factors using Mendelian randomization. Blood adv, Vol.4 (10), pp. 2172-2179.  show abstract  full text

Disney-Hogg, L. Kinnersley, B. Houlston, R. (2020). Algorithmic considerations when analysing capture Hi-C data. Wellcome open res, Vol.5, p. 289.  show abstract

Disney-Hogg, L. Kinnersley, B. Houlston, R. (2020). Algorithmic considerations when analysing capture Hi-C data. , .  show abstract

Johansson, M. Carreras-Torres, R. Scelo, G. Purdue, M.P. Mariosa, D. Muller, D.C. Timpson, N.J. Haycock, P.C. Brown, K.M. Wang, Z. Ye, Y. Hofmann, J.N. Foll, M. Gaborieau, V. Machiela, M.J. Colli, L.M. Li, P. Garnier, J.-. Blanche, H. Boland, A. Burdette, L. Prokhortchouk, E. Skryabin, K.G. Yeager, M. Radojevic-Skodric, S. Ognjanovic, S. Foretova, L. Holcatova, I. Janout, V. Mates, D. Mukeriya, A. Rascu, S. Zaridze, D. Bencko, V. Cybulski, C. Fabianova, E. Jinga, V. Lissowska, J. Lubinski, J. Navratilova, M. Rudnai, P. Benhamou, S. Cancel-Tassin, G. Cussenot, O. Weiderpass, E. Ljungberg, B. Tumkur Sitaram, R. Häggström, C. Bruinsma, F. Jordan, S.J. Severi, G. Winship, I. Hveem, K. Vatten, L.J. Fletcher, T. Larsson, S.C. Wolk, A. Banks, R.E. Selby, P.J. Easton, D.F. Andreotti, G. Beane Freeman, L.E. Koutros, S. Männistö, S. Weinstein, S. Clark, P.E. Edwards, T.L. Lipworth, L. Gapstur, S.M. Stevens, V.L. Carol, H. Freedman, M.L. Pomerantz, M.M. Cho, E. Wilson, K.M. Gaziano, J.M. Sesso, H.D. Freedman, N.D. Parker, A.S. Eckel-Passow, J.E. Huang, W.-. Kahnoski, R.J. Lane, B.R. Noyes, S.L. Petillo, D. Teh, B.T. Peters, U. White, E. Anderson, G.L. Johnson, L. Luo, J. Buring, J. Lee, I.-. Chow, W.-. Moore, L.E. Eisen, T. Henrion, M. Larkin, J. Barman, P. Leibovich, B.C. Choueiri, T.K. Lathrop, G.M. Deleuze, J.-. Gunter, M. McKay, J.D. Wu, X. Houlston, R.S. Chanock, S.J. Relton, C. Richards, J.B. Martin, R.M. Davey Smith, G. Brennan, P. (2019). The influence of obesity-related factors in the etiology of renal cell carcinoma-A mendelian randomization study. Plos med, Vol.16 (1), p. e1002724.  show abstract  full text

Studd, J.B. Yang, M. Li, Z. Vijayakrishnan, J. Lu, Y. Yeoh, A.E. Paulsson, K. Houlston, R.S. (2019). Genetic predisposition to B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia at 14q11 2 is mediated by a CEBPE promoter polymorphism. Leukemia, Vol.33 (1), pp. 1-14.  show abstract  full text

Law, P.J. Houlston, R.S. (2019). Genetic predisposition to chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Hemasphere, Vol.3, pp. 37-3.  full text

Ostrom, Q.T. Coleman, W. Huang, W. Rubin, J.B. Lathia, J.D. Berens, M.E. Speyer, G. Liao, P. Wrensch, M.R. Eckel-Passow, J.E. Armstrong, G. Rice, T. Wiencke, J.K. McCoy, L.S. Hansen, H.M. Amos, C.I. Bernstein, J.L. Claus, E.B. Houlston, R.S. Il'yasova, D. Jenkins, R.B. Johansen, C. Lachance, D.H. Lai, R.K. Merrell, R.T. Olson, S.H. Sadetzki, S. Schildkraut, J.M. Shete, S. Andersson, U. Rajaraman, P. Chanock, S.J. Linet, M.S. Wang, Z. Yeager, M. GliomaScan consortium, Melin, B. Bondy, M.L. Barnholtz-Sloan, J.S. (2019). Sex-specific gene and pathway modeling of inherited glioma risk. Neuro oncol, Vol.21 (1), pp. 71-82.  show abstract  full text

Gray, V. Briggs, S. Palles, C. Jaeger, E. Iveson, T. Kerr, R. Saunders, M.P. Paul, J. Harkin, A. McQueen, J. Summers, M.G. Johnstone, E. Wang, H. Gatcombe, L. Maughan, T.S. Kaplan, R. Escott-Price, V. Al-Tassan, N.A. Meyer, B.F. Wakil, S.M. Houlston, R.S. Cheadle, J.P. Tomlinson, I. Church, D.N. (2019). Pattern Recognition Receptor Polymorphisms as Predictors of Oxaliplatin Benefit in Colorectal Cancer. J natl cancer inst, Vol.111 (8), pp. 828-836.  show abstract  full text

Gunter, M.J. Alhomoud, S. Arnold, M. Brenner, H. Burn, J. Casey, G. Chan, A.T. Cross, A.J. Giovannucci, E. Hoover, R. Houlston, R. Jenkins, M. Laurent-Puig, P. Peters, U. Ransohoff, D. Riboli, E. Sinha, R. Stadler, Z.K. Brennan, P. Chanock, S.J. (2019). Meeting report from the joint IARC-NCI international cancer seminar series: a focus on colorectal cancer. Ann oncol, Vol.30 (4), pp. 510-519.  show abstract  full text

Amirian, E.S. Ostrom, Q.T. Armstrong, G.N. Lai, R.K. Gu, X. Jacobs, D.I. Jalali, A. Claus, E.B. Barnholtz-Sloan, J.S. Il'yasova, D. Schildkraut, J.M. Ali-Osman, F. Sadetzki, S. Jenkins, R.B. Lachance, D.H. Olson, S.H. Bernstein, J.L. Merrell, R.T. Wrensch, M.R. Johansen, C. Houlston, R.S. Scheurer, M.E. Shete, S. Amos, C.I. Melin, B. Bondy, M.L. (2019). Aspirin, NSAIDs, and Glioma Risk: Original Data from the Glioma International Case-Control Study and a Meta-analysis. Cancer epidemiol biomarkers prev, Vol.28 (3), pp. 555-562.  show abstract  full text

Zheng, G. Chattopadhyay, S. Sud, A. Sundquist, K. Sundquist, J. Försti, A. Houlston, R. Hemminki, A. Hemminki, K. (2019). Second primary cancers in patients with acute lymphoblastic, chronic lymphocytic and hairy cell leukaemia. Br j haematol, Vol.185 (2), pp. 232-239.  show abstract  full text

Labreche, K. Daniau, M. Sud, A. Law, P.J. Royer-Perron, L. Holroyd, A. Broderick, P. Went, M. Benazra, M. Ahle, G. Soubeyran, P. Taillandier, L. Chinot, O.L. Casasnovas, O. Bay, J.-. Jardin, F. Oberic, L. Fabbro, M. Damaj, G. Brion, A. Mokhtari, K. Philippe, C. Sanson, M. Houillier, C. Soussain, C. Hoang-Xuan, K. Houlston, R.S. Alentorn, A. LOC Network, (2019). A genome-wide association study identifies susceptibility loci for primary central nervous system lymphoma at 6p25 3 and 3p22 1: a LOC Network study. Neuro oncol, Vol.21 (8), pp. 1039-1048.  show abstract  full text

Zhu, Y. Wei, Y. Zhang, R. Dong, X. Shen, S. Zhao, Y. Bai, J. Albanes, D. Caporaso, N.E. Landi, M.T. Zhu, B. Chanock, S.J. Gu, F. Lam, S. Tsao, M.-. Shepherd, F.A. Tardon, A. Fernández-Somoano, A. Fernandez-Tardon, G. Chen, C. Barnett, M.J. Doherty, J. Bojesen, S.E. Johansson, M. Brennan, P. McKay, J.D. Carreras-Torres, R. Muley, T. Risch, A. Wichmann, H.-. Bickeboeller, H. Rosenberger, A. Rennert, G. Saliba, W. Arnold, S.M. Field, J.K. Davies, M.P. Marcus, M.W. Wu, X. Ye, Y. Le Marchand, L. Wilkens, L.R. Melander, O. Manjer, J. Brunnström, H. Hung, R.J. Liu, G. Brhane, Y. Kachuri, L. Andrew, A.S. Duell, E.J. Kiemeney, L.A. van der Heijden, E.H. Haugen, A. Zienolddiny, S. Skaug, V. Grankvist, K. Johansson, M. Woll, P.J. Cox, A. Taylor, F. Teare, D.M. Lazarus, P. Schabath, M.B. Aldrich, M.C. Houlston, R.S. McLaughlin, J. Stevens, V.L. Shen, H. Hu, Z. Dai, J. Amos, C.I. Han, Y. Zhu, D. Goodman, G.E. Chen, F. Christiani, D.C. (2019). Elevated Platelet Count Appears to Be Causally Associated with Increased Risk of Lung Cancer: A Mendelian Randomization Analysis. Cancer epidemiol biomarkers prev, Vol.28 (5), pp. 935-942.  show abstract  full text

Hoang, P.H. Cornish, A.J. Dobbins, S.E. Kaiser, M. Houlston, R.S. (2019). Mutational processes contributing to the development of multiple myeloma. Blood cancer j, Vol.9 (8), p. 60.  show abstract  full text

Went, M. Sud, A. Li, N. Johnson, D.C. Mitchell, J.S. Kaiser, M. Houlston, R.S. (2019). Regions of homozygosity as risk factors for multiple myeloma. Ann hum genet, Vol.83 (4), pp. 231-238.  show abstract  full text

Loveday, C. Sud, A. Litchfield, K. Levy, M. Holroyd, A. Broderick, P. Kote-Jarai, Z. Dunning, A.M. Muir, K. Peto, J. Eeles, R. Easton, D.F. Dudakia, D. Orr, N. Pashayan, N. UK Testicular Cancer Collaboration, PRACTICAL Consortium, Reid, A. Huddart, R.A. Houlston, R.S. Turnbull, C. (2019). Runs of homozygosity and testicular cancer risk. Andrology, Vol.7 (4), pp. 555-564.  show abstract  full text

Hung, R.J. Spitz, M.R. Houlston, R.S. Schwartz, A.G. Field, J.K. Ying, J. Li, Y. Han, Y. Ji, X. Chen, W. Wu, X. Gorlov, I.P. Na, J. de Andrade, M. Liu, G. Brhane, Y. Diao, N. Wenzlaff, A. Davies, M.P. Liloglou, T. Timofeeva, M. Muley, T. Rennert, H. Saliba, W. Ryan, B.M. Bowman, E. Barros-Dios, J.-. Pérez-Ríos, M. Morgenstern, H. Zienolddiny, S. Skaug, V. Ugolini, D. Bonassi, S. van der Heijden, E.H. Tardon, A. Bojesen, S.E. Landi, M.T. Johansson, M. Bickeböller, H. Arnold, S. Le Marchand, L. Melander, O. Andrew, A. Grankvist, K. Caporaso, N. Teare, M.D. Schabath, M.B. Aldrich, M.C. Kiemeney, L.A. Wichmann, H.-. Lazarus, P. Mayordomo, J. Neri, M. Haugen, A. Zhang, Z.-. Ruano-Raviña, A. Brenner, H. Harris, C.C. Orlow, I. Rennert, G. Risch, A. Brennan, P. Christiani, D.C. Amos, C.I. Yang, P. Gorlova, O.Y. (2019). Lung Cancer Risk in Never-Smokers of European Descent is Associated With Genetic Variation in the 5p15 33 TERT-CLPTM1Ll Region. J thorac oncol, Vol.14 (8), pp. 1360-1369.  show abstract  full text

Cornish, A.J. Hoang, P.H. Dobbins, S.E. Law, P.J. Chubb, D. Orlando, G. Houlston, R.S. (2019). Identification of recurrent noncoding mutations in B-cell lymphoma using capture Hi-C. Blood adv, Vol.3 (1), pp. 21-32.  show abstract  full text

Speedy, H.E. Beekman, R. Chapaprieta, V. Orlando, G. Law, P.J. Martín-García, D. Gutiérrez-Abril, J. Catovsky, D. Beà, S. Clot, G. Puiggròs, M. Torrents, D. Puente, X.S. Allan, J.M. López-Otín, C. Campo, E. Houlston, R.S. Martín-Subero, J.I. (2019). Insight into genetic predisposition to chronic lymphocytic leukemia from integrative epigenomics. Nat commun, Vol.10 (1), p. 3615.  show abstract  full text

Cornish, A.J. Tomlinson, I.P. Houlston, R.S. (2019). Mendelian randomisation: A powerful and inexpensive method for identifying and excluding non-genetic risk factors for colorectal cancer. Mol aspects med, Vol.69, pp. 41-47.  show abstract  full text

Thompson, D.J. Genovese, G. Halvardson, J. Ulirsch, J.C. Wright, D.J. Terao, C. Davidsson, O.B. Day, F.R. Sulem, P. Jiang, Y. Danielsson, M. Davies, H. Dennis, J. Dunlop, M.G. Easton, D.F. Fisher, V.A. Zink, F. Houlston, R.S. Ingelsson, M. Kar, S. Kerrison, N.D. Kinnersley, B. Kristjansson, R.P. Law, P.J. Li, R. Loveday, C. Mattisson, J. McCarroll, S.A. Murakami, Y. Murray, A. Olszewski, P. Rychlicka-Buniowska, E. Scott, R.A. Thorsteinsdottir, U. Tomlinson, I. Moghadam, B.T. Turnbull, C. Wareham, N.J. Gudbjartsson, D.F. International Lung Cancer Consortium (INTEGRAL-ILCCO), Breast Cancer Association Consortium, Consortium of Investigators of Modifiers of BRCA1/2, Endometrial Cancer Association Consortium, Ovarian Cancer Association Consortium, Prostate Cancer Association Group to Investigate Cancer Associated Alterations in the Genome (PRACTICAL) Consortium, Kidney Cancer GWAS Meta-Analysis Project, eQTLGen Consortium, Biobank-based Integrative Omics Study (BIOS) Consortium, 23andMe Research Team, Kamatani, Y. Hoffmann, E.R. Jackson, S.P. Stefansson, K. Auton, A. Ong, K.K. Machiela, M.J. Loh, P.-. Dumanski, J.P. Chanock, S.J. Forsberg, L.A. Perry, J.R. (2019). Genetic predisposition to mosaic Y chromosome loss in blood. Nature, Vol.575 (7784), pp. 652-657.  show abstract  full text

Ofoegbu, T.C. David, A. Kelley, L.A. Mezulis, S. Islam, S.A. Mersmann, S.F. Strömich, L. Vakser, I.A. Houlston, R.S. Sternberg, M.J. (2019). PhyreRisk: A Dynamic Web Application to Bridge Genomics, Proteomics and 3D Structural Data to Guide Interpretation of Human Genetic Variants. J mol biol, Vol.431 (13), pp. 2460-2466.  show abstract  full text

Law, P.J. Timofeeva, M. Fernandez-Rozadilla, C. Broderick, P. Studd, J. Fernandez-Tajes, J. Farrington, S. Svinti, V. Palles, C. Orlando, G. Sud, A. Holroyd, A. Penegar, S. Theodoratou, E. Vaughan-Shaw, P. Campbell, H. Zgaga, L. Hayward, C. Campbell, A. Harris, S. Deary, I.J. Starr, J. Gatcombe, L. Pinna, M. Briggs, S. Martin, L. Jaeger, E. Sharma-Oates, A. East, J. Leedham, S. Arnold, R. Johnstone, E. Wang, H. Kerr, D. Kerr, R. Maughan, T. Kaplan, R. Al-Tassan, N. Palin, K. Hänninen, U.A. Cajuso, T. Tanskanen, T. Kondelin, J. Kaasinen, E. Sarin, A.-. Eriksson, J.G. Rissanen, H. Knekt, P. Pukkala, E. Jousilahti, P. Salomaa, V. Ripatti, S. Palotie, A. Renkonen-Sinisalo, L. Lepistö, A. Böhm, J. Mecklin, J.-. Buchanan, D.D. Win, A.-. Hopper, J. Jenkins, M.E. Lindor, N.M. Newcomb, P.A. Gallinger, S. Duggan, D. Casey, G. Hoffmann, P. Nöthen, M.M. Jöckel, K.-. Easton, D.F. Pharoah, P.D. Peto, J. Canzian, F. Swerdlow, A. Eeles, R.A. Kote-Jarai, Z. Muir, K. Pashayan, N. PRACTICAL consortium, Harkin, A. Allan, K. McQueen, J. Paul, J. Iveson, T. Saunders, M. Butterbach, K. Chang-Claude, J. Hoffmeister, M. Brenner, H. Kirac, I. Matošević, P. Hofer, P. Brezina, S. Gsur, A. Cheadle, J.P. Aaltonen, L.A. Tomlinson, I. Houlston, R.S. Dunlop, M.G. (2019). Association analyses identify 31 new risk loci for colorectal cancer susceptibility. Nat commun, Vol.10 (1), p. 2154.  show abstract  full text

Atkins, I. Kinnersley, B. Ostrom, Q.T. Labreche, K. Il'yasova, D. Armstrong, G.N. Eckel-Passow, J.E. Schoemaker, M.J. Nöthen, M.M. Barnholtz-Sloan, J.S. Swerdlow, A.J. Simon, M. Rajaraman, P. Chanock, S.J. Shildkraut, J. Bernstein, J.L. Hoffmann, P. Jöckel, K.-. Lai, R.K. Claus, E.B. Olson, S.H. Johansen, C. Wrensch, M.R. Melin, B. Jenkins, R.B. Sanson, M. Bondy, M.L. Houlston, R.S. (2019). Transcriptome-Wide Association Study Identifies New Candidate Susceptibility Genes for Glioma. Cancer res, Vol.79 (8), pp. 2065-2071.  show abstract  full text

Sud, A. Chattopadhyay, S. Thomsen, H. Sundquist, K. Sundquist, J. Houlston, R.S. Hemminki, K. (2019). Analysis of 153 115 patients with hematological malignancies refines the spectrum of familial risk. Blood, Vol.134 (12), pp. 960-969.  show abstract

Went, M. Kinnersley, B. Sud, A. Johnson, D.C. Weinhold, N. Försti, A. van Duin, M. Orlando, G. Mitchell, J.S. Kuiper, R. Walker, B.A. Gregory, W.M. Hoffmann, P. Jackson, G.H. Nöthen, M.M. da Silva Filho, M.I. Thomsen, H. Broyl, A. Davies, F.E. Thorsteinsdottir, U. Hansson, M. Kaiser, M. Sonneveld, P. Goldschmidt, H. Stefansson, K. Hemminki, K. Nilsson, B. Morgan, G.J. Houlston, R.S. (2019). Transcriptome-wide association study of multiple myeloma identifies candidate susceptibility genes. Hum genomics, Vol.13 (1), p. 37.  show abstract  full text

Takahashi, H. Cornish, A.J. Sud, A. Law, P.J. Disney-Hogg, L. Calvocoressi, L. Lu, L. Hansen, H.M. Smirnov, I. Walsh, K.M. Schramm, J. Hoffmann, P. Nöthen, M.M. Jöckel, K.-. Schildkraut, J.M. Simon, M. Bondy, M. Wrensch, M. Wiemels, J.L. Claus, E.B. Turnbull, C. Houlston, R.S. (2019). Mendelian randomization provides support for obesity as a risk factor for meningioma. Sci rep, Vol.9 (1), p. 309.  show abstract  full text

Vijayakrishnan, J. Qian, M. Studd, J.B. Yang, W. Kinnersley, B. Law, P.J. Broderick, P. Raetz, E.A. Allan, J. Pui, C.-. Vora, A. Evans, W.E. Moorman, A. Yeoh, A. Yang, W. Li, C. Bartram, C.R. Mullighan, C.G. Zimmerman, M. Hunger, S.P. Schrappe, M. Relling, M.V. Stanulla, M. Loh, M.L. Houlston, R.S. Yang, J.J. (2019). Identification of four novel associations for B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukaemia risk. Nat commun, Vol.10 (1), p. 5348.  show abstract  full text

Jiang, X. Finucane, H.K. Schumacher, F.R. Schmit, S.L. Tyrer, J.P. Han, Y. Michailidou, K. Lesseur, C. Kuchenbaecker, K.B. Dennis, J. Conti, D.V. Casey, G. Gaudet, M.M. Huyghe, J.R. Albanes, D. Aldrich, M.C. Andrew, A.S. Andrulis, I.L. Anton-Culver, H. Antoniou, A.C. Antonenkova, N.N. Arnold, S.M. Aronson, K.J. Arun, B.K. Bandera, E.V. Barkardottir, R.B. Barnes, D.R. Batra, J. Beckmann, M.W. Benitez, J. Benlloch, S. Berchuck, A. Berndt, S.I. Bickeböller, H. Bien, S.A. Blomqvist, C. Boccia, S. Bogdanova, N.V. Bojesen, S.E. Bolla, M.K. Brauch, H. Brenner, H. Brenton, J.D. Brook, M.N. Brunet, J. Brunnström, H. Buchanan, D.D. Burwinkel, B. Butzow, R. Cadoni, G. Caldés, T. Caligo, M.A. Campbell, I. Campbell, P.T. Cancel-Tassin, G. Cannon-Albright, L. Campa, D. Caporaso, N. Carvalho, A.L. Chan, A.T. Chang-Claude, J. Chanock, S.J. Chen, C. Christiani, D.C. Claes, K.B. Claessens, F. Clements, J. Collée, J.M. Correa, M.C. Couch, F.J. Cox, A. Cunningham, J.M. Cybulski, C. Czene, K. Daly, M.B. deFazio, A. Devilee, P. Diez, O. Gago-Dominguez, M. Donovan, J.L. Dörk, T. Duell, E.J. Dunning, A.M. Dwek, M. Eccles, D.M. Edlund, C.K. Edwards, D.R. Ellberg, C. Evans, D.G. Fasching, P.A. Ferris, R.L. Liloglou, T. Figueiredo, J.C. Fletcher, O. Fortner, R.T. Fostira, F. Franceschi, S. Friedman, E. Gallinger, S.J. Ganz, P.A. Garber, J. García-Sáenz, J.A. Gayther, S.A. Giles, G.G. Godwin, A.K. Goldberg, M.S. Goldgar, D.E. Goode, E.L. Goodman, M.T. Goodman, G. Grankvist, K. Greene, M.H. Gronberg, H. Gronwald, J. Guénel, P. Håkansson, N. Hall, P. Hamann, U. Hamdy, F.C. Hamilton, R.J. Hampe, J. Haugen, A. Heitz, F. Herrero, R. Hillemanns, P. Hoffmeister, M. Høgdall, E. Hong, Y.-. Hopper, J.L. Houlston, R. Hulick, P.J. Hunter, D.J. Huntsman, D.G. Idos, G. Imyanitov, E.N. Ingles, S.A. Isaacs, C. Jakubowska, A. James, P. Jenkins, M.A. Johansson, M. Johansson, M. John, E.M. Joshi, A.D. Kaneva, R. Karlan, B.Y. Kelemen, L.E. Kühl, T. Khaw, K.-. Khusnutdinova, E. Kibel, A.S. Kiemeney, L.A. Kim, J. Kjaer, S.K. Knight, J.A. Kogevinas, M. Kote-Jarai, Z. Koutros, S. Kristensen, V.N. Kupryjanczyk, J. Lacko, M. Lam, S. Lambrechts, D. Landi, M.T. Lazarus, P. Le, N.D. Lee, E. Lejbkowicz, F. Lenz, H.-. Leslie, G. Lessel, D. Lester, J. Levine, D.A. Li, L. Li, C.I. Lindblom, A. Lindor, N.M. Liu, G. Loupakis, F. Lubiński, J. Maehle, L. Maier, C. Mannermaa, A. Marchand, L.L. Margolin, S. May, T. McGuffog, L. Meindl, A. Middha, P. Miller, A. Milne, R.L. MacInnis, R.J. Modugno, F. Montagna, M. Moreno, V. Moysich, K.B. Mucci, L. Muir, K. Mulligan, A.M. Nathanson, K.L. Neal, D.E. Ness, A.R. Neuhausen, S.L. Nevanlinna, H. Newcomb, P.A. Newcomb, L.F. Nielsen, F.C. Nikitina-Zake, L. Nordestgaard, B.G. Nussbaum, R.L. Offit, K. Olah, E. Olama, A.A. Olopade, O.I. Olshan, A.F. Olsson, H. Osorio, A. Pandha, H. Park, J.Y. Pashayan, N. Parsons, M.T. Pejovic, T. Penney, K.L. Peters, W.H. Phelan, C.M. Phipps, A.I. Plaseska-Karanfilska, D. Pring, M. Prokofyeva, D. Radice, P. Stefansson, K. Ramus, S.J. Raskin, L. Rennert, G. Rennert, H.S. van Rensburg, E.J. Riggan, M.J. Risch, H.A. Risch, A. Roobol, M.J. Rosenstein, B.S. Rossing, M.A. De Ruyck, K. Saloustros, E. Sandler, D.P. Sawyer, E.J. Schabath, M.B. Schleutker, J. Schmidt, M.K. Setiawan, V.W. Shen, H. Siegel, E.M. Sieh, W. Singer, C.F. Slattery, M.L. Sorensen, K.D. Southey, M.C. Spurdle, A.B. Stanford, J.L. Stevens, V.L. Stintzing, S. Stone, J. Sundfeldt, K. Sutphen, R. Swerdlow, A.J. Tajara, E.H. Tangen, C.M. Tardon, A. Taylor, J.A. Teare, M.D. Teixeira, M.R. Terry, M.B. Terry, K.L. Thibodeau, S.N. Thomassen, M. Bjørge, L. Tischkowitz, M. Toland, A.E. Torres, D. Townsend, P.A. Travis, R.C. Tung, N. Tworoger, S.S. Ulrich, C.M. Usmani, N. Vachon, C.M. Van Nieuwenhuysen, E. Vega, A. Aguado-Barrera, M.E. Wang, Q. Webb, P.M. Weinberg, C.R. Weinstein, S. Weissler, M.C. Weitzel, J.N. West, C.M. White, E. Whittemore, A.S. Wichmann, H.-. Wiklund, F. Winqvist, R. Wolk, A. Woll, P. Woods, M. Wu, A.H. Wu, X. Yannoukakos, D. Zheng, W. Zienolddiny, S. Ziogas, A. Zorn, K.K. Lane, J.M. Saxena, R. Thomas, D. Hung, R.J. Diergaarde, B. McKay, J. Peters, U. Hsu, L. García-Closas, M. Eeles, R.A. Chenevix-Trench, G. Brennan, P.J. Haiman, C.A. Simard, J. Easton, D.F. Gruber, S.B. Pharoah, P.D. Price, A.L. Pasaniuc, B. Amos, C.I. Kraft, P. Lindström, S. (2019). Shared heritability and functional enrichment across six solid cancers. Nat commun, Vol.10 (1), p. 431.  show abstract  full text

Zheng, G. Chattopadhyay, S. Sud, A. Sundquist, K. Sundquist, J. Försti, A. Houlston, R.S. Hemminki, A. Hemminki, K. (2019). Types of second primary cancers influence survival in chronic lymphocytic and hairy cell leukemia patients. Blood cancer j, Vol.9 (4), p. 40.  full text

Schmidt, A.F. Holmes, M.V. Preiss, D. Swerdlow, D.I. Denaxas, S. Fatemifar, G. Faraway, R. Finan, C. Valentine, D. Fairhurst-Hunter, Z. Hartwig, F.P. Horta, B.L. Hypponen, E. Power, C. Moldovan, M. van Iperen, E. Hovingh, K. Demuth, I. Norman, K. Steinhagen-Thiessen, E. Demuth, J. Bertram, L. Lill, C.M. Coassin, S. Willeit, J. Kiechl, S. Willeit, K. Mason, D. Wright, J. Morris, R. Wanamethee, G. Whincup, P. Ben-Shlomo, Y. McLachlan, S. Price, J.F. Kivimaki, M. Welch, C. Sanchez-Galvez, A. Marques-Vidal, P. Nicolaides, A. Panayiotou, A.G. Onland-Moret, N.C. van der Schouw, Y.T. Matullo, G. Fiorito, G. Guarrera, S. Sacerdote, C. Wareham, N.J. Langenberg, C. Scott, R.A. Luan, J. Bobak, M. Malyutina, S. Pająk, A. Kubinova, R. Tamosiunas, A. Pikhart, H. Grarup, N. Pedersen, O. Hansen, T. Linneberg, A. Jess, T. Cooper, J. Humphries, S.E. Brilliant, M. Kitchner, T. Hakonarson, H. Carrell, D.S. McCarty, C.A. Lester, K.H. Larson, E.B. Crosslin, D.R. de Andrade, M. Roden, D.M. Denny, J.C. Carty, C. Hancock, S. Attia, J. Holliday, E. Scott, R. Schofield, P. O'Donnell, M. Yusuf, S. Chong, M. Pare, G. van der Harst, P. Said, M.A. Eppinga, R.N. Verweij, N. Snieder, H. Lifelines Cohort authors, Christen, T. Mook-Kanamori, D.O. ICBP Consortium, Gustafsson, S. Lind, L. Ingelsson, E. Pazoki, R. Franco, O. Hofman, A. Uitterlinden, A. Dehghan, A. Teumer, A. Baumeister, S. Dörr, M. Lerch, M.M. Völker, U. Völzke, H. Ward, J. Pell, J.P. Meade, T. Christophersen, I.E. Maitland-van der Zee, A.H. Baranova, E.V. Young, R. Ford, I. Campbell, A. Padmanabhan, S. Bots, M.L. Grobbee, D.E. Froguel, P. Thuillier, D. Roussel, R. Bonnefond, A. Cariou, B. Smart, M. Bao, Y. Kumari, M. Mahajan, A. Hopewell, J.C. Seshadri, S. METASTROKE Consortium of the ISGC, Dale, C. Costa, R.P. Ridker, P.M. Chasman, D.I. Reiner, A.P. Ritchie, M.D. Lange, L.A. Cornish, A.J. Dobbins, S.E. Hemminki, K. Kinnersley, B. Sanson, M. Labreche, K. Simon, M. Bondy, M. Law, P. Speedy, H. Allan, J. Li, N. Went, M. Weinhold, N. Morgan, G. Sonneveld, P. Nilsson, B. Goldschmidt, H. Sud, A. Engert, A. Hansson, M. Hemingway, H. Asselbergs, F.W. Patel, R.S. Keating, B.J. Sattar, N. Houlston, R. Casas, J.P. Hingorani, A.D. (2019). Phenome-wide association analysis of LDL-cholesterol lowering genetic variants in PCSK9. Bmc cardiovasc disord, Vol.19 (1), p. 240.  show abstract  full text

Chattopadhyay, S. Thomsen, H. Yadav, P. da Silva Filho, M.I. Weinhold, N. Nöthen, M.M. Hoffman, P. Bertsch, U. Huhn, S. Morgan, G.J. Goldschmidt, H. Houlston, R. Hemminki, K. Försti, A. (2019). Genome-wide interaction and pathway-based identification of key regulators in multiple myeloma. Commun biol, Vol.2, p. 89.  show abstract  full text

Shah, V. Sherborne, A.L. Walker, B.A. Johnson, D.C. Boyle, E.M. Ellis, S. Begum, D.B. Proszek, P.Z. Jones, J.R. Pawlyn, C. Savola, S. Jenner, M.W. Drayson, M.T. Owen, R.G. Houlston, R.S. Cairns, D.A. Gregory, W.M. Cook, G. Davies, F.E. Jackson, G.H. Morgan, G.J. Kaiser, M.F. (2018). Prediction of outcome in newly diagnosed myeloma: a meta-analysis of the molecular profiles of 1905 trial patients. Leukemia, Vol.32 (1), pp. 102-110.  show abstract  full text

Tanskanen, T. van den Berg, L. Välimäki, N. Aavikko, M. Ness-Jensen, E. Hveem, K. Wettergren, Y. Bexe Lindskog, E. Tõnisson, N. Metspalu, A. Silander, K. Orlando, G. Law, P.J. Tuupanen, S. Gylfe, A.E. Hänninen, U.A. Cajuso, T. Kondelin, J. Sarin, A.-. Pukkala, E. Jousilahti, P. Salomaa, V. Ripatti, S. Palotie, A. Järvinen, H. Renkonen-Sinisalo, L. Lepistö, A. Böhm, J. Mecklin, J.-. Al-Tassan, N.A. Palles, C. Martin, L. Barclay, E. Tenesa, A. Farrington, S.M. Timofeeva, M.N. Meyer, B.F. Wakil, S.M. Campbell, H. Smith, C.G. Idziaszczyk, S. Maughan, T.S. Kaplan, R. Kerr, R. Kerr, D. Buchanan, D.D. Win, A.K. Hopper, J. Jenkins, M.A. Newcomb, P.A. Gallinger, S. Conti, D. Schumacher, F.R. Casey, G. Cheadle, J.P. Dunlop, M.G. Tomlinson, I.P. Houlston, R.S. Palin, K. Aaltonen, L.A. (2018). Genome-wide association study and meta-analysis in Northern European populations replicate multiple colorectal cancer risk loci. Int j cancer, Vol.142 (3), pp. 540-546.  show abstract  full text

Lawler, M. Alsina, D. Adams, R.A. Anderson, A.S. Brown, G. Fearnhead, N.S. Fenwick, S.W. Halloran, S.P. Hochhauser, D. Hull, M.A. Koelzer, V.H. McNair, A.G. Monahan, K.J. Näthke, I. Norton, C. Novelli, M.R. Steele, R.J. Thomas, A.L. Wilde, L.M. Wilson, R.H. Tomlinson, I. Bowel Cancer UK Critical Research Gaps in Colorectal Cancer Initiative, (2018). Critical research gaps and recommendations to inform research prioritisation for more effective prevention and improved outcomes in colorectal cancer. Gut, Vol.67 (1), pp. 179-193.  show abstract  full text

Feng, Y. Wang, Y. Liu, H. Liu, Z. Mills, C. Owzar, K. Xie, J. Han, Y. Qian, D.C. Hung Rj, R.J. Brhane, Y. McLaughlin, J. Brennan, P. Bickeböller, H. Rosenberger, A. Houlston, R.S. Caporaso, N. Landi, M.T. Brüske, I. Risch, A. Ye, Y. Wu, X. Christiani, D.C. Amos, C.I. Wei, Q. (2018). Novel genetic variants in the P38MAPK pathway gene ZAK and susceptibility to lung cancer. Mol carcinog, Vol.57 (2), pp. 216-224.  show abstract  full text

Burns, A. Alsolami, R. Becq, J. Stamatopoulos, B. Timbs, A. Bruce, D. Robbe, P. Vavoulis, D. Clifford, R. Cabes, M. Dreau, H. Taylor, J. Knight, S.J. Mansson, R. Bentley, D. Beekman, R. Martín-Subero, J.I. Campo, E. Houlston, R.S. Ridout, K.E. Schuh, A. (2018). Whole-genome sequencing of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia reveals distinct differences in the mutational landscape between IgHVmut and IgHVunmut subgroups. Leukemia, Vol.32 (2), pp. 332-342.  show abstract  full text

Kinnersley, B. Houlston, R.S. Bondy, M.L. (2018). Genome-Wide Association Studies in Glioma. Cancer epidemiol biomarkers prev, Vol.27 (4), pp. 418-428.  show abstract  full text

Disney-Hogg, L. Sud, A. Law, P.J. Cornish, A.J. Kinnersley, B. Ostrom, Q.T. Labreche, K. Eckel-Passow, J.E. Armstrong, G.N. Claus, E.B. Il'yasova, D. Schildkraut, J. Barnholtz-Sloan, J.S. Olson, S.H. Bernstein, J.L. Lai, R.K. Swerdlow, A.J. Simon, M. Hoffmann, P. Nöthen, M.M. Jöckel, K.-. Chanock, S. Rajaraman, P. Johansen, C. Jenkins, R.B. Melin, B.S. Wrensch, M.R. Sanson, M. Bondy, M.L. Houlston, R.S. (2018). Influence of obesity-related risk factors in the aetiology of glioma. Br j cancer, Vol.118 (7), pp. 1020-1027.  show abstract  full text

Takahashi, H. Cornish, A.J. Sud, A. Law, P.J. Kinnersley, B. Ostrom, Q.T. Labreche, K. Eckel-Passow, J.E. Armstrong, G.N. Claus, E.B. Il'yasova, D. Schildkraut, J. Barnholtz-Sloan, J.S. Olson, S.H. Bernstein, J.L. Lai, R.K. Schoemaker, M.J. Simon, M. Hoffmann, P. Nöthen, M.M. Jöckel, K.-. Chanock, S. Rajaraman, P. Johansen, C. Jenkins, R.B. Melin, B.S. Wrensch, M.R. Sanson, M. Bondy, M.L. Turnbull, C. Houlston, R.S. (2018). Mendelian randomisation study of the relationship between vitamin D and risk of glioma. Sci rep, Vol.8 (1), p. 2339.  show abstract  full text

Labreche, K. Kinnersley, B. Berzero, G. Di Stefano, A.L. Rahimian, A. Detrait, I. Marie, Y. Grenier-Boley, B. Hoang-Xuan, K. Delattre, J.-. Idbaih, A. Houlston, R.S. Sanson, M. (2018). Diffuse gliomas classified by 1p/19q co-deletion, TERT promoter and IDH mutation status are associated with specific genetic risk loci. Acta neuropathol, Vol.135 (5), pp. 743-755.  show abstract  full text

Berntsson, S.G. Merrell, R.T. Amirian, E.S. Armstrong, G.N. Lachance, D. Smits, A. Zhou, R. Jacobs, D.I. Wrensch, M.R. Olson, S.H. Il'yasova, D. Claus, E.B. Barnholtz-Sloan, J.S. Schildkraut, J. Sadetzki, S. Johansen, C. Houlston, R.S. Jenkins, R.B. Bernstein, J.L. Lai, R. Shete, S. Amos, C.I. Bondy, M.L. Melin, B.S. (2018). Glioma-related seizures in relation to histopathological subtypes: a report from the glioma international case-control study. J neurol, Vol.265 (6), pp. 1432-1442.  show abstract  full text

Shah, V. Johnson, D.C. Sherborne, A.L. Ellis, S. Aldridge, F.M. Howard-Reeves, J. Begum, F. Price, A. Kendall, J. Chiecchio, L. Savola, S. Jenner, M.W. Drayson, M.T. Owen, R.G. Gregory, W.M. Morgan, G.J. Davies, F.E. Houlston, R.S. Cook, G. Cairns, D.A. Jackson, G. Kaiser, M.F. National Cancer Research Institute Haematology Clinical Studies Group, (2018). Subclonal TP53 copy number is associated with prognosis in multiple myeloma. Blood, Vol.132 (23), pp. 2465-2469.  show abstract  full text

Li, Y. Xiao, X. Han, Y. Gorlova, O. Qian, D. Leighl, N. Johansen, J.S. Barnett, M. Chen, C. Goodman, G. Cox, A. Taylor, F. Woll, P. Wichmann, H.-. Manz, J. Muley, T. Risch, A. Rosenberger, A. Arnold, S.M. Haura, E.B. Bolca, C. Holcatova, I. Janout, V. Kontic, M. Lissowska, J. Mukeria, A. Ognjanovic, S. Orlowski, T.M. Scelo, G. Swiatkowska, B. Zaridze, D. Bakke, P. Skaug, V. Zienolddiny, S. Duell, E.J. Butler, L.M. Houlston, R. Soler Artigas, M. Grankvist, K. Johansson, M. Shepherd, F.A. Marcus, M.W. Brunnström, H. Manjer, J. Melander, O. Muller, D.C. Overvad, K. Trichopoulou, A. Tumino, R. Liu, G. Bojesen, S.E. Wu, X. Marchand, L.L. Albanes, D. Bickeböller, H. Aldrich, M.C. Bush, W.S. Tardon, A. Rennert, G. Teare, M.D. Field, J.K. Kiemeney, L.A. Lazarus, P. Haugen, A. Lam, S. Schabath, M.B. Andrew, A.S. Bertazzi, P.A. Pesatori, A.C. Christiani, D.C. Caporaso, N. Johansson, M. McKay, J.D. Brennan, P. Hung, R.J. Amos, C.I. (2018). Genome-wide interaction study of smoking behavior and non-small cell lung cancer risk in Caucasian population. Carcinogenesis, Vol.39 (3), pp. 336-346.  show abstract

Chattopadhyay, S. Zheng, G. Sud, A. Yu, H. Sundquist, K. Sundquist, J. Försti, A. Hemminki, A. Houlston, R. Hemminki, K. (2018). Risk of second primary cancer following myeloid neoplasia and risk of myeloid neoplasia as second primary cancer: a nationwide, observational follow up study in Sweden. Lancet haematol, Vol.5 (8), pp. e368-e377.  show abstract  full text

Sud, A. Thomsen, H. Orlando, G. Försti, A. Law, P.J. Broderick, P. Cooke, R. Hariri, F. Pastinen, T. Easton, D.F. Pharoah, P.D. Dunning, A.M. Peto, J. Canzian, F. Eeles, R. Kote-Jarai, Z. Muir, K. Pashayan, N. Campa, D. PRACTICAL Consortium, Hoffmann, P. Nöthen, M.M. Jöckel, K.-. von Strandmann, E.P. Swerdlow, A.J. Engert, A. Orr, N. Hemminki, K. Houlston, R.S. (2018). Genome-wide association study implicates immune dysfunction in the development of Hodgkin lymphoma. Blood, Vol.132 (19), pp. 2040-2052.  show abstract  full text

Vijayakrishnan, J. Studd, J. Broderick, P. Kinnersley, B. Holroyd, A. Law, P.J. Kumar, R. Allan, J.M. Harrison, C.J. Moorman, A.V. Vora, A. Roman, E. Rachakonda, S. Kinsey, S.E. Sheridan, E. Thompson, P.D. Irving, J.A. Koehler, R. Hoffmann, P. Nöthen, M.M. Heilmann-Heimbach, S. Jöckel, K.-. Easton, D.F. Pharaoh, P.D. Dunning, A.M. Peto, J. Canzian, F. Swerdlow, A. Eeles, R.A. Kote-Jarai, Z. Muir, K. Pashayan, N. PRACTICAL Consortium, Greaves, M. Zimmerman, M. Bartram, C.R. Schrappe, M. Stanulla, M. Hemminki, K. Houlston, R.S. (2018). Genome-wide association study identifies susceptibility loci for B-cell childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Nat commun, Vol.9 (1), p. 1340.  show abstract  full text

Claus, E.B. Cornish, A.J. Broderick, P. Schildkraut, J.M. Dobbins, S.E. Holroyd, A. Calvocoressi, L. Lu, L. Hansen, H.M. Smirnov, I. Walsh, K.M. Schramm, J. Hoffmann, P. Nöthen, M.M. Jöckel, K.-. Swerdlow, A. Larsen, S.B. Johansen, C. Simon, M. Bondy, M. Wrensch, M. Houlston, R.S. Wiemels, J.L. (2018). Genome-wide association analysis identifies a meningioma risk locus at 11p15 5. Neuro oncol, Vol.20 (11), pp. 1485-1493.  show abstract  full text

Ostrom, Q.T. Kinnersley, B. Wrensch, M.R. Eckel-Passow, J.E. Armstrong, G. Rice, T. Chen, Y. Wiencke, J.K. McCoy, L.S. Hansen, H.M. Amos, C.I. Bernstein, J.L. Claus, E.B. Il'yasova, D. Johansen, C. Lachance, D.H. Lai, R.K. Merrell, R.T. Olson, S.H. Sadetzki, S. Schildkraut, J.M. Shete, S. Rubin, J.B. Lathia, J.D. Berens, M.E. Andersson, U. Rajaraman, P. Chanock, S.J. Linet, M.S. Wang, Z. Yeager, M. GliomaScan consortium, Houlston, R.S. Jenkins, R.B. Melin, B. Bondy, M.L. Barnholtz-Sloan, J.S. (2018). Sex-specific glioma genome-wide association study identifies new risk locus at 3p21 31 in females, and finds sex-differences in risk at 8q24 21. Sci rep, Vol.8 (1), p. 7352.  show abstract  full text

Loveday, C. Law, P. Litchfield, K. Levy, M. Holroyd, A. Broderick, P. Kote-Jarai, Z. Dunning, A.M. Muir, K. Peto, J. Eeles, R. Easton, D.F. Dudakia, D. Orr, N. Pashayan, N. UK Testicular Cancer Collaboration, The PRACTICAL Consortium, Reid, A. Huddart, R.A. Houlston, R.S. Turnbull, C. (2018). Large-scale Analysis Demonstrates Familial Testicular Cancer to have Polygenic Aetiology. Eur urol, Vol.74 (3), pp. 248-252.  show abstract  full text

Turnbull, C. Sud, A. Houlston, R.S. (2018). Cancer genetics, precision prevention and a call to action. Nat genet, Vol.50 (9), pp. 1212-1218.  show abstract  full text

Orlando, G. Law, P.J. Cornish, A.J. Dobbins, S.E. Chubb, D. Broderick, P. Litchfield, K. Hariri, F. Pastinen, T. Osborne, C.S. Taipale, J. Houlston, R.S. (2018). Promoter capture Hi-C-based identification of recurrent noncoding mutations in colorectal cancer. Nat genet, Vol.50 (10), pp. 1375-1380.  show abstract  full text

Hoang, P.H. Dobbins, S.E. Cornish, A.J. Chubb, D. Law, P.J. Kaiser, M. Houlston, R.S. (2018). Whole-genome sequencing of multiple myeloma reveals oncogenic pathways are targeted somatically through multiple mechanisms. Leukemia, Vol.32 (11), pp. 2459-2470.  full text

Kinnersley, B. Sud, A. Coker, E.A. Tym, J.E. Di Micco, P. Al-Lazikani, B. Houlston, R.S. (2018). Leveraging Human Genetics to Guide Cancer Drug Development. Jco clin cancer inform, Vol.2, pp. 1-11.  show abstract  full text

Went, M. Sud, A. Försti, A. Halvarsson, B.-. Weinhold, N. Kimber, S. van Duin, M. Thorleifsson, G. Holroyd, A. Johnson, D.C. Li, N. Orlando, G. Law, P.J. Ali, M. Chen, B. Mitchell, J.S. Gudbjartsson, D.F. Kuiper, R. Stephens, O.W. Bertsch, U. Broderick, P. Campo, C. Bandapalli, O.R. Einsele, H. Gregory, W.A. Gullberg, U. Hillengass, J. Hoffmann, P. Jackson, G.H. Jöckel, K.-. Johnsson, E. Kristinsson, S.Y. Mellqvist, U.-. Nahi, H. Easton, D. Pharoah, P. Dunning, A. Peto, J. Canzian, F. Swerdlow, A. Eeles, R.A. Kote-Jarai, Z. Muir, K. Pashayan, N. Nickel, J. Nöthen, M.M. Rafnar, T. Ross, F.M. da Silva Filho, M.I. Thomsen, H. Turesson, I. Vangsted, A. Andersen, N.F. Waage, A. Walker, B.A. Wihlborg, A.-. Broyl, A. Davies, F.E. Thorsteinsdottir, U. Langer, C. Hansson, M. Goldschmidt, H. Kaiser, M. Sonneveld, P. Stefansson, K. Morgan, G.J. Hemminki, K. Nilsson, B. Houlston, R.S. PRACTICAL consortium, (2018). Identification of multiple risk loci and regulatory mechanisms influencing susceptibility to multiple myeloma. Nat commun, Vol.9 (1), p. 3707.  show abstract  full text

Ji, X. Bossé, Y. Landi, M.T. Gui, J. Xiao, X. Qian, D. Joubert, P. Lamontagne, M. Li, Y. Gorlov, I. de Biasi, M. Han, Y. Gorlova, O. Hung, R.J. Wu, X. McKay, J. Zong, X. Carreras-Torres, R. Christiani, D.C. Caporaso, N. Johansson, M. Liu, G. Bojesen, S.E. Le Marchand, L. Albanes, D. Bickeböller, H. Aldrich, M.C. Bush, W.S. Tardon, A. Rennert, G. Chen, C. Teare, M.D. Field, J.K. Kiemeney, L.A. Lazarus, P. Haugen, A. Lam, S. Schabath, M.B. Andrew, A.S. Shen, H. Hong, Y.-. Yuan, J.-. Bertazzi, P.A. Pesatori, A.C. Ye, Y. Diao, N. Su, L. Zhang, R. Brhane, Y. Leighl, N. Johansen, J.S. Mellemgaard, A. Saliba, W. Haiman, C. Wilkens, L. Fernandez-Somoano, A. Fernandez-Tardon, G. van der Heijden, E.H. Kim, J.H. Dai, J. Hu, Z. Davies, M.P. Marcus, M.W. Brunnström, H. Manjer, J. Melander, O. Muller, D.C. Overvad, K. Trichopoulou, A. Tumino, R. Doherty, J. Goodman, G.E. Cox, A. Taylor, F. Woll, P. Brüske, I. Manz, J. Muley, T. Risch, A. Rosenberger, A. Grankvist, K. Johansson, M. Shepherd, F. Tsao, M.-. Arnold, S.M. Haura, E.B. Bolca, C. Holcatova, I. Janout, V. Kontic, M. Lissowska, J. Mukeria, A. Ognjanovic, S. Orlowski, T.M. Scelo, G. Swiatkowska, B. Zaridze, D. Bakke, P. Skaug, V. Zienolddiny, S. Duell, E.J. Butler, L.M. Koh, W.-. Gao, Y.-. Houlston, R. McLaughlin, J. Stevens, V. Nickle, D.C. Obeidat, M. Timens, W. Zhu, B. Song, L. Artigas, M.S. Tobin, M.D. Wain, L.V. Gu, F. Byun, J. Kamal, A. Zhu, D. Tyndale, R.F. Wei, W.-. Chanock, S. Brennan, P. Amos, C.I. (2018). Identification of susceptibility pathways for the role of chromosome 15q25 1 in modifying lung cancer risk. Nat commun, Vol.9 (1), p. 3221.  show abstract  full text

He, Y. Timofeeva, M. Farrington, S.M. Vaughan-Shaw, P. Svinti, V. Walker, M. Zgaga, L. Meng, X. Li, X. Spiliopoulou, A. Jiang, X. Hyppönen, E. Kraft, P. Kiel, D.P. SUNLIGHT consortium, Hayward, C. Campbell, A. Porteous, D. Vucic, K. Kirac, I. Filipovic, M. Harris, S.E. Deary, I.J. Houlston, R. Tomlinson, I.P. Campbell, H. Theodoratou, E. Dunlop, M.G. (2018). Exploring causality in the association between circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D and colorectal cancer risk: a large Mendelian randomisation study. Bmc med, Vol.16 (1), p. 142.  show abstract  full text

Chattopadhyay, S. Sud, A. Zheng, G. Yu, H. Sundquist, K. Sundquist, J. Försti, A. Houlston, R. Hemminki, A. Hemminki, K. (2018). Second primary cancers in non-Hodgkin lymphoma: Bidirectional analyses suggesting role for immune dysfunction. Int j cancer, Vol.143 (10), pp. 2449-2457.  show abstract  full text

Ostrom, Q.T. Kinnersley, B. Armstrong, G. Rice, T. Chen, Y. Wiencke, J.K. McCoy, L.S. Hansen, H.M. Amos, C.I. Bernstein, J.L. Claus, E.B. Eckel-Passow, J.E. Il'yasova, D. Johansen, C. Lachance, D.H. Lai, R.K. Merrell, R.T. Olson, S.H. Sadetzki, S. Schildkraut, J.M. Shete, S. Rubin, J.B. Andersson, U. Rajaraman, P. Chanock, S.J. Linet, M.S. Wang, Z. Yeager, M. GliomaScan consortium, Houlston, R.S. Jenkins, R.B. Wrensch, M.R. Melin, B. Bondy, M.L. Barnholtz-Sloan, J.S. (2018). Age-specific genome-wide association study in glioblastoma identifies increased proportion of 'lower grade glioma'-like features associated with younger age. Int j cancer, Vol.143 (10), pp. 2359-2366.  show abstract  full text

Disney-Hogg, L. Cornish, A.J. Sud, A. Law, P.J. Kinnersley, B. Jacobs, D.I. Ostrom, Q.T. Labreche, K. Eckel-Passow, J.E. Armstrong, G.N. Claus, E.B. Il'yasova, D. Schildkraut, J. Barnholtz-Sloan, J.S. Olson, S.H. Bernstein, J.L. Lai, R.K. Schoemaker, M.J. Simon, M. Hoffmann, P. Nöthen, M.M. Jöckel, K.-. Chanock, S. Rajaraman, P. Johansen, C. Jenkins, R.B. Melin, B.S. Wrensch, M.R. Sanson, M. Bondy, M.L. Houlston, R.S. (2018). Impact of atopy on risk of glioma: a Mendelian randomisation study. Bmc med, Vol.16 (1), p. 42.  show abstract  full text

Stanulla, M. Dagdan, E. Zaliova, M. Möricke, A. Palmi, C. Cazzaniga, G. Eckert, C. Te Kronnie, G. Bourquin, J.-. Bornhauser, B. Koehler, R. Bartram, C.R. Ludwig, W.-. Bleckmann, K. Groeneveld-Krentz, S. Schewe, D. Junk, S.V. Hinze, L. Klein, N. Kratz, C.P. Biondi, A. Borkhardt, A. Kulozik, A. Muckenthaler, M.U. Basso, G. Valsecchi, M.G. Izraeli, S. Petersen, B.-. Franke, A. Dörge, P. Steinemann, D. Haas, O.A. Panzer-Grümayer, R. Cavé, H. Houlston, R.S. Cario, G. Schrappe, M. Zimmermann, M. TRANSCALL Consortium, International BFM Study Group, (2018). IKZF1plus Defines a New Minimal Residual Disease-Dependent Very-Poor Prognostic Profile in Pediatric B-Cell Precursor Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. J clin oncol, Vol.36 (12), pp. 1240-1249.  show abstract

Went, M. Sud, A. Speedy, H. Sunter, N.J. Försti, A. Law, P.J. Johnson, D.C. Mirabella, F. Holroyd, A. Li, N. Orlando, G. Weinhold, N. van Duin, M. Chen, B. Mitchell, J.S. Mansouri, L. Juliusson, G. Smedby, K.E. Jayne, S. Majid, A. Dearden, C. Allsup, D.J. Bailey, J.R. Pratt, G. Pepper, C. Fegan, C. Rosenquist, R. Kuiper, R. Stephens, O.W. Bertsch, U. Broderick, P. Einsele, H. Gregory, W.M. Hillengass, J. Hoffmann, P. Jackson, G.H. Jöckel, K.-. Nickel, J. Nöthen, M.M. da Silva Filho, M.I. Thomsen, H. Walker, B.A. Broyl, A. Davies, F.E. Hansson, M. Goldschmidt, H. Dyer, M.J. Kaiser, M. Sonneveld, P. Morgan, G.J. Hemminki, K. Nilsson, B. Catovsky, D. Allan, J.M. Houlston, R.S. (2018). Genetic correlation between multiple myeloma and chronic lymphocytic leukaemia provides evidence for shared aetiology. Blood cancer j, Vol.9 (1), p. 1.  show abstract  full text

Loveday, C. Litchfield, K. Levy, M. Holroyd, A. Broderick, P. Kote-Jarai, Z. Dunning, A.M. Muir, K. Peto, J. Eeles, R. Easton, D.F. Dudakia, D. Orr, N. Pashayan, N. Reid, A. Huddart, R.A. Houlston, R.S. Turnbull, C. (2018). Validation of loci at 2q14 2 and 15q21 3 as risk factors for testicular cancer. Oncotarget, Vol.9 (16), pp. 12630-12638.  show abstract  full text

Sud, A. Chattopadhyay, S. Thomsen, H. Sundquist, K. Sundquist, J. Houlston, R.S. Hemminki, K. (2018). Familial risks of acute myeloid leukemia, myelodysplastic syndromes, and myeloproliferative neoplasms. Blood, Vol.132 (9), pp. 973-976.  full text

Gu, F. Zhang, H. Hyland, P.L. Berndt, S. Gapstur, S.M. Wheeler, W. Ellipse Consortium, T. Amos, C.I. Bezieau, S. Bickeböller, H. Brenner, H. Brennan, P. Chang-Claude, J. Conti, D.V. Doherty, J.A. Gruber, S.B. Harrison, T.A. Hayes, R.B. Hoffmeister, M. Houlston, R.S. Hung, R.J. Jenkins, M.A. Kraft, P. Lawrenson, K. McKay, J. Markt, S. Mucci, L. Phelan, C.M. Qu, C. Risch, A. Rossing, M.A. Wichmann, H.-. Shi, J. Schernhammer, E. Yu, K. Landi, M.T. Caporaso, N.E. (2017). Inherited variation in circadian rhythm genes and risks of prostate cancer and three other cancer sites in combined cancer consortia. Int j cancer, Vol.141 (9), pp. 1794-1802.  show abstract

Sud, A. Thomsen, H. Law, P.J. Försti, A. Filho, M.I. Holroyd, A. Broderick, P. Orlando, G. Lenive, O. Wright, L. Cooke, R. Easton, D. Pharoah, P. Dunning, A. Peto, J. Canzian, F. Eeles, R. Kote-Jarai, Z. Muir, K. Pashayan, N. PRACTICAL consortium, Hoffmann, P. Nöthen, M.M. Jöckel, K.-. Strandmann, E.P. Lightfoot, T. Kane, E. Roman, E. Lake, A. Montgomery, D. Jarrett, R.F. Swerdlow, A.J. Engert, A. Orr, N. Hemminki, K. Houlston, R.S. (2017). Genome-wide association study of classical Hodgkin lymphoma identifies key regulators of disease susceptibility. Nat commun, Vol.8 (1), p. 1892.  show abstract  full text

Broderick, P. Dobbins, S.E. Chubb, D. Kinnersley, B. Dunlop, M.G. Tomlinson, I. Houlston, R.S. (2017). Validation of Recently Proposed Colorectal Cancer Susceptibility Gene Variants in an Analysis of Families and Patients-a Systematic Review. Gastroenterology, Vol.152 (1), pp. 75-77.e4.  show abstract  full text

Macauda, A. Calvetti, D. Maccari, G. Hemminki, K. Försti, A. Goldschmidt, H. Weinhold, N. Houlston, R. Andersen, V. Vogel, U. Buda, G. Varkonyi, J. Sureda, A. Martinez Lopez, J. Watek, M. Butrym, A. Sarasquete, M.E. Dudziński, M. Jurczyszyn, A. Druzd-Sitek, A. Kruszewski, M. Subocz, E. Petrini, M. Iskierka-Jażdżewska, E. Raźny, M. Szombath, G. Marques, H. Zawirska, D. Chraniuk, D. Halka, J. Hove Jacobsen, S.E. Mazur, G. García Sanz, R. Dumontet, C. Moreno, V. Stępień, A. Beider, K. Pelosini, M. Manuel Reis, R. Krawczyk-Kulis, M. Rymko, M. Avet-Loiseau, H. Lesueur, F. Grząśko, N. Ostrovsky, O. Jamroziak, K. Vangsted, A.J. Jerez, A. Tomczak, W. Zaucha, J.M. Kadar, K. Sainz, J. Nagler, A. Landi, S. Gemignani, F. Canzian, F. (2017). Identification of miRSNPs associated with the risk of multiple myeloma. Int j cancer, Vol.140 (3), pp. 526-534.  show abstract  full text

Liu, H. Liu, Z. Wang, Y. Stinchcombe, T.E. Owzar, K. Han, Y. Hung, R.J. Brhane, Y. McLaughlin, J. Brennan, P. Bickeböller, H. Rosenberger, A. Houlston, R.S. Caporaso, N. Landi, M.T. Brüske, I. Risch, A. Wu, X. Ye, Y. Christiani, D.C. Amos, C.I. Wei, Q. Transdisciplinary Research in Cancer of the Lung (TRICL) Research Team, (2017). Functional variants in DCAF4 associated with lung cancer risk in European populations. Carcinogenesis, Vol.38 (5), pp. 541-551.  show abstract  full text

Vijayakrishnan, J. Kumar, R. Henrion, M.Y. Moorman, A.V. Rachakonda, P.S. Hosen, I. da Silva Filho, M.I. Holroyd, A. Dobbins, S.E. Koehler, R. Thomsen, H. Irving, J.A. Allan, J.M. Lightfoot, T. Roman, E. Kinsey, S.E. Sheridan, E. Thompson, P.D. Hoffmann, P. Nöthen, M.M. Heilmann-Heimbach, S. Jöckel, K.H. Greaves, M. Harrison, C.J. Bartram, C.R. Schrappe, M. Stanulla, M. Hemminki, K. Houlston, R.S. (2017). A genome-wide association study identifies risk loci for childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia at 10q26 13 and 12q23 1. Leukemia, Vol.31 (3), pp. 573-579.  show abstract  full text

Sud, A. Hemminki, K. Houlston, R.S. (2017). Second cancer risk following Hodgkin lymphoma. Oncotarget, Vol.8 (45), pp. 78261-78262.  full text

Studd, J.B. Vijayakrishnan, J. Yang, M. Migliorini, G. Paulsson, K. Houlston, R.S. (2017). Genetic and regulatory mechanism of susceptibility to high-hyperdiploid acute lymphoblastic leukaemia at 10p21 2. Nat commun, Vol.8, p. 14616.  show abstract  full text

Frampton, M. Houlston, R.S. (2017). Modeling the prevention of colorectal cancer from the combined impact of host and behavioral risk factors. Genet med, Vol.19 (3), pp. 314-321.  show abstract  full text

Sud, A. Hemminki, K. Houlston, R.S. (2017). Candidate gene association studies and risk of Hodgkin lymphoma: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Hematol oncol, Vol.35 (1), pp. 34-50.  show abstract  full text

Zhou, F. Wang, Y. Liu, H. Ready, N. Han, Y. Hung, R.J. Brhane, Y. McLaughlin, J. Brennan, P. Bickeböller, H. Rosenberger, A. Houlston, R.S. Caporaso, N. Landi, M.T. Brüske, I. Risch, A. Ye, Y. Wu, X. Christiani, D.C. Goodman, G. Chen, C. Transdisciplinary Research in Cancer of the Lung (TRICL) Research Team, Amos, C.I. Wei, Q. (2017). Susceptibility loci of CNOT6 in the general mRNA degradation pathway and lung cancer risk-A re-analysis of eight GWASs. Mol carcinog, Vol.56 (4), pp. 1227-1238.  show abstract  full text

Melin, B.S. Barnholtz-Sloan, J.S. Wrensch, M.R. Johansen, C. Il'yasova, D. Kinnersley, B. Ostrom, Q.T. Labreche, K. Chen, Y. Armstrong, G. Liu, Y. Eckel-Passow, J.E. Decker, P.A. Labussière, M. Idbaih, A. Hoang-Xuan, K. Di Stefano, A.-. Mokhtari, K. Delattre, J.-. Broderick, P. Galan, P. Gousias, K. Schramm, J. Schoemaker, M.J. Fleming, S.J. Herms, S. Heilmann, S. Nöthen, M.M. Wichmann, H.-. Schreiber, S. Swerdlow, A. Lathrop, M. Simon, M. Sanson, M. Andersson, U. Rajaraman, P. Chanock, S. Linet, M. Wang, Z. Yeager, M. GliomaScan Consortium, Wiencke, J.K. Hansen, H. McCoy, L. Rice, T. Kosel, M.L. Sicotte, H. Amos, C.I. Bernstein, J.L. Davis, F. Lachance, D. Lau, C. Merrell, R.T. Shildkraut, J. Ali-Osman, F. Sadetzki, S. Scheurer, M. Shete, S. Lai, R.K. Claus, E.B. Olson, S.H. Jenkins, R.B. Houlston, R.S. Bondy, M.L. (2017). Genome-wide association study of glioma subtypes identifies specific differences in genetic susceptibility to glioblastoma and non-glioblastoma tumors. Nat genet, Vol.49 (5), pp. 789-794.  show abstract  full text

Johnson, D.C. Lenive, O. Mitchell, J. Jackson, G. Owen, R. Drayson, M. Cook, G. Jones, J.R. Pawlyn, C. Davies, F.E. Walker, B.A. Wardell, C. Gregory, W.M. Cairns, D. Morgan, G.J. Houlston, R.S. Kaiser, M.F. (2017). Neutral tumor evolution in myeloma is associated with poor prognosis. Blood, Vol.130 (14), pp. 1639-1643.  show abstract  full text

Tamm, R. Mägi, R. Tremmel, R. Winter, S. Mihailov, E. Smid, A. Möricke, A. Klein, K. Schrappe, M. Stanulla, M. Houlston, R. Weinshilboum, R. Mlinarič Raščan, I. Metspalu, A. Milani, L. Schwab, M. Schaeffeler, E. (2017). Polymorphic variation in TPMT is the principal determinant of TPMT phenotype: A meta-analysis of three genome-wide association studies. Clin pharmacol ther, Vol.101 (5), pp. 684-695.  show abstract  full text

Shah, V. Boyd, K.D. Houlston, R.S. Kaiser, M.F. (2017). Constitutional mutation in CDKN2A is associated with long term survivorship in multiple myeloma: a case report. Bmc cancer, Vol.17 (1), p. 718.  show abstract  full text

Yin, J. Liu, H. Liu, Z. Owzar, K. Han, Y. Su, L. Wei, Y. Hung, R.J. Brhane, Y. McLaughlin, J. Brennan, P. Bickeboeller, H. Rosenberger, A. Houlston, R.S. Caporaso, N. Landi, M.T. Heinrich, J. Risch, A. Christiani, D.C. Amos, C.I. Wei, Q. (2017). Pathway-analysis of published genome-wide association studies of lung cancer: A potential role for the CYP4F3 locus. Mol carcinog, Vol.56 (6), pp. 1663-1672.  show abstract  full text

Rasche, L. Angtuaco, E. McDonald, J.E. Buros, A. Stein, C. Pawlyn, C. Thanendrarajan, S. Schinke, C. Samant, R. Yaccoby, S. Walker, B.A. Epstein, J. Zangari, M. van Rhee, F. Meissner, T. Goldschmidt, H. Hemminki, K. Houlston, R. Barlogie, B. Davies, F.E. Morgan, G.J. Weinhold, N. (2017). Low expression of hexokinase-2 is associated with false-negative FDG-positron emission tomography in multiple myeloma. Blood, Vol.130 (1), pp. 30-34.  show abstract  full text

Law, P.J. Berndt, S.I. Speedy, H.E. Camp, N.J. Sava, G.P. Skibola, C.F. Holroyd, A. Joseph, V. Sunter, N.J. Nieters, A. Bea, S. Monnereau, A. Martin-Garcia, D. Goldin, L.R. Clot, G. Teras, L.R. Quintela, I. Birmann, B.M. Jayne, S. Cozen, W. Majid, A. Smedby, K.E. Lan, Q. Dearden, C. Brooks-Wilson, A.R. Hall, A.G. Purdue, M.P. Mainou-Fowler, T. Vajdic, C.M. Jackson, G.H. Cocco, P. Marr, H. Zhang, Y. Zheng, T. Giles, G.G. Lawrence, C. Call, T.G. Liebow, M. Melbye, M. Glimelius, B. Mansouri, L. Glenn, M. Curtin, K. Diver, W.R. Link, B.K. Conde, L. Bracci, P.M. Holly, E.A. Jackson, R.D. Tinker, L.F. Benavente, Y. Boffetta, P. Brennan, P. Maynadie, M. McKay, J. Albanes, D. Weinstein, S. Wang, Z. Caporaso, N.E. Morton, L.M. Severson, R.K. Riboli, E. Vineis, P. Vermeulen, R.C. Southey, M.C. Milne, R.L. Clavel, J. Topka, S. Spinelli, J.J. Kraft, P. Ennas, M.G. Summerfield, G. Ferri, G.M. Harris, R.J. Miligi, L. Pettitt, A.R. North, K.E. Allsup, D.J. Fraumeni, J.F. Bailey, J.R. Offit, K. Pratt, G. Hjalgrim, H. Pepper, C. Chanock, S.J. Fegan, C. Rosenquist, R. de Sanjose, S. Carracedo, A. Dyer, M.J. Catovsky, D. Campo, E. Cerhan, J.R. Allan, J.M. Rothman, N. Houlston, R. Slager, S. (2017). Genome-wide association analysis implicates dysregulation of immunity genes in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia. Nat commun, Vol.8, p. 14175.  show abstract  full text

Litchfield, K. Levy, M. Orlando, G. Loveday, C. Law, P.J. Migliorini, G. Holroyd, A. Broderick, P. Karlsson, R. Haugen, T.B. Kristiansen, W. Nsengimana, J. Fenwick, K. Assiotis, I. Kote-Jarai, Z. Dunning, A.M. Muir, K. Peto, J. Eeles, R. Easton, D.F. Dudakia, D. Orr, N. Pashayan, N. UK Testicular Cancer Collaboration, PRACTICAL Consortium, Bishop, D.T. Reid, A. Huddart, R.A. Shipley, J. Grotmol, T. Wiklund, F. Houlston, R.S. Turnbull, C. (2017). Identification of 19 new risk loci and potential regulatory mechanisms influencing susceptibility to testicular germ cell tumor. Nat genet, Vol.49 (7), pp. 1133-1140.  show abstract  full text

McKay, J.D. Hung, R.J. Han, Y. Zong, X. Carreras-Torres, R. Christiani, D.C. Caporaso, N.E. Johansson, M. Xiao, X. Li, Y. Byun, J. Dunning, A. Pooley, K.A. Qian, D.C. Ji, X. Liu, G. Timofeeva, M.N. Bojesen, S.E. Wu, X. Le Marchand, L. Albanes, D. Bickeböller, H. Aldrich, M.C. Bush, W.S. Tardon, A. Rennert, G. Teare, M.D. Field, J.K. Kiemeney, L.A. Lazarus, P. Haugen, A. Lam, S. Schabath, M.B. Andrew, A.S. Shen, H. Hong, Y.-. Yuan, J.-. Bertazzi, P.A. Pesatori, A.C. Ye, Y. Diao, N. Su, L. Zhang, R. Brhane, Y. Leighl, N. Johansen, J.S. Mellemgaard, A. Saliba, W. Haiman, C.A. Wilkens, L.R. Fernandez-Somoano, A. Fernandez-Tardon, G. van der Heijden, H.F. Kim, J.H. Dai, J. Hu, Z. Davies, M.P. Marcus, M.W. Brunnström, H. Manjer, J. Melander, O. Muller, D.C. Overvad, K. Trichopoulou, A. Tumino, R. Doherty, J.A. Barnett, M.P. Chen, C. Goodman, G.E. Cox, A. Taylor, F. Woll, P. Brüske, I. Wichmann, H.-. Manz, J. Muley, T.R. Risch, A. Rosenberger, A. Grankvist, K. Johansson, M. Shepherd, F.A. Tsao, M.-. Arnold, S.M. Haura, E.B. Bolca, C. Holcatova, I. Janout, V. Kontic, M. Lissowska, J. Mukeria, A. Ognjanovic, S. Orlowski, T.M. Scelo, G. Swiatkowska, B. Zaridze, D. Bakke, P. Skaug, V. Zienolddiny, S. Duell, E.J. Butler, L.M. Koh, W.-. Gao, Y.-. Houlston, R.S. McLaughlin, J. Stevens, V.L. Joubert, P. Lamontagne, M. Nickle, D.C. Obeidat, M. Timens, W. Zhu, B. Song, L. Kachuri, L. Artigas, M.S. Tobin, M.D. Wain, L.V. SpiroMeta Consortium, Rafnar, T. Thorgeirsson, T.E. Reginsson, G.W. Stefansson, K. Hancock, D.B. Bierut, L.J. Spitz, M.R. Gaddis, N.C. Lutz, S.M. Gu, F. Johnson, E.O. Kamal, A. Pikielny, C. Zhu, D. Lindströem, S. Jiang, X. Tyndale, R.F. Chenevix-Trench, G. Beesley, J. Bossé, Y. Chanock, S. Brennan, P. Landi, M.T. Amos, C.I. (2017). Large-scale association analysis identifies new lung cancer susceptibility loci and heterogeneity in genetic susceptibility across histological subtypes. Nat genet, Vol.49 (7), pp. 1126-1132.  show abstract  full text

da Silva Filho, M.I. Försti, A. Weinhold, N. Meziane, I. Campo, C. Huhn, S. Nickel, J. Hoffmann, P. Nöthen, M.M. Jöckel, K.-. Landi, S. Mitchell, J.S. Johnson, D. Morgan, G.J. Houlston, R. Goldschmidt, H. Jauch, A. Milani, P. Merlini, G. Rowcieno, D. Hawkins, P. Hegenbart, U. Palladini, G. Wechalekar, A. Schönland, S.O. Hemminki, K. (2017). Genome-wide association study of immunoglobulin light chain amyloidosis in three patient cohorts: comparison with myeloma. Leukemia, Vol.31 (8), pp. 1735-1742.  show abstract

Levy, M. Hall, D. Sud, A. Law, P. Litchfield, K. Dudakia, D. Haugen, T.B. Karlsson, R. Reid, A. Huddart, R.A. Grotmol, T. Wiklund, F. Houlston, R.S. Turnbull, C. (2017). Mendelian randomisation analysis provides no evidence for a relationship between adult height and testicular cancer risk. Andrology, Vol.5 (5), pp. 914-922.  show abstract  full text

Scelo, G. Purdue, M.P. Brown, K.M. Johansson, M. Wang, Z. Eckel-Passow, J.E. Ye, Y. Hofmann, J.N. Choi, J. Foll, M. Gaborieau, V. Machiela, M.J. Colli, L.M. Li, P. Sampson, J.N. Abedi-Ardekani, B. Besse, C. Blanche, H. Boland, A. Burdette, L. Chabrier, A. Durand, G. Le Calvez-Kelm, F. Prokhortchouk, E. Robinot, N. Skryabin, K.G. Wozniak, M.B. Yeager, M. Basta-Jovanovic, G. Dzamic, Z. Foretova, L. Holcatova, I. Janout, V. Mates, D. Mukeriya, A. Rascu, S. Zaridze, D. Bencko, V. Cybulski, C. Fabianova, E. Jinga, V. Lissowska, J. Lubinski, J. Navratilova, M. Rudnai, P. Szeszenia-Dabrowska, N. Benhamou, S. Cancel-Tassin, G. Cussenot, O. Baglietto, L. Boeing, H. Khaw, K.-. Weiderpass, E. Ljungberg, B. Sitaram, R.T. Bruinsma, F. Jordan, S.J. Severi, G. Winship, I. Hveem, K. Vatten, L.J. Fletcher, T. Koppova, K. Larsson, S.C. Wolk, A. Banks, R.E. Selby, P.J. Easton, D.F. Pharoah, P. Andreotti, G. Freeman, L.E. Koutros, S. Albanes, D. Männistö, S. Weinstein, S. Clark, P.E. Edwards, T.L. Lipworth, L. Gapstur, S.M. Stevens, V.L. Carol, H. Freedman, M.L. Pomerantz, M.M. Cho, E. Kraft, P. Preston, M.A. Wilson, K.M. Michael Gaziano, J. Sesso, H.D. Black, A. Freedman, N.D. Huang, W.-. Anema, J.G. Kahnoski, R.J. Lane, B.R. Noyes, S.L. Petillo, D. Teh, B.T. Peters, U. White, E. Anderson, G.L. Johnson, L. Luo, J. Buring, J. Lee, I.-. Chow, W.-. Moore, L.E. Wood, C. Eisen, T. Henrion, M. Larkin, J. Barman, P. Leibovich, B.C. Choueiri, T.K. Mark Lathrop, G. Rothman, N. Deleuze, J.-. McKay, J.D. Parker, A.S. Wu, X. Houlston, R.S. Brennan, P. Chanock, S.J. (2017). Genome-wide association study identifies multiple risk loci for renal cell carcinoma. Nat commun, Vol.8, p. 15724.  show abstract  full text

Sud, A. Thomsen, H. Sundquist, K. Houlston, R.S. Hemminki, K. (2017). Risk of Second Cancer in Hodgkin Lymphoma Survivors and Influence of Family History. J clin oncol, Vol.35 (14), pp. 1584-1590.  show abstract  full text

May-Wilson, S. Sud, A. Law, P.J. Palin, K. Tuupanen, S. Gylfe, A. Hänninen, U.A. Cajuso, T. Tanskanen, T. Kondelin, J. Kaasinen, E. Sarin, A.-. Eriksson, J.G. Rissanen, H. Knekt, P. Pukkala, E. Jousilahti, P. Salomaa, V. Ripatti, S. Palotie, A. Renkonen-Sinisalo, L. Lepistö, A. Böhm, J. Mecklin, J.-. Al-Tassan, N.A. Palles, C. Farrington, S.M. Timofeeva, M.N. Meyer, B.F. Wakil, S.M. Campbell, H. Smith, C.G. Idziaszczyk, S. Maughan, T.S. Fisher, D. Kerr, R. Kerr, D. Passarelli, M.N. Figueiredo, J.C. Buchanan, D.D. Win, A.K. Hopper, J.L. Jenkins, M.A. Lindor, N.M. Newcomb, P.A. Gallinger, S. Conti, D. Schumacher, F. Casey, G. Aaltonen, L.A. Cheadle, J.P. Tomlinson, I.P. Dunlop, M.G. Houlston, R.S. (2017). Pro-inflammatory fatty acid profile and colorectal cancer risk: A Mendelian randomisation analysis. Eur j cancer, Vol.84, pp. 228-238.  show abstract  full text

Machiela, M.J. Hofmann, J.N. Carreras-Torres, R. Brown, K.M. Johansson, M. Wang, Z. Foll, M. Li, P. Rothman, N. Savage, S.A. Gaborieau, V. McKay, J.D. Ye, Y. Henrion, M. Bruinsma, F. Jordan, S. Severi, G. Hveem, K. Vatten, L.J. Fletcher, T. Koppova, K. Larsson, S.C. Wolk, A. Banks, R.E. Selby, P.J. Easton, D.F. Pharoah, P. Andreotti, G. Freeman, L.E. Koutros, S. Albanes, D. Mannisto, S. Weinstein, S. Clark, P.E. Edwards, T.E. Lipworth, L. Gapstur, S.M. Stevens, V.L. Carol, H. Freedman, M.L. Pomerantz, M.M. Cho, E. Kraft, P. Preston, M.A. Wilson, K.M. Gaziano, J.M. Sesso, H.S. Black, A. Freedman, N.D. Huang, W.-. Anema, J.G. Kahnoski, R.J. Lane, B.R. Noyes, S.L. Petillo, D. Colli, L.M. Sampson, J.N. Besse, C. Blanche, H. Boland, A. Burdette, L. Prokhortchouk, E. Skryabin, K.G. Yeager, M. Mijuskovic, M. Ognjanovic, M. Foretova, L. Holcatova, I. Janout, V. Mates, D. Mukeriya, A. Rascu, S. Zaridze, D. Bencko, V. Cybulski, C. Fabianova, E. Jinga, V. Lissowska, J. Lubinski, J. Navratilova, M. Rudnai, P. Szeszenia-Dabrowska, N. Benhamou, S. Cancel-Tassin, G. Cussenot, O. Bueno-de-Mesquita, H.B. Canzian, F. Duell, E.J. Ljungberg, B. Sitaram, R.T. Peters, U. White, E. Anderson, G.L. Johnson, L. Luo, J. Buring, J. Lee, I.-. Chow, W.-. Moore, L.E. Wood, C. Eisen, T. Larkin, J. Choueiri, T.K. Lathrop, G.M. Teh, B.T. Deleuze, J.-. Wu, X. Houlston, R.S. Brennan, P. Chanock, S.J. Scelo, G. Purdue, M.P. (2017). Genetic Variants Related to Longer Telomere Length are Associated with Increased Risk of Renal Cell Carcinoma. Eur urol, Vol.72 (5), pp. 747-754.  show abstract  full text

Sud, A. Kinnersley, B. Houlston, R.S. (2017). Genome-wide association studies of cancer: current insights and future perspectives. Nat rev cancer, Vol.17 (11), pp. 692-704.  show abstract  full text

Feng, Y. Wang, Y. Liu, H. Liu, Z. Mills, C. Han, Y. Hung, R.J. Brhane, Y. McLaughlin, J. Brennan, P. Bickeboeller, H. Rosenberger, A. Houlston, R.S. Caporaso, N.E. Teresa Landi, M. Brueske, I. Risch, A. Ye, Y. Wu, X. Christiani, D.C. Amos, C.I. Wei, Q. (2017). Genetic variants of PTPN2 are associated with lung cancer risk: a re-analysis of eight GWASs in the TRICL-ILCCO consortium. Sci rep, Vol.7 (1), p. 825.  show abstract  full text

Li, N. Johnson, D.C. Weinhold, N. Kimber, S. Dobbins, S.E. Mitchell, J.S. Kinnersley, B. Sud, A. Law, P.J. Orlando, G. Scales, M. Wardell, C.P. Försti, A. Hoang, P.H. Went, M. Holroyd, A. Hariri, F. Pastinen, T. Meissner, T. Goldschmidt, H. Hemminki, K. Morgan, G.J. Kaiser, M. Houlston, R.S. (2017). Genetic Predisposition to Multiple Myeloma at 5q15 Is Mediated by an ELL2 Enhancer Polymorphism. Cell rep, Vol.20 (11), pp. 2556-2564.  show abstract  full text

Liu, N.Q. Ter Huurne, M. Nguyen, L.N. Peng, T. Wang, S.-. Studd, J.B. Joshi, O. Ongen, H. Bramsen, J.B. Yan, J. Andersen, C.L. Taipale, J. Dermitzakis, E.T. Houlston, R.S. Hubner, N.C. Stunnenberg, H.G. (2017). The non-coding variant rs1800734 enhances DCLK3 expression through long-range interaction and promotes colorectal cancer progression. Nat commun, Vol.8, p. 14418.  show abstract  full text

Rodriguez-Broadbent, H. Law, P.J. Sud, A. Palin, K. Tuupanen, S. Gylfe, A. Hänninen, U.A. Cajuso, T. Tanskanen, T. Kondelin, J. Kaasinen, E. Sarin, A.-. Ripatti, S. Eriksson, J.G. Rissanen, H. Knekt, P. Pukkala, E. Jousilahti, P. Salomaa, V. Palotie, A. Renkonen-Sinisalo, L. Lepistö, A. Böhm, J. Mecklin, J.-. Al-Tassan, N.A. Palles, C. Martin, L. Barclay, E. Farrington, S.M. Timofeeva, M.N. Meyer, B.F. Wakil, S.M. Campbell, H. Smith, C.G. Idziaszczyk, S. Maughan, T.S. Kaplan, R. Kerr, R. Kerr, D. Passarelli, M.N. Figueiredo, J.C. Buchanan, D.D. Win, A.K. Hopper, J.L. Jenkins, M.A. Lindor, N.M. Newcomb, P.A. Gallinger, S. Conti, D. Schumacher, F. Casey, G. Aaltonen, L.A. Cheadle, J.P. Tomlinson, I.P. Dunlop, M.G. Houlston, R.S. (2017). Mendelian randomisation implicates hyperlipidaemia as a risk factor for colorectal cancer. Int j cancer, Vol.140 (12), pp. 2701-2708.  show abstract  full text

Went, M. Sud, A. Law, P.J. Johnson, D.C. Weinhold, N. Försti, A. van Duin, M. Mitchell, J.S. Chen, B. Kuiper, R. Stephens, O.W. Bertsch, U. Campo, C. Einsele, H. Gregory, W.M. Henrion, M. Hillengass, J. Hoffmann, P. Jackson, G.H. Lenive, O. Nickel, J. Nöthen, M.M. da Silva Filho, M.I. Thomsen, H. Walker, B.A. Broyl, A. Davies, F.E. Langer, C. Hansson, M. Kaiser, M. Sonneveld, P. Goldschmidt, H. Hemminki, K. Nilsson, B. Morgan, G.J. Houlston, R.S. (2017). Assessing the effect of obesity-related traits on multiple myeloma using a Mendelian randomisation approach. Blood cancer j, Vol.7 (6), p. e573.  full text

Pan, Y. Liu, H. Wang, Y. Kang, X. Liu, Z. Owzar, K. Han, Y. Su, L. Wei, Y. Hung, R.J. Brhane, Y. McLaughlin, J. Brennan, P. Bickeböller, H. Rosenberger, A. Houlston, R.S. Caporaso, N. Teresa Landi, M. Heinrich, J. Risch, A. Wu, X. Ye, Y. Christiani, D.C. Amos, C.I. Wei, Q. (2017). Associations between genetic variants in mRNA splicing-related genes and risk of lung cancer: a pathway-based analysis from published GWASs. Sci rep, Vol.7, p. 44634.  show abstract  full text

Monahan, K.J. Alsina, D. Bach, S. Buchanan, J. Burn, J. Clark, S. Dawson, P. De Souza, B. Din, F.V. Dolwani, S. Dunlop, M.G. East, J. Evans, D.G. Fearnhead, N. Frayling, I.M. Glynne-Jones, R. Hill, J. Houlston, R. Hull, M. Lalloo, F. Latchford, A. Lishman, S. Quirke, P. Rees, C. Rutter, M. Sasieni, P. Senapati, A. Speake, D. Thomas, H. Tomlinson, I. (2017). Urgent improvements needed to diagnose and manage Lynch syndrome. Bmj, Vol.356, p. j1388.

Law, P.J. Sud, A. Mitchell, J.S. Henrion, M. Orlando, G. Lenive, O. Broderick, P. Speedy, H.E. Johnson, D.C. Kaiser, M. Weinhold, N. Cooke, R. Sunter, N.J. Jackson, G.H. Summerfield, G. Harris, R.J. Pettitt, A.R. Allsup, D.J. Carmichael, J. Bailey, J.R. Pratt, G. Rahman, T. Pepper, C. Fegan, C. von Strandmann, E.P. Engert, A. Försti, A. Chen, B. Filho, M.I. Thomsen, H. Hoffmann, P. Noethen, M.M. Eisele, L. Jöckel, K.-. Allan, J.M. Swerdlow, A.J. Goldschmidt, H. Catovsky, D. Morgan, G.J. Hemminki, K. Houlston, R.S. (2017). Genome-wide association analysis of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia, Hodgkin lymphoma and multiple myeloma identifies pleiotropic risk loci. Sci rep, Vol.7, p. 41071.  show abstract  full text

Scales, M. Chubb, D. Dobbins, S.E. Johnson, D.C. Li, N. Sternberg, M.J. Weinhold, N. Stein, C. Jackson, G. Davies, F.E. Walker, B.A. Wardell, C.P. Houlston, R.S. Morgan, G.J. (2017). Search for rare protein altering variants influencing susceptibility to multiple myeloma. Oncotarget, Vol.8 (22), pp. 36203-36210.  show abstract  full text

Fehringer, G. Kraft, P. Pharoah, P.D. Eeles, R.A. Chatterjee, N. Schumacher, F.R. Schildkraut, J.M. Lindström, S. Brennan, P. Bickeböller, H. Houlston, R.S. Landi, M.T. Caporaso, N. Risch, A. Amin Al Olama, A. Berndt, S.I. Giovannucci, E.L. Grönberg, H. Kote-Jarai, Z. Ma, J. Muir, K. Stampfer, M.J. Stevens, V.L. Wiklund, F. Willett, W.C. Goode, E.L. Permuth, J.B. Risch, H.A. Reid, B.M. Bezieau, S. Brenner, H. Chan, A.T. Chang-Claude, J. Hudson, T.J. Kocarnik, J.K. Newcomb, P.A. Schoen, R.E. Slattery, M.L. White, E. Adank, M.A. Ahsan, H. Aittomäki, K. Baglietto, L. Blomquist, C. Canzian, F. Czene, K. Dos-Santos-Silva, I. Eliassen, A.H. Figueroa, J.D. Flesch-Janys, D. Fletcher, O. Garcia-Closas, M. Gaudet, M.M. Johnson, N. Hall, P. Hazra, A. Hein, R. Hofman, A. Hopper, J.L. Irwanto, A. Johansson, M. Kaaks, R. Kibriya, M.G. Lichtner, P. Liu, J. Lund, E. Makalic, E. Meindl, A. Müller-Myhsok, B. Muranen, T.A. Nevanlinna, H. Peeters, P.H. Peto, J. Prentice, R.L. Rahman, N. Sanchez, M.J. Schmidt, D.F. Schmutzler, R.K. Southey, M.C. Tamimi, R. Travis, R.C. Turnbull, C. Uitterlinden, A.G. Wang, Z. Whittemore, A.S. Yang, X.R. Zheng, W. Buchanan, D.D. Casey, G. Conti, D.V. Edlund, C.K. Gallinger, S. Haile, R.W. Jenkins, M. Le Marchand, L. Li, L. Lindor, N.M. Schmit, S.L. Thibodeau, S.N. Woods, M.O. Rafnar, T. Gudmundsson, J. Stacey, S.N. Stefansson, K. Sulem, P. Chen, Y.A. Tyrer, J.P. Christiani, D.C. Wei, Y. Shen, H. Hu, Z. Shu, X.-. Shiraishi, K. Takahashi, A. Bossé, Y. Obeidat, M. Nickle, D. Timens, W. Freedman, M.L. Li, Q. Seminara, D. Chanock, S.J. Gong, J. Peters, U. Gruber, S.B. Amos, C.I. Sellers, T.A. Easton, D.F. Hunter, D.J. Haiman, C.A. Henderson, B.E. Hung, R.J. Ovarian Cancer Association Consortium (OCAC), PRACTICAL Consortium, Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer Research Group Netherlands (HEBON), Colorectal Transdisciplinary (CORECT) Study, African American Breast Cancer Consortium (AABC) and African Ancestry Prostate Cancer Consortium (AAPC), (2016). Cross-Cancer Genome-Wide Analysis of Lung, Ovary, Breast, Prostate, and Colorectal Cancer Reveals Novel Pleiotropic Associations. Cancer res, Vol.76 (17), pp. 5103-5114.  show abstract  full text

Mitchell, J.S. Li, N. Weinhold, N. Försti, A. Ali, M. van Duin, M. Thorleifsson, G. Johnson, D.C. Chen, B. Halvarsson, B.-. Gudbjartsson, D.F. Kuiper, R. Stephens, O.W. Bertsch, U. Broderick, P. Campo, C. Einsele, H. Gregory, W.A. Gullberg, U. Henrion, M. Hillengass, J. Hoffmann, P. Jackson, G.H. Johnsson, E. Jöud, M. Kristinsson, S.Y. Lenhoff, S. Lenive, O. Mellqvist, U.-. Migliorini, G. Nahi, H. Nelander, S. Nickel, J. Nöthen, M.M. Rafnar, T. Ross, F.M. da Silva Filho, M.I. Swaminathan, B. Thomsen, H. Turesson, I. Vangsted, A. Vogel, U. Waage, A. Walker, B.A. Wihlborg, A.-. Broyl, A. Davies, F.E. Thorsteinsdottir, U. Langer, C. Hansson, M. Kaiser, M. Sonneveld, P. Stefansson, K. Morgan, G.J. Goldschmidt, H. Hemminki, K. Nilsson, B. Houlston, R.S. (2016). Genome-wide association study identifies multiple susceptibility loci for multiple myeloma. Nat commun, Vol.7, p. 12050.  show abstract  full text

Orlando, G. Law, P.J. Palin, K. Tuupanen, S. Gylfe, A. Hänninen, U.A. Cajuso, T. Tanskanen, T. Kondelin, J. Kaasinen, E. Sarin, A.-. Kaprio, J. Eriksson, J.G. Rissanen, H. Knekt, P. Pukkala, E. Jousilahti, P. Salomaa, V. Ripatti, S. Palotie, A. Järvinen, H. Renkonen-Sinisalo, L. Lepistö, A. Böhm, J. Mecklin, J.-. Al-Tassan, N.A. Palles, C. Martin, L. Barclay, E. Tenesa, A. Farrington, S. Timofeeva, M.N. Meyer, B.F. Wakil, S.M. Campbell, H. Smith, C.G. Idziaszczyk, S. Maughan, T.S. Kaplan, R. Kerr, R. Kerr, D. Buchanan, D.D. Win, A.K. Hopper, J. Jenkins, M. Lindor, N.M. Newcomb, P.A. Gallinger, S. Conti, D. Schumacher, F. Casey, G. Taipale, J. Cheadle, J.P. Dunlop, M.G. Tomlinson, I.P. Aaltonen, L.A. Houlston, R.S. (2016). Variation at 2q35 (PNKD and TMBIM1) influences colorectal cancer risk and identifies a pleiotropic effect with inflammatory bowel disease. Hum mol genet, Vol.25 (11), pp. 2349-2359.  show abstract  full text

Patel, Y.M. Park, S.L. Han, Y. Wilkens, L.R. Bickeböller, H. Rosenberger, A. Caporaso, N. Landi, M.T. Brüske, I. Risch, A. Wei, Y. Christiani, D.C. Brennan, P. Houlston, R. McKay, J. McLaughlin, J. Hung, R. Murphy, S. Stram, D.O. Amos, C. Le Marchand, L. (2016). Novel Association of Genetic Markers Affecting CYP2A6 Activity and Lung Cancer Risk. Cancer res, Vol.76 (19), pp. 5768-5776.  show abstract

Amirian, E.S. Zhou, R. Wrensch, M.R. Olson, S.H. Scheurer, M.E. Il'yasova, D. Lachance, D. Armstrong, G.N. McCoy, L.S. Lau, C.C. Claus, E.B. Barnholtz-Sloan, J.S. Schildkraut, J. Ali-Osman, F. Sadetzki, S. Johansen, C. Houlston, R.S. Jenkins, R.B. Bernstein, J.L. Merrell, R.T. Davis, F.G. Lai, R. Shete, S. Amos, C.I. Melin, B.S. Bondy, M.L. (2016). Approaching a Scientific Consensus on the Association between Allergies and Glioma Risk: A Report from the Glioma International Case-Control Study. Cancer epidemiol biomarkers prev, Vol.25 (2), pp. 282-290.  show abstract

Frampton, M.J. Law, P. Litchfield, K. Morris, E.J. Kerr, D. Turnbull, C. Tomlinson, I.P. Houlston, R.S. (2016). Implications of polygenic risk for personalised colorectal cancer screening. Ann oncol, Vol.27 (3), pp. 429-434.  show abstract

Kang, X. Liu, H. Onaitis, M.W. Liu, Z. Owzar, K. Han, Y. Su, L. Wei, Y. Hung, R.J. Brhane, Y. McLaughlin, J. Brennan, P. Bickeböller, H. Rosenberger, A. Houlston, R.S. Caporaso, N. Landi, M.T. Heinrich, J. Risch, A. Wu, X. Ye, Y. Christiani, D.C. Amos, C.I. Wei, Q. Transdisciplinary Research in Cancer of the Lung (TRICL) Research Team, (2016). Polymorphisms of the centrosomal gene (FGFR1OP) and lung cancer risk: a meta-analysis of 14,463 cases and 44,188 controls. Carcinogenesis, Vol.37 (3), pp. 280-289.  show abstract

Johnson, D.C. Weinhold, N. Mitchell, J. Chen, B. Stephens, O.W. Försti, A. Nickel, J. Kaiser, M. Gregory, W.A. Cairns, D. Jackson, G.H. Hoffmann, P. Noethen, M.M. Hillengass, J. Bertsch, U. Barlogie, B. Davis, F.E. Hemminki, K. Goldschmidt, H. Houlston, R.S. Morgan, G.J. (2016). Genetic factors influencing the risk of multiple myeloma bone disease. Leukemia, Vol.30 (4), pp. 883-888.  show abstract

Kinnersley, B. Kamatani, Y. Labussière, M. Wang, Y. Galan, P. Mokhtari, K. Delattre, J.-. Gousias, K. Schramm, J. Schoemaker, M.J. Swerdlow, A. Fleming, S.J. Herms, S. Heilmann, S. Nöthen, M.M. Simon, M. Sanson, M. Lathrop, M. Houlston, R.S. (2016). Search for new loci and low-frequency variants influencing glioma risk by exome-array analysis. Eur j hum genet, Vol.24 (5), pp. 717-724.  show abstract

Cheng, T.H. Thompson, D.J. O'Mara, T.A. Painter, J.N. Glubb, D.M. Flach, S. Lewis, A. French, J.D. Freeman-Mills, L. Church, D. Gorman, M. Martin, L. National Study of Endometrial Cancer Genetics Group (NSECG), Hodgson, S. Webb, P.M. Australian National Endometrial Cancer Study Group (ANECS), Attia, J. Holliday, E.G. McEvoy, M. Scott, R.J. Henders, A.K. Martin, N.G. Montgomery, G.W. Nyholt, D.R. Ahmed, S. Healey, C.S. Shah, M. Dennis, J. Fasching, P.A. Beckmann, M.W. Hein, A. Ekici, A.B. Hall, P. Czene, K. Darabi, H. Li, J. Dörk, T. Dürst, M. Hillemanns, P. Runnebaum, I. Amant, F. Schrauwen, S. Zhao, H. Lambrechts, D. Depreeuw, J. Dowdy, S.C. Goode, E.L. Fridley, B.L. Winham, S.J. Njølstad, T.S. Salvesen, H.B. Trovik, J. Werner, H.M. Ashton, K. Otton, G. Proietto, T. Liu, T. Mints, M. Tham, E. RENDOCAS, Consortium, C. Jun Li, M. Yip, S.H. Wang, J. Bolla, M.K. Michailidou, K. Wang, Q. Tyrer, J.P. Dunlop, M. Houlston, R. Palles, C. Hopper, J.L. AOCS Group, Peto, J. Swerdlow, A.J. Burwinkel, B. Brenner, H. Meindl, A. Brauch, H. Lindblom, A. Chang-Claude, J. Couch, F.J. Giles, G.G. Kristensen, V.N. Cox, A. Cunningham, J.M. Pharoah, P.D. Dunning, A.M. Edwards, S.L. Easton, D.F. Tomlinson, I. Spurdle, A.B. (2016). Five endometrial cancer risk loci identified through genome-wide association analysis. Nat genet, Vol.48 (6), pp. 667-674.  show abstract  full text

Yuan, H. Liu, H. Liu, Z. Owzar, K. Han, Y. Su, L. Wei, Y. Hung, R.J. McLaughlin, J. Brhane, Y. Brennan, P. Bickeboeller, H. Rosenberger, A. Houlston, R.S. Caporaso, N. Landi, M.T. Heinrich, J. Risch, A. Christiani, D.C. Gümüş, Z.H. Klein, R.J. Amos, C.I. Wei, Q. (2016). A Novel Genetic Variant in Long Non-coding RNA Gene NEXN-AS1 is Associated with Risk of Lung Cancer. Sci rep, Vol.6, p. 34234.  show abstract  full text

Johnson, D.C. Weinhold, N. Mitchell, J.S. Chen, B. Kaiser, M. Begum, D.B. Hillengass, J. Bertsch, U. Gregory, W.A. Cairns, D. Jackson, G.H. Försti, A. Nickel, J. Hoffmann, P. Nöethen, M.M. Stephens, O.W. Barlogie, B. Davis, F.E. Hemminki, K. Goldschmidt, H. Houlston, R.S. Morgan, G.J. (2016). Genome-wide association study identifies variation at 6q25 1 associated with survival in multiple myeloma. Nat commun, Vol.7, p. 10290.  show abstract

Speedy, H.E. Kinnersley, B. Chubb, D. Broderick, P. Law, P.J. Litchfield, K. Jayne, S. Dyer, M.J. Dearden, C. Follows, G.A. Catovsky, D. Houlston, R.S. (2016). Germ line mutations in shelterin complex genes are associated with familial chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Blood, Vol.128 (19), pp. 2319-2326.  show abstract  full text

Kinnersley, B. Chubb, D. Dobbins, S.E. Frampton, M. Buch, S. Timofeeva, M.N. Castellví-Bel, S. Farrington, S.M. Forsti, A. Hampe, J. Hemminki, K. Hofstra, R.M. Northwood, E. Palles, C. Pinheiro, M. Ruiz-Ponte, C. Schafmayer, C. Teixeira, M.R. Westers, H. van Wezel, T. Timothy Bishop, D. Tomlinson, I. Dunlop, M.G. Houlston, R.S. (2016). Correspondence: SEMA4A variation and risk of colorectal cancer. Nat commun, Vol.7, p. 10611.

Zuber, V. Marconett, C.N. Shi, J. Hua, X. Wheeler, W. Yang, C. Song, L. Dale, A.M. Laplana, M. Risch, A. Witoelar, A. Thompson, W.K. Schork, A.J. Bettella, F. Wang, Y. Djurovic, S. Zhou, B. Borok, Z. van der Heijden, H.F. de Graaf, J. Swinkels, D. Aben, K.K. McKay, J. Hung, R.J. Bikeböller, H. Stevens, V.L. Albanes, D. Caporaso, N.E. Han, Y. Wei, Y. Panadero, M.A. Mayordomo, J.I. Christiani, D.C. Kiemeney, L. Andreassen, O.A. Houlston, R. Amos, C.I. Chatterjee, N. Laird-Offringa, I.A. Mills, I.G. Landi, M.T. (2016). Pleiotropic Analysis of Lung Cancer and Blood Triglycerides. J natl cancer inst, Vol.108 (12).  show abstract  full text

Jarvis, D. Mitchell, J.S. Law, P.J. Palin, K. Tuupanen, S. Gylfe, A. Hänninen, U.A. Cajuso, T. Tanskanen, T. Kondelin, J. Kaasinen, E. Sarin, A.-. Kaprio, J. Eriksson, J.G. Rissanen, H. Knekt, P. Pukkala, E. Jousilahti, P. Salomaa, V. Ripatti, S. Palotie, A. Järvinen, H. Renkonen-Sinisalo, L. Lepistö, A. Böhm, J. Meklin, J.-. Al-Tassan, N.A. Palles, C. Martin, L. Barclay, E. Farrington, S.M. Timofeeva, M.N. Meyer, B.F. Wakil, S.M. Campbell, H. Smith, C.G. Idziaszczyk, S. Maughan, T.S. Kaplan, R. Kerr, R. Kerr, D. Buchanan, D.D. Win, A.K. Hopper, J.L. Jenkins, M.A. Lindor, N.M. Newcomb, P.A. Gallinger, S. Conti, D. Schumacher, F. Casey, G. Taipale, J. Aaltonen, L.A. Cheadle, J.P. Dunlop, M.G. Tomlinson, I.P. Houlston, R.S. (2016). Mendelian randomisation analysis strongly implicates adiposity with risk of developing colorectal cancer. Br j cancer, Vol.115 (2), pp. 266-272.  show abstract  full text

Johnson, N. De Ieso, P. Migliorini, G. Orr, N. Broderick, P. Catovsky, D. Matakidou, A. Eisen, T. Goldsmith, C. Dudbridge, F. Peto, J. Dos-Santos-Silva, I. Ashworth, A. Ross, G. Houlston, R.S. Fletcher, O. (2016). Cytochrome P450 Allele CYP3A7*1C Associates with Adverse Outcomes in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia, Breast, and Lung Cancer. Cancer res, Vol.76 (6), pp. 1485-1493.  show abstract

Amirian, E.S. Armstrong, G.N. Zhou, R. Lau, C.C. Claus, E.B. Barnholtz-Sloan, J.S. Il'yasova, D. Schildkraut, J. Ali-Osman, F. Sadetzki, S. Johansen, C. Houlston, R.S. Jenkins, R.B. Lachance, D. Olson, S.H. Bernstein, J.L. Merrell, R.T. Wrensch, M.R. Davis, F.G. Lai, R. Shete, S. Amos, C.I. Scheurer, M.E. Aldape, K. Alafuzoff, I. Brännström, T. Broholm, H. Collins, P. Giannini, C. Rosenblum, M. Tihan, T. Melin, B.S. Bondy, M.L. (2016). The Glioma International Case-Control Study: A Report From the Genetic Epidemiology of Glioma International Consortium. Am j epidemiol, Vol.183 (2), pp. 85-91.  show abstract  full text

Karami, S. Han, Y. Pande, M. Cheng, I. Rudd, J. Pierce, B.L. Nutter, E.L. Schumacher, F.R. Kote-Jarai, Z. Lindstrom, S. Witte, J.S. Fang, S. Han, J. Kraft, P. Hunter, D.J. Song, F. Hung, R.J. McKay, J. Gruber, S.B. Chanock, S.J. Risch, A. Shen, H. Haiman, C.A. Boardman, L. Ulrich, C.M. Casey, G. Peters, U. Amin Al Olama, A. Berchuck, A. Berndt, S.I. Bezieau, S. Brennan, P. Brenner, H. Brinton, L. Caporaso, N. Chan, A.T. Chang-Claude, J. Christiani, D.C. Cunningham, J.M. Easton, D. Eeles, R.A. Eisen, T. Gala, M. Gallinger, S.J. Gayther, S.A. Goode, E.L. Grönberg, H. Henderson, B.E. Houlston, R. Joshi, A.D. Küry, S. Landi, M.T. Le Marchand, L. Muir, K. Newcomb, P.A. Permuth-Wey, J. Pharoah, P. Phelan, C. Potter, J.D. Ramus, S.J. Risch, H. Schildkraut, J. Slattery, M.L. Song, H. Wentzensen, N. White, E. Wiklund, F. Zanke, B.W. Sellers, T.A. Zheng, W. Chatterjee, N. Amos, C.I. Doherty, J.A. GECCO and the GAME-ON Network: CORECT, DRIVE, ELLIPSE, FOCI, and TRICL, (2016). Telomere structure and maintenance gene variants and risk of five cancer types. Int j cancer, Vol.139 (12), pp. 2655-2670.  show abstract  full text

Litchfield, K. Levy, M. Dudakia, D. Proszek, P. Shipley, C. Basten, S. Rapley, E. Bishop, D.T. Reid, A. Huddart, R. Broderick, P. Castro, D.G. O'Connor, S. Giles, R.H. Houlston, R.S. Turnbull, C. (2016). Rare disruptive mutations in ciliary function genes contribute to testicular cancer susceptibility. Nat commun, Vol.7, p. 13840.  show abstract  full text

Chubb, D. Broderick, P. Dobbins, S.E. Frampton, M. Kinnersley, B. Penegar, S. Price, A. Ma, Y.P. Sherborne, A.L. Palles, C. Timofeeva, M.N. Bishop, D.T. Dunlop, M.G. Tomlinson, I. Houlston, R.S. (2016). Rare disruptive mutations and their contribution to the heritable risk of colorectal cancer. Nat commun, Vol.7, p. 11883.  show abstract  full text

Kandaswamy, R. Sava, G.P. Speedy, H.E. Beà, S. Martín-Subero, J.I. Studd, J.B. Migliorini, G. Law, P.J. Puente, X.S. Martín-García, D. Salaverria, I. Gutiérrez-Abril, J. López-Otín, C. Catovsky, D. Allan, J.M. Campo, E. Houlston, R.S. (2016). Genetic Predisposition to Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Is Mediated by a BMF Super-Enhancer Polymorphism. Cell rep, Vol.16 (8), pp. 2061-2067.  show abstract  full text

Li, N. Johnson, D.C. Weinhold, N. Studd, J.B. Orlando, G. Mirabella, F. Mitchell, J.S. Meissner, T. Kaiser, M. Goldschmidt, H. Hemminki, K. Morgan, G.J. Houlston, R.S. (2016). Multiple myeloma risk variant at 7p15 3 creates an IRF4-binding site and interferes with CDCA7L expression. Nat commun, Vol.7, p. 13656.  show abstract  full text

Dobbins, S.E. Broderick, P. Chubb, D. Kinnersley, B. Sherborne, A.L. Houlston, R.S. (2016). Undefined familial colorectal cancer and the role of pleiotropism in cancer susceptibility genes. Fam cancer, Vol.15 (4), pp. 593-599.  show abstract  full text

Chubb, D. Broderick, P. Dobbins, S.E. Houlston, R.S. (2016). CanVar: A resource for sharing germline variation in cancer patients. F1000res, Vol.5, p. 2813.  show abstract  full text

Ware, J.J. Aveyard, P. Broderick, P. Houlston, R.S. Eisen, T. Munafò, M.R. (2015). The association of rs1051730 genotype on adherence to and consumption of prescribed nicotine replacement therapy dose during a smoking cessation attempt. Drug alcohol depend, Vol.151, pp. 236-240.  show abstract

Kinnersley, B. Labussière, M. Holroyd, A. Di Stefano, A.-. Broderick, P. Vijayakrishnan, J. Mokhtari, K. Delattre, J.-. Gousias, K. Schramm, J. Schoemaker, M.J. Fleming, S.J. Herms, S. Heilmann, S. Schreiber, S. Wichmann, H.-. Nöthen, M.M. Swerdlow, A. Lathrop, M. Simon, M. Bondy, M. Sanson, M. Houlston, R.S. (2015). Genome-wide association study identifies multiple susceptibility loci for glioma. Nat commun, Vol.6, p. 8559.  show abstract

Cheng, T.H. Thompson, D. Painter, J. O'Mara, T. Gorman, M. Martin, L. Palles, C. Jones, A. Buchanan, D.D. Win, A.K. Hopper, J. Jenkins, M. Lindor, N.M. Newcomb, P.A. Gallinger, S. Conti, D. Schumacher, F. Casey, G. Giles, G.G. Pharoah, P. Peto, J. Cox, A. Swerdlow, A. Couch, F. Cunningham, J.M. Goode, E.L. Winham, S.J. Lambrechts, D. Fasching, P. Burwinkel, B. Brenner, H. Brauch, H. Chang-Claude, J. Salvesen, H.B. Kristensen, V. Darabi, H. Li, J. Liu, T. Lindblom, A. Hall, P. de Polanco, M.E. Sans, M. Carracedo, A. Castellvi-Bel, S. Rojas-Martinez, A. Aguiar Jnr, S. Teixeira, M.R. Dunning, A.M. Dennis, J. Otton, G. Proietto, T. Holliday, E. Attia, J. Ashton, K. Scott, R.J. McEvoy, M. Dowdy, S.C. Fridley, B.L. Werner, H.M. Trovik, J. Njolstad, T.S. Tham, E. Mints, M. Runnebaum, I. Hillemanns, P. Dörk, T. Amant, F. Schrauwen, S. Hein, A. Beckmann, M.W. Ekici, A. Czene, K. Meindl, A. Bolla, M.K. Michailidou, K. Tyrer, J.P. Wang, Q. Ahmed, S. Healey, C.S. Shah, M. Annibali, D. Depreeuw, J. Al-Tassan, N.A. Harris, R. Meyer, B.F. Whiffin, N. Hosking, F.J. Kinnersley, B. Farrington, S.M. Timofeeva, M. Tenesa, A. Campbell, H. Haile, R.W. Hodgson, S. Carvajal-Carmona, L. Cheadle, J.P. Easton, D. Dunlop, M. Houlston, R. Spurdle, A. Tomlinson, I. (2015). Meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies identifies common susceptibility polymorphisms for colorectal and endometrial cancer near SH2B3 and TSHZ1. Sci rep, Vol.5, p. 17369.  show abstract

Galvan, A. Colombo, F. Frullanti, E. Dassano, A. Noci, S. Wang, Y. Eisen, T. Matakidou, A. Tomasello, L. Vezzalini, M. Sorio, C. Dugo, M. Ambrogi, F. Iacobucci, I. Martinelli, G. Incarbone, M. Alloisio, M. Nosotti, M. Tosi, D. Santambrogio, L. Pelosi, G. Pastorino, U. Houlston, R.S. Dragani, T.A. (2015). Germline polymorphisms and survival of lung adenocarcinoma patients: a genome-wide study in two European patient series. Int j cancer, Vol.136 (5), pp. E262-E271.  show abstract

Bainbridge, M.N. Armstrong, G.N. Gramatges, M.M. Bertuch, A.A. Jhangiani, S.N. Doddapaneni, H. Lewis, L. Tombrello, J. Tsavachidis, S. Liu, Y. Jalali, A. Plon, S.E. Lau, C.C. Parsons, D.W. Claus, E.B. Barnholtz-Sloan, J. Il'yasova, D. Schildkraut, J. Ali-Osman, F. Sadetzki, S. Johansen, C. Houlston, R.S. Jenkins, R.B. Lachance, D. Olson, S.H. Bernstein, J.L. Merrell, R.T. Wrensch, M.R. Walsh, K.M. Davis, F.G. Lai, R. Shete, S. Aldape, K. Amos, C.I. Thompson, P.A. Muzny, D.M. Gibbs, R.A. Melin, B.S. Bondy, M.L. Gliogene Consortium, (2015). Germline mutations in shelterin complex genes are associated with familial glioma. J natl cancer inst, Vol.107 (1), p. 384.  show abstract

Kinnersley, B. Mitchell, J.S. Gousias, K. Schramm, J. Idbaih, A. Labussière, M. Marie, Y. Rahimian, A. Wichmann, H.-. Schreiber, S. Hoang-Xuan, K. Delattre, J.-. Nöthen, M.M. Mokhtari, K. Lathrop, M. Bondy, M. Simon, M. Sanson, M. Houlston, R.S. (2015). Quantifying the heritability of glioma using genome-wide complex trait analysis. Sci rep, Vol.5, p. 17267.  show abstract

Bartram, T. Burkhardt, B. Wössmann, W. Seidemann, K. Zimmermann, M. Cario, G. Lisfeld, J. Ellinghaus, E. Franke, A. Houlston, R.S. Schrappe, M. Reiter, A. Stanulla, M. (2015). Childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia-associated risk-loci IKZF1, ARID5B and CEBPE and risk of pediatric non-Hodgkin lymphoma: a report from the Berlin-Frankfurt-Münster Study Group. Leuk lymphoma, Vol.56 (3), pp. 814-816.

Weinhold, N. Meissner, T. Johnson, D.C. Seckinger, A. Moreaux, J. Försti, A. Chen, B. Nickel, J. Chubb, D. Rawstron, A.C. Doughty, C. Dahir, N.B. Begum, D.B. Young, K. Walker, B.A. Hoffmann, P. Nöthen, M.M. Davies, F.E. Klein, B. Goldschmidt, H. Morgan, G.J. Houlston, R.S. Hose, D. Hemminki, K. (2015). The 7p15 3 (rs4487645) association for multiple myeloma shows strong allele-specific regulation of the MYC-interacting gene CDCA7L in malignant plasma cells. Haematologica, Vol.100 (3), pp. e110-e113.

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Jalali, A. Amirian, E.S. Bainbridge, M.N. Armstrong, G.N. Liu, Y. Tsavachidis, S. Jhangiani, S.N. Plon, S.E. Lau, C.C. Claus, E.B. Barnholtz-Sloan, J.S. Il'yasova, D. Schildkraut, J. Ali-Osman, F. Sadetzki, S. Johansen, C. Houlston, R.S. Jenkins, R.B. Lachance, D. Olson, S.H. Bernstein, J.L. Merrell, R.T. Wrensch, M.R. Davis, F.G. Lai, R. Shete, S. Aldape, K. Amos, C.I. Muzny, D.M. Gibbs, R.A. Melin, B.S. Bondy, M.L. (2015). Targeted sequencing in chromosome 17q linkage region identifies familial glioma candidates in the Gliogene Consortium. Sci rep, Vol.5, p. 8278.  show abstract

Litchfield, K. Thomsen, H. Mitchell, J.S. Sundquist, J. Houlston, R.S. Hemminki, K. Turnbull, C. (2015). Quantifying the heritability of testicular germ cell tumour using both population-based and genomic approaches. Sci rep, Vol.5, p. 13889.  show abstract

Chubb, D. Broderick, P. Frampton, M. Kinnersley, B. Sherborne, A. Penegar, S. Lloyd, A. Ma, Y.P. Dobbins, S.E. Houlston, R.S. (2015). Genetic diagnosis of high-penetrance susceptibility for colorectal cancer (CRC) is achievable for a high proportion of familial CRC by exome sequencing. J clin oncol, Vol.33 (5), pp. 426-432.  show abstract

Timofeeva, M.N. Kinnersley, B. Farrington, S.M. Whiffin, N. Palles, C. Svinti, V. Lloyd, A. Gorman, M. Ooi, L.-. Hosking, F. Barclay, E. Zgaga, L. Dobbins, S. Martin, L. Theodoratou, E. Broderick, P. Tenesa, A. Smillie, C. Grimes, G. Hayward, C. Campbell, A. Porteous, D. Deary, I.J. Harris, S.E. Northwood, E.L. Barrett, J.H. Smith, G. Wolf, R. Forman, D. Morreau, H. Ruano, D. Tops, C. Wijnen, J. Schrumpf, M. Boot, A. Vasen, H.F. Hes, F.J. van Wezel, T. Franke, A. Lieb, W. Schafmayer, C. Hampe, J. Buch, S. Propping, P. Hemminki, K. Försti, A. Westers, H. Hofstra, R. Pinheiro, M. Pinto, C. Teixeira, M. Ruiz-Ponte, C. Fernández-Rozadilla, C. Carracedo, A. Castells, A. Castellví-Bel, S. Campbell, H. Bishop, D.T. Tomlinson, I.P. Dunlop, M.G. Houlston, R.S. (2015). Recurrent Coding Sequence Variation Explains Only A Small Fraction of the Genetic Architecture of Colorectal Cancer. Sci rep, Vol.5, p. 16286.  show abstract

Hung, R.J. Ulrich, C.M. Goode, E.L. Brhane, Y. Muir, K. Chan, A.T. Marchand, L.L. Schildkraut, J. Witte, J.S. Eeles, R. Boffetta, P. Spitz, M.R. Poirier, J.G. Rider, D.N. Fridley, B.L. Chen, Z. Haiman, C. Schumacher, F. Easton, D.F. Landi, M.T. Brennan, P. Houlston, R. Christiani, D.C. Field, J.K. Bickeböller, H. Risch, A. Kote-Jarai, Z. Wiklund, F. Grönberg, H. Chanock, S. Berndt, S.I. Kraft, P. Lindström, S. Al Olama, A.A. Song, H. Phelan, C. Wentzensen, N. Peters, U. Slattery, M.L. GECCO, Sellers, T.A. FOCI, Casey, G. Gruber, S.B. CORECT, Hunter, D.J. DRIVE, Amos, C.I. Henderson, B. GAME-ON Network, (2015). Cross Cancer Genomic Investigation of Inflammation Pathway for Five Common Cancers: Lung, Ovary, Prostate, Breast, and Colorectal Cancer. J natl cancer inst, Vol.107 (11).  show abstract

Brenner, D.R. Amos, C.I. Brhane, Y. Timofeeva, M.N. Caporaso, N. Wang, Y. Christiani, D.C. Bickeböller, H. Yang, P. Albanes, D. Stevens, V.L. Gapstur, S. McKay, J. Boffetta, P. Zaridze, D. Szeszenia-Dabrowska, N. Lissowska, J. Rudnai, P. Fabianova, E. Mates, D. Bencko, V. Foretova, L. Janout, V. Krokan, H.E. Skorpen, F. Gabrielsen, M.E. Vatten, L. Njølstad, I. Chen, C. Goodman, G. Lathrop, M. Vooder, T. Välk, K. Nelis, M. Metspalu, A. Broderick, P. Eisen, T. Wu, X. Zhang, D. Chen, W. Spitz, M.R. Wei, Y. Su, L. Xie, D. She, J. Matsuo, K. Matsuda, F. Ito, H. Risch, A. Heinrich, J. Rosenberger, A. Muley, T. Dienemann, H. Field, J.K. Raji, O. Chen, Y. Gosney, J. Liloglou, T. Davies, M.P. Marcus, M. McLaughlin, J. Orlow, I. Han, Y. Li, Y. Zong, X. Johansson, M. EPIC Investigators, Liu, G. Tworoger, S.S. Le Marchand, L. Henderson, B.E. Wilkens, L.R. Dai, J. Shen, H. Houlston, R.S. Landi, M.T. Brennan, P. Hung, R.J. (2015). Identification of lung cancer histology-specific variants applying Bayesian framework variant prioritization approaches within the TRICL and ILCCO consortia. Carcinogenesis, Vol.36 (11), pp. 1314-1326.  show abstract

Wang, Y. Wei, Y. Gaborieau, V. Shi, J. Han, Y. Timofeeva, M.N. Su, L. Li, Y. Eisen, T. Amos, C.I. Landi, M.T. Christiani, D.C. McKay, J.D. Houlston, R.S. (2015). Deciphering associations for lung cancer risk through imputation and analysis of 12,316 cases and 16,831 controls. Eur j hum genet, Vol.23 (12), pp. 1723-1728.  show abstract

Labreche, K. Simeonova, I. Kamoun, A. Gleize, V. Chubb, D. Letouzé, E. Riazalhosseini, Y. Dobbins, S.E. Elarouci, N. Ducray, F. de Reyniès, A. Zelenika, D. Wardell, C.P. Frampton, M. Saulnier, O. Pastinen, T. Hallout, S. Figarella-Branger, D. Dehais, C. Idbaih, A. Mokhtari, K. Delattre, J.-. Huillard, E. Mark Lathrop, G. Sanson, M. Houlston, R.S. POLA Network, (2015). TCF12 is mutated in anaplastic oligodendroglioma. Nat commun, Vol.6, p. 7207.  show abstract

Vijayakrishnan, J. Henrion, M. Moorman, A.V. Fiege, B. Kumar, R. da Silva Filho, M.I. Holroyd, A. Koehler, R. Thomsen, H. Irving, J.A. Allan, J.M. Lightfoot, T. Roman, E. Kinsey, S.E. Sheridan, E. Thompson, P.D. Hoffmann, P. Nöthen, M.M. Mühleisen, T.W. Eisele, L. Bartram, C.R. Schrappe, M. Greaves, M. Hemminki, K. Harrison, C.J. Stanulla, M. Houlston, R.S. (2015). The 9p21 3 risk of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia is explained by a rare high-impact variant in CDKN2A. Sci rep, Vol.5, p. 15065.  show abstract

Zhang, C. Doherty, J.A. Burgess, S. Hung, R.J. Lindström, S. Kraft, P. Gong, J. Amos, C.I. Sellers, T.A. Monteiro, A.N. Chenevix-Trench, G. Bickeböller, H. Risch, A. Brennan, P. Mckay, J.D. Houlston, R.S. Landi, M.T. Timofeeva, M.N. Wang, Y. Heinrich, J. Kote-Jarai, Z. Eeles, R.A. Muir, K. Wiklund, F. Grönberg, H. Berndt, S.I. Chanock, S.J. Schumacher, F. Haiman, C.A. Henderson, B.E. Amin Al Olama, A. Andrulis, I.L. Hopper, J.L. Chang-Claude, J. John, E.M. Malone, K.E. Gammon, M.D. Ursin, G. Whittemore, A.S. Hunter, D.J. Gruber, S.B. Knight, J.A. Hou, L. Le Marchand, L. Newcomb, P.A. Hudson, T.J. Chan, A.T. Li, L. Woods, M.O. Ahsan, H. Pierce, B.L. GECCO and GAME-ON Network: CORECT, DRIVE, ELLIPSE, FOCI, and TRICL, (2015). Genetic determinants of telomere length and risk of common cancers: a Mendelian randomization study. Hum mol genet, Vol.24 (18), pp. 5356-5366.  show abstract  full text

Litchfield, K. Mitchell, J.S. Shipley, J. Huddart, R. Rajpert-De Meyts, E. Skakkebæk, N.E. Houlston, R.S. Turnbull, C. (2015). Polygenic susceptibility to testicular cancer: implications for personalised health care. Br j cancer, Vol.113 (10), pp. 1512-1518.  show abstract

Jäger, R. Migliorini, G. Henrion, M. Kandaswamy, R. Speedy, H.E. Heindl, A. Whiffin, N. Carnicer, M.J. Broome, L. Dryden, N. Nagano, T. Schoenfelder, S. Enge, M. Yuan, Y. Taipale, J. Fraser, P. Fletcher, O. Houlston, R.S. (2015). Capture Hi-C identifies the chromatin interactome of colorectal cancer risk loci. Nat commun, Vol.6, p. 6178.  show abstract  full text

Al-Tassan, N.A. Whiffin, N. Hosking, F.J. Palles, C. Farrington, S.M. Dobbins, S.E. Harris, R. Gorman, M. Tenesa, A. Meyer, B.F. Wakil, S.M. Kinnersley, B. Campbell, H. Martin, L. Smith, C.G. Idziaszczyk, S. Barclay, E. Maughan, T.S. Kaplan, R. Kerr, R. Kerr, D. Buchanan, D.D. Win, A.K. Hopper, J. Jenkins, M. Lindor, N.M. Newcomb, P.A. Gallinger, S. Conti, D. Schumacher, F. Casey, G. Dunlop, M.G. Tomlinson, I.P. Cheadle, J.P. Houlston, R.S. (2015). A new GWAS and meta-analysis with 1000Genomes imputation identifies novel risk variants for colorectal cancer. Sci rep, Vol.5, p. 10442.  show abstract

Litchfield, K. Summersgill, B. Yost, S. Sultana, R. Labreche, K. Dudakia, D. Renwick, A. Seal, S. Al-Saadi, R. Broderick, P. Turner, N.C. Houlston, R.S. Huddart, R. Shipley, J. Turnbull, C. (2015). Whole-exome sequencing reveals the mutational spectrum of testicular germ cell tumours. Nat commun, Vol.6, p. 5973.  show abstract  full text

Sud, A. Cooke, R. Swerdlow, A.J. Houlston, R.S. (2015). Genome-wide homozygosity signature and risk of Hodgkin lymphoma. Sci rep, Vol.5, p. 14315.  show abstract  full text

Mitchell, J.S. Johnson, D.C. Litchfield, K. Broderick, P. Weinhold, N. Davies, F.E. Gregory, W.A. Jackson, G.H. Kaiser, M. Morgan, G.J. Houlston, R.S. (2015). Implementation of genome-wide complex trait analysis to quantify the heritability in multiple myeloma. Sci rep, Vol.5, p. 12473.  show abstract

Litchfield, K. Holroyd, A. Lloyd, A. Broderick, P. Nsengimana, J. Eeles, R. Easton, D.F. Dudakia, D. Bishop, D.T. Reid, A. Huddart, R.A. Grotmol, T. Wiklund, F. Shipley, J. Houlston, R.S. Turnbull, C. (2015). Identification of four new susceptibility loci for testicular germ cell tumour. Nat commun, Vol.6, p. 8690.  show abstract

Li, W. Dobbins, S. Tomlinson, I. Houlston, R. Pal, D.K. Strug, L.J. (2015). Prioritizing rare variants with conditional likelihood ratios. Hum hered, Vol.79 (1), pp. 5-13.  show abstract  full text

Morris, E.J. Penegar, S. Whiffin, N. Broderick, P. Bishop, D.T. Northwood, E. Quirke, P. Finan, P. Houlston, R.S. (2015). A retrospective observational study of the relationship between single nucleotide polymorphisms associated with the risk of developing colorectal cancer and survival. Plos one, Vol.10 (2), p. e0117816.  show abstract

Henrion, M.Y. Purdue, M.P. Scelo, G. Broderick, P. Frampton, M. Ritchie, A. Meade, A. Li, P. McKay, J. Johansson, M. Lathrop, M. Larkin, J. Rothman, N. Wang, Z. Chow, W.-. Stevens, V.L. Diver, W.R. Albanes, D. Virtamo, J. Brennan, P. Eisen, T. Chanock, S. Houlston, R.S. (2015). Common variation at 1q24 1 (ALDH9A1) is a potential risk factor for renal cancer. Plos one, Vol.10 (3), p. e0122589.  show abstract

Derkach, A. Chiang, T. Gong, J. Addis, L. Dobbins, S. Tomlinson, I. Houlston, R. Pal, D.K. Strug, L.J. (2014). Association analysis using next-generation sequence data from publicly available control groups: the robust variance score statistic. Bioinformatics, Vol.30 (15), pp. 2179-2188.  show abstract  full text

Sava, G.P. Speedy, H.E. Houlston, R.S. (2014). Candidate gene association studies and risk of chronic lymphocytic leukemia: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Leuk lymphoma, Vol.55 (1), pp. 160-167.  show abstract

Speedy, H.E. Di Bernardo, M.C. Sava, G.P. Dyer, M.J. Holroyd, A. Wang, Y. Sunter, N.J. Mansouri, L. Juliusson, G. Smedby, K.E. Roos, G. Jayne, S. Majid, A. Dearden, C. Hall, A.G. Mainou-Fowler, T. Jackson, G.H. Summerfield, G. Harris, R.J. Pettitt, A.R. Allsup, D.J. Bailey, J.R. Pratt, G. Pepper, C. Fegan, C. Rosenquist, R. Catovsky, D. Allan, J.M. Houlston, R.S. (2014). A genome-wide association study identifies multiple susceptibility loci for chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Nat genet, Vol.46 (1), pp. 56-60.  show abstract

Whiffin, N. Hosking, F.J. Farrington, S.M. Palles, C. Dobbins, S.E. Zgaga, L. Lloyd, A. Kinnersley, B. Gorman, M. Tenesa, A. Broderick, P. Wang, Y. Barclay, E. Hayward, C. Martin, L. Buchanan, D.D. Win, A.K. Hopper, J. Jenkins, M. Lindor, N.M. Newcomb, P.A. Gallinger, S. Conti, D. Schumacher, F. Casey, G. Liu, T. Swedish Low-Risk Colorectal Cancer Study Group, Campbell, H. Lindblom, A. Houlston, R.S. Tomlinson, I.P. Dunlop, M.G. (2014). Identification of susceptibility loci for colorectal cancer in a genome-wide meta-analysis. Hum mol genet, Vol.23 (17), pp. 4729-4737.  show abstract

Morgan, G.J. Johnson, D.C. Weinhold, N. Goldschmidt, H. Landgren, O. Lynch, H.T. Hemminki, K. Houlston, R.S. (2014). Inherited genetic susceptibility to multiple myeloma. Leukemia, Vol.28 (3), pp. 518-524.  show abstract

Sawyer, E. Roylance, R. Petridis, C. Brook, M.N. Nowinski, S. Papouli, E. Fletcher, O. Pinder, S. Hanby, A. Kohut, K. Gorman, P. Caneppele, M. Peto, J. Dos Santos Silva, I. Johnson, N. Swann, R. Dwek, M. Perkins, K.-. Gillett, C. Houlston, R. Ross, G. De Ieso, P. Southey, M.C. Hopper, J.L. Provenzano, E. Apicella, C. Wesseling, J. Cornelissen, S. Keeman, R. Fasching, P.A. Jud, S.M. Ekici, A.B. Beckmann, M.W. Kerin, M.J. Marme, F. Schneeweiss, A. Sohn, C. Burwinkel, B. Guénel, P. Truong, T. Laurent-Puig, P. Kerbrat, P. Bojesen, S.E. Nordestgaard, B.G. Nielsen, S.F. Flyger, H. Milne, R.L. Perez, J.I. Menéndez, P. Benitez, J. Brenner, H. Dieffenbach, A.K. Arndt, V. Stegmaier, C. Meindl, A. Lichtner, P. Schmutzler, R.K. Lochmann, M. Brauch, H. Fischer, H.-. Ko, Y.-. GENICA Network, Nevanlinna, H. Muranen, T.A. Aittomäki, K. Blomqvist, C. Bogdanova, N.V. Dörk, T. Lindblom, A. Margolin, S. Mannermaa, A. Kataja, V. Kosma, V.-. Hartikainen, J.M. Chenevix-Trench, G. KConFab Investigators, Lambrechts, D. Weltens, C. Van Limbergen, E. Hatse, S. Chang-Claude, J. Rudolph, A. Seibold, P. Flesch-Janys, D. Radice, P. Peterlongo, P. Bonanni, B. Volorio, S. Giles, G.G. Severi, G. Baglietto, L. McLean, C.A. Haiman, C.A. Henderson, B.E. Schumacher, F. Le Marchand, L. Simard, J. Goldberg, M.S. Labrèche, F. Dumont, M. Kristensen, V. Winqvist, R. Pylkäs, K. Jukkola-Vuorinen, A. Kauppila, S. Andrulis, I.L. Knight, J.A. Glendon, G. Mulligan, A.M. Devillee, P. Tollenaar, R.A. Seynaeve, C.M. Kriege, M. Figueroa, J. Chanock, S.J. Sherman, M.E. Hooning, M.J. Hollestelle, A. van den Ouweland, A.M. van Deurzen, C.H. Li, J. Czene, K. Humphreys, K. Cox, A. Cross, S.S. Reed, M.W. Shah, M. Jakubowska, A. Lubinski, J. Jaworska-Bieniek, K. Durda, K. Swerdlow, A. Ashworth, A. Orr, N. Schoemaker, M. Couch, F.J. Hallberg, E. González-Neira, A. Pita, G. Alonso, M.R. Tessier, D.C. Vincent, D. Bacot, F. Bolla, M.K. Wang, Q. Dennis, J. Michailidou, K. Dunning, A.M. Hall, P. Easton, D. Pharoah, P. Schmidt, M.K. Tomlinson, I. Garcia-Closas, M. (2014). Genetic predisposition to in situ and invasive lobular carcinoma of the breast. Plos genet, Vol.10 (4), p. e1004285.  show abstract

Park, S.L. Fesinmeyer, M.D. Timofeeva, M. Caberto, C.P. Kocarnik, J.M. Han, Y. Love, S.-. Young, A. Dumitrescu, L. Lin, Y. Goodloe, R. Wilkens, L.R. Hindorff, L. Fowke, J.H. Carty, C. Buyske, S. Schumacher, F.R. Butler, A. Dilks, H. Deelman, E. Cote, M.L. Chen, W. Pande, M. Christiani, D.C. Field, J.K. Bickeboeller, H. Risch, A. Heinrich, J. Brennan, P. Wang, Y. Eisen, T. Houlston, R.S. Thun, M. Albanes, D. Caporaso, N. Peters, U. North, K.E. Heiss, G. Crawford, D.C. Bush, W.S. Haiman, C.A. Landi, M.T. Hung, R.J. Kooperberg, C. Amos, C.I. Le Marchand, L. Cheng, I. (2014). Pleiotropic Associations of Risk Variants Identified for Other Cancers With Lung Cancer Risk: The PAGE and TRICL Consortia. Jnci-journal of the national cancer institute, Vol.106 (4).

Ongen, H. Andersen, C.L. Bramsen, J.B. Oster, B. Rasmussen, M.H. Ferreira, P.G. Sandoval, J. Vidal, E. Whiffin, N. Planchon, A. Padioleau, I. Bielser, D. Romano, L. Tomlinson, I. Houlston, R.S. Esteller, M. Orntoft, T.F. Dermitzakis, E.T. (2014). Putative cis-regulatory drivers in colorectal cancer. Nature, Vol.512 (7512), pp. 87-90.  show abstract

Wang, Y. McKay, J.D. Rafnar, T. Wang, Z. Timofeeva, M.N. Broderick, P. Zong, X. Laplana, M. Wei, Y. Han, Y. Lloyd, A. Delahaye-Sourdeix, M. Chubb, D. Gaborieau, V. Wheeler, W. Chatterjee, N. Thorleifsson, G. Sulem, P. Liu, G. Kaaks, R. Henrion, M. Kinnersley, B. Vallée, M. LeCalvez-Kelm, F. Stevens, V.L. Gapstur, S.M. Chen, W.V. Zaridze, D. Szeszenia-Dabrowska, N. Lissowska, J. Rudnai, P. Fabianova, E. Mates, D. Bencko, V. Foretova, L. Janout, V. Krokan, H.E. Gabrielsen, M.E. Skorpen, F. Vatten, L. Njølstad, I. Chen, C. Goodman, G. Benhamou, S. Vooder, T. Välk, K. Nelis, M. Metspalu, A. Lener, M. Lubiński, J. Johansson, M. Vineis, P. Agudo, A. Clavel-Chapelon, F. Bueno-de-Mesquita, H.B. Trichopoulos, D. Khaw, K.-. Johansson, M. Weiderpass, E. Tjønneland, A. Riboli, E. Lathrop, M. Scelo, G. Albanes, D. Caporaso, N.E. Ye, Y. Gu, J. Wu, X. Spitz, M.R. Dienemann, H. Rosenberger, A. Su, L. Matakidou, A. Eisen, T. Stefansson, K. Risch, A. Chanock, S.J. Christiani, D.C. Hung, R.J. Brennan, P. Landi, M.T. Houlston, R.S. Amos, C.I. (2014). Rare variants of large effect in BRCA2 and CHEK2 affect risk of lung cancer. Nat genet, Vol.46 (7), pp. 736-741.  show abstract  full text

Andersson, U. Wibom, C. Cederquist, K. Aradottir, S. Borg, A. Armstrong, G.N. Shete, S. Lau, C.C. Bainbridge, M.N. Claus, E.B. Barnholtz-Sloan, J. Lai, R. Il'yasova, D. Houlston, R.S. Schildkraut, J. Bernstein, J.L. Olson, S.H. Jenkins, R.B. Lachance, D.H. Wrensch, M. Davis, F.G. Merrell, R. Johansen, C. Sadetzki, S. Gliogene Consortium, Bondy, M.L. Melin, B.S. (2014). Germline rearrangements in families with strong family history of glioma and malignant melanoma, colon, and breast cancer. Neuro oncol, Vol.16 (10), pp. 1333-1340.  show abstract

Labussière, M. Di Stefano, A.L. Gleize, V. Boisselier, B. Giry, M. Mangesius, S. Bruno, A. Paterra, R. Marie, Y. Rahimian, A. Finocchiaro, G. Houlston, R.S. Hoang-Xuan, K. Idbaih, A. Delattre, J.-. Mokhtari, K. Sanson, M. (2014). TERT promoter mutations in gliomas, genetic associations and clinico-pathological correlations. Br j cancer, Vol.111 (10), pp. 2024-2032.  show abstract

Jaeger, R. Harutyunyan, A.S. Rumi, E. Pietra, D. Berg, T. Olcaydu, D. Houlston, R.S. Cazzola, M. Kralovics, R. (2014). Common germline variation at the TERT locus contributes to familial clustering of myeloproliferative neoplasms. American journal of hematology, Vol.89 (12), pp. 1107-1110.  full text

Hemminki, K. Houlston, R.S. (2014). Special section editorial. International journal of cancer, Vol.135 (8), pp. 1755-1755.

Weinhold, N. Johnson, D.C. Rawstron, A.C. Foersti, A. Doughty, C. Vijayakrishnan, J. Broderick, P. Dahir, N.B. Begum, D.B. Hosking, F.J. Yong, K. Walker, B.A. Hoffmann, P. Muehleisen, T.W. Langer, C. Doerner, E. Joeckel, K.-. Eisele, L. Noethen, M.M. Hose, D. Davies, F.E. Goldschmidt, H. Morgan, G.J. Hemminki, K. Houlston, R.S. (2014). Inherited genetic susceptibility to monoclonal gammopathy of unknown significance. Blood, Vol.123 (16), pp. 2513-2517.

Lucassen, A. Houlston, R.S. (2014). The challenges of genome analysis in the health care setting. Genes (basel), Vol.5 (3), pp. 576-585.  show abstract

Whiffin, N. Houlston, R.S. (2014). Architecture of inherited susceptibility to colorectal cancer: a voyage of discovery. Genes (basel), Vol.5 (2), pp. 270-284.  show abstract

Scales, M. Jäger, R. Migliorini, G. Houlston, R.S. Henrion, M.Y. (2014). visPIG--a web tool for producing multi-region, multi-track, multi-scale plots of genetic data. Plos one, Vol.9 (9), p. e107497.  show abstract

Kinnersley, B. Buch, S. Castellví-Bel, S. Farrington, S.M. Forsti, A. Hampe, J. Hemminki, K. Hofstra, R.M. Northwood, E. Palles, C. Pinheiro, M. Ruiz-Ponte, C. Schafmayer, C. Teixeira, M.R. Westers, H. Wezel, T.V. Bishop, D.T. Tomlinson, I. Dunlop, M.G. Houlston, R.S. (2014). Re: Role of the Oxidative DNA Damage Repair Gene OGG1 in Colorectal Tumorigenesis. Journal of the national cancer institute, .

Di Bernardo, M.C. Broderick, P. Harris, S. Dyer, M.J. Matutes, E. Dearden, C. Catovsky, D. Houlston, R.S. (2013). Risk of developing chronic lymphocytic leukemia is influenced by HLA-A class I variation. Leukemia, Vol.27 (1), pp. 255-258.  full text

Wang, J. Carvajal-Carmona, L.G. Chu, J.-. Zauber, A.G. APC Trial Collaborators, Kubo, M. Matsuda, K. Dunlop, M. Houlston, R.S. Sieber, O. Lipton, L. Gibbs, P. Martin, N.G. Montgomery, G.W. Young, J. Baird, P.N. Ratain, M.J. Nakamura, Y. Weiss, S.T. Tomlinson, I. Bertagnolli, M.M. (2013). Germline variants and advanced colorectal adenomas: adenoma prevention with celecoxib trial genome-wide association study. Clin cancer res, Vol.19 (23), pp. 6430-6437.  show abstract

Enciso-Mora, V. Hosking, F.J. Kinnersley, B. Wang, Y. Shete, S. Zelenika, D. Broderick, P. Idbaih, A. Delattre, J.-. Hoang-Xuan, K. Marie, Y. Di Stefano, A.L. Labussière, M. Dobbins, S. Boisselier, B. Ciccarino, P. Rossetto, M. Armstrong, G. Liu, Y. Gousias, K. Schramm, J. Lau, C. Hepworth, S.J. Strauch, K. Müller-Nurasyid, M. Schreiber, S. Franke, A. Moebus, S. Eisele, L. Forsti, A. Hemminki, K. Tomlinson, I.P. Swerdlow, A. Lathrop, M. Simon, M. Bondy, M. Sanson, M. Houlston, R.S. (2013). Deciphering the 8q24 21 association for glioma. Hum mol genet, Vol.22 (11), pp. 2293-2302.  show abstract

Palles, C. Cazier, J.-. Howarth, K.M. Domingo, E. Jones, A.M. Broderick, P. Kemp, Z. Spain, S.L. Almeida, E.G. Salguero, I. Sherborne, A. Chubb, D. Carvajal-Carmona, L.G. Ma, Y. Kaur, K. Dobbins, S. Barclay, E. Gorman, M. Martin, L. Kovac, M.B. Humphray, S. Lucassen, A. Holmes, C.C. Bentley, D. Donnelly, P. Taylor, J. Petridis, C. Roylance, R. Sawyer, E.J. Kerr, D.J. Clark, S. Grimes, J. Kearsey, S.E. Thomas, H.J. McVean, G. Houlston, R.S. Tomlinson, I. Consortium, C.O. Consortium, W. (2013). Germline mutations affecting the proofreading domains of POLE and POLD1 predispose to colorectal adenomas and carcinomas. Nature genetics, Vol.45 (2), pp. 136-144.

Di Bernardo, M.C. Broderick, P. Catovsky, D. Houlston, R.S. (2013). Common genetic variation contributes significantly to the risk of developing chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Haematologica, Vol.98 (3), pp. e23-e24.

Sadetzki, S. Bruchim, R. Oberman, B. Armstrong, G.N. Lau, C.C. Claus, E.B. Barnholtz-Sloan, J.S. Il'yasova, D. Schildkraut, J. Johansen, C. Houlston, R.S. Shete, S. Amos, C.I. Bernstein, J.L. Olson, S.H. Jenkins, R.B. Lachance, D. Vick, N.A. Merrell, R. Wrensch, M. Davis, F.G. McCarthy, B.J. Lai, R. Melin, B.S. Bondy, M.L. Consortium, G. (2013). Description of selected characteristics of familial glioma patients - Results from the Gliogene Consortium. European journal of cancer, Vol.49 (6), pp. 1335-1345.

Di Stefano, A.L. Enciso-Mora, V. Marie, Y. Desestret, V. Labussire, M. Boisselier, B. Mokhtari, K. Idbaih, A. Hoang-Xuan, K. Delattre, J.-. Houlston, R.S. Sanson, M. (2013). Association between glioma susceptibility loci and tumour pathology defines specific molecular etiologies. Neuro-oncology, Vol.15 (5), pp. 542-547.

Dunlop, M.G. Tenesa, A. Farrington, S.M. Ballereau, S. Brewster, D.H. Koessler, T. Pharoah, P. Schafmayer, C. Hampe, J. Voelzke, H. Chang-Claude, J. Hoffmeister, M. Brenner, H. von Holst, S. Picelli, S. Lindblom, A. Jenkins, M.A. Hopper, J.L. Casey, G. Duggan, D. Newcomb, P.A. Abuli, A. Bessa, X. Ruiz-Ponte, C. Castellvi-Bel, S. Niittymaeki, I. Tuupanen, S. Karhu, A. Aaltonen, L. Zanke, B. Hudson, T. Gallinger, S. Barclay, E. Martin, L. Gorman, M. Carvajal-Carmona, L. Walther, A. Kerr, D. Lubbe, S. Broderick, P. Chandler, I. Pittman, A. Penegar, S. Campbell, H. Tomlinson, I. Houlston, R.S. (2013). Cumulative impact of common genetic variants and other risk factors on colorectal cancer risk in 42 103 individuals. Gut, Vol.62 (6), pp. 871-881.  full text

Migliorini, G. Fiege, B. Hosking, F.J. Ma, Y. Kumar, R. Sherborne, A.L. da Silva Filho, M.I. Vijayakrishnan, J. Koehler, R. Thomsen, H. Irving, J.A. Allan, J.M. Lightfoot, T. Roman, E. Kinsey, S.E. Sheridan, E. Thompson, P. Hoffmann, P. Nöthen, M.M. Mühleisen, T.W. Eisele, L. Zimmermann, M. Bartram, C.R. Schrappe, M. Greaves, M. Stanulla, M. Hemminki, K. Houlston, R.S. (2013). Variation at 10p12 2 and 10p14 influences risk of childhood B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia and phenotype. Blood, Vol.122 (19), pp. 3298-3307.  show abstract

Sava, G.P. Speedy, H.E. Di Bernardo, M.C. Deaglio, S. Karabon, L. Frydecka, I. Woszczyk, D. Rossi, D. Gaidano, G. Mansouri, L. Smedby, K.E. Juliusson, G. Rosenquist, R. Catovsky, D. Houlston, R.S. (2013). rs2072135, a low-penetrance variant for chronic lymphocytic leukaemia?. Br j haematol, Vol.162 (2), pp. 221-228.  show abstract

Dobbins, S.E. Sherborne, A.L. Ma, Y.P. Bardini, M. Biondi, A. Cazzaniga, G. Lloyd, A. Chubb, D. Greaves, M.F. Houlston, R.S. (2013). The silent mutational landscape of infant MLL-AF4 pro-B acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Genes chromosomes cancer, Vol.52 (10), pp. 954-960.  show abstract

Chubb, D. Weinhold, N. Broderick, P. Chen, B. Johnson, D.C. Försti, A. Vijayakrishnan, J. Migliorini, G. Dobbins, S.E. Holroyd, A. Hose, D. Walker, B.A. Davies, F.E. Gregory, W.A. Jackson, G.H. Irving, J.A. Pratt, G. Fegan, C. Fenton, J.A. Neben, K. Hoffmann, P. Nöthen, M.M. Mühleisen, T.W. Eisele, L. Ross, F.M. Straka, C. Einsele, H. Langer, C. Dörner, E. Allan, J.M. Jauch, A. Morgan, G.J. Hemminki, K. Houlston, R.S. Goldschmidt, H. (2013). Common variation at 3q26 2, 6p21 33, 17p11 2 and 22q13 1 influences multiple myeloma risk. Nat genet, Vol.45 (10), pp. 1221-1225.  show abstract  full text

Köhler, A. Chen, B. Gemignani, F. Elisei, R. Romei, C. Figlioli, G. Cipollini, M. Cristaudo, A. Bambi, F. Hoffmann, P. Herms, S. Kalemba, M. Kula, D. Harris, S. Broderick, P. Houlston, R. Pastor, S. Marcos, R. Velázquez, A. Jarzab, B. Hemminki, K. Landi, S. Försti, A. (2013). Genome-wide association study on differentiated thyroid cancer. J clin endocrinol metab, Vol.98 (10), pp. E1674-E1681.  show abstract

Henrion, M. Frampton, M. Scelo, G. Purdue, M. Ye, Y. Broderick, P. Ritchie, A. Kaplan, R. Meade, A. McKay, J. Johansson, M. Lathrop, M. Larkin, J. Rothman, N. Wang, Z. Chow, W.-. Stevens, V.L. Ryan Diver, W. Gapstur, S.M. Albanes, D. Virtamo, J. Wu, X. Brennan, P. Chanock, S. Eisen, T. Houlston, R.S. (2013). Common variation at 2q22 3 (ZEB2) influences the risk of renal cancer. Hum mol genet, Vol.22 (4), pp. 825-831.  show abstract

Whiffin, N. Dobbins, S.E. Hosking, F.J. Palles, C. Tenesa, A. Wang, Y. Farrington, S.M. Jones, A.M. Broderick, P. Campbell, H. Newcomb, P.A. Casey, G. Conti, D.V. Schumacher, F. Gallinger, S. Lindor, N.M. Hopper, J. Jenkins, M. Dunlop, M.G. Tomlinson, I.P. Houlston, R.S. (2013). Deciphering the genetic architecture of low-penetrance susceptibility to colorectal cancer. Hum mol genet, Vol.22 (24), pp. 5075-5082.  show abstract

Morris, E.J. Penegar, S. Whitehouse, L.E. Quirke, P. Finan, P. Bishop, D.T. Wilkinson, J. Houlston, R.S. (2013). A retrospective observational study of the relationship between family history and survival from colorectal cancer. British journal of cancer, Vol.108 (7), pp. 1502-1507.

Ruark, E. Snape, K. Humburg, P. Loveday, C. Bajrami, I. Brough, R. Rodrigues, D.N. Renwick, A. Seal, S. Ramsay, E. Duarte, S.D. Rivas, M.A. Warren-Perry, M. Zachariou, A. Campion-Flora, A. Hanks, S. Murray, A. Ansari Pour, N. Douglas, J. Gregory, L. Rimmer, A. Walker, N.M. Yang, T.-. Adlard, J.W. Barwell, J. Berg, J. Brady, A.F. Brewer, C. Brice, G. Chapman, C. Cook, J. Davidson, R. Donaldson, A. Douglas, F. Eccles, D. Evans, D.G. Greenhalgh, L. Henderson, A. Izatt, L. Kumar, A. Lalloo, F. Miedzybrodzka, Z. Morrison, P.J. Paterson, J. Porteous, M. Rogers, M.T. Shanley, S. Walker, L. Gore, M. Houlston, R. Brown, M.A. Caufield, M.J. Deloukas, P. McCarthy, M.I. Todd, J.A. Breast and Ovarian Cancer Susceptibility Collaboration, Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium, Turnbull, C. Reis-Filho, J.S. Ashworth, A. Antoniou, A.C. Lord, C.J. Donnelly, P. Rahman, N. (2013). Mosaic PPM1D mutations are associated with predisposition to breast and ovarian cancer. Nature, Vol.493 (7432), pp. 406-410.  show abstract

Enciso-Mora, V. Hosking, F.J. Di Stefano, A.L. Zelenika, D. Shete, S. Broderick, P. Idbaih, A. Delattre, J.-. Hoang-Xuan, K. Marie, Y. Labussière, M. Alentorn, A. Ciccarino, P. Rossetto, M. Armstrong, G. Liu, Y. Gousias, K. Schramm, J. Lau, C. Hepworth, S.J. Schoemaker, M. Strauch, K. Müller-Nurasyid, M. Schreiber, S. Franke, A. Moebus, S. Eisele, L. Swerdlow, A. Simon, M. Bondy, M. Lathrop, M. Sanson, M. Houlston, R.S. (2013). Low penetrance susceptibility to glioma is caused by the TP53 variant rs78378222. Br j cancer, Vol.108 (10), pp. 2178-2185.  show abstract

Ma, Y. Dobbins, S.E. Sherborne, A.L. Chubb, D. Galbiati, M. Cazzaniga, G. Micalizzi, C. Tearle, R. Lloyd, A.L. Hain, R. Greaves, M. Houlston, R.S. (2013). Developmental timing of mutations revealed by whole-genome sequencing of twins with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Proc natl acad sci u s a, Vol.110 (18), pp. 7429-7433.  show abstract

Speedy, H.E. Sava, G. Houlston, R.S. (2013). Inherited susceptibility to CLL. Adv exp med biol, Vol.792, pp. 293-308.  show abstract

Frampton, M. da Silva Filho, M.I. Broderick, P. Thomsen, H. Försti, A. Vijayakrishnan, J. Cooke, R. Enciso-Mora, V. Hoffmann, P. Nöthen, M.M. Lloyd, A. Holroyd, A. Eisele, L. Jöckel, K.-. Ponader, S. von Strandmann, E.P. Lightfoot, T. Roman, E. Lake, A. Montgomery, D. Jarrett, R.F. Swerdlow, A.J. Engert, A. Hemminki, K. Houlston, R.S. (2013). Variation at 3p24 1 and 6q23 3 influences the risk of Hodgkin's lymphoma. Nat commun, Vol.4, p. 2549.  show abstract

Lubbe, S.J. Di Bernardo, M.C. Broderick, P. Chandler, I. Houlston, R.S. (2012). Comprehensive evaluation of the impact of 14 genetic variants on colorectal cancer phenotype and risk. Am j epidemiol, Vol.175 (1), pp. 1-10.  show abstract

Lubbe, S.J. Whiffin, N. Chandler, I. Broderick, P. Houlston, R.S. (2012). Relationship between 16 susceptibility loci and colorectal cancer phenotype in 3146 patients. Carcinogenesis, Vol.33 (1), pp. 108-112.  show abstract

Johnson, N. Walker, K. Gibson, L.J. Orr, N. Folkerd, E. Haynes, B. Palles, C. Coupland, B. Schoemaker, M. Jones, M. Broderick, P. Sawyer, E. Kerin, M. Tomlinson, I.P. Zvelebil, M. Chilcott-Burns, S. Tomczyk, K. Simpson, G. Williamson, J. Hillier, S.G. Ross, G. Houlston, R.S. Swerdlow, A. Ashworth, A. Dowsett, M. Peto, J. Dos Santos Silva, I. Fletcher, O. (2012). CYP3A variation, premenopausal estrone levels, and breast cancer risk. J natl cancer inst, Vol.104 (9), pp. 657-669.  show abstract

Shi, J. Chatterjee, N. Rotunno, M. Wang, Y. Pesatori, A.C. Consonni, D. Li, P. Wheeler, W. Broderick, P. Henrion, M. Eisen, T. Wang, Z. Chen, W. Dong, Q. Albanes, D. Thun, M. Spitz, M.R. Bertazzi, P.A. Caporaso, N.E. Chanock, S.J. Amos, C.I. Houlston, R.S. Landi, M.T. (2012). Inherited Variation at Chromosome 12p13 33, Including RAD52, Influences the Risk of Squamous Cell Lung Carcinoma. Cancer discovery, Vol.2 (2), pp. 131-139.

Tomlinson, I.P. Houlston, R.S. Montgomery, G.W. Sieber, O.M. Dunlop, M.G. (2012). Investigation of the effects of DNA repair gene polymorphisms on the risk of colorectal cancer. Mutagenesis, Vol.27 (2), pp. 219-223.  full text

Wibom, C. Sjöström, S. Henriksson, R. Brännström, T. Broholm, H. Rydén, P. Johansen, C. Collatz-Laier, H. Hepworth, S. McKinney, P.A. Bethke, L. Houlston, R.S. Andersson, U. Melin, B.S. (2012). DNA-repair gene variants are associated with glioblastoma survival. Acta oncol, Vol.51 (3), pp. 325-332.  show abstract

Houlston, R.S. members of COGENT, (2012). COGENT (COlorectal cancer GENeTics) revisited. Mutagenesis, Vol.27 (2), pp. 143-151.  show abstract

Kinnersley, B. Migliorini, G. Broderick, P. Whiffin, N. Dobbins, S.E. Casey, G. Hopper, J. Sieber, O. Lipton, L. Kerr, D.J. Dunlop, M.G. Tomlinson, I.P. Houlston, R.S. Colon Cancer Family Registry, (2012). The TERT variant rs2736100 is associated with colorectal cancer risk. Br j cancer, Vol.107 (6), pp. 1001-1008.  show abstract

Morgan, G. Johnsen, H.E. Goldschmidt, H. Palumbo, A. Cavo, M. Sonneveld, P. Miguel, J.S. Chim, C.S. Browne, P. Einsele, H. Waage, A. Turesson, I. Spencer, A. Hajek, R. Ludwig, H. Hemminki, K. Houlston, R. (2012). MyelomA Genetics International Consortium. Leuk lymphoma, Vol.53 (5), pp. 796-800.  show abstract

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Davies, J.L. Cazier, J.-. Dunlop, M.G. Houlston, R.S. Tomlinson, I.P. Holmes, C.C. (2012). A Novel Test for Gene-Ancestry Interactions in Genome-Wide Association Data. Plos one, Vol.7 (12).

Liu, Y. Melin, B.S. Rajaraman, P. Wang, Z. Linet, M. Shete, S. Amos, C.I. Lau, C.C. Scheurer, M.E. Tsavachidis, S. Armstrong, G.N. Houlston, R.S. Hosking, F.J. Claus, E.B. Barnholtz-Sloan, J. Lai, R. Il'yasova, D. Schildkraut, J. Sadetzki, S. Johansen, C. Bernstein, J.L. Olson, S.H. Jenkins, R.B. LaChance, D. Vick, N.A. Wrensch, M. Davis, F. McCarthy, B.J. Andersson, U. Thompson, P.A. Chanock, S. Bondy, M.L. (2012). Insight in glioma susceptibility through an analysis of 6p22 3, 12p13 33-12 1, 17q22-23 2 and 18q23 SNP genotypes in familial and non-familial glioma. Human genetics, Vol.131 (9), pp. 1507-1517.  full text

Gorlova, O. Broderick, P. Field, J. Schwartz, A. Houlston, R. Ying, J. Yu, X. Zhao, Y. Wenzlaff, A. Zhang, R. Oloide, R. Petterson, T. Wang, L. Ruterbush, J. Wang, Y. Zhang, D. Liu, G. Wu, X. Amos, C. Christiani, D. Hung, R. Yang, P. Spitz, M. (2012). GENOME-WIDE ASSOCIATION STUDY OF LUNG CANCER IN NEVER SMOKERS. Journal of thoracic oncology, Vol.7 (9), pp. S169-S169.

Martino, A. Campa, D. Jamroziak, K. Reis, R.M. Sainz, J. Buda, G. García-Sanz, R. Lesueur, F. Marques, H. Moreno, V. Jurado, M. Ríos, R. Szemraj-Rogucka, Z. Szemraj, J. Tjønneland, A. Overvad, K. Vangsted, A.J. Vogel, U. Mikala, G. Kádár, K. Szombath, G. Varkonyi, J. Orciuolo, E. Dumontet, C. Gemignani, F. Rossi, A.M. Landi, S. Petrini, M. Houlston, R.S. Hemminki, K. Canzian, F. (2012). Impact of polymorphic variation at 7p15 3, 3p22 1 and 2p23 3 loci on risk of multiple myeloma. Br j haematol, Vol.158 (6), pp. 805-809.

Enciso-Mora, V. Hosking, F.J. Sheridan, E. Kinsey, S.E. Lightfoot, T. Roman, E. Irving, J.A. Tomlinson, I.P. Allan, J.M. Taylor, M. Greaves, M. Houlston, R.S. (2012). Common genetic variation contributes significantly to the risk of childhood B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Leukemia, Vol.26 (10), pp. 2212-2215.  show abstract

Huang, X. Kushekhar, K. Nolte, I. Kooistra, W. Visser, L. Bouwman, I. Kouprie, N. Veenstra, R. van Imhoff, G. Olver, B. Houlston, R.S. Poppema, S. Diepstra, A. Hepkema, B. van den Berg, A. (2012). HLA Associations in Classical Hodgkin Lymphoma: EBV Status Matters. Plos one, Vol.7 (7).

Sun, X. Vengoechea, J. Elston, R. Chen, Y. Amos, C.I. Armstrong, G. Bernstein, J.L. Claus, E. Davis, F. Houlston, R.S. Il'yasova, D. Jenkins, R.B. Johansen, C. Lai, R. Lau, C.C. Liu, Y. McCarthy, B.J. Olson, S.H. Sadetzki, S. Schildkraut, J. Shete, S. Yu, R. Vick, N.A. Merrell, R. Wrensch, M. Yang, P. Melin, B. Bondy, M.L. Barnholtz-Sloan, J.S. Consortium, G. (2012). A Variable Age of Onset Segregation Model for Linkage Analysis, with Correction for Ascertainment, Applied to Glioma. Cancer epidemiology biomarkers & prevention, Vol.21 (12), pp. 2242-2251.

Rajaraman, P. Melin, B.S. Wang, Z. McKean-Cowdin, R. Michaud, D.S. Wang, S.S. Bondy, M. Houlston, R. Jenkins, R.B. Wrensch, M. Yeager, M. Ahlbom, A. Albanes, D. Andersson, U. Freeman, L.E. Buring, J.E. Butler, M.A. Braganza, M. Carreon, T. Feychting, M. Fleming, S.J. Gapstur, S.M. Gaziano, J.M. Giles, G.G. Hallmans, G. Henriksson, R. Hoffman-Bolton, J. Inskip, P.D. Johansen, C. Kitahara, C.M. Lathrop, M. Liu, C. Le Marchand, L. Linet, M.S. Lonn, S. Peters, U. Purdue, M.P. Rothman, N. Ruder, A.M. Sanson, M. Sesso, H.D. Severi, G. Shu, X.-. Simon, M. Stampfer, M. Stevens, V.L. Visvanathan, K. White, E. Wolk, A. Zeleniuch-Jacquotte, A. Zheng, W. Decker, P. Enciso-Mora, V. Fridley, B. Gao, Y.-. Kosel, M. Lachance, D.H. Lau, C. Rice, T. Swerdlow, A. Wiemels, J.L. Wiencke, J.K. Shete, S. Xiang, Y.-. Xiao, Y. Hoover, R.N. Jr, F.J. Chatterjee, N. Hartge, P. Chanock, S.J. (2012). Genome-wide association study of glioma and meta-analysis. Human genetics, Vol.131 (12), pp. 1877-1888.

Robertson, L. Hanson, H. Seal, S. Warren-Perry, M. Hughes, D. Howell, I. Turnbull, C. Houlston, R. Shanley, S. Butler, S. Evans, D.G. Ross, G. Eccles, D. Tutt, A. Rahman, N. TNT Trial TMG, BCSC (UK), (2012). BRCA1 testing should be offered to individuals with triple-negative breast cancer diagnosed below 50 years. Br j cancer, Vol.106 (6), pp. 1234-1238.  show abstract

Ross, G.M. Johnson, N. Orr, N. Walker, K. Gibson, L. Folkerd, E. Haynes, B. Palles, C. Coupland, B. Shoemaker, M. Jones, M. Broderick, P. Sawyer, E. Kerin, M. Tomlinson, I. Zvelebil, M. Chilcott-Burns, S. Tomczyk, K. Simpson, G. Willianson, J. Hillier, S. Houlston, R. Swerdlow, A. Ashworth, A. Dowsett, M. Peto, J. dos Santos, I. Fletcher, O. (2012). Impact of CYP3A variation on estrone levels and breast cancer risk. Cancer research, Vol.72.

Timofeeva, M.N. Hung, R.J. Rafnar, T. Christiani, D.C. Field, J.K. Bickeboeller, H. Risch, A. McKay, J.D. Wang, Y. Dai, J. Gaborieau, V. McLaughlin, J. Brenner, D. Narod, S.A. Caporaso, N.E. Albanes, D. Thun, M. Eisen, T. Wichmann, H.-. Rosenberger, A. Han, Y. Chen, W. Zhu, D. Spitz, M. Wu, X. Pande, M. Zhao, Y. Zaridze, D. Szeszenia-Dabrowska, N. Lissowska, J. Rudnai, P. Fabianova, E. Mates, D. Bencko, V. Foretova, L. Janout, V. Krokan, H.E. Gabrielsen, M.E. Skorpen, F. Vatten, L. Njolstad, I. Chen, C. Goodman, G. Lathrop, M. Benhamou, S. Vooder, T. Vaelk, K. Nelis, M. Metspalu, A. Raji, O. Chen, Y. Gosney, J. Liloglou, T. Muley, T. Dienemann, H. Thorleifsson, G. Shen, H. Stefansson, K. Brennan, P. Amos, C.I. Houlston, R. Landi, M.T. Team, T.R. (2012). Influence of common genetic variation on lung cancer risk: meta-analysis of 14 900 cases and 29 485 controls. Human molecular genetics, Vol.21 (22), pp. 4980-4995.

Spain, S.L. Carvajal-Carmona, L.G. Howarth, K.M. Jones, A.M. Su, Z. Cazier, J.-. Williams, J. Aaltonen, L.A. Pharoah, P. Kerr, D.J. Cheadle, J. Li, L. Casey, G. Vodicka, P. Sieber, O. Lipton, L. Gibbs, P. Martin, N.G. Montgomery, G.W. Young, J. Baird, P.N. Morreau, H. van Wezel, T. Ruiz-Ponte, C. Fernandez-Rozadilla, C. Carracedo, A. Castells, A. Castellvi-Bel, S. Dunlop, M. Houlston, R.S. Tomlinson, I.P. (2012). Refinement of the associations between risk of colorectal cancer and polymorphisms on chromosomes 1q41 and 12q13 13. Hum mol genet, Vol.21 (4), pp. 934-946.  show abstract

Lubbe, S.J. Pittman, A.M. Olver, B. Lloyd, A. Vijayakrishnan, J. Naranjo, S. Dobbins, S. Broderick, P. Gómez-Skarmeta, J.L. Houlston, R.S. (2012). The 14q22 2 colorectal cancer variant rs4444235 shows cis-acting regulation of BMP4. Oncogene, Vol.31 (33), pp. 3777-3784.  show abstract

Hemminki, K. Houlston, R. Sundquist, J. Sundquist, K. Shu, X. (2012). Co-Morbidity between Early-Onset Leukemia and Type 1 Diabetes - Suggestive of a Shared Viral Etiology?. Plos one, Vol.7 (6).

Ma, Y.P. van Leeuwen, F.E. Cooke, R. Broeks, A. Enciso-Mora, V. Olver, B. Lloyd, A. Broderick, P. Russell, N.S. Janus, C. Ashworth, A. Houlston, R.S. Swerdlow, A.J. (2012). FGFR2 genotype and risk of radiation-associated breast cancer in Hodgkin lymphoma. Blood, Vol.119 (4), pp. 1029-1031.  show abstract

Slager, S.L. Skibola, C.F. Di Bernardo, M.C. Conde, L. Broderick, P. McDonnell, S.K. Goldin, L.R. Croft, N. Holroyd, A. Harris, S. Riby, J. Serie, D.J. Kay, N.E. Call, T.G. Bracci, P.M. Halperin, E. Lanasa, M.C. Cunningham, J.M. Leis, J.F. Morrison, V.A. Spector, L.G. Vachon, C.M. Shanafelt, T.D. Strom, S.S. Camp, N.J. Weinberg, J.B. Matutes, E. Caporaso, N.E. Wade, R. Dyer, M.J. Dearden, C. Cerhan, J.R. Catovsky, D. Houlston, R.S. (2012). Common variation at 6p21 31 (BAK1) influences the risk of chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Blood, Vol.120 (4), pp. 843-846.

Dunlop, M.G. Dobbins, S.E. Farrington, S.M. Jones, A.M. Palles, C. Whiffin, N. Tenesa, A. Spain, S. Broderick, P. Ooi, L.-. Domingo, E. Smillie, C. Henrion, M. Frampton, M. Martin, L. Grimes, G. Gorman, M. Semple, C. Ma, Y.P. Barclay, E. Prendergast, J. Cazier, J.-. Olver, B. Penegar, S. Lubbe, S. Chander, I. Carvajal-Carmona, L.G. Ballereau, S. Lloyd, A. Vijayakrishnan, J. Zgaga, L. Rudan, I. Theodoratou, E. Colorectal Tumour Gene Identification (CORGI) Consortium, Starr, J.M. Deary, I. Kirac, I. Kovacević, D. Aaltonen, L.A. Renkonen-Sinisalo, L. Mecklin, J.-. Matsuda, K. Nakamura, Y. Okada, Y. Gallinger, S. Duggan, D.J. Conti, D. Newcomb, P. Hopper, J. Jenkins, M.A. Schumacher, F. Casey, G. Easton, D. Shah, M. Pharoah, P. Lindblom, A. Liu, T. Swedish Low-Risk Colorectal Cancer Study Group, Smith, C.G. West, H. Cheadle, J.P. COIN Collaborative Group, Midgley, R. Kerr, D.J. Campbell, H. Tomlinson, I.P. Houlston, R.S. (2012). Common variation near CDKN1A, POLD3 and SHROOM2 influences colorectal cancer risk. Nat genet, Vol.44 (7), pp. 770-776.  show abstract  full text

Interleukin-6 Receptor Mendelian Randomisation Analysis (IL6R MR) Consortium, Swerdlow, D.I. Holmes, M.V. Kuchenbaecker, K.B. Engmann, J.E. Shah, T. Sofat, R. Guo, Y. Chung, C. Peasey, A. Pfister, R. Mooijaart, S.P. Ireland, H.A. Leusink, M. Langenberg, C. Li, K.W. Palmen, J. Howard, P. Cooper, J.A. Drenos, F. Hardy, J. Nalls, M.A. Li, Y.R. Lowe, G. Stewart, M. Bielinski, S.J. Peto, J. Timpson, N.J. Gallacher, J. Dunlop, M. Houlston, R. Tomlinson, I. Tzoulaki, I. Luan, J. Boer, J.M. Forouhi, N.G. Onland-Moret, N.C. van der Schouw, Y.T. Schnabel, R.B. Hubacek, J.A. Kubinova, R. Baceviciene, M. Tamosiunas, A. Pajak, A. Topor-Madry, R. Malyutina, S. Baldassarre, D. Sennblad, B. Tremoli, E. de Faire, U. Ferrucci, L. Bandenelli, S. Tanaka, T. Meschia, J.F. Singleton, A. Navis, G. Mateo Leach, I. Bakker, S.J. Gansevoort, R.T. Ford, I. Epstein, S.E. Burnett, M.S. Devaney, J.M. Jukema, J.W. Westendorp, R.G. Jan de Borst, G. van der Graaf, Y. de Jong, P.A. Mailand-van der Zee, A.-. Klungel, O.H. de Boer, A. Doevendans, P.A. Stephens, J.W. Eaton, C.B. Robinson, J.G. Manson, J.E. Fowkes, F.G. Frayling, T.M. Price, J.F. Whincup, P.H. Morris, R.W. Lawlor, D.A. Smith, G.D. Ben-Shlomo, Y. Redline, S. Lange, L.A. Kumari, M. Wareham, N.J. Verschuren, W.M. Benjamin, E.J. Whittaker, J.C. Hamsten, A. Dudbridge, F. Delaney, J.A. Wong, A. Kuh, D. Hardy, R. Castillo, B.A. Connolly, J.J. van der Harst, P. Brunner, E.J. Marmot, M.G. Wassel, C.L. Humphries, S.E. Talmud, P.J. Kivimaki, M. Asselbergs, F.W. Voevoda, M. Bobak, M. Pikhart, H. Wilson, J.G. Hakonarson, H. Reiner, A.P. Keating, B.J. Sattar, N. Hingorani, A.D. Casas, J.P. (2012). The interleukin-6 receptor as a target for prevention of coronary heart disease: a mendelian randomisation analysis. Lancet, Vol.379 (9822), pp. 1214-1224.  show abstract

Frampton, M. Houlston, R. (2012). Generation of artificial FASTQ files to evaluate the performance of next-generation sequencing pipelines. Plos one, Vol.7 (11), p. e49110.  show abstract

Orr, N. Lemnrau, A. Cooke, R. Fletcher, O. Tomczyk, K. Jones, M. Johnson, N. Lord, C.J. Mitsopoulos, C. Zvelebil, M. McDade, S.S. Buck, G. Blancher, C. Consortium, K.C. Trainer, A.H. James, P.A. Bojesen, S.E. Bokmand, S. Nevanlinna, H. Mattson, J. Friedman, E. Laitman, Y. Palli, D. Masala, G. Zanna, I. Ottini, L. Giannini, G. Hollestelle, A. Ouweland, A.M. Novakovic, S. Krajc, M. Gago-Dominguez, M. Castelao, J.E. Olsson, H. Hedenfalk, I. Easton, D.F. Pharoah, P.D. Dunning, A.M. Bishop, D.T. Neuhausen, S.L. Steele, L. Houlston, R.S. Garcia-Closas, M. Ashworth, A. Swerdlow, A.J. (2012). Genome-wide association study identifies a common variant in RAD51B associated with male breast cancer risk. Nat genet, Vol.44, pp. 1182-1184.  show abstract

Dobbins, S.E. Hosking, F.J. Shete, S. Armstrong, G. Swerdlow, A. Liu, Y. Yu, R. Lau, C. Schoemaker, M.J. Hepworth, S.J. Muir, K. Bondy, M. Houlston, R.S. (2011). Allergy and glioma risk: test of association by genotype. Int j cancer, Vol.128 (7), pp. 1736-1740.  show abstract  full text

Lubbe, S.J. Pittman, A.M. Matijssen, C. Twiss, P. Olver, B. Lloyd, A. Qureshi, M. Brown, N. Nye, E. Stamp, G. Blagg, J. Houlston, R.S. (2011). Evaluation of germline BMP4 mutation as a cause of colorectal cancer. Hum mutat, Vol.32 (1), pp. E1928-E1938.  show abstract

Fletcher, O. Johnson, N. Orr, N. Hosking, F.J. Gibson, L.J. Walker, K. Zelenika, D. Gut, I. Heath, S. Palles, C. Coupland, B. Broderick, P. Schoemaker, M. Jones, M. Williamson, J. Chilcott-Burns, S. Tomczyk, K. Simpson, G. Jacobs, K.B. Chanock, S.J. Hunter, D.J. Tomlinson, I.P. Swerdlow, A. Ashworth, A. Ross, G. dos Santos Silva, I. Lathrop, M. Houlston, R.S. Peto, J. (2011). Novel breast cancer susceptibility locus at 9q31 2: results of a genome-wide association study. J natl cancer inst, Vol.103 (5), pp. 425-435.  show abstract

Zhao, D.-. Chandler, I. Chen, Z.-. Pan, H.-. Popat, S. Shao, Y.-. Houlston, R.S. (2011). Mismatch repair, minichromosome maintenance complex component 2, cyclin A, and transforming growth factor β receptor type II as prognostic factors for colorectal cancer: results of a 10-year prospective study using tissue microarray analysis. Chin med j (engl), Vol.124 (4), pp. 483-490.  show abstract

Hemminki, K. Foersti, A. Houlston, R. Bermejo, J.L. (2011). Searching for the Missing Heritability of Complex Diseases. Human mutation, Vol.32 (2), pp. 259-262.

Hosking, F.J. Leslie, S. Dilthey, A. Moutsianas, L. Wang, Y. Dobbins, S.E. Papaemmanuil, E. Sheridan, E. Kinsey, S.E. Lightfoot, T. Roman, E. Irving, J.A. Allan, J.M. Taylor, M. Greaves, M. McVean, G. Houlston, R.S. (2011). MHC variation and risk of childhood B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Blood, Vol.117 (5), pp. 1633-1640.  show abstract

Yu, H. Zhao, H. Wang, L.-. Han, Y. Chen, W.V. Amos, C.I. Rafnar, T. Sulem, P. Stefansson, K. Landi, M.T. Caporaso, N. Albanes, D. Thun, M. McKay, J.D. Brennan, P. Wang, Y. Houlston, R.S. Spitz, M.R. Wei, Q. (2011). An analysis of single nucleotide polymorphisms of 125 DNA repair genes in the Texas genome-wide association study of lung cancer with a replication for the XRCC4 SNPs. Dna repair (amst), Vol.10 (4), pp. 398-407.  show abstract

Wei, S. Niu, J. Zhao, H. Liu, Z. Wang, L.-. Han, Y. Chen, W.V. Amos, C.I. Rafnar, T. Sulem, P. Stefansson, K. Landi, M.T. Caporaso, N.E. Albanes, D. Thun, M.J. McKay, J.D. Brennan, P. Wang, Y. Houlston, R.S. Spitz, M.R. Wei, Q. (2011). Association of a novel functional promoter variant (rs2075533 C>T) in the apoptosis gene TNFSF8 with risk of lung cancer--a finding from Texas lung cancer genome-wide association study. Carcinogenesis, Vol.32 (4), pp. 507-515.  show abstract

Slade, I. Bacchelli, C. Davies, H. Murray, A. Abbaszadeh, F. Hanks, S. Barfoot, R. Burke, A. Chisholm, J. Hewitt, M. Jenkinson, H. King, D. Morland, B. Pizer, B. Prescott, K. Saggar, A. Side, L. Traunecker, H. Vaidya, S. Ward, P. Futreal, P.A. Vujanic, G. Nicholson, A.G. Sebire, N. Turnbull, C. Priest, J.R. Pritchard-Jones, K. Houlston, R. Stiller, C. Stratton, M.R. Douglas, J. Rahman, N. (2011). DICER1 syndrome: clarifying the diagnosis, clinical features and management implications of a pleiotropic tumour predisposition syndrome. J med genet, Vol.48 (4), pp. 273-278.  show abstract

Rio Frio, T. Bahubeshi, A. Kanellopoulou, C. Hamel, N. Niedziela, M. Sabbaghian, N. Pouchet, C. Gilbert, L. O'Brien, P.K. Serfas, K. Broderick, P. Houlston, R.S. Lesueur, F. Bonora, E. Muljo, S. Schimke, R.N. Bouron-Dal Soglio, D. Arseneau, J. Schultz, K.A. Priest, J.R. Nguyen, V.-. Harach, H.R. Livingston, D.M. Foulkes, W.D. Tischkowitz, M. (2011). DICER1 mutations in familial multinodular goiter with and without ovarian Sertoli-Leydig cell tumors. Jama, Vol.305 (1), pp. 68-77.  show abstract

Tomlinson, I.P. Carvajal-Carmona, L.G. Dobbins, S.E. Tenesa, A. Jones, A.M. Howarth, K. Palles, C. Broderick, P. Jaeger, E.E. Farrington, S. Lewis, A. Prendergast, J.G. Pittman, A.M. Theodoratou, E. Olver, B. Walker, M. Penegar, S. Barclay, E. Whiffin, N. Martin, L. Ballereau, S. Lloyd, A. Gorman, M. Lubbe, S. COGENT Consortium, CORGI Collaborators, EPICOLON Consortium, Howie, B. Marchini, J. Ruiz-Ponte, C. Fernandez-Rozadilla, C. Castells, A. Carracedo, A. Castellvi-Bel, S. Duggan, D. Conti, D. Cazier, J.-. Campbell, H. Sieber, O. Lipton, L. Gibbs, P. Martin, N.G. Montgomery, G.W. Young, J. Baird, P.N. Gallinger, S. Newcomb, P. Hopper, J. Jenkins, M.A. Aaltonen, L.A. Kerr, D.J. Cheadle, J. Pharoah, P. Casey, G. Houlston, R.S. Dunlop, M.G. (2011). Multiple common susceptibility variants near BMP pathway loci GREM1, BMP4, and BMP2 explain part of the missing heritability of colorectal cancer. Plos genet, Vol.7 (6), p. e1002105.  show abstract

Abulí, A. Fernández-Rozadilla, C. Giráldez, M.D. Muñoz, J. Gonzalo, V. Bessa, X. Bujanda, L. Reñé, J.M. Lanas, A. García, A.M. Saló, J. Argüello, L. Vilella, A. Carreño, R. Jover, R. Xicola, R.M. Llor, X. Carvajal-Carmona, L. Tomlinson, I.P. Kerr, D.J. Houlston, R.S. Piqué, J.M. Carracedo, A. Castells, A. Andreu, M. Ruiz-Ponte, C. Castellví-Bel, S. Gastrointestinal Oncology Group of the Spanish Gastroenterological Association, (2011). A two-phase case-control study for colorectal cancer genetic susceptibility: candidate genes from chromosomal regions 9q22 and 3q22. Br j cancer, Vol.105 (6), pp. 870-875.  show abstract

Crowther-Swanepoel, D. Di Bernardo, M.C. Jamroziak, K. Karabon, L. Frydecka, I. Deaglio, S. D'Arena, G. Rossi, D. Gaidano, G. Olver, B. Lloyd, A. Broderick, P. Laurenti, L. Szemraj-Rogucka, Z. Robak, T. Catovsky, D. Houlston, R.S. (2011). Common genetic variation at 15q25 2 impacts on chronic lymphocytic leukaemia risk. Br j haematol, Vol.154 (2), pp. 229-233.  show abstract

Wang, Y. Broderick, P. Matakidou, A. Vijayakrishnan, J. Eisen, T. Houlston, R.S. (2011). Variation in TP63 is associated with lung adenocarcinoma in the UK population. Cancer epidemiol biomarkers prev, Vol.20 (7), pp. 1453-1462.  show abstract

Sherborne, A.L. Hemminki, K. Kumar, R. Bartram, C.R. Stanulla, M. Schrappe, M. Petridou, E. Semsei, A.F. Szalai, C. Sinnett, D. Krajinovic, M. Healy, J. Lanciotti, M. Dufour, C. Indaco, S. El-Ghouroury, E.A. Sawangpanich, R. Hongeng, S. Pakakasama, S. Gonzalez-Neira, A. Ugarte, E.L. Leal, V.P. Espinoza, J.P. Kamel, A.M. Ebid, G.T. Radwan, E.R. Yalin, S. Yalin, E. Berkoz, M. Simpson, J. Roman, E. Lightfoot, T. Hosking, F.J. Vijayakrishnan, J. Greaves, M. Houlston, R.S. (2011). Rationale for an international consortium to study inherited genetic susceptibility to childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Haematologica, Vol.96 (7), pp. 1049-1054.  show abstract

Whiffin, N. Broderick, P. Lubbe, S.J. Pittman, A.M. Penegar, S. Chandler, I. Houlston, R.S. (2011). MLH1-93G > A is a risk factor for MSI colorectal cancer. Carcinogenesis, Vol.32 (8), pp. 1157-1161.  show abstract

Amirian, E.S. Scheurer, M.E. Liu, Y. D'Amelio, A.M. Houlston, R.S. Etzel, C.J. Shete, S. Swerdlow, A.J. Schoemaker, M.J. McKinney, P.A. Fleming, S.J. Muir, K.R. Lophatananon, A. Bondy, M.L. (2011). A novel approach to exploring potential interactions among single-nucleotide polymorphisms of inflammation genes in gliomagenesis: an exploratory case-only study. Cancer epidemiol biomarkers prev, Vol.20 (8), pp. 1683-1689.  show abstract

Orr, N. Cooke, R. Jones, M. Fletcher, O. Dudbridge, F. Chilcott-Burns, S. Tomczyk, K. Broderick, P. Houlston, R. Ashworth, A. Swerdlow, A. (2011). Genetic variants at chromosomes 2q35, 5p12, 6q25 1, 10q26 13, and 16q12 1 influence the risk of breast cancer in men. Plos genet, Vol.7 (9), p. e1002290.  show abstract

Wade, R. Di Bernardo, M.C. Richards, S. Rossi, D. Crowther-Swanepoel, D. Gaidano, G. Oscier, D.G. Catovsky, D. Houlston, R.S. (2011). Association between single nucleotide polymorphism-genotype and outcome of patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia in a randomized chemotherapy trial. Haematologica, Vol.96 (10), pp. 1496-1503.  show abstract

Huang, X. Kushekhar, K. Nolte, I. Kooistra, W. Visser, L. Bouwman, I. Kouprie, N. Veenstra, R. van Imhoff, G. Olver, B. Houlston, R.S. Poppema, S. Diepstra, A. Hepkema, B. van den Berg, A. (2011). Multiple HLA class I and II associations in classical Hodgkin lymphoma and EBV status defined subgroups. Blood, Vol.118 (19), pp. 5211-5217.  show abstract

Landi, M.T. Chatterjee, N. Yu, K. Goldin, L.R. Goldstein, A.M. Rotunno, M. Mirabello, L. Jacobs, K. Wheeler, W. Yeager, M. Bergen, A.W. Li, Q. Consonni, D. Pesatori, A.C. Wacholder, S. Thun, M. Diver, R. Oken, M. Virtamo, J. Albanes, D. Wang, Z. Burdette, L. Doheny, K.F. Pugh, E.W. Laurie, C. Brennan, P. Hung, R. Gaborieau, V. McKay, J.D. Lathrop, M. McLaughlin, J. Wang, Y. Tsao, M.-. Spitz, M.R. Wang, Y. Krokan, H. Vatten, L. Skorpen, F. Arnesen, E. Benhamou, S. Bouchard, C. Metspalu, A. Vooder, T. Nelis, M. Välk, K. Field, J.K. Chen, C. Goodman, G. Sulem, P. Thorleifsson, G. Rafnar, T. Eisen, T. Sauter, W. Rosenberger, A. Bickeböller, H. Risch, A. Chang-Claude, J. Wichmann, H.E. Stefansson, K. Houlston, R. Amos, C.I. Fraumeni, J.F. Savage, S.A. Bertazzi, P.A. Tucker, M.A. Chanock, S. Caporaso, N.E. (2011). A Genome-wide Association Study of Lung Cancer Identifies a Region of Chromosome 5p15 Associated with Risk for Adenocarcinoma. Am j hum genet, Vol.88 (6), p. 861.

Pastorczak, A. Górniak, P. Sherborne, A. Hosking, F. Trelińska, J. Lejman, M. Szczepański, T. Borowiec, M. Fendler, W. Kowalczyk, J. Houlston, R.S. Młynarski, W. (2011). Role of 657del5 NBN mutation and 7p12 2 (IKZF1), 9p21 (CDKN2A), 10q21 2 (ARID5B) and 14q11 2 (CEBPE) variation and risk of childhood ALL in the Polish population. Leuk res, Vol.35 (11), pp. 1534-1536.  show abstract

Berntsson, S.G. Wibom, C. Sjostrom, S. Henriksson, R. Brannstrom, T. Broholm, H. Johansson, C. Fleming, S.J. McKinney, P.A. Bethke, L. Houlston, R. Smits, A. Andersson, U. Melin, B.S. (2011). Analysis of DNA repair gene polymorphisms and survival in low-grade and anaplastic gliomas. Journal of neuro-oncology, Vol.105 (3), pp. 531-538.

Niittymäki, I. Tuupanen, S. Li, Y. Järvinen, H. Mecklin, J.-. Tomlinson, I.P. Houlston, R.S. Karhu, A. Aaltonen, L.A. (2011). Systematic search for enhancer elements and somatic allelic imbalance at seven low-penetrance colorectal cancer predisposition loci. Bmc med genet, Vol.12, p. 23.  show abstract

Hosking, F.J. Feldman, D. Bruchim, R. Olver, B. Lloyd, A. Vijayakrishnan, J. Flint-Richter, P. Broderick, P. Houlston, R.S. Sadetzki, S. (2011). Search for inherited susceptibility to radiation-associated meningioma by genomewide SNP linkage disequilibrium mapping. Br j cancer, Vol.104 (6), pp. 1049-1054.  show abstract

Sanson, M. Hosking, F.J. Shete, S. Zelenika, D. Dobbins, S.E. Ma, Y. Enciso-Mora, V. Idbaih, A. Delattre, J.-. Hoang-Xuan, K. Marie, Y. Boisselier, B. Carpentier, C. Wang, X.-. Di Stefano, A.L. Labussière, M. Gousias, K. Schramm, J. Boland, A. Lechner, D. Gut, I. Armstrong, G. Liu, Y. Yu, R. Lau, C. Di Bernardo, M.C. Robertson, L.B. Muir, K. Hepworth, S. Swerdlow, A. Schoemaker, M.J. Wichmann, H.-. Müller, M. Schreiber, S. Franke, A. Moebus, S. Eisele, L. Försti, A. Hemminki, K. Lathrop, M. Bondy, M. Houlston, R.S. Simon, M. (2011). Chromosome 7p11 2 (EGFR) variation influences glioma risk. Hum mol genet, Vol.20 (14), pp. 2897-2904.  show abstract

Yu, H. Zhao, H. Wang, L.-. Han, Y. Wei, C.V. Amos, C.I. Rafnar, T. Sulem, P. Stefansson, K. Landi, M.T. Caporaso, N. Albanes, D. Thun, M. McKay, J.D. Brennan, P. Wang, Y. Houlston, R.S. Spitz, M.R. Wei, Q. (2011). An analysis of single nucleotide polymorphisms of 125 DNA repair genes in the Texas genome-wide association study of lung cancer with a replication for the XRCC4 SNPs. Cancer research, Vol.71.

Shete, S. Lau, C.C. Houlston, R.S. Claus, E.B. Barnholtz-Sloan, J. Lai, R. Il'yasova, D. Schildkraut, J. Sadetzki, S. Johansen, C. Bernstein, J.L. Olson, S.H. Jenkins, R.B. Yang, P. Vick, N.A. Wrensch, M. Davis, F.G. McCarthy, B.J. Leung, E.H. Davis, C. Cheng, R. Hosking, F.J. Armstrong, G.N. Liu, Y. Yu, R.K. Henriksson, R. Gliogene Consortium, Melin, B.S. Bondy, M.L. (2011). Genome-wide high-density SNP linkage search for glioma susceptibility loci: results from the Gliogene Consortium. Cancer res, Vol.71 (24), pp. 7568-7575.  show abstract

Carvajal-Carmona, L.G. Cazier, J.-. Jones, A.M. Howarth, K. Broderick, P. Pittman, A. Dobbins, S. Tenesa, A. Farrington, S. Prendergast, J. Theodoratou, E. Barnetson, R. Conti, D. Newcomb, P. Hopper, J.L. Jenkins, M.A. Gallinger, S. Duggan, D.J. Campbell, H. Kerr, D. Casey, G. Houlston, R. Dunlop, M. Tomlinson, I. (2011). Fine-mapping of colorectal cancer susceptibility loci at 8q23 3, 16q22 1 and 19q13 11: refinement of association signals and use of in silico analysis to suggest functional variation and unexpected candidate target genes. Human molecular genetics, Vol.20 (14), pp. 2879-2888.

Ho, J.W. Choi, S.-. Lee, Y.-. Hui, T.C. Cherny, S.S. Garcia-Barceló, M.-. Carvajal-Carmona, L. Liu, R. To, S.-. Yau, T.-. Chung, C.C. Yau, C.C. Hui, S.M. Lau, P.Y. Yuen, C.-. Wong, Y.-. Ho, S. Fung, S.S. Tomlinson, I.P. Houlston, R.S. Cheng, K.K. Sham, P.C. (2011). Replication study of SNP associations for colorectal cancer in Hong Kong Chinese. Br j cancer, Vol.104 (2), pp. 369-375.  show abstract

Moutsianas, L. Enciso-Mora, V. Ma, Y.P. Leslie, S. Dilthey, A. Broderick, P. Sherborne, A. Cooke, R. Ashworth, A. Swerdlow, A.J. McVean, G. Houlston, R.S. (2011). Multiple Hodgkin lymphoma-associated loci within the HLA region at chromosome 6p21 3. Blood, Vol.118 (3), pp. 670-674.  show abstract

Saarinen, S. Aavikko, M. Aittomäki, K. Launonen, V. Lehtonen, R. Franssila, K. Lehtonen, H.J. Kaasinen, E. Broderick, P. Tarkkanen, J. Bain, B.J. Bauduer, F. Ünal, A. Swerdlow, A.J. Cooke, R. Mäkinen, M.J. Houlston, R. Vahteristo, P. Aaltonen, L.A. (2011). Exome sequencing reveals germline NPAT mutation as a candidate risk factor for Hodgkin lymphoma. Blood, Vol.118 (3), pp. 493-498.  show abstract

Wang, Y. Broderick, P. Matakidou, A. Eisen, T. Houlston, R.S. (2011). Chromosome 15q25 (CHRNA3-CHRNA5) variation impacts indirectly on lung cancer risk. Plos one, Vol.6 (4), p. e19085.  show abstract

Dobbins, S.E. Broderick, P. Melin, B. Feychting, M. Johansen, C. Andersson, U. Brännström, T. Schramm, J. Olver, B. Lloyd, A. Ma, Y.P. Hosking, F.J. Lönn, S. Ahlbom, A. Henriksson, R. Schoemaker, M.J. Hepworth, S.J. Hoffmann, P. Mühleisen, T.W. Nöthen, M.M. Moebus, S. Eisele, L. Kosteljanetz, M. Muir, K. Swerdlow, A. Simon, M. Houlston, R.S. (2011). Common variation at 10p12 31 near MLLT10 influences meningioma risk. Nat genet, Vol.43 (9), pp. 825-827.  show abstract  full text

Hosking, F.J. Dobbins, S.E. Houlston, R.S. (2011). Genome-wide association studies for detecting cancer susceptibility. Br med bull, Vol.97, pp. 27-46.  show abstract

Huang, Z. Wang, J. Wu, C.-. Houlston, R.S. Bondy, M.L. Shete, S. (2011). False-negative-rate based approach selecting top single-nucleotide polymorphisms in the first stage of a two-stage genome-wide association study. Statistics and its interface, Vol.4 (3), pp. 359-371.

Broderick, P. Chubb, D. Johnson, D.C. Weinhold, N. Försti, A. Lloyd, A. Olver, B. Ma, Y. Dobbins, S.E. Walker, B.A. Davies, F.E. Gregory, W.A. Childs, J.A. Ross, F.M. Jackson, G.H. Neben, K. Jauch, A. Hoffmann, P. Mühleisen, T.W. Nöthen, M.M. Moebus, S. Tomlinson, I.P. Goldschmidt, H. Hemminki, K. Morgan, G.J. Houlston, R.S. (2011). Common variation at 2p23 3 and 7p15 3 influences multiple myeloma risk. Nature genetics, Vol.Accepted for publication.  full text

Crowther-Swanepoel, D. Broderick, P. Ma, Y. Robertson, L. Pittman, A.M. Price, A. Twiss, P. Vijayakrishnan, J. Qureshi, M. Dyer, M.J. Matutes, E. Dearden, C. Catovsky, D. Houlston, R.S. (2010). Fine-scale mapping of the 6p25 3 chronic lymphocytic leukaemia susceptibility locus. Hum mol genet, Vol.19 (9), pp. 1840-1845.  show abstract

Schoemaker, M.J. Robertson, L. Wigertz, A. Jones, M.E. Hosking, F.J. Feychting, M. Lönn, S. McKinney, P.A. Hepworth, S.J. Muir, K.R. Auvinen, A. Salminen, T. Kiuru, A. Johansen, C. Houlston, R.S. Swerdlow, A.J. (2010). Interaction between 5 genetic variants and allergy in glioma risk. Am j epidemiol, Vol.171 (11), pp. 1165-1173.  show abstract

Simon, M. Hosking, F.J. Marie, Y. Gousias, K. Boisselier, B. Carpentier, C. Schramm, J. Mokhtari, K. Hoang-Xuan, K. Idbaih, A. Delattre, J.-. Lathrop, M. Robertson, L.B. Houlston, R.S. Sanson, M. (2010). Genetic risk profiles identify different molecular etiologies for glioma. Clin cancer res, Vol.16 (21), pp. 5252-5259.  show abstract

Broderick, P. Cunningham, D. Vijayakrishnan, J. Cooke, R. Ashworth, A. Swerdlow, A. Houlston, R. (2010). IRF4 polymorphism rs872071 and risk of Hodgkin lymphoma. British journal of haematology, Vol.148 (3), pp. 413-3.

Wang, Y. Broderick, P. Matakidou, A. Eisen, T. Houlston, R.S. (2010). Role of 5p15 33 (TERT-CLPTM1L), 6p21 33 and 15q25 1 (CHRNA5-CHRNA3) variation and lung cancer risk in never-smokers. Carcinogenesis, Vol.31 (2), pp. 234-238.  show abstract

Crowther-Swanepoel, D. Broderick, P. Di Bernardo, M.C. Dobbins, S.E. Torres, M. Mansouri, M. Ruiz-Ponte, C. Enjuanes, A. Rosenquist, R. Carracedo, A. Jurlander, J. Campo, E. Juliusson, G. Montserrat, E. Smedby, K.E. Dyer, M.J. Matutes, E. Dearden, C. Sunter, N.J. Hall, A.G. Mainou-Fowler, T. Jackson, G.H. Summerfield, G. Harris, R.J. Pettitt, A.R. Allsup, D.J. Bailey, J.R. Pratt, G. Pepper, C. Fegan, C. Parker, A. Oscier, D. Allan, J.M. Catovsky, D. Houlston, R.S. (2010). Common variants at 2q37 3, 8q24 21, 15q21 3 and 16q24 1 influence chronic lymphocytic leukemia risk. Nat genet, Vol.42 (2), pp. 132-136.  show abstract  full text

Liu, Y. Shete, S. Hosking, F.J. Robertson, L.B. Bondy, M.L. Houlston, R.S. (2010). New insights into susceptibility to glioma. Arch neurol, Vol.67 (3), pp. 275-278.  show abstract

Hosking, F.J. Papaemmanuil, E. Sheridan, E. Kinsey, S.E. Lightfoot, T. Roman, E. Irving, J.A. Allan, J.M. Taylor, M. Tomlinson, I.P. Greaves, M. Houlston, R.S. (2010). Genome-wide homozygosity signatures and childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia risk. Blood, Vol.115 (22), pp. 4472-4477.  show abstract

Prasad, R.B. Hosking, F.J. Vijayakrishnan, J. Papaemmanuil, E. Koehler, R. Greaves, M. Sheridan, E. Gast, A. Kinsey, S.E. Lightfoot, T. Roman, E. Taylor, M. Pritchard-Jones, K. Stanulla, M. Schrappe, M. Bartram, C.R. Houlston, R.S. Kumar, R. Hemminki, K. (2010). Verification of the susceptibility loci on 7p12 2, 10q21 2, and 14q11 2 in precursor B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia of childhood. Blood, Vol.115 (9), pp. 1765-1767.  show abstract

Allan, J.M. Sunter, N.J. Bailey, J.R. Pettitt, A.R. Harris, R.J. Pepper, C. Fegan, C. Hall, A.G. Deignan, L. Bacon, C.M. Pointon, J.C. Houlston, R.S. Broderick, P. Mainou-Fowler, T. Jackson, G.H. Summerfield, G. Evans, P.A. Strefford, J.C. Parker, A. Oscier, D. Pratt, G. Allsup, D.J. (2010). Variant IRF4/MUM1 associates with CD38 status and treatment-free survival in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia. Leukemia, Vol.24 (4), pp. 877-881.

White, S.M. Morgan, A. Da Costa, A. Lacombe, D. Knight, S.J. Houlston, R. Whiteford, M.L. Newbury-Ecob, R.A. Hurst, J.A. (2010). The Phenotype of Floating-Harbor Syndrome in 10 Patients. American journal of medical genetics part a, Vol.152A (4), pp. 821-829.

Fletcher, O. Houlston, R.S. (2010). Architecture of inherited susceptibility to common cancer. Nat rev cancer, Vol.10 (5), pp. 353-361.  show abstract

Houlston, R.S. (2010). Low-penetrance susceptibility to hematological malignancy. Curr opin genet dev, Vol.20 (3), pp. 245-250.  show abstract

Sherborne, A.L. Hosking, F.J. Prasad, R.B. Kumar, R. Koehler, R. Vijayakrishnan, J. Papaemmanuil, E. Bartram, C.R. Stanulla, M. Schrappe, M. Gast, A. Dobbins, S.E. Ma, Y. Sheridan, E. Taylor, M. Kinsey, S.E. Lightfoot, T. Roman, E. Irving, J.A. Allan, J.M. Moorman, A.V. Harrison, C.J. Tomlinson, I.P. Richards, S. Zimmermann, M. Szalai, C. Semsei, A.F. Erdelyi, D.J. Krajinovic, M. Sinnett, D. Healy, J. Gonzalez Neira, A. Kawamata, N. Ogawa, S. Koeffler, H.P. Hemminki, K. Greaves, M. Houlston, R.S. (2010). Variation in CDKN2A at 9p21 3 influences childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia risk. Nat genet, Vol.42 (6), pp. 492-494.  show abstract

Niittymäki, I. Kaasinen, E. Tuupanen, S. Karhu, A. Järvinen, H. Mecklin, J.-. Tomlinson, I.P. Di Bernardo, M.C. Houlston, R.S. Aaltonen, L.A. (2010). Low-penetrance susceptibility variants in familial colorectal cancer. Cancer epidemiol biomarkers prev, Vol.19 (6), pp. 1478-1483.  show abstract

Turnbull, C. Ahmed, S. Morrison, J. Pernet, D. Renwick, A. Maranian, M. Seal, S. Ghoussaini, M. Hines, S. Healey, C.S. Hughes, D. Warren-Perry, M. Tapper, W. Eccles, D. Evans, D.G. Breast Cancer Susceptibility Collaboration (UK), Hooning, M. Schutte, M. van den Ouweland, A. Houlston, R. Ross, G. Langford, C. Pharoah, P.D. Stratton, M.R. Dunning, A.M. Rahman, N. Easton, D.F. (2010). Genome-wide association study identifies five new breast cancer susceptibility loci. Nat genet, Vol.42 (6), pp. 504-507.  show abstract

Liu, Y. Shete, S. Hosking, F. Robertson, L. Houlston, R. Bondy, M. (2010). Genetic advances in glioma: susceptibility genes and networks. Current opinion in genetics & development, Vol.20 (3), pp. 239-244.

Middeldorp, A. Jagmohan-Changur, S.C. van der Klift, H.M. van Puijenbroek, M. Houwing-Duistermaat, J.J. Webb, E. Houlston, R. Tops, C. Vasen, H.F. Devilee, P. Morreau, H. van Wezel, T. Wijnen, J. (2010). Comprehensive Genetic Analysis of Seven Large Families with Mismatch Repair Proficient Colorectal Cancer. Genes chromosomes & cancer, Vol.49 (6), pp. 539-548.

Vahteristo, P. Koski, T.A. Naatsaari, L. Kiuru, M. Karhu, A. Herva, R. Sallinen, S.-. Vierimaa, O. Bjorck, E. Richard, S. Gardie, B. Bessis, D. Van Glabeke, E. Blanco, I. Houlston, R. Senter, L. Hietala, M. Aittomaki, K. Aaltonen, L.A. Launonen, V. Lehtonen, R. (2010). No evidence for a genetic modifier for renal cell cancer risk in HLRCC syndrome. Familial cancer, Vol.9 (2), pp. 245-251.

Bancroft, E.K. Locke, I. Ardern-Jones, A. D'Mello, L. McReynolds, K. Lennard, F. Barbachano, Y. Barwell, J. Walker, L. Mitchell, G. Dorkins, H. Cummings, C. Paterson, J. Kote-Jarai, Z. Mitra, A. Jhavar, S. Thomas, S. Houlston, R. Shanley, S. Eeles, R.A. (2010). The carrier clinic: an evaluation of a novel clinic dedicated to the follow-up of BRCA1 and BRCA2 carriers--implications for oncogenetics practice. J med genet, Vol.47 (7), pp. 486-491.  show abstract

Theodoratou, E. Campbell, H. Tenesa, A. Houlston, R. Webb, E. Lubbe, S. Broderick, P. Gallinger, S. Croitoru, E.M. Jenkins, M.A. Win, A.K. Cleary, S.P. Koessler, T. Pharoah, P.D. Kuery, S. Bezieau, S. Buecher, B. Ellis, N.A. Peterlongo, P. Offit, K. Aaltonen, L.A. Enholm, S. Lindblom, A. Zhou, X.-. Tomlinson, I.P. Moreno, V. Blanco, I. Capella, G. Barnetson, R. Porteous, M.E. Dunlop, M.G. Farrington, S.M. (2010). A large-scale meta-analysis to refine colorectal cancer risk estimates associated with MUTYH variants. British journal of cancer, Vol.103 (12), pp. 1875-1884.

Enciso-Mora, V. Hosking, F.J. Houlston, R.S. (2010). Risk of breast and prostate cancer is not associated with increased homozygosity in outbred populations. Eur j hum genet, Vol.18 (8), pp. 909-914.  show abstract

Vijayakrishnan, J. Houlston, R.S. (2010). Candidate gene association studies and risk of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Haematologica, Vol.95 (8), pp. 1405-1414.  show abstract

Crowther-Swanepoel, D. Mansouri, M. Enjuanes, A. Vega, A. Smedby, K.E. Ruiz-Ponte, C. Jurlander, J. Juliusson, G. Montserrat, E. Catovsky, D. Campo, E. Carracedo, A. Rosenquist, R. Houlston, R.S. (2010). Verification that common variation at 2q37 1, 6p25 3, 11q24 1, 15q23, and 19q13 32 influences chronic lymphocytic leukaemia risk. Br j haematol, Vol.150 (4), pp. 473-479.  show abstract

Landi, M.T. Chatterjee, N. Caporaso, N.E. Rotunno, M. Albanes, D. Thun, M. Wheeler, W. Rosenberger, A. Bickeböller, H. Risch, A. Wang, Y. Gaborieau, V. Thorgeirsson, T. Gudbjartsson, D. Sulem, P. Spitz, M.R. Wichmann, H.E. Rafnar, T. Stefansson, K. Houlston, R.S. Brennan, P. (2010). GPC5 rs2352028 variant and risk of lung cancer in never smokers. Lancet oncol, Vol.11 (8), pp. 714-716.

Saccone, N.L. Culverhouse, R.C. Schwantes-An, T.-. Cannon, D.S. Chen, X. Cichon, S. Giegling, I. Han, S. Han, Y. Keskitalo-Vuokko, K. Kong, X. Landi, M.T. Ma, J.Z. Short, S.E. Stephens, S.H. Stevens, V.L. Sun, L. Wang, Y. Wenzlaff, A.S. Aggen, S.H. Breslau, N. Broderick, P. Chatterjee, N. Chen, J. Heath, A.C. Heliovaara, M. Hoft, N.R. Hunter, D.J. Jensen, M.K. Martin, N.G. Montgomery, G.W. Niu, T. Payne, T.J. Peltonen, L. Pergadia, M.L. Rice, J.P. Sherva, R. Spitz, M.R. Sun, J. Wang, J.C. Weiss, R.B. Wheeler, W. Witt, S.H. Yang, B.-. Caporaso, N.E. Ehringer, M.A. Eisen, T. Gapstur, S.M. Gelernter, J. Houlston, R. Kaprio, J. Kendler, K.S. Kraft, P. Leppert, M.F. Li, M.D. Madden, P.A. Noethen, M.M. Pillai, S. Rietschel, M. Rujescu, D. Schwartz, A. Amos, C.I. Bierut, L.J. (2010). Multiple Independent Loci at Chromosome 15q25 1 Affect Smoking Quantity: a Meta-Analysis and Comparison with Lung Cancer and COPD. Plos genetics, Vol.6 (8).

Robertson, L.B. Armstrong, G.N. Olver, B.D. Lloyd, A.L. Shete, S. Lau, C. Claus, E.B. Barnholtz-Sloan, J. Lai, R. Il'yasova, D. Schildkraut, J. Bernstein, J.L. Olson, S.H. Jenkins, R.B. Yang, P. Rynearson, A.L. Wrensch, M. McCoy, L. Wienkce, J.K. McCarthy, B. Davis, F. Vick, N.A. Johansen, C. Bødtcher, H. Sadetzki, S. Bruchim, R.B. Yechezkel, G.H. Andersson, U. Melin, B.S. Bondy, M.L. Houlston, R.S. (2010). Survey of familial glioma and role of germline p16INK4A/p14ARF and p53 mutation. Fam cancer, Vol.9 (3), pp. 413-421.  show abstract

Yilmaz, A. Hamel, N. Schwartz, C.E. Houlston, R.S. Harper, J.I. Foulkes, W.D. (2010). A genome-wide analysis of loss of heterozygosity and chromosomal copy number variation in Proteus syndrome using high-density SNP microarrays. J hum genet, Vol.55 (9), pp. 627-630.  show abstract

Sherborne, A.L. Houlston, R.S. (2010). What are genome-wide association studies telling us about B-cell tumor development?. Oncotarget, Vol.1 (5), pp. 367-372.  show abstract

Schwartzbaum, J.A. Xiao, Y. Liu, Y. Tsavachidis, S. Berger, M.S. Bondy, M.L. Chang, J.S. Chang, S.M. Decker, P.A. Ding, B. Hepworth, S.J. Houlston, R.S. Hosking, F.J. Jenkins, R.B. Kosel, M.L. McCoy, L.S. McKinney, P.A. Muir, K. Patoka, J.S. Prados, M. Rice, T. Robertson, L.B. Schoemaker, M.J. Shete, S. Swerdlow, A.J. Wiemels, J.L. Wiencke, J.K. Yang, P. Wrensch, M.R. (2010). Inherited variation in immune genes and pathways and glioblastoma risk. Carcinogenesis, Vol.31 (10), pp. 1770-1777.  show abstract

Vijayakrishnan, J. Sherborne, A.L. Sawangpanich, R. Hongeng, S. Houlston, R.S. Pakakasama, S. (2010). Variation at 7p12 2 and 10q21 2 influences childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia risk in the Thai population and may contribute to racial differences in leukemia incidence. Leuk lymphoma, Vol.51 (10), pp. 1870-1874.  show abstract

Bolton, K.L. Tyrer, J. Song, H. Ramus, S.J. Notaridou, M. Jones, C. Sher, T. Gentry-Maharaj, A. Wozniak, E. Tsai, Y.-. Weidhaas, J. Paik, D. Van den Berg, D.J. Stram, D.O. Pearce, C.L. Wu, A.H. Brewster, W. Anton-Culver, H. Ziogas, A. Narod, S.A. Levine, D.A. Kaye, S.B. Brown, R. Paul, J. Flanagan, J. Sieh, W. McGuire, V. Whittemore, A.S. Campbell, I. Gore, M.E. Lissowska, J. Yang, H.P. Medrek, K. Gronwald, J. Lubinski, J. Jakubowska, A. Le, N.D. Cook, L.S. Kelemen, L.E. Brook-Wilson, A. Massuger, L.F. Kiemeney, L.A. Aben, K.K. van Altena, A.M. Houlston, R. Tomlinson, I. Palmieri, R.T. Moorman, P.G. Schildkraut, J. Iversen, E.S. Phelan, C. Vierkant, R.A. Cunningham, J.M. Goode, E.L. Fridley, B.L. Kruger-Kjaer, S. Blaeker, J. Hogdall, E. Hogdall, C. Gross, J. Karlan, B.Y. Ness, R.B. Edwards, R.P. Odunsi, K. Moyisch, K.B. Baker, J.A. Modugno, F. Heikkinenen, T. Butzow, R. Nevanlinna, H. Leminen, A. Bogdanova, N. Antonenkova, N. Doerk, T. Hillemanns, P. Duerst, M. Runnebaum, I. Thompson, P.J. Carney, M.E. Goodman, M.T. Lurie, G. Wang-Gohrke, S. Hein, R. Chang-Claude, J. Rossing, M.A. Cushing-Haugen, K.L. Doherty, J. Chen, C. Rafnar, T. Besenbacher, S. Sulem, P. Stefansson, K. Birrer, M.J. Terry, K.L. Hernandez, D. Cramer, D.W. Vergote, I. Amant, F. Lambrechts, D. Despierre, E. Fasching, P.A. Beckmann, M.W. Thiel, F.C. Ekici, A.B. Chen, X. Johnatty, S.E. Webb, P.M. Beesley, J. Chanock, S. Garcia-Closas, M. Sellers, T. Easton, D.F. Berchuck, A. Chenevix-Trench, G. Pharoah, P.D. Gayther, S.A. (2010). Common variants at 19p13 are associated with susceptibility to ovarian cancer. Nature genetics, Vol.42 (10), pp. 880-7.

Goode, E.L. Chenevix-Trench, G. Song, H. Ramus, S.J. Notaridou, M. Lawrenson, K. Widschwendter, M. Vierkant, R.A. Larson, M.C. Kjaer, S.K. Birrer, M.J. Berchuck, A. Schildkraut, J. Tomlinson, I. Kiemeney, L.A. Cook, L.S. Gronwald, J. Garcia-Closas, M. Gore, M.E. Campbell, I. Whittemore, A.S. Sutphen, R. Phelan, C. Anton-Culver, H. Pearce, C.L. Lambrechts, D. Rossing, M.A. Chang-Claude, J. Moysich, K.B. Goodman, M.T. Dörk, T. Nevanlinna, H. Ness, R.B. Rafnar, T. Hogdall, C. Hogdall, E. Fridley, B.L. Cunningham, J.M. Sieh, W. McGuire, V. Godwin, A.K. Cramer, D.W. Hernandez, D. Levine, D. Lu, K. Iversen, E.S. Palmieri, R.T. Houlston, R. van Altena, A.M. Aben, K.K. Massuger, L.F. Brooks-Wilson, A. Kelemen, L.E. Le, N.D. Jakubowska, A. Lubinski, J. Medrek, K. Stafford, A. Easton, D.F. Tyrer, J. Bolton, K.L. Harrington, P. Eccles, D. Chen, A. Molina, A.N. Davila, B.N. Arango, H. Tsai, Y.-. Chen, Z. Risch, H.A. McLaughlin, J. Narod, S.A. Ziogas, A. Brewster, W. Gentry-Maharaj, A. Menon, U. Wu, A.H. Stram, D.O. Pike, M.C. Wellcome Trust Case-Control Consortium, Beesley, J. Webb, P.M. Australian Cancer Study (Ovarian Cancer), Australian Ovarian Cancer Study Group, Ovarian Cancer Association Consortium (OCAC), Chen, X. Ekici, A.B. Thiel, F.C. Beckmann, M.W. Yang, H. Wentzensen, N. Lissowska, J. Fasching, P.A. Despierre, E. Amant, F. Vergote, I. Doherty, J. Hein, R. Wang-Gohrke, S. Lurie, G. Carney, M.E. Thompson, P.J. Runnebaum, I. Hillemanns, P. Dürst, M. Antonenkova, N. Bogdanova, N. Leminen, A. Butzow, R. Heikkinen, T. Stefansson, K. Sulem, P. Besenbacher, S. Sellers, T.A. Gayther, S.A. Pharoah, P.D. Ovarian Cancer Association Consortium (OCAC), (2010). A genome-wide association study identifies susceptibility loci for ovarian cancer at 2q31 and 8q24. Nat genet, Vol.42 (10), pp. 874-879.  show abstract

Liu, Y. Shete, S. Etzel, C.J. Scheurer, M. Alexiou, G. Armstrong, G. Tsavachidis, S. Liang, F.-. Gilbert, M. Aldape, K. Armstrong, T. Houlston, R. Hosking, F. Robertson, L. Xiao, Y. Wiencke, J. Wrensch, M. Andersson, U. Melin, B.S. Bondy, M. (2010). Polymorphisms of LIG4, BTBD2, HMGA2, and RTEL1 Genes Involved in the Double-Strand Break Repair Pathway Predict Glioblastoma Survival. Journal of clinical oncology, Vol.28 (14), pp. 2467-2474.

Houlston, R.S. Cheadle, J. Dobbins, S.E. Tenesa, A. Jones, A.M. Howarth, K. Spain, S.L. Broderick, P. Domingo, E. Farrington, S. Prendergast, J.G. Pittman, A.M. Theodoratou, E. Smith, C.G. Olver, B. Walther, A. Barnetson, R.A. Churchman, M. Jaeger, E.E. Penegar, S. Barclay, E. Martin, L. Gorman, M. Mager, R. Johnstone, E. Midgley, R. Niittymäki, I. Tuupanen, S. Colley, J. Idziaszczyk, S. COGENT Consortium, Thomas, H.J. Lucassen, A.M. Evans, D.G. Maher, E.R. CORGI Consortium, COIN Collaborative Group, COINB Collaborative Group, Maughan, T. Dimas, A. Dermitzakis, E. Cazier, J.-. Aaltonen, L.A. Pharoah, P. Kerr, D.J. Carvajal-Carmona, L.G. Campbell, H. Dunlop, M.G. Tomlinson, I.P. (2010). Meta-analysis of three genome-wide association studies identifies susceptibility loci for colorectal cancer at 1q41, 3q26 2, 12q13 13 and 20q13 33. Nat genet, Vol.42 (11), pp. 973-977.  show abstract

Crowther-Swanepoel, D. Houlston, R.S. (2010). Genetic variation and risk of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia. Semin cancer biol, Vol.20 (6), pp. 363-369.  show abstract

Enciso-Mora, V. Broderick, P. Ma, Y. Jarrett, R.F. Hjalgrim, H. Hemminki, K. van den Berg, A. Olver, B. Lloyd, A. Dobbins, S.E. Lightfoot, T. van Leeuwen, F.E. Försti, A. Diepstra, A. Broeks, A. Vijayakrishnan, J. Shield, L. Lake, A. Montgomery, D. Roman, E. Engert, A. von Strandmann, E.P. Reiners, K.S. Nolte, I.M. Smedby, K.E. Adami, H.-. Russell, N.S. Glimelius, B. Hamilton-Dutoit, S. de Bruin, M. Ryder, L.P. Molin, D. Sorensen, K.M. Chang, E.T. Taylor, M. Cooke, R. Hofstra, R. Westers, H. van Wezel, T. van Eijk, R. Ashworth, A. Rostgaard, K. Melbye, M. Swerdlow, A.J. Houlston, R.S. (2010). A genome-wide association study of Hodgkin's lymphoma identifies new susceptibility loci at 2p16 1 (REL), 8q24 21 and 10p14 (GATA3). Nat genet, Vol.42 (12), pp. 1126-1130.  show abstract  full text

Pittman, A.M. Naranjo, S. Jalava, S.E. Twiss, P. Ma, Y. Olver, B. Lloyd, A. Vijayakrishnan, J. Qureshi, M. Broderick, P. van Wezel, T. Morreau, H. Tuupanen, S. Aaltonen, L.A. Alonso, M.E. Manzanares, M. Gavilán, A. Visakorpi, T. Gómez-Skarmeta, J.L. Houlston, R.S. (2010). Allelic variation at the 8q23 3 colorectal cancer risk locus functions as a cis-acting regulator of EIF3H. Plos genet, Vol.6 (9), p. e1001126.  show abstract

Tomlinson, I.P. Dunlop, M. Campbell, H. Zanke, B. Gallinger, S. Hudson, T. Koessler, T. Pharoah, P.D. Niittymäki, I. Tuupanen, S. Aaltonen, L.A. Hemminki, K. Lindblom, A. Försti, A. Sieber, O. Lipton, L. van Wezel, T. Morreau, H. Wijnen, J.T. Devilee, P. Matsuda, K. Nakamura, Y. Castellví-Bel, S. Ruiz-Ponte, C. Castells, A. Carracedo, A. Ho, J.W. Sham, P. Hofstra, R.M. Vodicka, P. Brenner, H. Hampe, J. Schafmayer, C. Tepel, J. Schreiber, S. Völzke, H. Lerch, M.M. Schmidt, C.A. Buch, S. Moreno, V. Villanueva, C.M. Peterlongo, P. Radice, P. Echeverry, M.M. Velez, A. Carvajal-Carmona, L. Scott, R. Penegar, S. Broderick, P. Tenesa, A. Houlston, R.S. (2010). COGENT (COlorectal cancer GENeTics): an international consortium to study the role of polymorphic variation on the risk of colorectal cancer. Br j cancer, Vol.102 (2), pp. 447-454.  show abstract

Crowther-Swanepoel, D. Corre, T. Lloyd, A. Gaidano, G. Olver, B. Bennett, F.L. Doughty, C. Toniolo, D. Caligaris-Cappio, F. Ghia, P. Rossi, D. Rawstron, A.C. Catovsky, D. Houlston, R.S. (2010). Inherited genetic susceptibility to monoclonal B-cell lymphocytosis. Blood, Vol.116 (26), pp. 5957-5960.  show abstract

Carvajal-Carmona, L.G. Churchman, M. Bonilla, C. Walther, A. Lefevre, J.H. Kerr, D. Dunlop, M. Houlston, R. Bodmer, W.F. Tomlinson, I. (2010). Comprehensive assessment of variation at the transforming growth factor beta type 1 receptor locus and colorectal cancer predisposition. Proceedings of the national academy of sciences of the united states of america, Vol.107 (17), pp. 7858-7862.  full text

Wijnen, J.T. Brohet, R.M. van Eijk, R. Jagmohan-Changur, S. Middeldorp, A. Tops, C.M. van Puijenbroek, M. Ausems, M.G. Gómez García, E. Hes, F.J. Hoogerbrugge, N. Menko, F.H. van Os, T.A. Sijmons, R.H. Verhoef, S. Wagner, A. Nagengast, F.M. Kleibeuker, J.H. Devilee, P. Morreau, H. Goldgar, D. Tomlinson, I.P. Houlston, R.S. van Wezel, T. Vasen, H.F. (2009). Chromosome 8q23 3 and 11q23 1 variants modify colorectal cancer risk in Lynch syndrome. Gastroenterology, Vol.136 (1), pp. 131-137.  show abstract

Lubbe, S.J. Webb, E.L. Chandler, I.P. Houlston, R.S. (2009). Implications of familial colorectal cancer risk profiles and microsatellite instability status. J clin oncol, Vol.27 (13), pp. 2238-2244.  show abstract

Pittman, A.M. Twiss, P. Broderick, P. Lubbe, S. Chandler, I. Penegar, S. Houlston, R.S. (2009). The CDH1-160C>A polymorphism is a risk factor for colorectal cancer. Int j cancer, Vol.125 (7), pp. 1622-1625.  show abstract

Gibson, L. Johnson, N. Fraser, A. Silva, I.D. Houlston, R. Peto, J. Fletcher, O. (2009). No Breast Cancer Association for Transforming Growth Factor-beta Pathway Colorectal Cancer Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms. Cancer epidemiology biomarkers & prevention, Vol.18 (6), pp. 1934-3.

Landi, M. Chatterjee, N. Yu, K. Jacobs, K. Bergen, A. Goldin, L. Goldstein, A. Wang, Z. Burdette, L. Albanes, D. Oken, M. Thun, M. Consonni, D. Pesatori, A. Amos, C. Houlston, R. Brennan, P. Hung, R. Gaborieau, V. Spitz, M. Wang, Y. Krokan, H. Vatten, L. Benhamou, S. Metsapalu, A. Field, J. Chen, C. Goodman, G. Bickeboller, H. Risch, A. Wichmann, H.-. Rafnar, T. Stefansson, K. Lathrop, M. Bertazzi, P.A. Tucker, M. Chanock, S. Caporaso, N. STUDY, G. (2009). A comprehensive genome-wide association study of lung cancer. Cancer research, Vol.69.

Houlston, R. (2009). [Identification of low-penetrance alleles associated with colon cancer risk]. Med sci (paris), Vol.25 Spec No 1, pp. 39-41.  show abstract

Crowther-Swanepoel, D. Houlston, R.S. (2009). The molecular basis of familial chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Haematologica, Vol.94 (5), pp. 606-609.  show abstract

Pittman, A.M. Naranjo, S. Webb, E. Broderick, P. Lips, E.H. van Wezel, T. Morreau, H. Sullivan, K. Fielding, S. Twiss, P. Vijayakrishnan, J. Casares, F. Qureshi, M. Gómez-Skarmeta, J.L. Houlston, R.S. (2009). The colorectal cancer risk at 18q21 is caused by a novel variant altering SMAD7 expression. Genome res, Vol.19 (6), pp. 987-993.  show abstract

Di Bernardo, M.C. Matakidou, A. Eisen, T. Houlston, R.S. GELCAPS Consortium, (2009). Plasminogen activator inhibitor variants PAI-1 A15T and PAI-2 S413C influence lung cancer prognosis. Lung cancer, Vol.65 (2), pp. 237-241.  show abstract

Tuupanen, S. Turunen, M. Lehtonen, R. Hallikas, O. Vanharanta, S. Kivioja, T. Björklund, M. Wei, G. Yan, J. Niittymäki, I. Mecklin, J.-. Järvinen, H. Ristimäki, A. Di-Bernardo, M. East, P. Carvajal-Carmona, L. Houlston, R.S. Tomlinson, I. Palin, K. Ukkonen, E. Karhu, A. Taipale, J. Aaltonen, L.A. (2009). The common colorectal cancer predisposition SNP rs6983267 at chromosome 8q24 confers potential to enhanced Wnt signaling. Nat genet, Vol.41 (8), pp. 885-890.  show abstract

Shete, S. Hosking, F.J. Robertson, L.B. Dobbins, S.E. Sanson, M. Malmer, B. Simon, M. Marie, Y. Boisselier, B. Delattre, J.-. Hoang-Xuan, K. El Hallani, S. Idbaih, A. Zelenika, D. Andersson, U. Henriksson, R. Bergenheim, A.T. Feychting, M. Lönn, S. Ahlbom, A. Schramm, J. Linnebank, M. Hemminki, K. Kumar, R. Hepworth, S.J. Price, A. Armstrong, G. Liu, Y. Gu, X. Yu, R. Lau, C. Schoemaker, M. Muir, K. Swerdlow, A. Lathrop, M. Bondy, M. Houlston, R.S. (2009). Genome-wide association study identifies five susceptibility loci for glioma. Nat genet, Vol.41 (8), pp. 899-904.  show abstract  full text

Zienolddiny, S. Skaug, V. Landvik, N.E. Ryberg, D. Phillips, D.H. Houlston, R. Haugen, A. (2009). The TERT-CLPTM1L lung cancer susceptibility variant associates with higher DNA adduct formation in the lung. Carcinogenesis, Vol.30 (8), pp. 1368-4.

Papaemmanuil, E. Hosking, F.J. Vijayakrishnan, J. Price, A. Olver, B. Sheridan, E. Kinsey, S.E. Lightfoot, T. Roman, E. Irving, J.A. Allan, J.M. Tomlinson, I.P. Taylor, M. Greaves, M. Houlston, R.S. (2009). Loci on 7p12 2, 10q21 2 and 14q11 2 are associated with risk of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Nat genet, Vol.41 (9), pp. 1006-1010.  show abstract  full text

Song, H. Ramus, S.J. Tyrer, J. Bolton, K.L. Gentry-Maharaj, A. Wozniak, E. Anton-Culver, H. Chang-Claude, J. Cramer, D.W. DiCioccio, R. Dörk, T. Goode, E.L. Goodman, M.T. Schildkraut, J.M. Sellers, T. Baglietto, L. Beckmann, M.W. Beesley, J. Blaakaer, J. Carney, M.E. Chanock, S. Chen, Z. Cunningham, J.M. Dicks, E. Doherty, J.A. Dürst, M. Ekici, A.B. Fenstermacher, D. Fridley, B.L. Giles, G. Gore, M.E. De Vivo, I. Hillemanns, P. Hogdall, C. Hogdall, E. Iversen, E.S. Jacobs, I.J. Jakubowska, A. Li, D. Lissowska, J. Lubiński, J. Lurie, G. McGuire, V. McLaughlin, J. Medrek, K. Moorman, P.G. Moysich, K. Narod, S. Phelan, C. Pye, C. Risch, H. Runnebaum, I.B. Severi, G. Southey, M. Stram, D.O. Thiel, F.C. Terry, K.L. Tsai, Y.-. Tworoger, S.S. Van Den Berg, D.J. Vierkant, R.A. Wang-Gohrke, S. Webb, P.M. Wilkens, L.R. Wu, A.H. Yang, H. Brewster, W. Ziogas, A. Australian Cancer (Ovarian) Study, Australian Ovarian Cancer Study Group, Ovarian Cancer Association Consortium, Houlston, R. Tomlinson, I. Whittemore, A.S. Rossing, M.A. Ponder, B.A. Pearce, C.L. Ness, R.B. Menon, U. Kjaer, S.K. Gronwald, J. Garcia-Closas, M. Fasching, P.A. Easton, D.F. Chenevix-Trench, G. Berchuck, A. Pharoah, P.D. Gayther, S.A. (2009). A genome-wide association study identifies a new ovarian cancer susceptibility locus on 9p22 2. Nat genet, Vol.41 (9), pp. 996-1000.  show abstract

Forsythe, E. Wild, R. Sellick, G. Houlston, R.S. Lehmann, A.R. Wakeling, E. (2009). A novel DNA repair disorder with thrombocytopenia, nephrosis and features overlapping Cockayne syndrome. Am j med genet a, Vol.149A (10), pp. 2075-2079.  show abstract

Webb, E. Broderick, P. Lubbe, S. Chandler, I. Tomlinson, I. Houlston, R.S. (2009). A genome-wide scan of 10 000 gene-centric variants and colorectal cancer risk. Eur j hum genet, Vol.17 (11), pp. 1507-1514.  show abstract

Middeldorp, A. Jagmohan-Changur, S. van Eijk, R. Tops, C. Devilee, P. Vasen, H.F. Hes, F.J. Houlston, R. Tomlinson, I. Houwing-Duistermaat, J.J. Wijnen, J.T. Morreau, H. van Wezel, T. (2009). Enrichment of Low Penetrance Susceptibility Loci in a Dutch Familial Colorectal Cancer Cohort. Cancer epidemiology biomarkers & prevention, Vol.18 (11), pp. 3062-3067.

Landi, M.T. Chatterjee, N. Yu, K. Goldin, L.R. Goldstein, A.M. Rotunno, M. Mirabello, L. Jacobs, K. Wheeler, W. Yeager, M. Bergen, A.W. Li, Q. Consonni, D. Pesatori, A.C. Wacholder, S. Thun, M. Diver, R. Oken, M. Virtamo, J. Albanes, D. Wang, Z. Burdette, L. Doheny, K.F. Pugh, E.W. Laurie, C. Brennan, P. Hung, R. Gaborieau, V. McKay, J.D. Lathrop, M. McLaughlin, J. Wang, Y. Tsao, M.-. Spitz, M.R. Wang, Y. Krokan, H. Vatten, L. Skorpen, F. Arnesen, E. Benhamou, S. Bouchard, C. Metsapalu, A. Vooder, T. Nelis, M. Vaelk, K. Field, J.K. Chen, C. Goodman, G. Sulem, P. Thorleifsson, G. Rafnar, T. Eisen, T. Sauter, W. Rosenberger, A. Bickeboeller, H. Risch, A. Chang-Claude, J. Wichmann, H.E. Stefansson, K. Houlston, R. Amos, C.I. Jr, F.J. Savage, S.A. Bertazzi, P.A. Tucker, M.A. Chanock, S. Caporaso, N.E. (2009). A Genome-wide Association Study of Lung Cancer Identifies a Region of Chromosome 5p15 Associated with Risk for Adenocarcinoma. American journal of human genetics, Vol.85 (5), pp. 679-691.

Broderick, P. Wang, Y. Vijayakrishnan, J. Matakidou, A. Spitz, M.R. Eisen, T. Amos, C.I. Houlston, R.S. (2009). Deciphering the impact of common genetic variation on lung cancer risk: a genome-wide association study. Cancer res, Vol.69 (16), pp. 6633-6641.  show abstract

Spain, S.L. Cazier, J.-. Houlston, R. Carvajal-Carmona, L. Tomlinson, I. Consortium, C.O. (2009). Colorectal Cancer Risk Is Not Associated with Increased Levels of Homozygosity in a Population from the United Kingdom. Cancer research, Vol.69 (18), pp. 7422-7429.

Carvajal-Carmona, L.G. Spain, S. Kerr, D. Houlston, R. Cazier, J.-. Tomlinson, I. Consortium, C.O. (2009). Common variation at the adiponectin locus is not associated with colorectal cancer risk in the UK. Human molecular genetics, Vol.18 (10), pp. 1889-1892.

Bethke, L. Sullivan, K. Webb, E. Murray, A. Schoemaker, M. Auvinen, A. Kiuru, A. Salminen, T. Johansen, C. Christensen, H.C. Muir, K. McKinney, P. Hepworth, S. Dimitropoulou, P. Lophatananon, A. Feychting, M. Lönn, S. Ahlbom, A. Malmer, B. Henriksson, R. Swerdlow, A. Houlston, R. (2009). CASP8 D302H and meningioma risk: an analysis of five case-control series. Cancer lett, Vol.273 (2), pp. 312-315.  show abstract

Skoglund Lundin, J. Vandrovcova, J. Song, B. Zhou, X. Zelada-Hedman, M. Werelius, B. Houlston, R.S. Lindblom, A. (2009). TGFBR1 variants TGFBR1(*)6A and Int7G24A are not associated with an increased familial colorectal cancer risk. Br j cancer, Vol.100 (10), pp. 1674-1679.  show abstract

Lubbe, S.J. Di Bernardo, M.C. Chandler, I.P. Houlston, R.S. (2009). Clinical implications of the colorectal cancer risk associated with MUTYH mutation. J clin oncol, Vol.27 (24), pp. 3975-3980.  show abstract

Crowther-Swanepoel, D. Qureshi, M. Dyer, M.J. Matutes, E. Dearden, C. Catovsky, D. Houlston, R.S. (2009). Genetic variation in CXCR4 and risk of chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Blood, Vol.114 (23), pp. 4843-4846.  show abstract

Hubner, R.A. Houlston, R.S. (2009). Folate and colorectal cancer prevention. Br j cancer, Vol.100 (2), pp. 233-239.  show abstract

Bibby, R.A. Tang, C. Faisal, A. Drosopoulos, K. Lubbe, S. Houlston, R. Bayliss, R. Linardopoulos, S. (2009). A cancer-associated aurora A mutant is mislocalized and misregulated due to loss of interaction with TPX2. J biol chem, Vol.284 (48), pp. 33177-33184.  show abstract

Forabosco, P. Neuhausen, S.L. Greco, L. Naluai, A.T. Wijmenga, C. Saavalainen, P. Houlston, R.S. Ciclitira, P.J. Babron, M.-. Lewis, C.M. (2009). Meta-analysis of genome-wide linkage studies in celiac disease. Hum hered, Vol.68 (4), pp. 223-230.  show abstract

Sellick, G.S. Wade, R. Richards, S. Oscier, D.G. Catovsky, D. Houlston, R.S. (2008). Scan of 977 nonsynonymous SNPs in CLL4 trial patients for the identification of genetic variants influencing prognosis. Blood, Vol.111 (3), pp. 1625-1633.  show abstract

Pittman, A.M. Webb, E. Carvajal-Carmona, L. Howarth, K. Di Bernardo, M.C. Broderick, P. Spain, S. Walther, A. Price, A. Sullivan, K. Twiss, P. Fielding, S. Rowan, A. Jaeger, E. Vijayakrishnan, J. Chandler, I. Penegar, S. Qureshi, M. Lubbe, S. Domingo, E. Kemp, Z. Barclay, E. Wood, W. Martin, L. Gorman, M. Thomas, H. Peto, J. Bishop, T. Gray, R. Maher, E.R. Lucassen, A. Kerr, D. Evans, G.R. CORGI Consortium, van Wezel, T. Morreau, H. Wijnen, J.T. Hopper, J.L. Southey, M.C. Giles, G.G. Severi, G. Castellví-Bel, S. Ruiz-Ponte, C. Carracedo, A. Castells, A. EPICOLON Consortium, Försti, A. Hemminki, K. Vodicka, P. Naccarati, A. Lipton, L. Ho, J.W. Cheng, K.K. Sham, P.C. Luk, J. Agúndez, J.A. Ladero, J.M. de la Hoya, M. Caldés, T. Niittymäki, I. Tuupanen, S. Karhu, A. Aaltonen, L.A. Cazier, J.-. Tomlinson, I.P. Houlston, R.S. (2008). Refinement of the basis and impact of common 11q23 1 variation to the risk of developing colorectal cancer. Hum mol genet, Vol.17 (23), pp. 3720-3727.  show abstract

Chandler, I.P. Houlston, R.S. (2008). Interobserver agreement in grading of colorectal cancers - findings from a nationwide web-based survey of histopathologists. Histopathology, Vol.53 (4), pp. 480-3.

Jaeger, E. Webb, E. Howarth, K. Carvajal-Carmona, L. Rowan, A. Broderick, P. Walther, A. Spain, S. Pittman, A. Kemp, Z. Sullivan, K. Heinimann, K. Lubbe, S. Domingo, E. Barclay, E. Martin, L. Gorman, M. Chandler, I. Vijayakrishnan, J. Wood, W. Papaemmanuil, E. Penegar, S. Qureshi, M. Farrington, S. Tenesa, A. Cazier, J.-. Kerr, D. Gray, R. Peto, J. Dunlop, M. Campbell, H. Thomas, H. Houlston, R. Tomlinson, I. (2008). Common genetic variants at the CRAC1 (HMPS) locus on chromosome 15q13 3 influence colorectal cancer risk. Nature genetics, Vol.40 (1), pp. 26-3.

Fletcher, O. Johnson, N. Gibson, L. Coupland, B. Fraser, A. Leonard, A. Silva, I.D. Ashworth, A. Houlston, R. Peto, J. (2008). Association of genetic variants at 8q24 with breast cancer risk. Cancer epidemiology biomarkers & prevention, Vol.17 (3), pp. 702-4.

Sellick, G. Fielding, S. Qureshi, M. Catovsky, D. International Familial CLL Consortium, Houlston, R. (2008). Germline mutations in RAD51, RAD51AP1, RAD51B, RAD51C,RAD51D, RAD52 and RAD54L do not contribute to familial chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Leuk lymphoma, Vol.49 (1), pp. 130-133.  show abstract

Hubner, R.A. Muir, K.R. Liu, J.-. Logan, R.F. Grainge, M.J. Houlston, R.S. Members of UKCAP Consortium, (2008). Dairy products, polymorphisms in the vitamin D receptor gene and colorectal adenoma recurrence. Int j cancer, Vol.123 (3), pp. 586-593.  show abstract

Sellick, G.S. Broderick, P. Fielding, S. Catovsky, D. Houlston, R.S. (2008). Lack of a relationship between the common 8q24 variant rs6983267 and risk of chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Leukemia, Vol.22 (2), pp. 438-439.

Broderick, P. Sellick, G. Fielding, S. Catovsky, D. Houlston, R. (2008). Lack of a relationship between the common 18q24 variant rs12953717 and risk of chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Leuk lymphoma, Vol.49 (2), pp. 271-272.  show abstract

Chandler, I. Houlston, R.S. (2008). Interobserver agreement in grading of colorectal cancers-findings from a nationwide web-based survey of histopathologists. Histopathology, Vol.52 (4), pp. 494-499.  show abstract

Bethke, L. Sullivan, K. Webb, E. Murray, A. Schoemaker, M. Auvinen, A. Kiuru, A. Salminen, T. Johansen, C. Christensen, H.C. Muir, K. McKinney, P. Hepworth, S. Dimitropoulou, P. Lophatananon, A. Feychting, M. Lönn, S. Ahlbom, A. Malmer, B. Henriksson, R. Swerdlow, A. Houlston, R. (2008). The common D302H variant of CASP8 is associated with risk of glioma. Cancer epidemiol biomarkers prev, Vol.17 (4), pp. 987-989.  show abstract

Tenesa, A. Farrington, S.M. Prendergast, J.G. Porteous, M.E. Walker, M. Haq, N. Barnetson, R.A. Theodoratou, E. Cetnarskyj, R. Cartwright, N. Semple, C. Clark, A.J. Reid, F.J. Smith, L.A. Kavoussanakis, K. Koessler, T. Pharoah, P.D. Buch, S. Schafmayer, C. Tepel, J. Schreiber, S. Völzke, H. Schmidt, C.O. Hampe, J. Chang-Claude, J. Hoffmeister, M. Brenner, H. Wilkening, S. Canzian, F. Capella, G. Moreno, V. Deary, I.J. Starr, J.M. Tomlinson, I.P. Kemp, Z. Howarth, K. Carvajal-Carmona, L. Webb, E. Broderick, P. Vijayakrishnan, J. Houlston, R.S. Rennert, G. Ballinger, D. Rozek, L. Gruber, S.B. Matsuda, K. Kidokoro, T. Nakamura, Y. Zanke, B.W. Greenwood, C.M. Rangrej, J. Kustra, R. Montpetit, A. Hudson, T.J. Gallinger, S. Campbell, H. Dunlop, M.G. (2008). Genome-wide association scan identifies a colorectal cancer susceptibility locus on 11q23 and replicates risk loci at 8q24 and 18q21. Nat genet, Vol.40 (5), pp. 631-637.  show abstract

Tomlinson, I.P. Webb, E. Carvajal-Carmona, L. Broderick, P. Howarth, K. Pittman, A.M. Spain, S. Lubbe, S. Walther, A. Sullivan, K. Jaeger, E. Fielding, S. Rowan, A. Vijayakrishnan, J. Domingo, E. Chandler, I. Kemp, Z. Qureshi, M. Farrington, S.M. Tenesa, A. Prendergast, J.G. Barnetson, R.A. Penegar, S. Barclay, E. Wood, W. Martin, L. Gorman, M. Thomas, H. Peto, J. Bishop, D.T. Gray, R. Maher, E.R. Lucassen, A. Kerr, D. Evans, D.G. CORGI Consortium, Schafmayer, C. Buch, S. Völzke, H. Hampe, J. Schreiber, S. John, U. Koessler, T. Pharoah, P. van Wezel, T. Morreau, H. Wijnen, J.T. Hopper, J.L. Southey, M.C. Giles, G.G. Severi, G. Castellví-Bel, S. Ruiz-Ponte, C. Carracedo, A. Castells, A. EPICOLON Consortium, Försti, A. Hemminki, K. Vodicka, P. Naccarati, A. Lipton, L. Ho, J.W. Cheng, K.K. Sham, P.C. Luk, J. Agúndez, J.A. Ladero, J.M. de la Hoya, M. Caldés, T. Niittymäki, I. Tuupanen, S. Karhu, A. Aaltonen, L. Cazier, J.-. Campbell, H. Dunlop, M.G. Houlston, R.S. (2008). A genome-wide association study identifies colorectal cancer susceptibility loci on chromosomes 10p14 and 8q23 3. Nat genet, Vol.40 (5), pp. 623-630.  show abstract

Amos, C.I. Wu, X. Broderick, P. Gorlov, I.P. Gu, J. Eisen, T. Dong, Q. Zhang, Q. Gu, X. Vijayakrishnan, J. Sullivan, K. Matakidou, A. Wang, Y. Mills, G. Doheny, K. Tsai, Y.-. Chen, W.V. Shete, S. Spitz, M.R. Houlston, R.S. (2008). Genome-wide association scan of tag SNPs identifies a susceptibility locus for lung cancer at 15q25 1. Nat genet, Vol.40 (5), pp. 616-622.  show abstract

Bethke, L. Webb, E. Murray, A. Schoemaker, M. Feychting, M. Lönn, S. Ahlbom, A. Malmer, B. Henriksson, R. Auvinen, A. Kiuru, A. Salminen, T. Johansen, C. Christensen, H.C. Muir, K. McKinney, P. Hepworth, S. Dimitropoulou, P. Lophatananon, A. Swerdlow, A. Houlston, R. (2008). Functional polymorphisms in folate metabolism genes influence the risk of meningioma and glioma. Cancer epidemiol biomarkers prev, Vol.17 (5), pp. 1195-1202.  show abstract

Fuller, S.J. Papaemmanuil, E. McKinnon, L. Webb, E. Sellick, G.S. Dao-Ung, L.-. Skarratt, K.K. Crowther, D. Houlston, R.S. Wiley, J.S. (2008). Analysis of a large multi-generational family provides insight into the genetics of chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Br j haematol, Vol.142 (2), pp. 238-245.  show abstract

Geary, J. Sasieni, P. Houlston, R. Izatt, L. Eeles, R. Payne, S.J. Fisher, S. Hodgson, S.V. (2008). Gene-related cancer spectrum in families with hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC). Familial cancer, Vol.7 (2), pp. 163-10.

Walther, A. Houlston, R. Tomlinson, I. (2008). Association between chromosomal instability and prognosis in colorectal cancer: a meta-analysis. Gut, Vol.57 (7), pp. 941-950.

Alhopuro, P. Phichith, D. Tuupanen, S. Sammalkorpi, H. Nybondas, M. Saharinen, J. Robinson, J.P. Yang, Z. Chen, L.-. Orntoft, T. Mecklin, J.-. Järvinen, H. Eng, C. Moeslein, G. Shibata, D. Houlston, R.S. Lucassen, A. Tomlinson, I.P. Launonen, V. Ristimäki, A. Arango, D. Karhu, A. Sweeney, H.L. Aaltonen, L.A. (2008). Unregulated smooth-muscle myosin in human intestinal neoplasia. Proc natl acad sci u s a, Vol.105 (14), pp. 5513-5518.  show abstract  full text

Dallosso, A.R. Dolwani, S. Jones, N. Jones, S. Colley, J. Maynard, J. Idziaszczyk, S. Humphreys, V. Arnold, J. Donaldson, A. Eccles, D. Ellis, A. Evans, D.G. Frayling, I.M. Hes, F.J. Houlston, R.S. Maher, E.R. Nielsen, M. Parry, S. Tyler, E. Moskvina, V. Cheadle, J.P. Sampson, J.R. (2008). Inherited predisposition to colorectal adenomas caused by multiple rare alleles of MUTYH but not OGG1, NUDT1, NTH1 or NEIL 1, 2 or 3. Gut, Vol.57 (9), pp. 1252-1255.  show abstract

Di Bernardo, M.C. Crowther-Swanepoel, D. Broderick, P. Webb, E. Sellick, G. Wild, R. Sullivan, K. Vijayakrishnan, J. Wang, Y. Pittman, A.M. Sunter, N.J. Hall, A.G. Dyer, M.J. Matutes, E. Dearden, C. Mainou-Fowler, T. Jackson, G.H. Summerfield, G. Harris, R.J. Pettitt, A.R. Hillmen, P. Allsup, D.J. Bailey, J.R. Pratt, G. Pepper, C. Fegan, C. Allan, J.M. Catovsky, D. Houlston, R.S. (2008). A genome-wide association study identifies six susceptibility loci for chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Nat genet, Vol.40 (10), pp. 1204-1210.  show abstract

Houlston, R.S. Catovsky, D. (2008). Familial chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Curr hematol malig rep, Vol.3 (4), pp. 221-225.  show abstract

Hung, R.J. Christiani, D.C. Risch, A. Popanda, O. Haugen, A. Zienolddiny, S. Benhamou, S. Bouchardy, C. Lan, Q. Spitz, M.R. Wichmann, H.-. LeMarchand, L. Vineis, P. Matullo, G. Kiyohara, C. Zhang, Z.-. Pezeshki, B. Harris, C. Mechanic, L. Seow, A. Ng, D.P. Szeszenia-Dabrowska, N. Zaridze, D. Lissowska, J. Rudnai, P. Fabianova, E. Mates, D. Foretova, L. Janout, V. Bencko, V. Caporaso, N. Chen, C. Duell, E.J. Goodman, G. Field, J.K. Houlston, R.S. Hong, Y.-. Landi, M.T. Lazarus, P. Muscat, J. McLaughlin, J. Schwartz, A.G. Shen, H. Stucker, I. Tajima, K. Matsuo, K. Thun, M. Yang, P. Wiencke, J. Andrew, A.S. Monnier, S. Boffetta, P. Brennan, P. (2008). International Lung Cancer Consortium: pooled analysis of sequence variants in DNA repair and cell cycle pathways. Cancer epidemiol biomarkers prev, Vol.17 (11), pp. 3081-3089.  show abstract

Papaemmanuil, E. Carvajal-Carmona, L. Sellick, G.S. Kemp, Z. Webb, E. Spain, S. Sullivan, K. Barclay, E. Lubbe, S. Jaeger, E. Vijayakrishnan, J. Broderick, P. Gorman, M. Martin, L. Lucassen, A. Bishop, D.T. Evans, D.G. Maher, E.R. Steinke, V. Rahner, N. Schackert, H.K. Goecke, T.O. Holinski-Feder, E. Propping, P. Van Wezel, T. Wijnen, J. Cazier, J.-. Thomas, H. Houlston, R.S. Tomlinson, I. CORGI Consortium, (2008). Deciphering the genetics of hereditary non-syndromic colorectal cancer. Eur j hum genet, Vol.16 (12), pp. 1477-1486.  show abstract

Wang, Y. Broderick, P. Webb, E. Wu, X. Vijayakrishnan, J. Matakidou, A. Qureshi, M. Dong, Q. Gu, X. Chen, W.V. Spitz, M.R. Eisen, T. Amos, C.I. Houlston, R.S. (2008). Common 5p15 33 and 6p21 33 variants influence lung cancer risk. Nat genet, Vol.40 (12), pp. 1407-1409.  show abstract

COGENT Study, Houlston, R.S. Webb, E. Broderick, P. Pittman, A.M. Di Bernardo, M.C. Lubbe, S. Chandler, I. Vijayakrishnan, J. Sullivan, K. Penegar, S. Colorectal Cancer Association Study Consortium, Carvajal-Carmona, L. Howarth, K. Jaeger, E. Spain, S.L. Walther, A. Barclay, E. Martin, L. Gorman, M. Domingo, E. Teixeira, A.S. CoRGI Consortium, Kerr, D. Cazier, J.-. Niittymäki, I. Tuupanen, S. Karhu, A. Aaltonen, L.A. Tomlinson, I.P. Farrington, S.M. Tenesa, A. Prendergast, J.G. Barnetson, R.A. Cetnarskyj, R. Porteous, M.E. Pharoah, P.D. Koessler, T. Hampe, J. Buch, S. Schafmayer, C. Tepel, J. Schreiber, S. Völzke, H. Chang-Claude, J. Hoffmeister, M. Brenner, H. Zanke, B.W. Montpetit, A. Hudson, T.J. Gallinger, S. Campbell, H. Dunlop, M.G. (2008). Meta-analysis of genome-wide association data identifies four new susceptibility loci for colorectal cancer. Nat genet, Vol.40 (12), pp. 1426-1435.  show abstract

Hubner, R.A. Muir, K.R. Liu, J.-. Logan, R.F. Grainge, M.J. Houlston, R.S. Members of the UKCAP Consortium, (2008). Ornithine decarboxylase G316A genotype is prognostic for colorectal adenoma recurrence and predicts efficacy of aspirin chemoprevention. Clin cancer res, Vol.14 (8), pp. 2303-2309.  show abstract

Crowther-Swanepoel, D. Wild, R. Sellick, G. Dyer, M.J. Mauro, F.R. Cuthbert, R.J. Jonsson, V. Matutes, E. Dearden, C. Wiley, J. Fuller, S. Catovsky, D. Houlston, R.S. (2008). Insight into the pathogenesis of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) through analysis of IgVH gene usage and mutation status in familial CLL. Blood, Vol.111 (12), pp. 5691-5693.  show abstract

Bethke, L. Webb, E. Murray, A. Schoemaker, M. Johansen, C. Christensen, H.C. Muir, K. McKinney, P. Hepworth, S. Dimitropoulou, P. Lophatananon, A. Feychting, M. Lönn, S. Ahlbom, A. Malmer, B. Henriksson, R. Auvinen, A. Kiuru, A. Salminen, T. Swerdlow, A. Houlston, R. (2008). Comprehensive analysis of the role of DNA repair gene polymorphisms on risk of glioma. Hum mol genet, Vol.17 (6), pp. 800-805.  show abstract

Webb, E. Broderick, P. Chandler, I. Lubbe, S. Penegar, S. Tomlinson, I.P. Houlston, R.S. (2008). Comprehensive analysis of common mitochondrial DNA variants and colorectal cancer risk. Br j cancer, Vol.99 (12), pp. 2088-2093.  show abstract

Allan, J.M. Sunter, N. Hall, A. Mainou-Fowler, T. Jackson, G. Summerfield, G. Harris, R.J. Pettitt, A. Houlston, R. Bailey, J. Pepper, C. Fegan, C. Pratt, G. Allsup, D.J. (2008). A Common Genetic Variant in the 3'UTR of IRF4/MUM1 Associates with Risk of Disease and Poor Prognosis in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia. Blood, Vol.112 (11), pp. 388-388.

Liu, P. Vikis, H.G. Wang, D. Lu, Y. Wang, Y. Schwartz, A.G. Pinney, S.M. Yang, P. de Andrade, M. Petersen, G.M. Wiest, J.S. Fain, P.R. Gazdar, A. Gaba, C. Rothschild, H. Mandal, D. Coons, T. Lee, J. Kupert, E. Seminara, D. Minna, J. Bailey-Wilson, J.E. Wu, X. Spitz, M.R. Eisen, T. Houlston, R.S. Amos, C.I. Anderson, M.W. You, M. (2008). Familial aggregation of common sequence variants on 15q24-25 1 in lung cancer. J natl cancer inst, Vol.100 (18), pp. 1326-1330.  show abstract

Frank, B. Burwinkel, B. Bermejo, J.L. Foersti, A. Hemminki, K. Houlston, R. Mangold, E. Rahner, N. Friedl, W. Friedrichs, N. Buettner, R. Engel, C. Loeffler, M. Holinski-Feder, E. Morak, M. Keller, G. Schackert, H.K. Krueger, S. Goecke, T. Moeslein, G. Kloor, M. Gebert, J. Kunstmann, E. Schulmann, K. Rueschoff, J. Propping, P. Consortium, G.H. (2008). Ten recently identified associations between nsSNPs and colorectal cancer could not be replicated in German families. Cancer letters, Vol.271 (1), pp. 153-157.

Frank, B. Wiestler, M. Kropp, S. Hemminki, K. Spurdle, A.B. Sutter, C. Wappenschmidt, B. Chen, X. Beesley, J. Hopper, J.L. Meindl, A. Kiechle, M. Slanger, T. Bugert, P. Schmutzler, R.K. Bartram, C.R. Flesch-Janys, D. Mutschelknauss, E. Ashton, K. Salazar, R. Webb, E. Hamann, U. Brauch, H. Justenhoven, C. Ko, Y.-. Bruening, T. Silva, I.D. Johnson, N. Pharoah, P.P. Dunning, A.M. Pooley, K.A. Chang-Claude, J. Easton, D.F. Peto, J. Houlston, R. Chenevix-Trench, G. Fletcher, O. Burwinkel, B. (2008). Association of a common AKAP9 variant with breast cancer risk:: A collaborative analysis. Journal of the national cancer institute, Vol.100 (6), pp. 437-6.

Bethke, L. Murray, A. Webb, E. Schoemaker, M. Muir, K. McKinney, P. Hepworth, S. Dimitropoulou, P. Lophatananon, A. Feychting, M. Lönn, S. Ahlbom, A. Malmer, B. Henriksson, R. Auvinen, A. Kiuru, A. Salminen, T. Johansen, C. Christensen, H.C. Kosteljanetz, M. Swerdlow, A. Houlston, R. (2008). Comprehensive analysis of DNA repair gene variants and risk of meningioma. J natl cancer inst, Vol.100 (4), pp. 270-276.  show abstract

Eisen, T. Matakidou, A. Houlston, R. GELCAPS Consortium, (2008). Identification of low penetrance alleles for lung cancer: the GEnetic Lung CAncer Predisposition Study (GELCAPS). Bmc cancer, Vol.8, p. 244.  show abstract

Pittman, A.M. Broderick, P. Sullivan, K. Fielding, S. Webb, E. Penegar, S. Tomlinson, I. Houlston, R.S. (2008). CASP8 variants D302H and -652 6N ins/del do not influence the risk of colorectal cancer in the United Kingdom population. Br j cancer, Vol.98 (8), pp. 1434-1436.  show abstract

Hubner, R.A. Houlston, R.S. (2007). MTHFR C677T and colorectal cancer risk: A meta-analysis of 25 populations. Int j cancer, Vol.120 (5), pp. 1027-1035.  show abstract

Hubner, R.A. Lubbe, S. Chandler, I. Houlston, R.S. (2007). MTHFR C677T has differential influence on risk of MSI and MSS colorectal cancer. Hum mol genet, Vol.16 (9), pp. 1072-1077.  show abstract

Hubner, R.A. Muir, K.R. Liu, J.-. Logan, R.F. Grainge, M.J. Houlston, R.S. Members of the UKCAP Consortium, (2007). Polymorphisms in PTGS1, PTGS2 and IL-10 do not influence colorectal adenoma recurrence in the context of a randomized aspirin intervention trial. Int j cancer, Vol.121 (9), pp. 2001-2004.  show abstract

Sellick, G.S. Goldin, L.R. Wild, R.W. Slager, S.L. Ressenti, L. Strom, S.S. Dyer, M.J. Mauro, F.R. Marti, G.E. Fuller, S. Lyttelton, M. Kipps, T.J. Keating, M.J. Call, T.G. Catovsky, D. Caporaso, N. Houlston, R.S. (2007). A high-density SNP genome-wide linkage search of 206 families identifies susceptibility loci for chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Blood, Vol.110 (9), pp. 3326-3333.  show abstract

Matakidou, A. el Galta, R. Webb, E.L. Rudd, M.F. Bridle, H. GELCAPS Consortium, Eisen, T. Houlston, R.S. (2007). Genetic variation in the DNA repair genes is predictive of outcome in lung cancer. Hum mol genet, Vol.16 (19), pp. 2333-2340.  show abstract

Johnson, N. Fletcher, O. Palles, C. Rudd, M. Webb, E. Sellick, G. dos Santos Silva, I. McCormack, V. Gibson, L. Fraser, A. Leonard, A. Gilham, C. Tavtigian, S.V. Ashworth, A. Houlston, R. Peto, J. (2007). Counting potentially functional variants in BRCA1, BRCA2 and ATM predicts breast cancer susceptibility. Hum mol genet, Vol.16 (9), pp. 1051-1057.  show abstract

Aaltonen, L. Johns, L. Jaervinen, H. Mecklin, J.-. Houlston, R. (2007). Explaining the familial colorectal cancer risk associated with mismatch repair (MMR)-deficient and MMR-stable tumors. Clinical cancer research, Vol.13 (1), pp. 356-361.

Popat, S. Zhao, D.B. Chen, Z.M. Pan, H.C. Sha, Y.F. Chandler, I. Houlston, R.S. (2007). Relationship between chromosome 18q status and colorectal cancer prognosis: A prospective, blinded analysis of 280 patients (vol 27, pg 627, 2007). Anticancer research, Vol.27 (2), pp. 1231-1.

Hubner, R.A. Houlston, R.S. (2007). Re: MLH1 93G>A promoter polymorphism and the risk of microsatellite-unstable colorectal cancer. J natl cancer inst, Vol.99 (19), p. 1490.

Bethke, L. Webb, E. Sellick, G. Rudd, M. Penegar, S. Withey, L. Qureshi, M. Houlston, R. (2007). Polymorphisms in the cytochrome P450 genes CYP1A2, CYP1B1, CYP3A4, CYP3A5, CYP11A1, CYP17A1, CYP19A1 and colorectal cancer risk. Bmc cancer, Vol.7, p. 123.  show abstract

Penegar, S. Wood, W. Lubbe, S. Chandler, I. Broderick, P. Papaemmanuil, E. Sellick, G. Gray, R. Peto, J. Houlston, R. (2007). National study of colorectal cancer genetics. Br j cancer, Vol.97 (9), pp. 1305-1309.  show abstract

Sellick, G.S. Qureshi, M. Fielding, S. Catovsky, D. Houlston, R.S. (2007). Germline mutations in SPI1 and MADD do not contribute to familial chronic lymphocytic leukaemia. Leukemia, Vol.21 (6), pp. 1315-1318.

Sellick, G.S. Lubbe, S.J. Matutes, E. Catovsky, D. Houlston, R.S. (2007). Microsatellite instability indicative of defects in the major mismatch repair genes is rare in patients with B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia: Evaluation with disease stage and family history. Leuk lymphoma, Vol.48 (7), pp. 1320-1322.  show abstract

Matakidou, A. El Galta, R. Webb, E.L. Rudd, M.F. Bridle, H. Eisen, T. Houlston, R.S. GELCAPS Consortium, (2007). Lack of evidence that p53 Arg72Pro influences lung cancer prognosis: an analysis of survival in 619 female patients. Lung cancer, Vol.57 (2), pp. 207-212.  show abstract

Tomlinson, I. Webb, E. Carvajal-Carmona, L. Broderick, P. Kemp, Z. Spain, S. Penegar, S. Chandler, I. Gorman, M. Wood, W. Barclay, E. Lubbe, S. Martin, L. Sellick, G. Jaeger, E. Hubner, R. Wild, R. Rowan, A. Fielding, S. Howarth, K. Silver, A. Atkin, W. Muir, K. Logan, R. Kerr, D. Johnstone, E. Sieber, O. Gray, R. Thomas, H. Peto, J. Cazier, B. Houlston, R. (2007). A genome-wide association scan of tag SNPs identifies a susceptibility variant for colorectal cancer at 8q24 21. Nature genetics, Vol.39 (8), pp. 984-5.

Malmer, B. Adatto, P. Armstrong, G. Barnholtz-Sloan, J. Bernstein, J.L. Claus, E. Davis, F. Houlston, R. Il'yasova, D. Jenkins, R. Johansen, C. Lai, R. Lau, C. McCarthy, B. Nielsen, H. Olson, S.H. Sadetzki, S. Shete, S. Wiklund, F. Wrensch, M. Yang, P. Bondy, M. (2007). GLIOGENE - an international consortium to understand familial glioma. Cancer epidemiology biomarkers & prevention, Vol.16 (9), pp. 1730-1734.

Broderick, P. Carvajal-Carmona, L. Pittman, A.M. Webb, E. Howarth, K. Rowan, A. Lubbe, S. Spain, S. Sullivan, K. Fielding, S. Jaeger, E. Vijayakrishnan, J. Kemp, Z. Gorman, M. Chandler, I. Papaemmanuil, E. Penegar, S. Wood, W. Sellick, G. Qureshi, M. Teixeira, A. Domingo, E. Barclay, E. Martin, L. Sieber, O. CORGI Consortium, Kerr, D. Gray, R. Peto, J. Cazier, J.-. Tomlinson, I. Houlston, R.S. (2007). A genome-wide association study shows that common alleles of SMAD7 influence colorectal cancer risk. Nat genet, Vol.39 (11), pp. 1315-1317.  show abstract

Skoglund, J. Song, B. Dalén, J. Dedorson, S. Edler, D. Hjern, F. Holm, J. Lenander, C. Lindforss, U. Lundqvist, N. Olivecrona, H. Olsson, L. Påhlman, L. Rutegård, J. Smedh, K. Törnqvist, A. Houlston, R.S. Lindblom, A. (2007). Lack of an association between the TGFBR1*6A variant and colorectal cancer risk. Clin cancer res, Vol.13 (12), pp. 3748-3752.  show abstract

Matakidou, A. El Galta, R. Rudd, M.F. Webb, E.L. Bridle, H. Eisen, T. Houlston, R.S. (2007). Prognostic significance of folate metabolism polymorphisms for lung cancer. Br j cancer, Vol.97 (2), pp. 247-252.  show abstract

Matakidou, A. El Galta, R. Rudd, M.F. Webb, E.L. Bridle, H. Eisen, T. Houlston, R.S. (2007). Further observations on the relationship between the FGFR4 Gly388Arg polymorphism and lung cancer prognosis. Br j cancer, Vol.96 (12), pp. 1904-1907.  show abstract

Hubner, R.A. Liu, J.-. Sellick, G.S. Logan, R.F. Houlston, R.S. Muir, K.R. (2007). Thymidylate synthase polymorphisms, folate and B-vitamin intake, and risk of colorectal adenoma. Br j cancer, Vol.97 (10), pp. 1449-1456.  show abstract

Popat, S. Zhao, D. Chen, Z. Pan, H. Shao, Y. Chandler, I. Houlston, R.S. (2007). Relationship between chromosome 18q status and colorectal cancer prognosis: a prospective, blinded analysis of 280 patients. Anticancer res, Vol.27 (1B), pp. 627-633.  show abstract

Webb, E.L. Houlston, R.S. (2007). Association studies using familial cases: an efficient strategy for identifying low-penetrance disease alleles. Methods mol biol, Vol.376, pp. 151-159.  show abstract

Jonsson, V. Tjonnfjord, G. Samuelsen, S.O. Johannesen, T. Olsen, J. Sellick, G. Houlston, R. Yuille, M. Catovsky, D. (2007). Birth order pattern in the inheritance of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia and related lymphoproliferative disease. Leukemia & lymphoma, Vol.48 (12), pp. 2387-2396.

Tjellstroem, B. Stenhammar, L. Hoegberg, L. Faelth-Magnusson, K. Magnusson, K.-. Midtvedt, T. Sundqvist, T. Houlston, R. Popat, S. Norin, E. (2007). Gut microflora associated characteristics in first-degree relatives of children with celiac disease. Scandinavian journal of gastroenterology, Vol.42 (10), pp. 1204-1208.

Kemp, Z. Carvajal-Carmona, L. Spain, S. Barclay, E. Gorman, M. Martin, L. Jaeger, E. Brooks, N. Bishop, D.T. Thomas, H. Tomlinson, I. Papaemmanuil, E. Webb, E. Sellick, G.S. Wood, W. Evans, G. Lucassen, A. Maher, E.R. Houlston, R.S. ColoRectal tumour Gene Identification (CoRGI) Study Consortium, (2006). Evidence for a colorectal cancer susceptibility locus on chromosome 3q21-q24 from a high-density SNP genome-wide linkage scan. Hum mol genet, Vol.15 (19), pp. 2903-2910.  show abstract

Webb, E.L. Rudd, M.F. Sellick, G.S. El Galta, R. Bethke, L. Wood, W. Fletcher, O. Penegar, S. Withey, L. Qureshi, M. Johnson, N. Tomlinson, I. Gray, R. Peto, J. Houlston, R.S. (2006). Search for low penetrance alleles for colorectal cancer through a scan of 1467 non-synonymous SNPs in 2575 cases and 2707 controls with validation by kin-cohort analysis of 14 704 first-degree relatives. Hum mol genet, Vol.15 (21), pp. 3263-3271.  show abstract

Hubner, R.A. Muir, K.R. Liu, J.-. Logan, R.F. Grainge, M. Armitage, N. Shepherd, V. Popat, S. Houlston, R.S. United Kingdom Colorectal Adenoma Prevention Consortium, (2006). Genetic variants of UGT1A6 influence risk of colorectal adenoma recurrence. Clin cancer res, Vol.12 (21), pp. 6585-6589.  show abstract

Popat, S. Chen, Z. Zhao, D. Pan, H. Hearle, N. Chandler, I. Shao, Y. Aherne, W. Houlston, R.S. (2006). A prospective, blinded analysis of thymidylate synthase and p53 expression as prognostic markers in the adjuvant treatment of colorectal cancer. Annals of oncology, Vol.17 (12), pp. 1810-8.

Thompson, D. Seal, S. Schutte, M. McGuffog, L. Barfoot, R. Renwick, A. Eeles, R. Sodha, N. Houlston, R. Shanley, S. Klijn, J. Wasielewski, M. Chang-Claude, J. Futreal, P.A. Weber, B.L. Nathanson, K.L. Stratton, M. Meijers-Heijboer, H. Rahman, N. Easton, D.F. (2006). A multicenter study of cancer incidence in CHEK2 1100delC mutation carriers. Cancer epidemiology biomarkers & prevention, Vol.15 (12), pp. 2542-4.

de Tute, R. Yuille, M. Catovsky, D. Houlston, R.S. Hillmen, P. Rawstron, A.C. (2006). Monoclonal B-cell lymphocytosis (MBL) in CLL families: substantial increase in relative risk for young adults. Leukemia, Vol.20 (4), pp. 728-729.

Hearle, N.C. Rudd, M.F. Lim, W. Murday, V. Lim, A.G. Phillips, R.K. Lee, P.W. O'donohue, J. Morrison, P.J. Norman, A. Hodgson, S.V. Lucassen, A. Houlston, R.S. (2006). Exonic STK11 deletions are not a rare cause of Peutz-Jeghers syndrome. J med genet, Vol.43 (4), p. e15.  show abstract

Sellick, G.S. Catovsky, D. Houlston, R.S. (2006). Familial chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Semin oncol, Vol.33 (2), pp. 195-201.  show abstract

Popat, S. Wort, R. Houlston, R.S. (2006). Inter-relationship between microsatellite instability, thymidylate synthase expression, and p53 status in colorectal cancer: implications for chemoresistance. Bmc cancer, Vol.6, p. 150.  show abstract

Rudd, M.F. Webb, E.L. Matakidou, A. Sellick, G.S. Williams, R.D. Bridle, H. Eisen, T. Houlston, R.S. GELCAPS Consortium, (2006). Variants in the GH-IGF axis confer susceptibility to lung cancer. Genome res, Vol.16 (6), pp. 693-701.  show abstract

Barker, K.T. Foulkes, W.D. Schwartz, C.E. Labadie, C. Monsell, F. Houlston, R.S. Harper, J. (2006). Is the E133K allele of VG5Q associated with Klippel-Trenaunay and other overgrowth syndromes?. J med genet, Vol.43 (7), pp. 613-614.  show abstract  full text

Almeida, A.M. Murakami, Y. Layton, D.M. Hillmen, P. Sellick, G.S. Maeda, Y. Richards, S. Patterson, S. Kotsianidis, I. Mollica, L. Crawford, D.H. Baker, A. Ferguson, M. Roberts, I. Houlston, R. Kinoshita, T. Karadimitris, A. (2006). Hypomorphic promoter mutation in PIGM causes inherited glycosylphosphatidylinositol deficiency. Nature medicine, Vol.12 (7), pp. 846-851.

Barker, K.T. Spendlove, H.E. Banu, N.S. Bridge, J.A. Fisher, C. Shipley, J. Garrett, M. Manyonda, I. Houlston, R.S. (2006). No evidence for epigenetic inactivation of fumarate hydratase in leiomyomas and leiomyosarcomas. Cancer lett, Vol.235 (1), pp. 136-140.  show abstract

Hubner, R.A. Houlston, R.S. (2006). Molecular advances in medullary thyroid cancer diagnostics. Clin chim acta, Vol.370 (1-2), pp. 2-8.  show abstract

Hearle, N. Schumacher, V. Menko, F.H. Olschwang, S. Boardman, L.A. Gille, J.J. Keller, J.J. Westerman, A.M. Scott, R.J. Lim, W. Trimbath, J.D. Giardiello, F.M. Gruber, S.B. Offerhaus, G.J. Rooij, F.W. Wilson, J.H. Hansmann, A. Möslein, G. Royer-Pokora, B. Vogel, T. Phillips, R.K. Spigelman, A.D. Houlston, R.S. (2006). STK11 status and intussusception risk in Peutz-Jeghers syndrome. J med genet, Vol.43 (8), p. e41.  show abstract

Jønsson, V. Bock, J.E. Hilden, J. Houlston, R.S. Wiik, A. (2006). The influence of pregnancy on the development of autoimmunity in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Leuk lymphoma, Vol.47 (8), pp. 1481-1487.  show abstract

Hubner, R.A. Muir, K.R. Liu, J.-. Sellick, G.S. Logan, R.F. Grainge, M. Armitage, N. Chau, I. Houlston, R.S. (2006). Folate metabolism polymorphisms influence risk of colorectal adenoma recurrence. Cancer epidemiol biomarkers prev, Vol.15 (9), pp. 1607-1613.  show abstract

Broderick, P. Bagratuni, T. Vijayakrishnan, J. Lubbe, S. Chandler, I. Houlston, R.S. (2006). Evaluation of NTHL1, NEIL1, NEIL2, MPG, TDG, UNG and SMUG1 genes in familial colorectal cancer predisposition. Bmc cancer, Vol.6, p. 243.  show abstract

Lakhani, S.R. Audretsch, W. Cleton-Jensen, A.-. Cutuli, B. Ellis, I. Eusebi, V. Greco, M. Houslton, R.S. Kuhl, C.K. Kurtz, J. Palacios, J. Peterse, H. Rochard, F. Rutgers, E. EUSOMA, (2006). The management of lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS) Is LCIS the same as ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS)?. Eur j cancer, Vol.42 (14), pp. 2205-2211.  show abstract

Sellick, G.S. Hoornaert, K.P. Mortier, G.R. King, C. Dolling, C.L. Newbury-Ecob, R.A. Gargan, M. Hall, C.M. Houlston, R.S. Smithson, S.F. (2006). A form of autosomal dominant spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia is caused by a glycine to alanine substitution in the COL2A1 gene. Clin dysmorphol, Vol.15 (4), pp. 197-202.  show abstract

Webb, E.L. Rudd, M.F. Houlston, R.S. (2006). Colorectal cancer risk in monoallelic carriers of MYH variants. Am j hum genet, Vol.79 (4), pp. 768-771.

Sellick, G.S. Catovsky, D. Houlston, R.S. (2006). Relationship between ARLTS1 polymorphisms and risk of chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Leuk res, Vol.30 (12), pp. 1573-1576.  show abstract

Sellick, G.S. Sullivan, K. Catovsky, D. Houlston, R.S. (2006). CHEK2*1100delC and risk of chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Leuk lymphoma, Vol.47 (12), pp. 2659-2660.

Matakidou, A. Eisen, T. Fleischmann, C. Bridle, H. Houlston, R.S. GELCAPS Consortium, (2006). Evaluation of xeroderma pigmentosum XPA, XPC, XPD, XPF, XPB, XPG and DDB2 genes in familial early-onset lung cancer predisposition. Int j cancer, Vol.119 (4), pp. 964-967.  show abstract

Rudd, M.F. Sellick, G.S. Webb, E.L. Catovsky, D. Houlston, R.S. (2006). Variants in the ATM-BRCA2-CHEK2 axis predispose to chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Blood, Vol.108 (2), pp. 638-644.  show abstract

Hearle, N. Schumacher, V. Menko, F.H. Olschwang, S. Boardman, L.A. Gille, J.J. Keller, J.J. Westerman, A.M. Scott, R.J. Lim, W. Trimbath, J.D. Giardiello, F.M. Gruber, S.B. Offerhaus, G.J. de Rooij, F.W. Wilson, J.H. Hansmann, A. Möslein, G. Royer-Pokora, B. Vogel, T. Phillips, R.K. Spigelman, A.D. Houlston, R.S. (2006). Frequency and spectrum of cancers in the Peutz-Jeghers syndrome. Clin cancer res, Vol.12 (10), pp. 3209-3215.  show abstract

Kemp, Z.E. Carvajal-Carmona, L.G. Barclay, E. Gorman, M. Martin, L. Wood, W. Rowan, A. Donohue, C. Spain, S. Jaeger, E. Evans, D.G. Maher, E.R. Bishop, T. Thomas, H. Houlston, R. Tomlinson, I. (2006). Evidence of linkage to chromosome 9q22 33 in colorectal cancer kindreds from the United Kingdom. Cancer research, Vol.66 (10), pp. 5003-4.

Sellick, G.S. Catovsky, D. Houlston, R.S. (2006). Familial cancer associated with a polymorphism in ARLTS1. N engl j med, Vol.354 (11), pp. 1204-1205.

Matakidou, A. Eisen, T. Bridle, H. Houlston, R.S. (2006). Nucleotide excision repair polymorphisms modulate overall lung cancer survival and responsiveness to platinum based chemotherapy agents. J clin oncol, Vol.24 (18_suppl), p. 10004.  show abstract

Webb, E.L. Rudd, M.F. Houlston, R.S. (2006). Case-control, kin-cohort and meta-analyses provide no support for STK15 F31I as a low penetrance colorectal cancer allele. Br j cancer, Vol.95 (8), pp. 1047-1049.  show abstract

Hughes, S. Yoshimoto, M. Beheshti, B. Houlston, R.S. Squire, J.A. Evans, A. (2006). The use of whole genome amplification to study chromosomal changes in prostate cancer: insights into genome-wide signature of preneoplasia associated with cancer progression. Bmc genomics, Vol.7, p. 65.  show abstract

Hughes, S. Williams, R.D. Webb, E. Houlston, R.S. (2006). Meta-analysis and pooled re-analysis of copy number changes in colorectal cancer detected by comparative genomic hybridization. Anticancer res, Vol.26 (5A), pp. 3439-3444.  show abstract

Sellick, G.S. Coleman, R.J. Talaban, R.V. Fleischmann, C. Rudd, M.F. Allinson, R. Catovsky, D. Houlston, R.S. (2005). Germline mutations in Dok1 do not predispose to chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Leuk res, Vol.29 (1), pp. 59-61.  show abstract

Matakidou, A. Eisen, T. Bridle, H. O'Brien, M. Mutch, R. Houlston, R.S. (2005). Case-control study of familial lung cancer risks in UK women. Int j cancer, Vol.116 (3), pp. 445-450.  show abstract

Webb, E.L. Sellick, G.S. Houlston, R.S. (2005). SNPLINK: multipoint linkage analysis of densely distributed SNP data incorporating automated linkage disequilibrium removal. Bioinformatics, Vol.21 (13), pp. 3060-3061.  show abstract

Marti, G.E. Rawstron, A.C. Ghia, P. Hillmen, P. Houlston, R.S. Kay, N. Schleinitz, T.A. Caporaso, N. (2005). MBL and MoBL - Response. British journal of haematology, Vol.130 (5), pp. 795-2.

Hope, Q. Bullock, S. Evans, C. Meitz, J. Hamel, N. Edwards, S.M. Severi, G. Dearnaley, D. Jhavar, S. Southgate, C. Falconer, A. Dowe, A. Muir, K. Houlston, R.S. Engert, J.C. Roquis, D. Sinnett, D. Simard, J. Heimdal, K. Møller, P. Maehle, L. Badzioch, M. Eeles, R.A. Easton, D.F. English, D.R. Southey, M.C. Hopper, J.L. Foulkes, W.D. Giles, G.G. Cancer Research UK/British Association of Urological Surgeons' Section of Oncology Collaborators, (2005). Macrophage scavenger receptor 1 999C>T (R293X) mutation and risk of prostate cancer. Cancer epidemiol biomarkers prev, Vol.14 (2), pp. 397-402.  show abstract

Johnson, V. Volikos, E. Halford, S.E. Sadat, E.T. Popat, S. Talbot, I. Truninger, K. Martin, J. Jass, J. Houlston, R. Atkin, W. Tomlinson, I.P. Silver, A.R. (2005). Exon 3 beta-catenin mutations are specifically associated with colorectal carcinomas in hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer syndrome. Gut, Vol.54 (2), pp. 264-267.

Sellick, G.S. Pritchard-Jones, K. Shepherd, V. Swansbury, J. Catovsky, D. Houlston, R.S. (2005). Loci other than 21q22 12 (RUNX1) and 16q21-23 2 cause familial AML. Leukemia, Vol.19 (3), pp. 465-466.

Matakidou, A. Eisen, T. Houlston, R.S. (2005). Systematic review of the relationship between family history and lung cancer risk. Br j cancer, Vol.93 (7), pp. 825-833.  show abstract

Popat, S. Wort, R. Houlston, R.S. (2005). Relationship between thymidylate synthase (TS) genotype and TS expression: a tissue microarray analysis of colorectal cancers. Int j surg pathol, Vol.13 (2), pp. 127-133.  show abstract

Jefferies, S. Kote-Jarai, Z. Goldgar, D. Houlston, R. Frazer-Williams, M.-. A'Hern, R. Eeles, R. Henk, J. Gore, M. Rhys-Evans, P. Archer, D. Bishop, K. Solomon, E. Hodgson, S. McGurk, M. Hibbert, J. O'Connell, M. Partridge, M. Chevretton, E. Calman, F. Saunders, M. Shotton, K. Brown, A. Whittaker, S. Foulkes, W. MPT Collaborators, MPT Collaborators:, (2005). Association between polymorphisms of the GPX1 gene and second primary tumours after index squamous cell cancer of the head and neck. Oral oncol, Vol.41 (5), pp. 455-461.  show abstract

Rasinpera, H. Forsblom, C. Enattah, N.S. Halonen, P. Salo, K. Victorzon, M. Mecklin, J.P. Jarvinen, H. Enholm, S. Sellick, G. Alazzouzi, H. Houlston, R. Robinson, J. Groop, P.H. Tomlinson, I. Schwartz, S. Aaltonen, L.A. Jarvela, I. Grp, F.S. (2005). The C/C-13910 genotype of adult-type hypolactasia is associated with an increased risk of colorectal cancer in the Finnish population. Gut, Vol.54 (5), pp. 643-647.

Jønsson, V. Houlston, R.S. Catovsky, D. Yuille, M.R. Hilden, J. Olsen, J.H. Fajber, M. Brandt, B. Sellick, G. Allinson, R. Wiik, A. (2005). CLL family 'Pedigree 14' revisited: 1947-2004. Leukemia, Vol.19 (6), pp. 1025-1028.  show abstract

Robinson, J.P. Johnson, V.L. Rogers, P.A. Houlston, R.S. Maher, E.R. Bishop, D.T. Evans, D.G. Thomas, H.J. Tomlinson, I.P. Silver, A.R. (2005). Evidence for an association between compound heterozygosity for germ line mutations in the hemochromatosis (HFE) gene and increased risk of colorectal cancer. Cancer epidemiol biomarkers prev, Vol.14 (6), pp. 1460-1463.  show abstract

Sellick, G.S. Spendlove, H.E. Catovsky, D. Pritchard-Jones, K. Houlston, R.S. (2005). Further evidence that germline CEBPA mutations cause dominant inheritance of acute myeloid leukaemia. Leukemia, Vol.19 (7), pp. 1276-1278.

Sellick, G.S. Longman, C. Brockington, M. Mahjneh, I. Sagi, L. Bushby, K. Topaloğlu, H. Muntoni, F. Houlston, R.S. (2005). Localisation of merosin-positive congenital muscular dystrophy to chromosome 4p16 3. Hum genet, Vol.117 (2-3), pp. 207-212.  show abstract

Marti, G.E. Rawstron, A.C. Ghia, P. Hillmen, P. Houlston, R.S. Kay, N. Schleinitz, T.A. Caporaso, N. International Familial CLL Consortium, (2005). Diagnostic criteria for monoclonal B-cell lymphocytosis. Br j haematol, Vol.130 (3), pp. 325-332.  show abstract

Matakidou, A. Houlston, R. (2005). David N Cooper (ed) The molecular genetics of lung cancer (2005) Springer, ISBN 3-540-22985-X, hardcover, €106 99. Hum genet, Vol.117 (4), p. 410.

Sellick, G.S. Webb, E.L. Allinson, R. Matutes, E. Dyer, M.J. Jonsson, V. Langerak, A.W. Mauro, F.R. Fuller, S. Wiley, J. Lyttelton, M. Callea, V. Yuille, M. Catovsky, D. Houlston, R.S. (2005). A high-density SNP genomewide linkage scan for chronic lymphocytic leukemia-susceptibility loci. Am j hum genet, Vol.77 (3), pp. 420-429.  show abstract

Popat, S. Houlston, R.S. (2005). A systematic review and meta-analysis of the relationship between chromosome 18q genotype, DCC status and colorectal cancer prognosis. Eur j cancer, Vol.41 (14), pp. 2060-2070.  show abstract

Sellick, G.S. Coleman, R.J. Webb, E.L. Chow, J. Bevan, S. Rosbotham, J.L. Houlston, R.S. (2005). Dominantly inherited cutaneous small-vessel lymphocytic vasculitis maps to chromosome 6q26-q27. Hum genet, Vol.118 (1), pp. 82-86.  show abstract

Rudd, M.F. Williams, R.D. Webb, E.L. Schmidt, S. Sellick, G.S. Houlston, R.S. (2005). The predicted impact of coding single nucleotide polymorphisms database. Cancer epidemiol biomarkers prev, Vol.14 (11 Pt 1), pp. 2598-2604.  show abstract

McIntyre, A. Summersgill, B. Spendlove, H.E. Huddart, R. Houlston, R. Shipley, J. (2005). Activating mutations and/or expression levels of tyrosine kinase receptors GRB7, RAS, and BRAF in testicular germ cell tumors. Neoplasia, Vol.7 (12), pp. 1047-1052.  show abstract  full text

Hughes, S. Damato, B.E. Giddings, I. Hiscott, P.S. Humphreys, J. Houlston, R.S. (2005). Microarray comparative genomic hybridisation analysis of intraocular uveal melanomas identifies distinctive imbalances associated with loss of chromosome 3. Br j cancer, Vol.93 (10), pp. 1191-1196.  show abstract

Hearle, N.C. Tomlinson, I. Lim, W. Murday, V. Swarbrick, E. Lim, G. Phillips, R. Lee, P. O'Donohue, J. Trembath, R.C. Morrison, P.J. Norman, A. Taylor, R. Hodgson, S. Lucassen, A. Houlston, R.S. (2005). Sequence changes in predicted promoter elements of STK11/LKB1 are unlikely to contribute to Peutz-Jeghers syndrome. Bmc genomics, Vol.6, p. 38.  show abstract

Popat, S. Hubner, R. Houlston, R.S. (2005). Systematic review of microsatellite instability and colorectal cancer prognosis. J clin oncol, Vol.23 (3), pp. 609-618.  show abstract

Popat, S. Matakidou, A. Houlston, R.S. (2005). Thymidylate synthase expression in colorectal cancer: The never-ending story - In reply. Journal of clinical oncology, Vol.23 (9), pp. 2108-2.

Popat, S. Hubner, R. Houlston, R.S. (2005). Systematic review of microsatellite instability and colorectal cancer prognosis. Journal of clinical oncology, Vol.23 (3), pp. 609-10.

Popat, S. Houlston, R.S. (2005). Re: Reporting recommendations for tumor marker prognostic studies (REMARK). J natl cancer inst, Vol.97 (24), p. 1855.

Talaban, R. Sellick, G.S. Spendlove, H.E. Howell, R. King, C. Reckless, J. Newbury-Ecob, R. Houlston, R.S. (2005). Inherited pericentric inversion (X)(p11 4q11 2) associated with delayed puberty and obesity in two brothers. Cytogenet genome res, Vol.109 (4), pp. 480-484.  show abstract

Forrest, M.S. Edwards, S.M. Houlston, R. Kote-Jarai, Z. Key, T. Allen, N. Knowles, M.A. Turner, F. Ardern-Jones, A. Murkin, A. Williams, S. Oram, R. Bishop, D.T. Eeles, R.A. CR-UK/BPG UK prostate cancer study collaborators, (2005). Association between hormonal genetic polymorphisms and early-onset prostate cancer. Prostate cancer prostatic dis, Vol.8 (1), pp. 95-102.  show abstract

Al-Tassan, N. Eisen, T. Maynard, J. Bridle, H. Shah, B. Fleischmann, C. Sampson, J.R. Cheadle, J.P. Houlston, R.S. (2004). Inherited variants in MYH are unlikely to contribute to the risk of lung carcinoma. Hum genet, Vol.114 (2), pp. 207-210.  show abstract

Popat, S. Matakidou, A. Houlston, R.S. (2004). Thymidylate synthase expression and prognosis in colorectal cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis. J clin oncol, Vol.22 (3), pp. 529-536.  show abstract

Hearle, N. Lucassen, A. Wang, R. Lim, W. Ross, F. Wheeler, R. Moore, I. Shipley, J. Houlston, R. (2004). Mapping of a translocation breakpoint in a Peutz-Jeghers hamartoma to the putative PJS locus at 19q13 4 and mutation analysis of candidate genes in polyp and STKII-negative PJS cases. Genes chromosomes & cancer, Vol.41 (2), pp. 163-7.

Matakidou, A. Hamel, N. Popat, S. Henderson, K. Kantemiroff, T. Harmer, C. Clarke, S.E. Houlston, R.S. Foulkes, W.D. (2004). Risk of non-medullary thyroid cancer influenced by polymorphic variation in the thyroglobulin gene. Carcinogenesis, Vol.25 (3), pp. 369-373.  show abstract

Sellick, G.S. Allinson, R. Matutes, E. Catovsky, D. Houlston, R.S. (2004). Increased sex concordance of sibling pairs with chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Leukemia, Vol.18 (6), pp. 1162-1163.

Sellick, G.S. Rudd, M. Eve, P. Allinson, R. Matutes, E. Catovsky, D. Houlston, R.S. (2004). The P2X7 receptor gene A1513C polymorphism does not contribute to risk of familial or sporadic chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Cancer epidemiol biomarkers prev, Vol.13 (6), pp. 1065-1067.  show abstract

Lim, W. Olschwang, S. Keller, J.J. Westerman, A.M. Menko, F.H. Boardman, L.A. Scott, R.J. Trimbath, J. Giardiello, F.M. Gruber, S.B. Gille, J.J. Offerhaus, G.J. de Rooij, F.W. Wilson, J.H. Spigelman, A.D. Phillips, R.K. Houlston, R.S. (2004). Relative frequency and morphology of cancers in STK11 mutation carriers. Gastroenterology, Vol.126 (7), pp. 1788-1794.  show abstract

Rawstron, A. Hillmen, P. Houlston, R. (2004). Lymphocytes in persons without known chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL): Implications of recent findings in family members of CLL patients. Seminars in hematology, Vol.41 (3), pp. 192-200.

Sellick, G.S. Barker, K.T. Stolte-Dijkstra, I. Fleischmann, C. Coleman, R.J. Garrett, C. Gloyn, A.L. Edghill, E.L. Hattersley, A.T. Wellauer, P.K. Goodwin, G. Houlston, R.S. (2004). Mutations in PTF1A cause pancreatic and cerebellar agenesis. Nat genet, Vol.36 (12), pp. 1301-1305.  show abstract

Spendlove, H.E. Damato, B.E. Humphreys, J. Barker, K.T. Hiscott, P.S. Houlston, R.S. (2004). BRAF mutations are detectable in conjunctival but not uveal melanomas. Melanoma res, Vol.14 (6), pp. 449-452.  show abstract

Rudd, M.F. Sellick, G.S. Allinson, R. Matutes, E. Catovsky, D. Houlston, R.S. (2004). MTHFR polymorphisms and risk of chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Cancer epidemiol biomarkers prev, Vol.13 (12), pp. 2268-2270.  show abstract

Angèle, S. Falconer, A. Edwards, S.M. Dörk, T. Bremer, M. Moullan, N. Chapot, B. Muir, K. Houlston, R. Norman, A.R. Bullock, S. Hope, Q. Meitz, J. Dearnaley, D. Dowe, A. Southgate, C. Ardern-Jones, A. Easton, D.F. Eeles, R.A. Hall, J. (2004). ATM polymorphisms as risk factors for prostate cancer development. Br j cancer, Vol.91 (4), pp. 783-787.  show abstract

Fleischmann, C. Peto, J. Cheadle, J. Shah, B. Sampson, J. Houlston, R.S. (2004). Comprehensive analysis of the contribution of germline MYH variation to early-onset colorectal cancer. Int j cancer, Vol.109 (4), pp. 554-558.  show abstract

Houlston, R.S. Peto, J. (2004). The search for low-penetrance cancer susceptibility alleles. Oncogene, Vol.23 (38), pp. 6471-6476.  show abstract

Sellick, G.S. Longman, C. Tolmie, J. Newbury-Ecob, R. Geenhalgh, L. Hughes, S. Whiteford, M. Garrett, C. Houlston, R.S. (2004). Genomewide linkage searches for Mendelian disease loci can be efficiently conducted using high-density SNP genotyping arrays. Nucleic acids res, Vol.32 (20), p. e164.  show abstract  full text

Sodha, N. Wilson, C. Bullock, S.L. Phillimore, H. Houlston, R.S. Eeles, R.A. (2004). Analysis of familial male breast cancer for germline mutations in CHEK2. Cancer lett, Vol.215 (2), pp. 187-189.  show abstract

Popat, S. Nicholson, A.G. Fisher, C. Harmer, C. Moskovic, E. Murday, V.A. Houlston, R.S. (2004). Pulmonary masses presenting 11 years after abdominal surgery. Respiration, Vol.71 (3), pp. 295-297.

Ardern-Jones, A. Harvey, R.J. Wilson, P. Sharma, A.K. Murday, V. Harmer, C. Houlston, R.S. (2004). Medullary and non-medullary thyroid cancer in a family. Acta oncol, Vol.43 (7), pp. 680-681.

Jagmohan-Changur, S. Poikonen, T. Vilkki, S. Launonen, V. Wikman, F. Orntoft, T.F. Møller, P. Vasen, H. Tops, C. Kolodner, R.D. Mecklin, J.-. Järvinen, H. Bevan, S. Houlston, R.S. Aaltonen, L.A. Fodde, R. Wijnen, J. Karhu, A. (2003). EXO1 variants occur commonly in normal population: evidence against a role in hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer. Cancer res, Vol.63 (1), pp. 154-158.  show abstract

Hearle, N. Damato, B.E. Humphreys, J. Wixey, J. Green, H. Stone, J. Easton, D.F. Houlston, R.S. (2003). Contribution of germline mutations in BRCA2, P16(INK4A), P14(ARF) and P15 to uveal melanoma. Invest ophthalmol vis sci, Vol.44 (2), pp. 458-462.  show abstract

Houlston, R.S. Peto, J. (2003). The future of association studies of common cancers. Hum genet, Vol.112 (4), pp. 434-435.

Howdle, P.D. Jalal, P.K. Holmes, G.K. Houlston, R.S. (2003). Primary small-bowel malignancy in the UK and its association with coeliac disease. Qjm, Vol.96 (5), pp. 345-353.  show abstract

Johns, L.E. Houlston, R.S. (2003). A systematic review and meta-analysis of familial prostate cancer risk. Bju int, Vol.91 (9), pp. 789-794.  show abstract

Matakidou, A. Eisen, T. Houlston, R.S. (2003). TP53 polymorphisms and lung cancer risk: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Mutagenesis, Vol.18 (4), pp. 377-385.  show abstract

Osin, P. Lu, Y.-. Stone, J. Crook, T. Houlston, R.S. Gasco, M. Gusterson, B.A. Shipley, J. (2003). Distinct genetic and epigenetic changes in medullary breast cancer. Int j surg pathol, Vol.11 (3), pp. 153-158.  show abstract

Kote-Jarai, Z. Singh, R. Durocher, F. Easton, D. Edwards, S.M. Ardern-Jones, A. Dearnaley, D.P. Houlston, R. Kirby, R. Eeles, R. (2003). Association between leptin receptor gene polymorphisms and early-onset prostate cancer. Bju int, Vol.92 (1), pp. 109-112.  show abstract

Popat, S. Stone, J. Houlston, R.S. (2003). Allelic imbalance in colorectal cancer at the CRAC1 locus in early-onset colorectal cancer. Cancer genet cytogenet, Vol.145 (1), pp. 70-73.  show abstract

Barker, K.T. Houlston, R.S. (2003). Overgrowth syndromes: is dysfunctional PI3-kinase signalling a unifying mechanism?. Eur j hum genet, Vol.11 (9), pp. 665-670.  show abstract

Houlston, R.S. Sellick, G. Yuille, M. Matutes, E. Catovsky, D. (2003). Causation of chronic lymphocytic leukemia--insights from familial disease. Leuk res, Vol.27 (10), pp. 871-876.  show abstract

Sellick, G.S. Garrett, C. Houlston, R.S. (2003). A novel gene for neonatal diabetes maps to chromosome 10p12 1-p13. Diabetes, Vol.52 (10), pp. 2636-2638.  show abstract

Laiho, P. Hienonen, T. Karhu, A. Lipton, L. Aalto, Y. Thomas, H.J. Birkenkamp-Demtroder, K. Hodgson, S. Salovaara, R. Mecklin, J.P. Jarvinen, H. Knuutila, S. Halford, S. Orntoft, T.F. Tomlinson, I. Launonen, V. Houlston, R. Aaltonen, L.A. (2003). Genome-wide allelotyping of 104 Finnish colorectal cancers reveals an excess of allelic imbalance in chromosome 20q in familial cases. Oncogene, Vol.22 (14), pp. 2206-2214.

Alam, N.A. Gorman, P. Jaeger, E.E. Kelsell, D. Leigh, I.M. Ratnavel, R. Murdoch, M.E. Houlston, R.S. Aaltonen, L.A. Roylance, R.R. Tomlinson, I.P. (2003). Germline deletions of EXO1 do not cause colorectal tumors and lesions which are null for EXO1 do not have microsatellite instability. Cancer genet cytogenet, Vol.147 (2), pp. 121-127.  show abstract

Hearle, N. Humphreys, J. Damato, B.E. Wort, R. Talaban, R. Wixey, J. Green, H. Easton, D.F. Houlston, R.S. (2003). Role of MC1R variants in uveal melanoma. Br j cancer, Vol.89 (10), pp. 1961-1965.  show abstract

Lim, W. Hearle, N. Shah, B. Murday, V. Hodgson, S.V. Lucassen, A. Eccles, D. Talbot, I. Neale, K. Lim, A.G. O'Donohue, J. Donaldson, A. Macdonald, R.C. Young, I.D. Robinson, M.H. Lee, P.W. Stoodley, B.J. Tomlinson, I. Alderson, D. Holbrook, A.G. Vyas, S. Swarbrick, E.T. Lewis, A.A. Phillips, R.K. Houlston, R.S. (2003). Further observations on LKB1/STK11 status and cancer risk in Peutz-Jeghers syndrome. Br j cancer, Vol.89 (2), pp. 308-313.  show abstract

Lipton, L. Fleischmann, C. Sieber, O.M. Thomas, H.J. Hodgson, S.V. Tomlinson, I.P. Houlston, R.S. (2003). Contribution of the CHEK2 1100delC variant to risk of multiple colorectal adenoma and carcinoma. Cancer lett, Vol.200 (2), pp. 149-152.  show abstract

Fleischmann, C. Bevan, S. Neil, J.C. Terry, A. Houlston, R.S. (2003). Mutations in the candidate tumour suppressor gene FLJ12973 on chromosome 15q15 are rare in colorectal cancer. Cancer lett, Vol.196 (1), pp. 65-67.  show abstract

Bevan, S. Edwards, S.M. Ardern Jones, A. Dowe, A. Southgate, C. Dearnaley, D. Easton, D.F. Houlston, R.S. Eeles, R.A. CRC/BPG UK Familial Prostate Cancer Study Collaborators, (2003). Germline mutations in fumarate hydratase (FH) do not predispose to prostate cancer. Prostate cancer prostatic dis, Vol.6 (1), pp. 12-14.  show abstract

Popat, S. Hearle, N. Wixey, J. Hogberg, L. Bevan, S. Lim, W. Stenhammar, L. Houlston, R.S. (2002). Analysis of the CTLA4 gene in Swedish coeliac disease patients. Scand j gastroenterol, Vol.37 (1), pp. 28-31.  show abstract

Zatyka, M. da Silva, N.F. Clifford, S.C. Morris, M.R. Wiesener, M.S. Eckardt, K.-. Houlston, R.S. Richards, F.M. Latif, F. Maher, E.R. (2002). Identification of cyclin D1 and other novel targets for the von Hippel-Lindau tumor suppressor gene by expression array analysis and investigation of cyclin D1 genotype as a modifier in von Hippel-Lindau disease. Cancer res, Vol.62 (13), pp. 3803-3811.  show abstract

Rawstron, A.C. Yuille, M.R. Fuller, J. Cullen, M. Kennedy, B. Richards, S.J. Jack, A.S. Matutes, E. Catovsky, D. Hillmen, P. Houlston, R.S. (2002). Inherited predisposition to CLL is detectable as subclinical monoclonal B-lymphocyte expansion. Blood, Vol.100 (7), pp. 2289-2290.  show abstract

Popat, S. Hearle, N. Bevan, S. Holmes, G.K. Howdle, P.D. Hogberg, L. Braegger, C.P. O'Donoghue, D. Falth-Magnusson, K. Jenkins, H. Johnston, S. Kennedy, N.P. Kumar, P. Logan, R.F. Marsh, M.N. Mulder, C.J. Sjoberg, K. Stenhammar, L. Walters, J.R. Jewell, D.P. Houlston, R.S. (2002). A genetic analysis of coeliac disease. Gut, Vol.50, pp. A92-1.

Yuille, M. Condie, A. Hudson, C. Kote-Jarai, Z. Stone, E. Eeles, R. Matutes, E. Catovsky, D. Houlston, R. (2002). Relationship between glutathione S-transferase M1, T1, and P1 polymorphisms and chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Blood, Vol.99 (11), pp. 4216-4218.  show abstract

Sodha, N. Houlston, R.S. Williams, R. Yuille, M.A. Mangion, J. Eeles, R.A. (2002). A robust method for detecting CHK2/RAD53 mutations in genomic DNA. Hum mutat, Vol.19 (2), pp. 173-177.  show abstract

Sodha, N. Bullock, S. Taylor, R. Mitchell, G. Guertl-Lackner, B. Williams, R.D. Bevan, S. Bishop, K. McGuire, S. Houlston, R.S. Eeles, R.A. (2002). CHEK2 variants in susceptibility to breast cancer and evidence of retention of the wild type allele in tumours. Br j cancer, Vol.87 (12), pp. 1445-1448.  show abstract

Popat, S. Hearle, N. Hogberg, L. Braegger, C.P. O'Donoghue, D. Falth-Magnusson, K. Holmes, G.K. Howdle, P.D. Jenkins, H. Johnston, S. Kennedy, N.P. Kumar, P.J. Logan, R.F. Marsh, M.N. Mulder, C.J. Torinsson Naluai, A. Sjoberg, K. Stenhammar, L. Walters, J.R. Jewell, D.P. Houlston, R.S. (2002). Variation in the CTLA4/CD28 gene region confers an increased risk of coeliac disease. Ann hum genet, Vol.66 (Pt 2), pp. 125-137.  show abstract

Tomlinson, I.P. Alam, N.A. Rowan, A.J. Barclay, E. Jaeger, E.E. Kelsell, D. Leigh, I. Gorman, P. Lamlum, H. Rahman, S. Roylance, R.R. Olpin, S. Bevan, S. Barker, K. Hearle, N. Houlston, R.S. Kiuru, M. Lehtonen, R. Karhu, A. Vilkki, S. Laiho, P. Eklund, C. Vierimaa, O. Aittomäki, K. Hietala, M. Sistonen, P. Paetau, A. Salovaara, R. Herva, R. Launonen, V. Aaltonen, L.A. Multiple Leiomyoma Consortium, (2002). Germline mutations in FH predispose to dominantly inherited uterine fibroids, skin leiomyomata and papillary renal cell cancer. Nat genet, Vol.30 (4), pp. 406-410.  show abstract

Johns, L.E. Kee, F. Collins, B.J. Patterson, C.C. Houlston, R.S. (2002). Colorectal cancer mortality in first-degree relatives of early-onset colorectal cancer cases. Dis colon rectum, Vol.45 (5), pp. 681-686.  show abstract

Popat, S. Bevan, S. Braegger, C.P. Busch, A. O'Donoghue, D. Falth-Magnusson, K. Godkin, A. Hogberg, L. Holmes, G. Hosie, K.B. Howdle, P.D. Jenkins, H. Jewell, D. Johnston, S. Kennedy, N.P. Kumar, P. Logan, R.F. Love, A.H. Marsh, M.N. Mulder, C.J. Sjoberg, K. Stenhammar, L. Walker-Smith, J. Houlston, R.S. (2002). Genome screening of coeliac disease. J med genet, Vol.39 (5), pp. 328-331.

Popat, S. Hearle, N. Bevan, S. Hogberg, L. Stenhammar, L. Houlston, R.S. (2002). Mutational analysis of CD28 in coeliac disease. Scand j gastroenterol, Vol.37 (5), pp. 536-539.  show abstract

Meijers-Heijboer, H. van den Ouweland, A. Klijn, J. Wasielewski, M. de Snoo, A. Oldenburg, R. Hollestelle, A. Houben, M. Crepin, E. van Veghel-Plandsoen, M. Elstrodt, F. van Duijn, C. Bartels, C. Meijers, C. Schutte, M. McGuffog, L. Thompson, D. Easton, D.F. Sodha, N. Seal, S. Barfoot, R. Mangion, J. Chang-Claude, J. Eccles, D. Eeles, R. Evans, D.G. Houlston, R. Murday, V. Narod, S. Peretz, T. Peto, J. Phelan, C. Zhang, H.X. Szabo, C. Devilee, P. Goldgar, D. Futreal, P.A. Nathanson, K.L. Weber, B.L. Rahman, N. Stratton, M.R. (2002). Low-penetrance susceptibility to breast cancer due to CHEK2*1100delC in noncarriers of BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations. Nature genetics, Vol.31 (1), pp. 55-5.

Green, H. Ross, G. Peacock, J. Owen, R. Yarnold, J. Houlston, R. (2002). Variation in the manganese superoxide dismutase gene (SOD2) is not a major cause of radiotherapy complications in breast cancer patients. Radiother oncol, Vol.63 (2), pp. 213-216.  show abstract

Houlston, R.S. Catovsky, D. Yuille, M.R. (2002). Genetic susceptibility to chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Leukemia, Vol.16 (6), pp. 1008-7.

Summersgill, B. Thornton, P. Atkinson, S. Matutes, E. Shipley, J. Catovsky, D. Houlston, R.S. Yuille, M.R. (2002). Chromosomal imbalances in familial chronic lymphocytic leukaemia: a comparative genomic hybridisation analysis. Leukemia, Vol.16 (7), pp. 1229-1232.  show abstract

Meitz, J.C. Edwards, S.M. Easton, D.F. Murkin, A. Ardern-Jones, A. Jackson, R.A. Williams, S. Dearnaley, D.P. Stratton, M.R. Houlston, R.S. Eeles, R.A. Cancer Research UK/BPG UK Familial Prostate Cancer Study Collaborators, (2002). HPC2/ELAC2 polymorphisms and prostate cancer risk: analysis by age of onset of disease. Br j cancer, Vol.87 (8), pp. 905-908.  show abstract

Crabtree, M.D. Tomlinson, I.P. Hodgson, S.V. Neale, K. Phillips, R.K. Houlston, R.S. (2002). Explaining variation in familial adenomatous polyposis: relationship between genotype and phenotype and evidence for modifier genes. Gut, Vol.51 (3), pp. 420-423.  show abstract

Condie, A. Powles, R.L. Hudson, C.D. Shepherd, V. Bevan, S. Yuille, M.R. Houlston, R.S. (2002). Analysis of the Fanconi anaemia complementation group A gene in acute myeloid leukaemia. Leuk lymphoma, Vol.43 (9), pp. 1849-1853.  show abstract

Benzow, K.A. Koob, M.D. Condie, A. Catovsky, D. Matutes, E. Yuille, M.R. Houlston, R.S. (2002). Instability of CAG-trinucleotide repeats in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Leuk lymphoma, Vol.43 (10), pp. 1987-1990.  show abstract

Sodha, N. Houlston, R.S. Bullock, S. Yuille, M.A. Chu, C. Turner, G. Eeles, R.A. (2002). Increasing evidence that germline mutations in CHEK2 do not cause Li-Fraumeni syndrome. Hum mutat, Vol.20 (6), pp. 460-462.

Barker, K.T. Bevan, S. Wang, R. Lu, Y.J. Flanagan, A.M. Bridge, J.A. Fisher, C. Finlayson, C.J. Shipley, J. Houlston, R.S. (2002). Low frequency of somatic mutations in the FH/multiple cutaneous leiomyomatosis gene in sporadic leiomyosarcomas and uterine leiomyomas. British journal of cancer, Vol.87 (4), pp. 446-3.

Porter, T.R. Richards, F.M. Houlston, R.S. Evans, D.G. Jankowski, J.A. Macdonald, F. Norbury, G. Payne, S.J. Fisher, S.A. Tomlinson, I. Maher, E.R. (2002). Contribution of cyclin d1 (CCND1) and E-cadherin (CDH1) polymorphisms to familial and sporadic colorectal cancer. Oncogene, Vol.21 (12), pp. 1928-1933.  show abstract

Laiho, P. Launonen, V. Lahermo, P. Esteller, M. Guo, M. Herman, J.G. Mecklin, J.-. Järvinen, H. Sistonen, P. Kim, K.-. Shibata, D. Houlston, R.S. Aaltonen, L.A. (2002). Low-level microsatellite instability in most colorectal carcinomas. Cancer res, Vol.62 (4), pp. 1166-1170.  show abstract

Yuille, M.R. Condie, A. Hudson, C.D. Bradshaw, P.S. Stone, E.M. Matutes, E. Catovsky, D. Houlston, R.S. (2002). ATM mutations are rare in familial chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Blood, Vol.100 (2), pp. 603-609.  show abstract

Kote-Jarai, Z. Durocher, F. Edwards, S.M. Hamoudi, R. Jackson, R.A. Ardern-Jones, A. Murkin, A. Dearnaley, D.P. Kirby, R. Houlston, R. Easton, D.F. Eeles, R. CRC/BPG UK Familial Prostrate Cancer Collaborators, (2002). Association between the GCG polymorphism of the selenium dependent GPX1 gene and the risk of young onset prostate cancer. Prostate cancer prostatic dis, Vol.5 (3), pp. 189-192.  show abstract

Bevan, S. Houlston, R.S. (2001). Genotyping methodologies. Mol biotechnol, Vol.17 (1), pp. 83-89.  show abstract

Jalal, P.K. Holmes, G.K. Houlston, R.S. Howdle, P.D. (2001). Primary small bowel malignancy in the United Kingdom - Final report of the BSG national survey. Gut, Vol.48, pp. A64-1.

Osin, P. Lu, Y.J. Bell, A. Stone, J. Houlston, R.S. Gusterson, B.A. Shipley, J. (2001). Medullary carcinoma of breast shows a distinct pattern of chromosomal copy number chances, but not DNA mismatch repair deficit. Modern pathology, Vol.14 (1), pp. 33A-1.

Osin, P. Lu, Y.J. Bell, A. Stone, J. Houlston, R.S. Gusterson, B.A. Shipley, J. (2001). Medullary carcinoma of breast shows a distinct pattern of chromosomal copy number changes, but not DNA mismatch repair deficit. Laboratory investigation, Vol.81 (1), pp. 33A-1.

Jalal, P.K. Holmes, G.K. Houlston, R.S. Howdle, P.D. (2001). Presentation of primary small bowel malignancy in the UK - a prospective national survey over 24 months (1998-2000). Gastroenterology, Vol.120 (5), pp. A256-1.

Patel, H. Hart, P.E. Warner, T.T. Houlston, R.S. Patton, M.A. Jeffery, S. Crosby, A.H. (2001). The Silver syndrome variant of hereditary spastic paraplegia maps to 11q12-q14 with evidence for genetic heterogeneity within this subtype. American journal of human genetics, Vol.69 (4), pp. 512-1.

Barker, K. Bevan, S. Wang, R. Alam, A. Tomlinson, I. Shipley, J. Houlston, R. (2001). The role of MUCL1 in sporadic leiomyomas and leimyosarcomas. Journal of medical genetics, Vol.38, pp. S66-1.

Barker, K. Martinez, A. Wang, R. Bevan, S. Murday, V. Shipley, J. Houlston, R. Harper, J. (2001). PTEN mutations are uncommon in Proteus syndrome. Journal of medical genetics, Vol.38 (7), pp. 480-2.  full text

Houlston, R. Crabtree, M. Phillips, R. Crabtree, M. Tomlinson, I. (2001). Explaining differences in the severity of familial adenomatous polyposis and the search for modifier genes. Gut, Vol.48 (1), pp. 1-5.

Tomlinson, I.P. Roylance, R. Houlston, R.S. (2001). Two hits revisited again. J med genet, Vol.38 (2), pp. 81-85.  show abstract

Patel, H. Nardelli, M. Fenn, T. Houlston, R. Coonar, A. Patton, M.A. Crosby, A.H. (2001). Homozygosity at chromosome 8qter in individuals affected by mal de Meleda (Meleda disease) originating from the island of Meleda. British journal of dermatology, Vol.144 (4), pp. 731-734.

Alam, N.A. Bevan, S. Churchman, M. Barclay, E. Barker, K. Jaeger, E.E. Nelson, H.M. Healy, E. Pembroke, A.C. Friedmann, P.S. Dalziel, K. Calonje, E. Anderson, J. August, P.J. Davies, M.G. Felix, R. Munro, C.S. Murdoch, M. Rendall, J. Kennedy, S. Leigh, I.M. Kelsell, D.P. Tomlinson, I.P. Houlston, R.S. (2001). Localization of a gene (MCUL1) for multiple cutaneous leiomyomata and uterine fibroids to chromosome 1q42 3-q43. Am j hum genet, Vol.68 (5), pp. 1264-1269.  show abstract

Stone, J.G. Robertson, D. Houlston, R.S. (2001). Immunohistochemistry for MSH2 and MHL1: a method for identifying mismatch repair deficient colorectal cancer. J clin pathol, Vol.54 (6), pp. 484-487.  show abstract

Kote-Jarai, Z. Easton, D. Edwards, S.M. Jefferies, S. Durocher, F. Jackson, R.A. Singh, R. Ardern-Jones, A. Murkin, A. Dearnaley, D.P. Shearer, R. Kirby, R. Houlston, R. Eeles, R. CRC/BPG UK Familial Prostate Cancer Study Collaborators, (2001). Relationship between glutathione S-transferase M1, P1 and T1 polymorphisms and early onset prostate cancer. Pharmacogenetics, Vol.11 (4), pp. 325-330.  show abstract

Tomlinson, I. Houlston, R. (2001). Is EXO1 a colon cancer predisposition gene?. Gastroenterology, Vol.120 (7), pp. 1860-1861.

Patel, H. Hart, P.E. Warner, T.T. Houlston, R.S. Patton, M.A. Jeffery, S. Crosby, A.H. (2001). The Silver syndrome variant of hereditary spastic paraplegia maps to chromosome 11q12-q14, with evidence for genetic heterogeneity within this subtype. Am j hum genet, Vol.69 (1), pp. 209-215.  show abstract

Houlston, R.S. (2001). What we could do now: molecular pathology of colorectal cancer. Mol pathol, Vol.54 (4), pp. 206-214.  show abstract

Houlston, R.S. Tomlinson, I.P. (2001). Polymorphisms and colorectal tumor risk. Gastroenterology, Vol.121 (2), pp. 282-301.  show abstract

Bevan, S. Pal, T. Greenberg, C.R. Green, H. Wixey, J. Bignell, G. Narod, S.A. Foulkes, W.D. Stratton, M.R. Houlston, R.S. (2001). A comprehensive analysis of MNG1, TCO1, fPTC, PTEN, TSHR, and TRKA in familial nonmedullary thyroid cancer: confirmation of linkage to TCO1. J clin endocrinol metab, Vol.86 (8), pp. 3701-3704.  show abstract

Bevan, S. Rosbotham, J.L. Mortimer, P.S. Hill, V.A. Houlston, R. (2001). Genetic linkage in a large multigenerational family with vasculitis. Journal of medical genetics, Vol.38, pp. S69-S69.

Zhou, X.P. Woodford-Richens, K. Lehtonen, R. Kurose, K. Aldred, M. Hampel, H. Launonen, V. Virta, S. Pilarski, R. Salovaara, R. Bodmer, W.F. Conrad, B.A. Dunlop, M. Hodgson, S.V. Iwama, T. Järvinen, H. Kellokumpu, I. Kim, J.C. Leggett, B. Markie, D. Mecklin, J.P. Neale, K. Phillips, R. Piris, J. Rozen, P. Houlston, R.S. Aaltonen, L.A. Tomlinson, I.P. Eng, C. (2001). Germline mutations in BMPR1A/ALK3 cause a subset of cases of juvenile polyposis syndrome and of Cowden and Bannayan-Riley-Ruvalcaba syndromes. Am j hum genet, Vol.69 (4), pp. 704-711.  show abstract

Woodford-Richens, K.L. Rowan, A.J. Poulsom, R. Bevan, S. Salovaara, R. Aaltonen, L.A. Houlston, R.S. Wright, N.A. Tomlinson, I.P. (2001). Comprehensive analysis of SMAD4 mutations and protein expression in juvenile polyposis: evidence for a distinct genetic pathway and polyp morphology in SMAD4 mutation carriers. Am j pathol, Vol.159 (4), pp. 1293-1300.  show abstract

Peto, J. Houlston, R.S. (2001). Genetics and the common cancers. Eur j cancer, Vol.37 Suppl 8, pp. S88-S96.  show abstract

Johns, L.E. Houlston, R.S. (2001). A systematic review and meta-analysis of familial colorectal cancer risk. Am j gastroenterol, Vol.96 (10), pp. 2992-3003.  show abstract

Popat, S. Hogberg, L. McGuire, S. Green, H. Bevan, S. Stenhammar, L. Houlston, R.S. (2001). Germline mutations in TGM2 do not contribute to coeliac disease susceptibility in the Swedish population. Eur j gastroenterol hepatol, Vol.13 (12), pp. 1477-1479.  show abstract

Woodford-Richens, K.L. Halford, S. Rowan, A. Bevan, S. Aaltonen, L.A. Wasan, H. Bicknell, D. Bodmer, W.F. Houlston, R.S. Tomlinson, I.P. (2001). CDX2 mutations do not account for juvenile polyposis or Peutz-Jeghers syndrome and occur infrequently in sporadic colorectal cancers. Br j cancer, Vol.84 (10), pp. 1314-1316.  show abstract

Stone, J.G. Coleman, G. Gusterson, B. Marossy, A. Lakhani, S.R. Ward, A. Nash, A. McKinna, A. A'Hern, R. Stratton, M.R. Houlston, R.S. (2001). Contribution of germline MLH1 and MSH2 mutations to lobular carcinoma in situ of the breast. Cancer lett, Vol.167 (2), pp. 171-174.  show abstract

Lipton, L. Thomas, H.J. Eeles, R.A. Houlston, R.S. Longmuir, M. Davison, R. Hodgson, S.V. Murday, V.A. Norbury, C.G. Taylor, C. Tomlinson, I.P. (2001). Apparent Mendelian inheritance of breast and colorectal cancer: chance, genetic heterogeneity or a new gene?. Fam cancer, Vol.1 (3-4), pp. 189-195.  show abstract

Bevan, S. Catovsky, D. Matutes, E. Antunovic, P. Auger, M.J. Ben-Bassat, I. Bell, A. Berrebi, A. Gaminara, E.J. Júnior, M.E. Mauro, F.R. Quabeck, K. Rassam, S.M. Reid, C. Ribeiro, I. Stark, P. van Dongen, J.J. Wimperis, J. Wright, S. Marossy, A. Yuille, M.R. Houlston, R.S. (2000). Linkage analysis for major histocompatibility complex-related genetic susceptibility in familial chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Blood, Vol.96 (12), pp. 3982-3984.  show abstract

Jalal, P.K. Holmes, G.K. Houlston, R.S. Howdle, P.D. (2000). Presentation of primary small bowel malignancy in the United Kingdom - A prospective national survey. Gastroenterology, Vol.118 (4), pp. A373-1.

Jalal, P.K. Holmes, G.K. Houlston, R.S. Howdle, P.D. (2000). The efficacy of a questionnaire study in a prospective survey to determine the incidence of primary small bowel malignancy in the United Kingdom. Gut, Vol.46, pp. A24-1.

Jalal, P.K. Holmes, G.K. Houlston, R.S. Howdle, P.D. (2000). Presentation of primary small bowel malignancy in the United Kingdom - A preliminary report of a prospective national survey. Gut, Vol.46, pp. A34-1.

Jefferies, S. Kote-Jarai, Z. Houlston, R. Fraser-Williams, M.J. A'Hern, R. Foulkes, W.D. Goldgar, D. Eeles, R.A. (2000). Association between polymorphisms of the GPX1 gene and multiple primary tumours (MPT). American journal of human genetics, Vol.67 (4), pp. 104-1.

Foster, C. Watson, M. Eeles, R. Ardern-Jones, A. Houlston, R. Murday, V. (2000). A qualitative study of women undergoing predictive genetic testing for breast and ovarian cancer predisposition: The role of experiences of cancer in the family and family relationships. Journal of medical genetics, Vol.37, pp. A15-1.

Foster, C. Watson, M. Eeles, R. Houlston, R. Arden-Jones, A. (2000). Predictive genetic testing for breast & ovarian cancer predisposition: The role of experiences of cancer in this family & family relationships. Psycho-oncology, Vol.9 (5), pp. S36-1.

Woodford-Richens, K. Williamson, J. Bevan, S. Young, J. Leggett, B. Frayling, I. Thway, Y. Hodgson, S. Kim, J.C. Iwama, T. Novelli, M. Sheer, D. Poulsom, R. Wright, N. Houlston, R. Tomlinson, I. (2000). Allelic loss at SMAD4 in polyps from juvenile polyposis patients and use of fluorescence in situ hybridization to demonstrate clonal origin of the epithelium. Cancer research, Vol.60 (9), pp. 2477-2482.

Bradshaw, P.S. Houlston, R.S. Hamoudi, R. Yuille, M.R. (2000). A proposed BAT-26 germline polymorphism. Am j pathol, Vol.156 (2), pp. 733-734.  full text

Rahman, N. Stone, J.G. Coleman, G. Gusterson, B. Seal, S. Marossy, A. Lakhani, S.R. Ward, A. Nash, A. McKinna, A. A'Hern, R. Stratton, M.R. Houlston, R.S. (2000). Lobular carcinoma in situ of the breast is not caused by constitutional mutations in the E-cadherin gene. Br j cancer, Vol.82 (3), pp. 568-570.  show abstract

Lucassen, A.M. Houlston, R.S. (2000). Clinical geneticists' attitudes and practice towards testing for breast cancer susceptibility genes. J med genet, Vol.37 (2), pp. 157-160.

Houlston, R.S. Tomlinson, I.P. (2000). Detecting low penetrance genes in cancer: the way ahead. J med genet, Vol.37 (3), pp. 161-167.  show abstract

Houlston, R.S. (2000). CYP1A1 polymorphisms and lung cancer risk: a meta-analysis. Pharmacogenetics, Vol.10 (2), pp. 105-114.  show abstract

Afzal, A.R. Rajab, A. Fenske, C. Crosby, A. Lahiri, N. Ternes-Pereira, E. Murday, V.A. Houlston, R. Patton, M.A. Jeffery, S. (2000). Linkage of recessive Robinow syndrome to a 4 cM interval on chromosome 9q22. Human genetics, Vol.106 (3), pp. 351-354.

Woodford-Richens, K. Bevan, S. Churchman, M. Dowling, B. Jones, D. Norbury, C.G. Hodgson, S.V. Desai, D. Neale, K. Phillips, R.K. Young, J. Leggett, B. Dunlop, M. Rozen, P. Eng, C. Markie, D. Rodriguez-Bigas, M.A. Sheridan, E. Iwama, T. Eccles, D. Smith, G.T. Kim, J.C. Kim, K.M. Sampson, J.R. Evans, G. Tejpar, S. Bodmer, W.F. Tomlinson, I.P. Houlston, R.S. (2000). Analysis of genetic and phenotypic heterogeneity in juvenile polyposis. Gut, Vol.46 (5), pp. 656-660.  show abstract

Yuille, M.R. Matutes, E. Marossy, A. Hilditch, B. Catovsky, D. Houlston, R.S. (2000). Familial chronic lymphocytic leukaemia: a survey and review of published studies. Br j haematol, Vol.109 (4), pp. 794-799.  show abstract

Houlston, R.S. Catovsky, D. Yuille, M.R. (2000). Pseudoautosomal linkage in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia. Br j haematol, Vol.109 (4), pp. 899-900.

Johns, L.E. Houlston, R.S. (2000). Glutathione S-transferase mu1 (GSTM1) status and bladder cancer risk: a meta-analysis. Mutagenesis, Vol.15 (5), pp. 399-404.  show abstract

Woodford-Richens, K. Williamson, J. Bevan, S. Young, J. Jass, J. Leggett, B. Frayling, I. Thway, Y. Hodgson, S. Kim, J.C. Iwama, T. Novelli, M. Sheer, D. Poulson, R. Wright, N.A. Houlston, R. Tomlinson, I. (2000). Juvenile polyposis lesions show clonal loss of SMAD4 in epithelial as well as stromal compartments, endorsing the "gatekeeper" not the "landscaper" hypothesis. Journal of pathology, Vol.192, pp. 10A-10A.

Williams, A.P. Bevan, S. Bunce, M. Houlston, R. Welsh, K.I. Elliott, T. (2000). Identification of novel Tapasin polymorphisms and linkage disequilibrium to MHC class I alleles. Immunogenetics, Vol.52 (1-2), pp. 9-11.

Mahon, N.G. Coonar, A.S. Jeffery, S. Coccolo, F. Akiyu, J. Zal, B. Houlston, R. Levin, G.E. Baboonian, C. McKenna, W.J. (2000). Haemochromatosis gene mutations in idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy. Heart, Vol.84 (5), pp. 541-547.

Rahman, N. Arbour, L. Houlston, R. Bonaïti-Pellié, C. Abidi, F. Tranchemontagne, J. Ford, D. Narod, S. Pritchard-Jones, K. Foulkes, W.D. Schwartz, C. Stratton, M.R. (2000). Penetrance of mutations in the familial Wilms tumor gene FWT1. J natl cancer inst, Vol.92 (8), pp. 650-652.

Lamlum, H. Al Tassan, N. Jaeger, E. Frayling, L. Sieber, O. Bin Reza, F. Eckert, M. Rowan, A. Barclay, E. Atkin, W. Williams, C. Gilbert, J. Cheadle, J. Bell, J. Houlston, R. Bodmer, W. Sampson, J. Tomlinson, L. (2000). Germline APC variants in patients with multiple colorectal adenomas, with evidence for the particular importance of E1317Q. Human molecular genetics, Vol.9 (15), pp. 2215-2221.

Stone, J.G. Tomlinson, I.P. Houlston, R.S. (2000). Optimising methods for determining RER status in colorectal cancers. Cancer lett, Vol.149 (1-2), pp. 15-20.  show abstract

Popat, S. Stone, J. Coleman, G. Marshall, G. Peto, J. Frayling, I. Houlston, R. (2000). Prevalence of the APC E1317Q variant in colorectal cancer patients. Cancer lett, Vol.149 (1-2), pp. 203-206.  show abstract

Johns, L.E. Houlston, R.S. (2000). N-acetyl transferase-2 and bladder cancer risk: a meta-analysis. Environ mol mutagen, Vol.36 (3), pp. 221-227.  show abstract

Bevan, S. Houlston, R.S. (2000). Genotyping methodologies. Methods mol med, Vol.41, pp. 11-20.  show abstract

Bevan, S. Houlston, R.S. (2000). From linkage to genes : positional cloning. Methods mol med, Vol.41, pp. 21-31.  show abstract

Bevan, S. Houlston, R.S. (2000). Linkage and the transmission disequilibrium test in complex traits : celiac disease as a case study. Methods mol med, Vol.41, pp. 33-54.  show abstract

Bevan, S. Houlston, R.S. (1999). Genetic predisposition to gastric cancer. Qjm, Vol.92 (1), pp. 5-10.

Stone, J.G. Eeles, R.A. Sodha, N. Murday, V. Sheriden, E. Houlston, R.S. (1999). Analysis of Li-Fraumeni syndrome and Li-Fraumeni-like families for germline mutations in Bcl10. Cancer lett, Vol.147 (1-2), pp. 181-185.  show abstract

Hawkins, M. Vini, L. Houlston, R. A'Hern, R. Harmer, C. (1999). Familial differentiated thyroid cancer. British journal of cancer, Vol.80, pp. 112-1.

Stone, J. Bevan, S. Cunningham, D. Hill, A. Rahman, N. Peto, J. Marossy, A. Houlston, R.S. (1999). Low frequency of germline E-cadherin mutations in familial and nonfamilial gastric cancer. Br j cancer, Vol.79 (11-12), pp. 1935-1937.  show abstract

Tomlinson, I. Rahman, N. Frayling, I. Mangion, J. Barfoot, R. Hamoudi, R. Seal, S. Northover, J. Thomas, H.J. Neale, K. Hodgson, S. Talbot, I. Houlston, R. Stratton, M.R. (1999). Inherited susceptibility to colorectal adenomas and carcinomas: evidence for a new predisposition gene on 15q14-q22. Gastroenterology, Vol.116 (4), pp. 789-795.  show abstract

Houlston, R.S. (1999). Colorectal cancer screening. Crit rev oncol hematol, Vol.30 (3), pp. 183-187.

Stone, J.G. Rowan, A.J. Tomlinson, I.P. Houlston, R.S. (1999). Mutations in Bcl10 are very rare in colorectal cancer. Br j cancer, Vol.80 (10), pp. 1569-1570.  show abstract

Houlston, R.S. (1999). Glutathione S-transferase M1 status and lung cancer risk: a meta-analysis. Cancer epidemiol biomarkers prev, Vol.8 (8), pp. 675-682.  show abstract

Bevan, S. Popat, S. Braegger, C.P. Busch, A. O'Donoghue, D. Falth-Magnusson, K. Ferguson, A. Godkin, A. Hogberg, L. Holmes, G. Hosie, K.B. Howdle, P.D. Jenkins, H. Jewell, D. Johnston, S. Kennedy, N.P. Kerr, G. Kumar, P. Logan, R.F. Love, A.H. Marsh, M. Mulder, C.J. Sjoberg, K. Stenhammer, L. Walker-Smith, J. Marossy, A.M. Houlston, R.S. (1999). Contribution of the MHC region to the familial risk of coeliac disease. J med genet, Vol.36 (9), pp. 687-690.  show abstract

Bevan, S. Woodford-Richens, K. Rozen, P. Eng, C. Young, J. Dunlop, M. Neale, K. Phillips, R. Markie, D. Rodriguez-Bigas, M. Leggett, B. Sheridan, E. Hodgson, S. Iwama, T. Eccles, D. Bodmer, W. Houlston, R. Tomlinson, I. (1999). Screening SMAD1, SMAD2, SMAD3, and SMAD5 for germline mutations in juvenile polyposis syndrome. Gut, Vol.45 (3), pp. 406-408.  show abstract

Bevan, S. Catovsky, D. Marossy, A. Matutes, E. Popat, S. Antonovic, P. Bell, A. Berrebi, A. Gaminara, E. Quabeck, K. Ribeiro, I. Mauro, F.R. Stark, P. Sykes, H. van Dongen, J. Wimperis, J. Wright, S. Yuille, M.R. Houlston, R.S. (1999). Linkage analysis for ATM in familial B cell chronic lymphocytic leukaemia. Leukemia, Vol.13 (10), pp. 1497-1500.  show abstract

Houlston, R. Damato, B. (1999). Untitled. Eye, Vol.13, pp. 705-705.

Bevan, S. Popat, S. Houlston, R.S. (1999). Relative power of linkage and transmission disequilibrium test strategies to detect non-HLA linked coeliac disease susceptibility genes. Gut, Vol.45 (5), pp. 668-671.  show abstract

Yuille, M.R. Stone, J.G. Bradshaw, P.S. Houlston, R.S. (1999). Bcl10 in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia and T-cell prolymphocytic leukaemia. Br j haematol, Vol.107 (2), pp. 384-385.  show abstract

Bradshaw, P.S. Hamoudi, R. Min, T. Catovsky, D. Houlston, R.S. Yuille, M.R. (1999). Fluorescent BAT-25 and BAT-26 analysis of T cell prolymphocytic leukaemia. Leukemia, Vol.13 (12), pp. 2104-2106.  show abstract

Bevan, S. Yuille, M.R. Marossy, A. Catovsky, D. Houlston, R.S. (1999). Ataxia telangiectasia gene mutations and chronic lymphocytic leukaemia. Lancet, Vol.353 (9154), p. 753.

Houlston, R.S. Damato, B.E. (1999). Genetic predisposition to ocular melanoma. Eye (lond), Vol.13 ( Pt 1), pp. 43-46.  show abstract

Houlston, R.S. Tomlinson, I.P. (1998). Modifier genes in humans: strategies for identification. Eur j hum genet, Vol.6 (1), pp. 80-88.  show abstract

Yuille, M.A. Houlston, R.S. Catovsky, D. (1998). Anticipation in familial chronic lymphocytic leukaemia. British journal of haematology, Vol.102 (1), pp. 35-1.

Olschwang, S. Markie, D. Seal, S. Neale, K. Phillips, R. Cottrell, S. Ellis, I. Hodgson, S. Zauber, P. Spigelman, A. Iwama, T. Loff, S. McKeown, C. Marchese, C. Sampson, J. Davies, S. Talbot, I. Wyke, J. Thomas, G. Bodmer, W. Hemminki, A. Avizienyte, E. de la Chapelle, A. Aaltonen, L. Stratton, M. Houlston, R. Tomlinson, I. (1998). Peutz-Jeghers disease: most, but not all, families are compatible with linkage to 19p13 3. Journal of medical genetics, Vol.35 (1), pp. 42-44.

Fenske, C.D. Jeffery, S. Weber, J.L. Houlston, R.S. Leonard, J.V. Lee, P.J. (1998). Localisation of the gene for glycogen storage disease type 1c by homozygosity mapping to 11q. J med genet, Vol.35 (4), pp. 269-272.  show abstract

Lucassen, A. Houlston, R. (1998). Will gene testing cut the risk of familial colorectal cancer?. Practitioner, Vol.242 (1585), pp. 306-+.

Stratakis, C.A. Kirschner, L.S. Taymans, S.E. Tomlinson, I.P. Marsh, D.J. Torpy, D.J. Giatzakis, C. Eccles, D.M. Theaker, J. Houlston, R.S. Blouin, J.L. Antonarakis, S.E. Basson, C.T. Eng, C. Carney, J.A. (1998). Carney complex, Peutz-Jeghers syndrome, Cowden disease, and Bannayan-Zonana syndrome share cutaneous and endocrine manifestations, but not genetic loci. J clin endocrinol metab, Vol.83 (8), pp. 2972-2976.  show abstract

Houlston, R.S. (1998). Genetic predisposition to non-medullary thyroid cancer. Nucl med commun, Vol.19 (10), pp. 911-913.

Yuille, M.R. Houlston, R.S. Catovsky, D. (1998). Anticipation in familial chronic lymphocytic leukaemia. Leukemia, Vol.12 (11), pp. 1696-1698.  show abstract

Marsh, D.J. Dahia, P.L. Caron, S. Kum, J.B. Frayling, I.M. Tomlinson, I.P. Hughes, K.S. Eeles, R.A. Hodgson, S.V. Murday, V.A. Houlston, R. Eng, C. (1998). Germline PTEN mutations in Cowden syndrome-like families. J med genet, Vol.35 (11), pp. 881-885.  show abstract

Teh, B.T. Esapa, C.T. Houlston, R. Grandell, U. Farnebo, F. Nordenskjold, M. Pearce, C.J. Carmichael, D. Larsson, C. Harris, P.E. (1998). A family with isolated hyperparathyroidism segregating a missense MEN1 mutation and showing loss of the wild-type alleles in the parathyroid tumors. American journal of human genetics, Vol.63 (5), pp. 1544-1549.

Houlston, R. Bevan, S. Williams, A. Young, J. Dunlop, M. Rozen, P. Eng, C. Markie, D. Woodford-Richens, K. Rodriguez-Bigas, M.A. Leggett, B. Neale, K. Phillips, R. Sheridan, E. Hodgson, S. Iwama, T. Eccles, D. Bodmer, W. Tomlinson, I. (1998). Mutations in DPC4 (SMAD4) cause juvenile polyposis syndrome, but only account for a minority of cases. Hum mol genet, Vol.7 (12), pp. 1907-1912.  show abstract

Polvi, A. Garden, O.A. Houlston, R.S. Maki, M. Batt, R.M. Partanen, J. (1998). Genetic susceptibility to gluten sensitive enteropathy in Irish setter dogs is not linked to the major histocompatibility complex. Tissue antigens, Vol.52 (6), pp. 543-549.  show abstract

Howe, J.R. Roth, S. Ringold, J.C. Summers, R.W. Järvinen, H.J. Sistonen, P. Tomlinson, I.P. Houlston, R.S. Bevan, S. Mitros, F.A. Stone, E.M. Aaltonen, L.A. (1998). Mutations in the SMAD4/DPC4 gene in juvenile polyposis. Science, Vol.280 (5366), pp. 1086-1088.  show abstract

Coonar, A.S. Protonotarios, N. Tsatsopoulou, A. Needham, E.W. Houlston, R.S. Cliff, S. Otter, M.I. Murday, V.A. Mattu, R.K. McKenna, W.J. (1998). Gene for arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy with diffuse nonepidermolytic palmoplantar keratoderma and woolly hair (Naxos disease) maps to 17q21. Circulation, Vol.97 (20), pp. 2049-2058.  show abstract

Bignell, G.R. Canzian, F. Shayeghi, M. Stark, M. Shugart, Y.Y. Biggs, P. Mangion, J. Hamoudi, R. Rosenblatt, J. Buu, P. Sun, S. Stoffer, S.S. Goldgar, D.E. Romeo, G. Houlston, R.S. Narod, S.A. Stratton, M.R. Foulkes, W.D. (1997). A familial non-toxic multinodular thyroid goiter locus maps to chromosome 14q but does not account for familial non-medullary thyroid cancer. American journal of human genetics, Vol.61 (4), pp. A268-1.

Coonar, A.S. Protonotarios, N. Tsatsopoulou, A. Needham, E.W. Murday, V.A. Houlston, R.S. Cliff, S. Otter, M.I. Mattu, R.K. McKenna, W.J. (1997). A gene locus for arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy maps to chromosome 17p1-q3. Journal of the american college of cardiology, Vol.29 (2), pp. 4082-1.

Houlston, R.S. Tomlinson, I.P. Ford, D. Seal, S. Marossy, A.M. Ferguson, A. Holmes, G.K. Hosie, K.B. Howdle, P.D. Jewell, D.P. Godkin, A. Kerr, G.D. Kumar, P. Logan, R.F. Love, A.H. Johnston, S. Marsh, M.N. Mitton, S. O'Donoghue, D. Roberts, A. Walker-Smith, J.A. Stratton, M.F. (1997). Linkage analysis of candidate regions for coeliac disease genes. Hum mol genet, Vol.6 (8), pp. 1335-1339.  show abstract

Bignell, G.R. Canzian, F. Shayeghi, M. Stark, M. Shugart, Y.Y. Biggs, P. Mangion, J. Hamoudi, R. Rosenblatt, J. Buu, P. Sun, S. Stoffer, S.S. Goldgar, D.E. Romeo, G. Houlston, R.S. Narod, S.A. Stratton, M.R. Foulkes, W.D. (1997). Familial nontoxic multinodular thyroid goiter locus maps to chromosome 14q but does not account for familial nonmedullary thyroid cancer. Am j hum genet, Vol.61 (5), pp. 1123-1130.  show abstract

Tomlinson, I.P. Houlston, R.S. (1997). Peutz-Jeghers syndrome. J med genet, Vol.34 (12), pp. 1007-1011.  show abstract

Houlston, R.S. Tomlinson, I.P. (1997). Genetic prognostic markers in colorectal cancer. Mol pathol, Vol.50 (6), pp. 281-288.  show abstract

Lucassen, A. Houlston, R. (1997). Breast cancer: who is at risk?. Practitioner, Vol.241 (1581), pp. 757-+.

Huddart, R.A. Thompson, C. Nicholls, E.J. Horwich, A. Houlston, R. (1996). Familial predisposition to both male and female germ cell tumours?. British journal of cancer, Vol.73 (8), pp. 21-1.

Huddart, R.A. Thompson, C. Houlston, R. Huddart, R.A. Nicholls, E.J. Horwich, A. (1996). Familial predisposition to both male and female germ cell tumours?. J med genet, Vol.33 (1), p. 86.

Eeles, R. Murday, V. Lloyd, S. Houlston, R. Ponder, B. Tarpey, P. ArdernJones, A. Averill, D. Brady, A. Taylor, R. Patton, M. Ebbs, S. Easton, D. Peto, J. Stratton, M. Watson, M. (1996). Studies of predictive genetic testing for the BRCA1 breast/ovarian cancer-predisposition gene. British journal of cancer, Vol.74, pp. 1-1.

Houlston, R.S. Ford, D. (1996). A method for determining familial cancer risks in clinical practice. Dis markers, Vol.13 (1), pp. 49-55.  show abstract

Houlston, R.S. Ford, D. (1996). Genetics of coeliac disease. Qjm, Vol.89 (10), pp. 737-743.  show abstract


Houlston, R.S. Stratton, M.R. (1995). Genetics of non-medullary thyroid cancer. Qjm, Vol.88 (10), pp. 685-693.

Hurst, J.A. Houlston, R.S. Roberts, A. Gould, S.J. Tingey, W.G. (1995). Transverse limb deficiency, facial clefting and hypoxic renal damage: an association with treatment of maternal hypertension?. Clin dysmorphol, Vol.4 (4), pp. 359-363.  show abstract

Houlston, R.S. Collins, A. Kee, F. Collins, B.J. Shields, D.C. Morton, N.E. (1995). Segregation analysis of colorectal cancer in Northern Ireland. Hum hered, Vol.45 (1), pp. 41-48.  show abstract

Saadeh, I.K. Houlston, R.S. Ellison, D.W. Lees, P. Lawton, N.F. Hughes, P.J. (1994). Carcinoma of the pituitary in association with pulmonary stenosis and microcephaly. J intern med, Vol.235 (2), pp. 183-184.  show abstract

Houlston, R.S. Collins, A.L. Dennis, N.R. Temple, I.K. (1994). Further observations on the Floating-Harbor syndrome. Clin dysmorphol, Vol.3 (2), pp. 143-149.  show abstract

Houlston, R.S. Temple, I.K. (1994). Characteristic facies in type B brachydactyly?. Clin dysmorphol, Vol.3 (3), pp. 224-227.  show abstract

Houlston, R.S. Winter, G.B. Speight, P.M. Fairhurst, J. Temple, I.K. (1994). Taurodontism and disproportionate short stature. Clin dysmorphol, Vol.3 (3), pp. 251-254.  show abstract

Houlston, R.S. Renshaw, R.M. James, R.S. Ironton, R. Temple, I.K. (1994). Duplication of 16q22-->qter confirmed by fluorescence in situ hybridisation and molecular analysis. J med genet, Vol.31 (11), pp. 884-887.  show abstract

Houlston, R.S. Ironton, R. Temple, I.K. (1994). Association of atrial-ventricular septal defect, blepharophimosis, anal and radial defects in sibs: a new syndrome?. Genet couns, Vol.5 (1), pp. 93-96.

Shields, D.C. Marlow, A.J. Houlston, R.S. Eccles, D.M. Morton, N.E. (1994). Prediction of genetic risks from segregation analyses of morbid risks. Hum hered, Vol.44 (1), pp. 52-55.  show abstract

Ostlere, L.S. Houlston, R.S. Laing, J.H. Rustin, G.J. Rustin, M.H. (1993). Risk of cancer in relatives of patients with cutaneous melanoma. Int j dermatol, Vol.32 (10), pp. 719-721.  show abstract

Houlston, R.S. Saadeh, I.K. Barker, S. Hughes, P.J. Lawton, N.F. (1993). Cerebral infarction due to moyamoya disease in an 18 year old female. Postgrad med j, Vol.69 (818), pp. 932-934.  show abstract

Houlston, R.S. Bourne, T.H. Collins, W.P. Whitehead, M.I. Campbell, S. Slack, J. (1993). Risk of ovarian cancer and genetic relationship to other cancers in families. Hum hered, Vol.43 (2), pp. 111-115.  show abstract


Houlston, R.S. McCarter, E. Parbhoo, S. Scurr, J.H. Slack, J. (1992). Family history and risk of breast cancer. J med genet, Vol.29 (3), pp. 154-157.  show abstract

Houlston, R.S. Iraggori, S. Murday, V. Scrine, M. Macdermot, K. Slack, J. Rees, L. (1992). Microcephaly, focal segmental glomerulonephritis and marfanoid habitus in two sibs. Clin dysmorphol, Vol.1 (2), pp. 111-113.  show abstract

Houlston, R.S. Collins, A. Slack, J. Morton, N.E. (1992). Dominant genes for colorectal cancer are not rare. Ann hum genet, Vol.56 (2), pp. 99-103.  show abstract

Houlston, R.S. Fallon, T. Harocopos, C. Williams, C.B. Davey, C. Slack, J. (1992). Congenital hypertrophy of retinal pigment epithelium in patients with colonic polyps associated with cancer family syndrome. Clin genet, Vol.42 (1), pp. 16-18.  show abstract

Houlston, R.S. Lemoine, L. McCarter, E. Harrington, S. MacDermot, K. Hinton, J. Berger, L. Slack, J. (1992). Screening and genetic counselling for relatives of patients with breast cancer in a family cancer clinic. J med genet, Vol.29 (10), pp. 691-694.  show abstract

Houlston, R.S. Hampson, J. Collins, W.P. Whitehead, M.I. Campbell, S. Slack, J. (1992). Correlation in ages at death from familial ovarian cancer among sisters. Gynecol oncol, Vol.47 (2), pp. 253-254.  show abstract

Houlston, R. Bourne, T.H. Davies, A. Whitehead, M.I. Campbell, S. Collins, W.P. Slack, J. (1992). Use of family history in a screening clinic for familial ovarian cancer. Gynecol oncol, Vol.47 (2), pp. 247-252.  show abstract

Eccles, D.M. Houlston, R.S. (1992). Ovarian cancer family and prophylactic choices. J med genet, Vol.29 (12), p. 928.

HOULSTON, R.S. LEMOINE, L. (1991). MEDICAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVES ON BREAST-CANCER SCREENING - A COMMENT. Journal of community & applied social psychology, Vol.1 (1), pp. 43-2.


Houlston, R.S. Collins, A. Slack, J. Campbell, S. Collins, W.P. Whitehead, M.I. Morton, N.E. (1991). Genetic epidemiology of ovarian cancer: segregation analysis. Ann hum genet, Vol.55 (4), pp. 291-299.  show abstract

Wenham, P.R. Newton, C.R. Houlston, R.S. Price, W.H. (1991). Rapid diagnosis of familial defective apolipoprotein B-100 by Amplification Refractory Mutation System. Clin chem, Vol.37 (11), pp. 1983-1987.  show abstract

Snowden, C. Houlston, R.S. Arif, M.H. Laker, M.F. Humphries, S.E. Alberti, K.G. (1991). Disparity between apolipoprotein E phenotypes and genotypes (as determined by polymerase chain reaction and oligonucleotide probes) in patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Clin chim acta, Vol.196 (1), pp. 49-57.  show abstract

Houlston, R.S. Snowden, C. Laker, M.F. Alberti, K.G. Humphries, S.E. (1991). Variation in the apolipoprotein B gene and development of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Dis markers, Vol.9 (2), pp. 87-96.  show abstract


Tybjaerg-Hansen, A. Gallagher, J. Vincent, J. Houlston, R. Talmud, P. Dunning, A.M. Seed, M. Hamsten, A. Humphries, S.E. Myant, N.B. (1990). Familial defective apolipoprotein B-100: detection in the United Kingdom and Scandinavia, and clinical characteristics of ten cases. Atherosclerosis, Vol.80 (3), pp. 235-242.  show abstract

Itoh, H. Houlston, R.S. Harocopos, C. Slack, J. (1990). Risk of cancer death in first-degree relatives of patients with hereditary non-polyposis cancer syndrome (Lynch type II): a study of 130 kindreds in the United Kingdom. Br j surg, Vol.77 (12), pp. 1367-1370.  show abstract

Houlston, R.S. Wenham, P.R. Humphries, S.E. (1990). Detection of apolipoprotein E polymorphisms using PCR/ASO probes and Southern transfer: application for routine use. Clin chim acta, Vol.189 (2), pp. 153-157.  show abstract

Houlston, R.S. Murday, V. Harocopos, C. Williams, C.B. Slack, J. (1990). Screening and genetic counselling for relatives of patients with colorectal cancer in a family cancer clinic. Bmj, Vol.301 (6748), pp. 366-368.  show abstract

Houlston, R. Slack, J. Murday, V. (1990). Risk estimates for screening adenomatous polyposis coli. Lancet, Vol.335 (8687), p. 484.


Houlston, R.S. Turner, P.R. Lewis, B. Humphries, S.E. (1990). Genetic epidemiology of differences in low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol concentration: possible involvement of variation at the apolipoprotein B gene locus in LDL kinetics. Genet epidemiol, Vol.7 (3), pp. 199-210.  show abstract

Houlston, R.S. Snowden, C. Green, F. Alberti, K.G. Humphries, S.E. (1989). Apolipoprotein (apo) E genotypes by polymerase chain reaction and allele-specific oligonucleotide probes: no detectable linkage disequilibrium between apo E and apo CII. Hum genet, Vol.83 (4), pp. 364-368.  show abstract

Watts, G.F. Naumova, R. Slavin, B.M. Morris, R.W. Houlston, R. Kubal, C. Shaw, K.M. (1989). Serum lipids and lipoproteins in insulin-dependent diabetic patients with persistent microalbuminuria. Diabet med, Vol.6 (1), pp. 25-30.  show abstract

Houlston, R.S. Turner, P.R. Revill, J. Lewis, B. Humphries, S.E. (1988). The fractional catabolic rate of low density lipoprotein in normal individuals is influenced by variation in the apolipoprotein B gene: a preliminary study. Atherosclerosis, Vol.71 (1), pp. 81-85.  show abstract

Houlston, R. Quiney, J. Watts, G.F. Lewis, B. (1988). Gemfibrozil in the treatment of resistant familial hypercholesterolaemia and type III hyperlipoproteinaemia. J r soc med, Vol.81 (5), pp. 274-276.  show abstract

Demant, T. Houlston, R.S. Caslake, M.J. Series, J.J. Shepherd, J. Packard, C.J. Humphries, S.E. (1988). Catabolic rate of low density lipoprotein is influenced by variation in the apolipoprotein B gene. J clin invest, Vol.82 (3), pp. 797-802.  show abstract

Houlston, R. Friedl, W. (1988). Biochemistry and clinical significance of lipoprotein (a). Ann clin biochem, Vol.25 ( Pt 5), pp. 499-503.


QUINEY, J. HOULSTON, R. (1988). CHOLESTEROL AND ATHEROSCLEROSIS. Practitioner, Vol.232 (1459), pp. 1318-3.

Watts, G.F. Ahmed, W. Quiney, J. Houlston, R. Jackson, P. Iles, C. Lewis, B. (1988). Effective lipid lowering diets including lean meat. Br med j (clin res ed), Vol.296 (6617), pp. 235-237.  show abstract  full text



Weinhold, N. Johnson, D.C. Chubb, D. Broderick, P. Goldschmidt, H. Hemminki, K. Foersti, A. B, C. Hosking, F. Ma, Y. Davies, F. Gregory, W. Jackson, G. Witzens-Harig, M. Neben, K. Hoffmann, P. Nöthen, M. Mühleisen, T. Moebus, S. Ross, F. Jauch, A. Morgan, G. The CCND1 G870A polymorphism is a risk factor for t(11;14)(q13;q32) multiple myeloma. Nature genetics, .  show abstract  full text

Fowler, D.M. Adams, D.J. Gloyn, A.L. Hahn, W.C. Marks, D.S. Muffley, L.A. Neal, J.T. Roth, F.P. Rubin, A.F. Starita, L.M. Hurles, M.E. An Atlas of Variant Effects to understand the genome at nucleotide resolution. Genome biology, Vol.24 (1).  show abstract

Book Chapters

Chandler, I. Houlston, R. Landberg, G. (2011). A practical guide to constructing and using tissue microarrays. . (pp. 363-373).

Hubner, R.A. Houlston, R.S. (2010). Polymorphic Variation and Risk of Colorectal Cancer. Hereditary Colorectal Cancer. (pp. 147-171). Springer US, ISBN: 9781441966025.


Canzian, F.Campa, D.Jamroziak, K.Manuel Reis, R.Sainz, J.Garcia-Sanz, R.Juul Vangsted, A.Varkonyi, J.Dumontet, C.Petrini, M.Houlston, R.S.Hemminki, K.Martino, A. (2013). Impact of polymorphic variation at 7p15.3, 3p22.1 and 2p23.3 loci on risk of multiple myeloma, LEUKEMIA & LYMPHOMA, Vol.54, pp.25-1.

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Niittymäki, I.Kaasinen, E.Karhu, A.Järvinen, H.Mecklin, J.-.Tomlinson, I.P.Houlston, R.S.Aaltonen, L.A. (2010). Abstract 3864: Low-penetrance variants underlying familial colorectal cancer, Cancer Research, Vol.70 (8_Supplement), p.3864.

Koski, T.A.Vahteristo, P.Näätsaari, L.Kiuru, M.Karhu, A.Herva, R.Sallinen, S.-.Vierimaa, O.Björck, E.Richard, S.Gardie, B.Bessis, D.Glabeke, E.V.Blanco, I.Houlston, R.Senter, L.Hietala, M.Aittomäki, K.Aaltonen, L.A.Launonen, V.Lehtonen, R. (2010). Abstract 1844: No evidence for genetic factor increasing renal cell cancer risk in Hereditary Leiomyomatosis and Renal Cell Cancer syndrome, Cancer Research, Vol.70 (8_Supplement), p.1844.

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Castellvi-Bel, S.Ruiz-Ponte, C.Tomlinson, I.Carvajal-Carmona, L.Munoz, J.Balaguer, F.Gonzalo, V.Giraldez, M.D.Houlston, R.Carracedo, A.Castells, A. (2008). Whole-genome association scan (WGAS) for colorectal cancer: Replicated SNPs in samples from the Spanish epicolon project, GASTROENTEROLOGY, Vol.134 (4), pp.A604-1.

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