
Division of Clinical Studies

The Division of Clinical Studies carries out or coordinates high-quality trials and translational research at both an early phase – typically to test new targeted drugs – and a later stage. It overlaps with the Drug Development Unit, run jointly by The Institute of Cancer Research, London, and The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust, and houses the Cancer Research UK-funded ICR Clinical Trials and Statistics Unit (ICR-CTSU).

Aims, facilities and activity in this division 

The division incorporates experts from medicine, paediatrics, haematology and surgery, along with statisticians and specialists in clinical trial design. Its multidisciplinary set-up allows it to develop clinical trial protocols for targeted drugs and technologies across multiple tumour types, in both adults and children.

Researchers in the Division of Clinical Studies were closely involved in the development of abiraterone, which was approved for use in the NHS for men with advanced prostate cancer in 2012. As well as developing new treatments, the division also conduct trials in which biomarkers are used to identify and target specific cancer types.

Members of Faculty are joint appointed with the divisions of Cancer BiologyCancer Therapeutics or Radiology and Imaging to ensure scientific and technical developments are rapidly taken through to the clinic. This division is also totally committed to the training of the next generation of clinician-scientists and statisticians.

The Drug Development Unit is one of the world’s leading centres for phase I trials in cancer, and treats around 300 patients each year. It aims to seamlessly bring together preclinical drug discovery, proof-of-principle phase I trials and tumour-specific evaluation of novel agents.

Many of these clinical trials are focused on molecularly targeted treatments, matched to the particular molecular features of a patient’s tumour. The eventual aim is to provide fully personalised medicine, tailored to exploit the specific weaknesses of a patient’s tumour at that point in time.

The conduct of the Pharmacodynamic Audit Trail (PhAT) is central to the studies run in this unit, which is also focused on developing novel biomarkers, triple signs and the optimal study of drug combinations.

The ICR-CTSU is a research led, academic trials unit established in the 1980s. The main objective of the ICR-CTSU is to lead the design, conduct and analysis of multi-centre national and international randomised controlled clinical trials of cancer treatments which will directly influence routine clinical practice within the NHS and worldwide.

Its trials form an important part of the national portfolio of randomised trials in breast cancer, urological cancers, head and neck cancers and radiotherapy techniques. It is also increasingly involved in exploratory and adaptive phase II targeted treatment trials and trials in rarer tumour groups.

Our research group leaders

Professor Johann de Bono

Professor Johann De Bono

Head of Division

Cancer Biomarkers Prostate Cancer Targeted Therapy Group The Adult Drug Development Unit at the ICR and the RM
Judith Bliss

Professor Judith Bliss

Professor of Clinical Trials, Group Leader

ICR-CTSU Breast and Rare Cancers Trials
Maggie Cheang profile photo

Dr Maggie Cheang

Group Leader

ICR-CTSU Integrative Genomic Analysis in Clinical Trials
Professor Louis Chesler (Profile pic)

Professor Louis Chesler

Clinical Senior Lecturer/Group Leader

Paediatric Solid Tumour Biology and Therapeutics
Headshot of Ceire Costelloe, Caucasian woman

Professor Ceire Costelloe

Group Leader

Health Informatics
Emma Hall 2017 1x1

Professor Emma Hall

Director of ICR-CTSU

ICR-CTSU Radiotherapy, Urology and Head and Neck Cancers Trials
Dr Adam Sharp

Dr Adam Sharp

Group Leader

Translational Therapeutics

Professor Christina Yap

Group Leader

ICR-CTSU Early Phase and Adaptive Trials Genetics and Epidemiology

Honorary faculty members

Banerjee headshot 2022_img

Professor Susana Banerjee

Honorary Faculty

Gynaecological Cancers (Systemic Therapy and Clinical Trials)
Dr Fernando Carcellar

Dr Fernando Carceller

Associate Honorary Faculty

Paediatric & Adolescent Neuro-Oncology and Drug Development (Carceller)
Headshot of Julia Chisholm

Dr Julia Chisholm

Honorary Faculty

Sarcoma Clinical Trials in Children and Young People

Dr Andrew Furness

Associate Honorary Faculty

Dr Thomas Ind

Thomas Ind

Associate Honorary Faculty

Gynaecological Oncology Surgery
Dr Robin Jones

Professor Robin Jones

Honorary Faculty

Sarcoma Clinical Trials (R Jones)
Dr James Larkin

Professor James Larkin

Honorary Faculty

Melanoma and Kidney Cancer
Professor Mary O'Brien

Professor Mary O'Brien

Honorary Faculty

Dr Sanjay Popat

Professor Sanjay Popat

Honorary Faculty

Thoracic Oncology
Dr Naureen Starling

Dr Naureen Starling

Honorary Faculty

Dr Samra Turajlic (Profile Picture)

Professor Samra Turajlic

Honorary Faculty

Melanoma and Kidney Cancer

Working in this division