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Strategic collaborations

The ICR has developed strategic collaborations with several major partners, with the aim of sharing expertise and resources to deliver world-class research that can rapidly benefit patients.

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The Cancer Research UK Convergence Science Centre

The ICR and Imperial College London are working together to open up new frontiers in cancer research.

Convergence Science Centre

The Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention Research Unit (CEPRU)

CEPRU is a joint initiative between The Institute of Cancer Research, London, and Imperial College London.


The London Cancer Hub

The London Cancer Hub is a collaboration between the ICR and the London Borough of Sutton, with the support of The Royal Marsden and the Greater London Authority. It aims to create more than 13,000 jobs and will will enhance the discovery of new cancer treatments.

London Cancer Hub

Movember Centre of Excellence

The London Movember Centre of Excellence for prostate cancer research is bringing together leading researchers across different scientific disciplines to deliver a step change in outcomes for men with prostate cancer.

Movember Centre

CRUK Children’s Brain Tumour Centre of Excellence

A joint initiative led by the ICR and the University of Cambridge, this centre brings together world experts in paediatric brain tumour research and drug discovery.

Children’s Brain Tumour Centre

Cancer Research Centre of Excellence

A strategic partnership between Imperial College London and The Institute of Cancer Research.

Cancer Research Centre